Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    I am putting MFP up to a challenge to see if what they say is correct. Everyday we log our food intake and hit save(or whatever it says) then they say if you eat like this for 5 weeks you will weigh XXX. Well all my meals this week said I would weigh 238 in 5 weeks. I will be starting this on Sunday- being I have no home internet right now I posted today

    My challenge is to continue to work out and eat variations of those same meals for 5 weeks and see what I actually weigh. So if you look at food diary's mine will not change much. I am okay with eating the same foods just because I already eat like that on regular anyways. I will still have one cheat day usually Saturday.

    I am also posting Sunday share-
    My name is Holly. I live in Minneapolis MN on the Northside. I work for Target Headquarters and love my job most days. I have been obese for about 14yrs. I used food as my comfort and being my life had many ups and downs I was comforting myself alot. I would walk alot but never lost much weigh due to my poor choices in food I was addicted to fast food big time. I would or could eat it for every meal of the day. I tried MFP many times without much success I joined this group a little over a year ago and more success than ever on this site. I know it is a combo of the group and my motivation at the time.
    In the last year I lost 20lbs and gained 15lb back and now I have almost lost 15lbs again. Once again I resorted to using food for comfort and with zero exercise that is why I gained back. I am a single mom of a 16yr old boy. I go to school part time to get a degree and work full time. I also recently decided to allow my BF and his 2 kids 9 and 12 move into my new house with me. Everyday is some sort of challenge and most of those resulted in my gain and using food to comfort once again.
    In 2013 I am working so hard on if I use food as comfort to eat healthy like a yogurt or fruit. I am also "doing me" I need to get back to the happy go lucky motivated person I was when I stated this group and I will let no person stand in my way.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Short check in. DH is installing a cupboard in the office so my computer is covered up to protect it from the dust for a few days. I will try to log-in on son's computer, but my not have much time. I'm running behind now, so just popped in to say hang in there and have a great weekend. Kaye
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    i'm going to do the one hundred push up challenge. i have two friends with me doing a sit up challenge and a crunches challenge. in six weeks we're going to rotate. should be interesting.

    Can they be girl pushups or do they have to be real ones? :P I'm up to 60 during my strength training (3 days a week). Same with crunches. Sit ups.... not ready for those yet.

    Thursday truth (a bit late). I binged out on last night (Thursday) and added like 1900 calories to my day. Yeah.... drove my BP way up with all the salt as well. I found some yummy new recipes I'm going to try out this weekend so I'm headed to the grocery store tonight.

    Friday Fitness: Batting zero on that this week. I will walk my errands tomorrow and have a hike scheduled for Sunday so that's something at least.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    i'm going to do the one hundred push up challenge. i have two friends with me doing a sit up challenge and a crunches challenge. in six weeks we're going to rotate. should be interesting.

    Can they be girl pushups or do they have to be real ones? :P I'm up to 60 during my strength training (3 days a week). Same with crunches. Sit ups.... not ready for those yet.

    Thursday truth (a bit late). I binged out on last night (Thursday) and added like 1900 calories to my day. Yeah.... drove my BP way up with all the salt as well. I found some yummy new recipes I'm going to try out this weekend so I'm headed to the grocery store tonight.

    Friday Fitness: Batting zero on that this week. I will walk my errands tomorrow and have a hike scheduled for Sunday so that's something at least.
    Hang in there....we all have our bad days. It appears you plan to start fresh this weekend and that is all we can do not beat ourselves up and start over.
  • rachael726
    rachael726 Posts: 202 Member
    Thanks for all the advice all. I'm so glad that other people use the Walk at Home DVD's too! Makes me feel like I'm making some good choices.

    I did have my friday fitness update, but I was wondering, do you all have a cheat day? If so, what does a cheat day look like? LOL- I have my idea of what it is, but I think some feedback on this would be good.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,135 Member
    Thanks for all the advice all. I'm so glad that other people use the Walk at Home DVD's too! Makes me feel like I'm making some good choices.

    I did have my friday fitness update, but I was wondering, do you all have a cheat day? If so, what does a cheat day look like? LOL- I have my idea of what it is, but I think some feedback on this would be good.



    Walking with ya!!!

    And no, I do not have a cheat day. I do not have a cheat meal. I do not cheat. I do not eat anything that isn't nutrient dense or is in my best interest because I want to be healthy. I am 100% on track. There is no way I personally could trust myself with any other way of doing this. BUT I am celiac, have handfuls of other food intolerances and I feel SOOOOOO good now compared to when I started this........sounds crazy but that's fine.

    Everyone has to find their own best way to do this. ALL BEST WISHES TO YOU!!!!


  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Rachael - I don't have a "Cheat Day" either. I may have a "Cheat Occasion" but I like to plan ahead for them. Say I want to go to my favorite pizza place next weekend and I know I want to eat 3 pieces, and drink 2 glasses of wine. I figure out how many calories that meal will be (most restaurants will help you) and then I figure out where I can deduct those calories before the weekend comes up, because I don't want to gain from eating that pizza. So if I'm going to eat a 1500 calorie pizza and wine meal, I will subtract 250 calories a day from my daily intake until I make up for it. Or, you can add in exercise - it will give you more calories per day - its like averaging your daily calories over a weeks time. But be careful doing it, its not all that easy to give up those daily calories!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Thanks for all the advice all. I'm so glad that other people use the Walk at Home DVD's too! Makes me feel like I'm making some good choices.

    I did have my friday fitness update, but I was wondering, do you all have a cheat day? If so, what does a cheat day look like? LOL- I have my idea of what it is, but I think some feedback on this would be good.



    I don’t have a cheat day per se, either. If I’m going to treat myself to something though, it’s usually on Friday’s. I don’t go hog wild and it’s not all day, I may treat myself to something I’m craving – but I plan for it. I also try to make those indulgences fit into my macros as much as possible, by cheating for an entire day you can completely undo everything you’ve done all week. I also exercise like crazy most of the week, so do have a little bit of wiggle room – but like Robin, I try to think ahead and plan for the drink I may want or the special restaurant I want to go to. Today is a perfect example of that, I knew I was having Chipotle for lunch today so skipped b’fast. I also knew there was a strong possibility that I would be going to happy hour tonight, so I anticipated the extra calories this week.
  • slboling
    slboling Posts: 117 Member
    I can always use the support and am more than willing to give support to those who need it.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Thanks for all the advice all. I'm so glad that other people use the Walk at Home DVD's too! Makes me feel like I'm making some good choices.

    I did have my friday fitness update, but I was wondering, do you all have a cheat day? If so, what does a cheat day look like? LOL- I have my idea of what it is, but I think some feedback on this would be good.



    I don't have a specific cheat day but I do eat occassions. Like Saturday is another Packer game so that day I will eat what I want and I log all food still. I will call it a cheat day on my diary but it is just me enjoying foods I like with my friends. I personally feel like I should not deprive myself of things just only eat the serving size allowed for that item.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Greetings everyone!

    I have done 12 minutes of strength training Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday!

    @Rachael- I use the fitbit ultra and like it. I use it everyday. Here is a link to their site:

    I think I saw Best Buy have them on sale at one time.

    Hope everyone has a healthy day.

  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    LaurieK & Liz - sorry you are still under the weather.

    Holly - we adopted Mr Doodle, who had lost two previous owners, who passed away. He is very protective, but hates to be left alone, we have found a great doggie day care service so that he doesn't have to go through the abandonment feelings. I couldn't ask for a better companion she is always there for me when I need a warm fuzzy hug.

    Skinnyjeansbound- Yesterday I finally finished off the last bit of temptation left over from the holidays. I can smell Fritos at a hundred yards and they call to me, "eat me, eat me, EAT ME!" I think I may have to ban them from the house.

    vickimieth & naceto - I feel the same way sometimes. Early this week I hurt my back and I don't want to log on and whine about it, but it has been the only thing on my mind...Don't drop out, stay with us, stay accountable. We need each other.

    Kareleona - I envy your energy.

    Rachel - I have a SportLine Pedometer that is very light and durable. Cost about $30. It has a clip on the back so it is easy to attach to whatever you are wearing. I also use a Polaris foot pod, but that is more expensive and a little awkward to put on a shoe so I leave it on the shoes I wear most often for walking. Cost over $100 but downloads info to your computer and a whole lot of other stuff that turns on my hubby :laugh:

    Friday Fitness - My back is slowly getting better. I may try to walk this afternoon....sigh...
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    Friday Fitness has rolled round again. So here was last week's plan:

    Saturday -- 5k parkrun in the morning, Morris dancing in the evening (the Wassail). DONE
    Sunday -- badminton though only an hour. DONE
    Monday -- badminton including coaching, plus an easy jog down to meet my friend and have a walk round the reservoir and a pub lunch. Then a jog or walk home depending on how I'm feeling. DONE 5mile walk plus 2 hours badminton.
    Tuesday -- long run in theory though the weather forecast is for rain. I'm busy in the evening so whatever happens has to happen in the morning. Nope -- REST because Monday was really tiring.
    Wednesday -- badminton or a long run depending on the weather. - 5mile buildup run; ran the whole way and at a good pace too.
    Thursday -- speedwork; no, it's a bit cold -- did a brisk walk instead.
    Friday -- badminton -- DONE
    And three, count them three, strength workouts. Nope, 1 1/2 again. I don't know why I'm being so rubbish about this.

    Walking from Hobbiton to Rivendell -- now on day 2 at 27 miles. The road is rolling up and down.

    OK. So here's a plan for next week:

    Saturday -- 5k parkrun, possibly with my friend, my son and her daughter as well. Might sqeeze in some badminton later.
    Sunday -- Might be walking around the village with wassailers. Not quite sure. And a little run.
    Monday -- Hoping to get badminton coaching but that might not happen. If not I'll do the long run today.
    Tuesday -- long run unless the weather's awful.
    Wednesday -- whatever I do must be early because my mum's coming to stay. Badminton club?
    Thursday -- rest day (dinner & a show with Mum)
    Friday -- badminton

    I too miss some of the people who haven't been on for a while -- particularly Christine! Hope they're back soon.

    My daughter is having six friends round for a sleepover to celebrate her 16th birthday -- her actual birthday's not till Monday but they're giggling away. In honour of their advanced age and maturity we went out for dinner (there's a pretty nice place just a couple of minutes' walk from the house -- ) and left them alone for a couple of hours -- when we got back we could not hear *any noise at all* from the street! We're keeping out of their way now. So with dinner, and beer, and birthday cake, I've gone a bit over today but nothing insurmountable.

    Hope everyone has fantastic plans for the weekend!

    -- Alison
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    i'm going to do the one hundred push up challenge. i have two friends with me doing a sit up challenge and a crunches challenge. in six weeks we're going to rotate. should be interesting.

    Can they be girl pushups or do they have to be real ones? :P I'm up to 60 during my strength training (3 days a week). Same with crunches. Sit ups.... not ready for those yet.

    yeah, you can adjust, like knee push ups or whatever.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Depending on what you are looking for in a pedometer you can find a cheep one that tracks: steps, miles and calories burned for about $5.00 at the 5 and Below store. Drawback it does not log into a computer or track stairs.

    Cheat days- I typically don't have cheat days but I let myself eat what I want in moderation. Typically, I eat the same foods each day but there are times when I give into my sugar cravings.

    Fitness- I am focusing more on weight training which should help with toning and weight loss. Now I am doing a series of exercises with 3 sets of 10 reps with the amount of weight increasing each week. I am noticing more definition in my arms especially the biceps.

    I am feeling better today. I did not climb tonight but that is for the best as I needed the rest.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    My goals from last week
    Workout schedule for the 1-5 to 1-11
    Saturday- Gym Cardio and trainer workout for Day 1 DONE
    Sunday- Curling DONE
    Monday- Cardio- trainer workout Day 3 DONE
    Tuesday- Rest Day DONE
    Wednesday-Trainer workout DONE
    Thursday- Gym or Rest DONE REST
    Friday- Rock Climbing Not done but gym with training workout day 1

    Workout goals for 1-12 to 1-18
    Saturday- Gym cardio
    Sunday- Rest
    Monday- Gym training day 3
    Tuesday- rest
    WEdnesday- Trainer workout
    Thursday- gym
    Friday- Rock climbing

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Water Tag- Go drink a glass of water.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Thanks for your support everyone... half the time I feel like such a winner; the other half- a whiner! lol.. at least I still have my sense of humor!

    rachael- Great job with the walking! The best thing you can do is to keep on moving! I find that the more I walk, the cleaner I can eat (no- I am not a "clean eater", but I try to keep it as healthy as my will power will let me), and the more water I drink- the better I feel.

    Alison- A sleepover??? I am sure that just having a bunch of 16 year old girls in the house will burn some calories! ;)

    AngelikaLumie- So glad your back is getting better.... just remember not to push yourself too fast. Slow and steady... :) And you are right- we DO need each other. This group has really kept me going. I appreciate how everyone is so welcoming even when I fall off track or become a bit self absorbed :flowerforyou: Thanks for reminding me. :flowerforyou:

    @Nicole~How is math going? Did you get through all of those problems?

    Kelley- I did NOT get those problems done. Outside of the classroom, I have spent about 7 hours on Math, since Monday. I am hoping I can catch up and get ahead this weekend. I also have papers to write and a ton of reading assignments for the English class. Super cool topic in English- Food sustainability. :) It is a research class; so I should find some things that will help with my personal growth, as well as supporting a good grade in the class.

    Friday fitness: The walking I have done has all been on campus. It is anywhere from 1/4 mile to 1/2 mile from where I park, to my class- so I count it :) Do you think I am fooling myself by eating those calories? I will appreciate honesty.. and won't be offended if you tell me I am a silly duck to count it. :bigsmile:
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    My goals from last week
    Workout schedule for the 1-5 to 1-11
    Saturday- Gym Cardio and trainer workout for Day 1 DONE
    Sunday- Curling DONE
    Monday- Cardio- trainer workout Day 3 DONE
    Tuesday- Rest Day DONE
    Wednesday-Trainer workout DONE
    Thursday- Gym or Rest DONE REST
    Friday- Rock Climbing Not done but gym with training workout day 1

    Workout goals for 1-12 to 1-18
    Saturday- Gym cardio
    Sunday- Rest
    Monday- Gym training day 3
    Tuesday- rest
    WEdnesday- Trainer workout
    Thursday- gym
    Friday- Rock climbing

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Water Tag- Go drink a glass of water.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Laurie- you totally blow me away with your activity levels! Kudos to you! :drinker:
  • rachael726
    rachael726 Posts: 202 Member
    I want to say thank you to all of you for your words of encouragement!

    @Laurie~ thanks! I have a 5 and below close by. I'll definitely check it and see if it's worth it. I'd like it to track everything though, that would be ideal.

    I'm definitely going to check out all pedometers mentioned. Thank you everyone!! I think I will trust those that have been at this much longer than I have and skip the cheat day for awhile. I really don't trust myself yet. However, I am nervous for tomorrow bc we are going to a restaurant for my mothers surprise party and there is a menu to pick. They have salad or soup as an option( I'm voting salad) then the entree. I'm thinking penne vodka or grilled chicken panini? Or is that a bad choice? I don't want to set myself up for failure. Suggestions?

    I did my workout tonight with good old Leslie sansone lol for the following:

    ~ 5 min warm up
    ~ 14 min mile 1
    ~ 14 min mile 2
    ~ 9 min cool down/stretch

    A grand total of 42 minutes and 471 calories. I log it as, walking, 4.0 mph bc it's essentially aerobics. That left me well under my calories for the day.

    I also made 4 dozen cupcakes for the party and didn't eat 1! Not sure if this counts as NSV or not, but figured I would share. I bake on the side, custom cakes and cupcakes, so I would always taste the product to make sure it was perfect and I DID NOT cave in with 48 chocolate cupcakes taunting me.:explode:
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Went to happy hour with a friend from work tonight, enjoyed some sangria - so tasty. I have a long run planned for the morning.

    @Laurie~Excellent job on the fitness this week! :flowerforyou:
    Friday fitness: The walking I have done has all been on campus. It is anywhere from 1/4 mile to 1/2 mile from where I park, to my class- so I count it :) Do you think I am fooling myself by eating those calories? I will appreciate honesty.. and won't be offended if you tell me I am a silly duck to count it. :bigsmile:

    Nicole, absolutely you should count the calories you burn by walking on campus; maybe don't eat all of them back though. But you definitely should count it as activity. Good luck with the math problems this weekend, I hope you get caught up. Your english class sounds interesting - I hope you enjoy it! :happy: