Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Thursday!!!

    Thursday's Truth- Wishing school didn't start up again on Monday. My books this semester are over 300.00 thanks to the computer class I am taking. I am happy for financial aid.
    I will admit I am loving working out on my lunch hour only downside is I am hungry constantly for the rest of the day.

    I have been eyeing this cute Choc Lab at the local no kill shelter. Only problem besides vet bills are spendy is she is only 5 months old. Her age isn't bad just still at the chew on everything stage.

    Wed- 20 sit up, 30 arm curls, 10 modified push ups and walk the treadmill 30 mins -- I got my walk in but the rest did not due to major house work.

    My 16yr old started his first job lastnight. He seemed indifferent on if he liked it or not but I am proud of him.

    @kah68- I hope your migraine goes away soon and that your kitty will allow you some rest.
    @Liz- I love my crockpot also. MFP has some great receipes for it also.
    @Lin- Woohoo on losing 90+ lbs.
    @Karenleona- Congrats on physio.
    @Karen- I hope you get some rest.
    @Laurie- I hope your sinus cold goes away soon and your knee feels better.

    Great Day Friends!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Wednesday's wish:
    - increased attention span.
    haven't had the ability to concentrate on my work that's due tomorrow from my extensions
    - academic probation revoked
    University sent me a warning that my GPR/GPA were low (7 of 23 credits were earned).
    - sticking to my calorie limit.
    Haven't been really paying attention to what's been going in my mouth. I haven't gained too much back but as university starts up next week, I'd like to get back on schedule.

    Hyzaarc - You've got an uphill battle here with your University credits! Its tragic you're mom passed away in the middle of you semester - same thing happened to me when I was 20 and I flunked out that semester instead of making up my credits and I never went back and got my college degree. I wish you ALL THE BEST in getting your "act" together and hope you get cooperation from your professors and do get a chance - if nothing else - to take the classes over - so you do finish your college and get your degree. YOU CAN DO IT !!!!! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Wednesday's wish:
    - increased attention span.
    haven't had the ability to concentrate on my work that's due tomorrow from my extensions
    - academic probation revoked
    University sent me a warning that my GPR/GPA were low (7 of 23 credits were earned).
    - sticking to my calorie limit.
    Haven't been really paying attention to what's been going in my mouth. I haven't gained too much back but as university starts up next week, I'd like to get back on schedule.

    Hyzaarc - You've got an uphill battle here with your University credits! Its tragic you're mom passed away in the middle of you semester - same thing happened to me when I was 20 and I flunked out that semester instead of making up my credits and I never went back and got my college degree. I wish you ALL THE BEST in getting your "act" together and hope you get cooperation from your professors and do get a chance - if nothing else - to take the classes over - so you do finish your college and get your degree. YOU CAN DO IT !!!!! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    I echo Robin in wishing you the best of luck and that professors will be understanding. I also agree with doing whatever it takes to get that degree because it is so needed now days. God Bless you ((Hugs))
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi everyone. I hope all is going well for all of ou. I missed yesterday. We are on the last couple days before my husband leaves for Alaska and those last two days are always hectic. I did get my workout in yesterday though I was trying really hard for about an hour to talk myself out of it:tongue: I was also way under my calories for the day which wasnt on purpose just going to much to stop and eat or even really get hungry. Today should pretty much be a rinse and repeat day and then the Hubby is off to work for a month or two and everything slows way down. It is sometimes very hard to be a mom to a young adult who still lives at home. My daughter has gotten sick and when I went to wake her for work this morning because she asked me to set an alarm for her she was very feverish. Unfortunatly (just at times like this) she has an amazing work ethic and wouldnt call out because it was to close to her shift. I know they will send her home. With the way she was coughing and what not they wont have a choice but I just wanted to bundle her back to bed and tell her she wasnt allowed to go. So I guess my wish for this week is hope she gets feeling better soon and I dont catch whatever she has. Alright I am going to go and try to get my walk in before the husband wakes up. Have a great day everyone.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi just real quick I just did my workout.4 days and counting.:happy: Yay ME!!!!
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Hi just real quick I just did my workout.4 days and counting.:happy: Yay ME!!!!

    Yay!!!! Way to go girl!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Grammy Whammy - Good to see you!

    Queen - the puppy sounds charming - sounds like you NEED love right now but do you have any time to train a puppy with your schedule? Don't put the responsibility on your BF as he may be, oh well, excess baggage this year???
    (sorry the cattiness came out in me.....)

    jt - congrats on getting your exercise in

    Laurie and Karen - hope your knees continue to improve

    I continue to experience stomache ills today and can't wander too far from the bathroom.....I am convinced it is a side-effect to the Fosamax I am taking for my bone strength, dog-gone it! I hope I can build up a tolerance to the drug because I don't want to experience this on a weekly basis - eeps! :angry:
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Queen We have a yellow lab. He's about 5 years old and still very high energy. Unless you have lots of time to spend with it, and lots of time for walking and training, he will not be a fun addition to the family.
    Today feels like another slow day for me. I don't know why this weather is getting me down like it is. I just need to get busy!
    Still staying on program, so I'm not complaining about that. Should show a good loss this week.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    I am working out at my works gym again today. I really liking the fact that I work out at work :laugh:

    Robin- sorry to hear about your side effects and you never offend me. I would never leave training up to my BF. I was looking at dogs because my son was asking I think we are missing our pet that passed but all new family members are allergic to cats so kitty is no option at this present moment.

    Kaye- Thanks for the input on your lab. I am actually thinking an adult dog would be the best fit because I hate potty training dogs.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Just read this and it tickled me:

    Remember - what you eat in private - you wear in public!
  • rachael726
    rachael726 Posts: 202 Member
    Hi all,

    I am new to the message boards of MFP, but not MFP. I started a weight loss journey back in 2009 and logged literally everything that went into my mouth. I did good for about 3 months and lost about 30 lbs. I fell off the radar and now I'm back with lots of motivation from the people that I work with. One of them even convinved me to do a marathon in Atlantic City, NJ in April! Who would have that thought I would be doing this?!

    So, I decided that 2013 was going to be the year of change for me having had a rough 2012. Overall, my physical health is good- normal blood pressure, no diabetes, no high cholesterol, etc. The only thing wrong with me is my weight!!!! When I was about 140 lbs, I felt great. Although, 2 kids and 15 years later, Ive now topped the scale at 5'5-5'6 at 302 lbs!!! WHAAAAAAAT!!! I started exercising and scaling back my calories on 1/2/13. So now, I'm 6 pounds down in the first week.

    I need all the motivation I can get because at 3 months, I seem to lose steam. It's hard..I love food. So, I'm re-learning how to eat..and this time the right way.

    I'd like to make some friends on here for the encouragement I desperately need!

    Thanks!!! :):smile:
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @Kelley -- have you told your coworker about MFP? This kitten stage doesn't last long, though, does it? You should enjoy her kittenishness.
    @Holly -- there's lots of stuff on here about partners sabotaging because of just this -- they're really, deep down afraid that you'll get thin, leave, and find another man who's thinner. You may need to give him lots of reassurance about that. A chocolate lab would keep you trim, they need lots of walking! They're hard work though; my inlaws have a black lab who is just a bundle of trouble, and he's nearly three now.
    @Hyzaarc -- good luck with getting back on schedule. Make sure that your tutors know about your personal circumstances so they can give you as much help as they can.
    @Ang -- yay for every single day we hit our target!
    @Lin -- you know my *mum* hasn't noticed I'm losing weight yet. I think people just don't care that much about what other people are up to.
    @KarenLeona -- Yay for graduating physio! Just listen to what your body's telling you, and go as big as you can given that.
    @GrammyWhammy -- good to see you here!
    @Tammy -- Well done on doing your workouts!
    @Rachael -- Welcome! Logging every bite that goes into my mouth is what's worked for me so far. And I love food and eat all sorts of wonderful things. The things that have made a difference though are *portion control*, and exercise. If you are training for a marathon, all those long runs will give you quite a few extra calories to play with.

    I have a bit of a NSV this week, in that twice this week I've managed to pull together dinner from bits and pieces in the house rather than getting takeout. It's better for us all, it's lower calorie, and it's much, much cheaper. Plus it uses up some of this excess food before it ends up being thrown away.

    Hope your week is going wonderfully!

    -- Alison
  • rachael726
    rachael726 Posts: 202 Member
    Thanks Alison!!! Its appreciated!!!

    What the heck is NSV?

    I'm planning on walking it with co-workers. I'm not at the running level yet. I've been walking 1-2 miles at home with the Walk At Home DVDs by Leslie Sanesone and boy do I sweat!!!

    Can anyone recommend a good pedometer?
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    What the heck is NSV?

    Non Scale Victory
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    Anything to confess today?:huh:

    Yep, I think I understand some of the foundations of my unhealthy relationship with food but now I have no idea how that is going to help me in the long run. :happy: Meanwhile, my patience is running thin. :huh: While I know better, I want results sooner. :angry: This too will pass. Just coping as I'm sure many of you are as well. :flowerforyou:

    Wishing you the best my friends. :drinker:


  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    G’day everyone

    @jtconst- I also did some strength training this morning before work, good for you getting some exercise in.

    I also wanted to say that I miss a bunch of the people who used to be on here all the time.
    I hope they are all doing wells006.gif

    Best wishes to those who are still here working hard bow-smiley.gif

    Bad news is we went back to smoking real smokes over the holidays, the good news is I'm back on the electronic smokes and pretty much off the real ones.

  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    just checking in
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Just checking in today. Still feeling under the weather today and have been eating and craving sugar packed foods most likely for energy.

    Hope everyone has a great Friday.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone!!

    @tom--I'm friends with tbrp (tonia) and she's still hard at work and doing great!

    @lin--I'm also feeling impatient...

    @rachael--welcome! I don't use a pedometer, but I know several people on this thread like the Fitbit. I'm sure some of them will weigh-in (haha, no pun intended) about it.

    @alison--good for you for using healthier options from your fridge and skipping the take away!

    @robin--LOVE the quote!!! I may have to put that on my fridge! Hope your tummy settles down.

    @holly--glad you are enjoying your lunchtime workouts. As far as the dog discussion goes, I adopted gunner when he was a year and a half. DH and I chose an adult dog for many reasons--first and foremost b/c they don't get chosen at shelters as readily as puppies. I was a little sad at first that we would miss the cute puppy stage, but not having to housebreak him or deal with the chewing stage more than made up for it. Honestly, it was the best decision--no regrets at all. All of my future dogs will be at least a year old when I rescue them.

    @kaye--isn't it funny how weather can have such an effect on us sometimes? Hope your mood lifts soon!

    @tammy--awesome exercise streak!

    @kelley--before we got gunner, we watched my sister's cat once for about 2 weeks while she was away. We realized very quickly that if we wanted to get any sleep, we would need to keep the cat awake and moving throughout the day. We spent so much time playing with the cat that he lost a few pounds during his stay! I love cats, but their nocturnal nature keeps me from ever wanting to own one. Well, that and a dog who would have cat for dinner. :wink:

    @liz--my husband uses the crock-pot quite a bit--he just made some tasty chili the other night. It really is great when we are both working long hours.

    @charlotte--sorry about your work situation. I fear that schools are going to start moving in that direction as well. It is cheaper for them to shove more and more kids into a classroom and give the teachers classroom aides, than to keep class sizes small. It's not happening at the HS level yet, but I already see some if this at area elementary schools.

    @marsha--YAY!! SO GLAD TO SEE YOU HERE AGAIN!!! :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart:

    @karen--glad to hear your knee is healing so nicely!

    I know I missed some people, but this post is getting way too long and i still need to do...

    Thursday Truth:
    Truth is I'm still not on point with my food. Lots of cookies and candies floating around at wok and I'm having a hard time abstaining. Part of the problem is that this week I've spent most of my open periods in conferences with my AP students. This means I have no real lunch period to sit down and eat the healthy foods I'm bringing to work. Instead, I fly through the office between classes and grab whatever cookie or candy is handy. :ohwell: Only one more day of this.

    On the bright side, I have been doing okay with my exercise. Made it to the gym for the second time--two workdays is huge for me! I've also more than made up for the Popeye's binge on Monday.

    Grading goals:
    1. 7/22 diction analyses
    2. x/48 AP essays
    3. 11/11 AP analysis activities DONE
    4. Get final exams done and copied for Adv. G&S (DONE), AP Lit, and H Am Lit
    5. x/59 Journals

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--core work DONE
    Tues--walk gunner + gym (treadmill and elliptical) DONE
    Wed--core work DONE today :blushing:
    Thurs--walk gunner (Not DONE b/c raining) + gym (yesterday's core work, treadmill, and stationary bike) DONE
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner + core
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (long run)
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    anyone have a sure-fire way to win the lottery?

    I may be a bit MIA for a while - don't really want to drag y'all down with my black mood... love you all...