Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Helinacoustic
    Helinacoustic Posts: 3 Member

    I am starting my journey to lose 100lbs (or more) now! I'm down 4lbs so far, and starting P90X tomorrow. Day 90 will be my 26th birthday, and I'm hoping thats motivation enough to get through the WHOLE 90 days of P90X this time (I have tried and quit many a time).
  • rachael726
    rachael726 Posts: 202 Member
    @helina- welcome, welcome!!!! This is a great thread to be on! I just joined this thread last week and it's helped me get through those days where I just don't want to work out. P90x is intense, or so I've heard. Good luck with it! 4 pounds is a start to the new you, think of it that way. Take one day at a time, that's all we can do. :) let us know how it goes!!!
  • Darmanin
    Darmanin Posts: 75 Member
    Looks like everyone has done great this week :-)
    I have going through the 5 pages since I posted and so much to ready. Not sure I'l lbe all that good at personals but will try when I get to know people better.

    I have purchased the stationary bike I was thinking about and used it over the weekend. So well on my way. And another 1.5 kilos lost this week which is great for me. :-) I have an American friend who tells me that the 3 kilos I have lost is the same as 6.6 pounds. Sounds sssooo much better in pounds :-)

    My goal this week is to use the stairs every day in both buildings I work at (except when visting level 10 in the other building as that's just pushing it at the moment).
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Welcome to the newlings! :flowerforyou:

    I took gunner for his walk when we got home despite the icy cold temps, but I'm going to skip my formal core work. I spent a lot of time carrying, lifting, bouncing, and tossing my 20+ lb niece--my back and oblique muscles are feeling it tonight, so I'm counting that as today's core work (though I won't log it as exercise).

    I logged my food as "best guesses" from the party and seem to be under for the weekend. :happy:

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--core work DONE
    Tues--walk gunner + gym (treadmill and elliptical) DONE
    Wed--core work DONE thursday
    Thurs--walk gunner (Not DONE) + gym (yesterday's core work, treadmill, and stationary bike) DONE
    Fri--rest day (did yesterday's walk with gunner + went dancing)
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (long run) DONE
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + core DONE (kind of)

    Grading goals:
    1. 7/22 diction analyses
    2. x/48 AP essays
    3. 11/11 AP analysis activities DONE
    4. Get final exams done and copied for Adv. G&S (DONE), AP Lit, and H Am Lit (DONE)
    5. 59/59 Journals DONE
    6. AP test corrections (not sure how many did these)
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Hello friends, I'm back... Have found out that between not using my CPAP machine for a couple of months, not taking my blood pressure medicine, stress and winter setting in my body couldn't take it. BP went sky high, fibromyalgia kicked in, brain got foggy and with God's strength, I am finally climbing out of the pit I was in!!! I am waiting until tomorrow morning to weigh to see the damage and will adjust my loss then. It is good to be back amongst friends, missed you all. Did have a wonderful Christmas though and actually got a picture with my 4 grown children and myself. Hadn't seen or talked to my daughter in over 3 years and got to see my almost 4 year-old great-granddaughter.

    For those who don't know me, I'm a 62 yo widow who lives with my diva of a pomeranian, Belle in Kansas City, MO. I started my journey her last June and had done so well until my nose dive in November. I live in an apartment complex which has lots of space for me to walk when the weather isn't so cold and Belle loves those walks. I haven't been able to walk until this past week and I did get 3 walks in which helped perk me up but was not so good on my hip.

    Not going to do personals tonight, trying to catch up on the thread, but I am so glad to be back and so happy you are here. God bless you all.

  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Christine - SO glad to see you back. Your wonderful posts were missed, a lot. Glad to hear you are feeling a bit better and that you had a nice Christmas.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Christine - a few days back many of us reminisced about how we missed you. :heart: So glad to see you are back in good spirits and, it seems good health too. It sounds like you had a rough battle for a while I'm glad the bad times were tempered by the great Christmas with all your children, grands, and great-granddaughter!
  • suzyq8469
    Hi..hoping I can join you all. I am new to this and have about 140 pounds to lose. I really need all the motivation I can get. Its good to see a group of people that ate in the same situation as me and understand where I am starting at..
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Just a quick note at the end of the day. Glad to see Christine back, congratulations to Vicki on ONEderland, and welcome to the Newbies. There is strength in numbers. One word for it is "synergy". Many people with common goals are much stronger than one alone. You are all an inspiration to me. Together we can do this.
    I haven't talked very much about my journey outside of immediate family and my MFP friends. Today at church a friend asked me what I was doing. Her husband needs hip replacement and he is very heavy. She wanted to know if I was doing something that could help him. Of course, I referred her to MFP. It works because it is real food and real exercise worked into our real lives. There are no tricks and no magic. Its just a life-style.
    Good night. Kaye
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    I love being able to say 'I won't ever see *that* number on the scale again'. In the UK we have stones (a stone is 14 pounds), so whenever I get down below a stone boundary (like the scale currently says 13st 13.2 pounds), I like to think, ok, I'm never going to see 14 stone again.

    @Robin -- oh, I hope you don't have the flu and are feeling way better soon. Look after yourself.
    @Melancholy2 -- welcome! I hope you're not melancholy for long...
    @Kris -- I'm also on really good terms with my ex (and his wife). But we always were much better mates than we were a couple.
    @Ang -- I hadn't really thought about getting into shape as an NSV. But you know, it never occurred to me that I'd run for many miles and enjoy it. It's just not the sort of person I've ever been. I read an article recently that said 'and the best thing about getting into shape is that you suddenly realise that the entire world is a giant adventure playground for adults', and I think that's true. Keeping warm -- our house is Edwardian and full of draughts. So we shut the internal doors and use draught excluders and I am currently wearing thermals and multiple layers of clothes. It's snowing outside. At least I don't have to go out today!
    @Liz -- hope you're keeping warm and looking after yourself.
    @Tammy -- what a lovely thing for your husband to say! It must be super for him getting home each time and seeing how much better you're looking and feeling.
    @LMackbethl -- I started running at the end of September at about 218 pounds, but remember I'm really short (5ft 1) so you could start bigger if you're taller I'm sure. I used a couch to 5k type app called Ease into 5k, and they're great because they make you build up slowly. You won't do yourself any harm if you start with week1 day 1 of one of those programs, and stop if it starts to hurt. Some people have to build up slowly to the first day. But I think if you can do half an hour of non-stop brisk walking then most people are ok to add a little jogging into the mix. I'd done some running three years ago, so I already had running shoes from a proper running shop. I run mostly on roads and some tracks, and I'm very slow. But the great thing about running when you still have a lot of weight to lose is that I know that as I lose more weight, I'm going to gain speed and endurance without really having to work for it; I'm doing that work already, just not getting as much benefit for it as a thinner person would.
    @Karen -- Parkrun allows jogging strollers (and dogs too), but they do say that kids can't register and get times until they can run the parkrun themselves!
    @Helinacoustic -- welcome! I think P90X would be a bit intense for me. But doing some exercise every day; that's key.
    @Darmanin -- I don't use kilos because weight loss is *so slow* in kilos! I know it's the same really... When I gave myself a goal to always use stairs, I used to let myself off if it was more than four flights.
    @Christine -- I am SO GLAD to see you back! Don't worry about a little backtracking, it's nothing compared to how much you lost last year, is it?
    @Suzyq -- Welcome! This is a great thread precisely because everyone understands what it's like to have a lot of weight to shift; I do think the journey is different for folks like us to those who start a bit lighter.

    Monday check-in -- so THANK YOU to everyone who said that my plateau would go away if I just kept steady, because I have lost three pounds! I'm really pleased.

    Today I hope my new computer will be delivered; I'm checking its tracking status obsessively on the UPS site. I can't quite set it up yet (I have some sorting out to do in this room first), but I'll be very happy just to have it in the house.

    And it is my little baby girl's 16th birthday! That's sort of a thing. Wow.

    Looking forward to another brilliant week.

    -- Alison
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Monday Friends!

    What a weekend is all I got to say but I am not gonna let the BS of others bring me down on 2013. However, I did shed a few tears out of frustration and then those who a long timers will get my reference.. my blowfish attitude came out and I snapped. I will say it felt good because I was standing up for myself and this journey not allowing others to change me or talk me out of it.

    Check in- I made to the gym to walk on Sunday. Saturday I did a lot of walking but mostly for grocery shopping. I met all my walking goals last week but missed all other goals. Oh well it is a new week new challenge.

    I start back to school today and bf still has not paid the cable bill, so I am without internet for my online class. I will be going to the library to take my class til he pays the bill. Not having internet to access this site was one thing but not having to take a class is something different. I can access this site at work on my breaks. Ugh!

    @Alison- Glad the bday party was a success. I remember those days.
    @Vickie- Congrats at Onederland and I love that flavor of special K now just gotta try Almond milk.
    @Rachel- Congrats on all the food victories this week.
    @Kris 1085- Glad you are enjoying the hip hop class.
    @Grammy and Liz- Hope you feel better soon
    @Karen- Its good to hear that MFP perdictions are pretty spot on.
    @MyM0wM0w- Glad to hear you are helping your co-worker get fit.
    @Christine- Glad your back.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Yay for vickimieth!

    “Well... as long as my numbers don't do TOO much of their usual yo-yo cr*p... I've done it... Onederland!!!! ”
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    Welcome to the newlings!

    @Christine~I am so happy to see you!!!! We have missed you. I’m sorry about the health issues you encountered over the last few months, glad you are on the mend and that you had great Christmas with your family. Welcome back!

    @Alison~Happy Sweet 16 to your daughter! Hooray for the 3# loss!

    @Vicki~Congrats on ONEderland!

    @Holly~I’m glad to hear that you stood up for yourself, I hope the bf gets the cable bill paid soon – how frustrating!

    @lmacbeth~I was actually 300# when I started running again, it’s was a little different for me though – I’m tall at 5’9” and very muscular, I’m also an experienced runner so my body was ready and my trainer worked with me. The clue is to start out slow and build your way up. Don’t do more than your body will allow you to do – I think when I started I could only run for 5 minutes (and at a slow pace). Like Karen suggested, start out running on a treadmill – its completely different and better on your knees/joints than running on pavement. A good training mechanism to get into running is heart rate (zone training)– so monitor your heart rate, if it gets too high back off by walking and then do it again. Essentially, it’s interval training – this does two things. One, it helps you train your body cardiovascularly (which can enable you to run longer) and two, you can actually burn more calories this way. I think C25K is an excellent way to start. Good luck!

    Exercise last week:

    Monday~Elliptical DONE!
    Tuesday~Off Day – Zoe’s vet appointment
    Wednesday~None – was too tired! :cry:
    Thursday~Training Session DONE!
    Friday~None – HH
    Saturday~4mi run DONE!
    Sunday~Training Session DONE!

    My schedule is back to hectic this week, Tu/Th are my late days - can't fit workouts in until after 7pm so those will be my off days. Here is my workout schedule that I WILL stick to:

    Monday~Cross Trainer (then consult with weight loss coach at gym)
    Tuesday~Off Day
    Wednesday~Training Session & maybe Zumba with a friend afterwards
    Thursday~Off Day
    Friday~Zumba or Run
    Sunday~Training Session

    Have a great day!
  • drojen
    drojen Posts: 203 Member
    I'm new and I just started this journey on this site last week. So far, so good. I can't say exactly how much I have to lose, because I haven't stepped on the scale. I just know from past history and my measurements what weight I am likely at now AGAIN. And I know what I'd like to be at, and that's at least 100 lbs away. I can tell you from my first hip measurement December 12 to my measurement this weekend that 2 inches are gone. Other areas had a 1 inch loss. So, I know I'm making progress. It may seem silly or strange to some that I'm not weighing myself. I will eventually, but I've been here before and the scale became my enemy. It became too much about the number and not enough about good health. So, I'm relying on measurements for now - and I'm only taking them once/month.

    My success last week was that I exercised most days, ate well, kept my sodium under 1500mg (I have high blood pressure, so I'm watching my sodium specifically). Didn't eat out or have any junk food.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,150 Member
    Good day my friends -

    Just checking in. Greetings to all our *newlings* and a super special welcome back to Christine. Congrats to all who are succeeding with their goals. I continue to live in awe of the exercise and activity that many of you do on a consistent basis. That seems to be the rock I keep pushing up the hill. I want to improve my heart health and I need to keep working on this.

    Meanwhile my body does let me walk. Yesterday was my all time high to date at 10 miles. A big victory for me personally.

    Everyone who's under the weather---feel better soon.

    Those in school---all success to you. Study, study, study.

    All with money problems----may good fortune rain down.

    Virtual hugs.


  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Linder - WOOT! Congrats on your 10 miles yesterday - that is a tremendous amount of walking - good for you!

    Skinny - you often talk of eating quinoa. For others interested in this healthy grain, here is an informative, short article about it:

    Thanks for the get-well wishes. I'm feeling much better today!

    Alison - can I get the link for the walk in Hobbiton again? My copy of the link is flawed and I cannot reach the site and I'd like to follow the path!
  • rachael726
    rachael726 Posts: 202 Member
    @ Lin- AWESOME job at the at walk!!! That is amazing!!! I'm only to 3 miles right now, but one day I'll get there! Congrats and huge virtual hugs to you!!

    Monday check in- I did good I think over the weekend. I made 4 dozen cupcakes for my moms surprise party and had NONE of them. I even brought the rest into work today, so they wouldnt be tempting me and whispering "Rachael, just have 1 of us, you know you want to". I must admit though everytime I walk by the break room, I look at them. LOL I can only imagine how lovely they taste, but I'm staying strong.

    My other success was that I changed my weigh-day from Thursdays to Mondays. When I started this journey, I originally began on a thursday, but I decided Monday would be better and easier for me. So I did weigh myself on Thursday as scheduled and I was 296.8 and I weighed myself this morning and I was 295.6!!! I originally started at 302.8 so I made TWOderville!!!! YAAAYY!!!!

    Question for those that do weigh themselves---when do you do it, how (do you do it naked or with clothes) and what time of day? I currently do it naked, right before I get in the shower in the morning before I even put anything (including water) into my body. Should I be doing it with clothes on to get a better reading? Thanks!

    I hope everyone had a great weekend and I wish a speedy recovery from those that are suffering from a variety of illnesses this winter season!

  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Good day my friends -

    Just checking in. Greetings to all our *newlings* and a super special welcome back to Christine. Congrats to all who are succeeding with their goals. I continue to live in awe of the exercise and activity that many of you do on a consistent basis. That seems to be the rock I keep pushing up the hill. I want to improve my heart health and I need to keep working on this.

    Meanwhile my body does let me walk. Yesterday was my all time high to date at 10 miles. A big victory for me personally.

    Everyone who's under the weather---feel better soon.

    Those in school---all success to you. Study, study, study.

    All with money problems----may good fortune rain down.

    Virtual hugs.



    10 miles that is awesome. May I ask are you training for an event or is walking your choice of execerise?
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    @ Lin- AWESOME job at the at walk!!! That is amazing!!! I'm only to 3 miles right now, but one day I'll get there! Congrats and huge virtual hugs to you!!

    Monday check in- I did good I think over the weekend. I made 4 dozen cupcakes for my moms surprise party and had NONE of them. I even brought the rest into work today, so they wouldnt be tempting me and whispering "Rachael, just have 1 of us, you know you want to". I must admit though everytime I walk by the break room, I look at them. LOL I can only imagine how lovely they taste, but I'm staying strong.

    My other success was that I changed my weigh-day from Thursdays to Mondays. When I started this journey, I originally began on a thursday, but I decided Monday would be better and easier for me. So I did weigh myself on Thursday as scheduled and I was 296.8 and I weighed myself this morning and I was 295.6!!! I originally started at 302.8 so I made TWOderville!!!! YAAAYY!!!!

    Question for those that do weigh themselves---when do you do it, how (do you do it naked or with clothes) and what time of day? I currently do it naked, right before I get in the shower in the morning before I even put anything (including water) into my body. Should I be doing it with clothes on to get a better reading? Thanks!

    I hope everyone had a great weekend and I wish a speedy recovery from those that are suffering from a variety of illnesses this winter season!


    I weigh myself right away in the morning and I do mine naked. I only weigh once a week though because I want to focus on the fitness vs the numbers.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,150 Member
    Hello again!

    HOLLY - walking is my exercise. I try to stay at 5 miles or more each day. Some days I just walk around, other days I use the walking DVDs to get part of my miles. Both using the Fitbit and the Virtual Walk Across America are boosting my motivation for mileage this year.

    RACHAEL - I also weigh first thing in the morning in my altogether. I weigh multiple times in the week BUT I only record here on MFP once a week. Congrats to you on TWOderville!!!

    Good day to all (glad to hear you are feeling better Robin).

