Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • @laurie - I hope your knee heals quickly. I tweaked mine on my backpacking trip in September, and it's just now getting back to normal.
    @toots and kris - great NSVs!

    Monday Check-In: Back from my holiday trip to Colorado. Decided not to ski, b/c of my knee, but did take a lovely, long walk by the river each day. Lots of people -- including many little ones -- around the house, so lots of cookies, chips, candy, etc.... sigh. Well, I logged everything and got some burn in each day, hoping to stay even. Somehow managed a 2.6 pound loss, so I'm quite excited!!! Walking at altitude (above 9000 feet) must burn more calories - that's the only explanation I can come up with. Either way, I'll take it. I have been reading almost every day, so celebrating your successes as we move away from the holidays and into the New Year groove.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Well, I did a double dose of core work but I'm still over calories. DH has a bad cold so he went and got Popeye's instead of cooking a healthier dinner. When I got home from work I ate some chicken strips, then I went to starbucks and had a macchiato (non fat). That would have been fine and the core work would have put me under, but then I was still hungry so I had a chicken breast.

    I could have made healthier choices: I could have skipped chicken the strips when I got home (in retrospect I wasn't even hungry for dinner--guess I forgot about the January goal to wait until I'm really hungry to eat :blushing: ); I could have gotten a lighter drink at starbucks; I could have eaten a leftover pork chop instead of the final piece of chicken. I also could have skipped the few pieces of candy I munched on at school. I'm sure it was those empty calories that left me feeling hungry later in the evening.

    I'm not going to get too upset about it. Instead, I've logged it and reflected on what I can do better tomorrow. I will also make sure to burn some extra calories (and not eat them back) over the next few days to make up for my transgression. I am 432 calories over so I will pay those back in sweat.
  • NAcetoLang
    NAcetoLang Posts: 517 Member
    Checking in!!!

    I am with the foam rollers- I LOVE my foam roll. It is awesome for my hip problems!

    I am really sorry, but I have a feeling I am going to seem pretty self absorbed.... 12 credits. I don't know what happened, but this morning, I was getting ready to camp out in the English class I want and saw a study skills class for 2 credits... Technically, I am now a full time student! Omigosh! AND I got my English Honors class that I wanted so badly. The theme is food sustainability, which is a topic I can totally get into!

    I just have to keep up.... I WILL balance it all this time. Nothing is going to stand in my way of a successful quarter! :)
  • kinnurse0754
    kinnurse0754 Posts: 565 Member
    Monday check-in. Well, I survived my horrible w/e of working. It was a tough one, probably one of the worst I've had in a long time. Wish things would get better but I know things are going to get worse, they are handing out lay-off notices today and although I'm not in danger, too many really good nurses on my floor are. The word is that we may lose up to 50% of our staff and they are going to be replaced with PSW's (personal service workers). Thats great for a long term setting but not on an active surgical unit like ours. I'm really worried about how it will affect not only patient care but morale in the workplace as well.
    Sorry about the rant, I can't do it at work but I know this is a safe place to rant. Anyway, my first week back on MFP has been successful. I've not had too many slips and have managed to stay under my calorie count for the week which I'm really proud of. I'll get on the scale tomorrow and see if it made a difference. I've brought my water intake up to at least 8 glasses a day which has made me feel better so all in all a pretty great week.
    Thanks for all the support and encouragement and I hope I can offer the same back to some of you. Charlotte
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Well, I did a double dose of core work but I'm still over calories. DH has a bad cold so he went and got Popeye's instead of cooking a healthier dinner. When I got home from work I ate some chicken strips, then I went to starbucks and had a macchiato (non fat). That would have been fine and the core work would have put me under, but then I was still hungry so I had a chicken breast.

    I could have made healthier choices: I could have skipped chicken the strips when I got home (in retrospect I wasn't even hungry for dinner--guess I forgot about the January goal to wait until I'm really hungry to eat :blushing: ); I could have gotten a lighter drink at starbucks; I could have eaten a leftover pork chop instead of the final piece of chicken. I also could have skipped the few pieces of candy I munched on at school. I'm sure it was those empty calories that left me feeling hungry later in the evening.

    I'm not going to get too upset about it. Instead, I've logged it and reflected on what I can do better tomorrow. I will also make sure to burn some extra calories (and not eat them back) over the next few days to make up for my transgression. I am 432 calories over so I will pay those back in sweat.

    if you reflect and there's a lesson learned then it's never a wasted day.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Tuesday!!! Still no internet at home ugh!

    I used the treadmill at work yesterday today will be my first lunch time work out. I slipped with choices yesterday and had a fried chicken wing at 12:30am when my bf came home with take out. I am proud for stopping at only one.

    Fitness Goals:
    Mon- 20 sit up, 30 arm curls, 10 modified push ups and walk the treadmill for an hour -- Did walk but didn't get to the rest due to time constraints.
    Tue- 20 sit up, 10 modified push ups and walk treadmill 30 minutes
    Wed- 20 sit up, 30 arm curls, 10 modified push ups and walk the treadmill 30 mins
    Thur- 20 sit up, 10 modified push ups and walk treadmill 30 minutes
    Fri- 20 sit up, 30 arm curls, 10 modified push ups and walk the treadmill 30 mins
    Sat- 20 sit up, 30 arm curls, 10 modified push ups and walk the treadmill for an hour

    @Jtcont- I smiled on your comment about the happy dance and in my mind I was watching you do it and cheering.

    @Missing friends- I want you to know you are missed and hope all is going well for you.

    @Charlotte- Lay offs are never fun and my prayers to those. Prayers to how this will affect your unit and patient care.

    @Naceto- Good luck with your classes and glad you go your honors class.

    @Imackbethl- Glad your back and hope your trip was fun.

    @Robin- Congrats on your time.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    I'm missing some of our old friends too, hopefully they'll find their way back to us one day.

    @Holly~I'm amazed you stopped at one wing, they can be so addictive!

    @Robin~Welcome back, soundslike you had a great trip!

    @Laurie~Hope your knee feels better soon.

    @Karen~It happens to the best of us, today is a new day and I know you'll more than make up those extra calories with a run or two!

    @genkimomof2~Like others mentioned, the Leslie Sansone (or even Biggest Loser) walking DVD's are an excellent source for exercise and you don't need a lot of room. If you like Zumba, you might look for a Zumba DVD - check You Tube for both of these, that way you can try it before you buy it. As for strength training, invest in an exercise ball for doing wall squats and ab work - also do push-ups against the wall. Welcome and good luck on your journey.

    @lmackbethl~Welcome back, sounds like you got in some great walking. Excellent loss, too!

    Checking in!!!

    I am with the foam rollers- I LOVE my foam roll. It is awesome for my hip problems!

    I am really sorry, but I have a feeling I am going to seem pretty self absorbed.... 12 credits. I don't know what happened, but this morning, I was getting ready to camp out in the English class I want and saw a study skills class for 2 credits... Technically, I am now a full time student! Omigosh! AND I got my English Honors class that I wanted so badly. The theme is food sustainability, which is a topic I can totally get into!

    I just have to keep up.... I WILL balance it all this time. Nothing is going to stand in my way of a successful quarter! :)

    That sure is a lot of credits to take if you're working full-time, glad you got into the honors class also. Wishing you a successful semester!

    I remember last semester you were looking for snack ideas for school - I found something over the weekend that is full of protein and doesn't need to be refrigerated, EAS Myoplex Lite shakes (~170 calories and 20g protein). I'm drinking them after workouts, but they'll work well for a protein infused snack as well to tide you over on school days. I found them at Wal-Mart, less than $6 for a 4-pack and they are pretty tasty.
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @Holly -- I don't think the mobile MFP app can access the forums -- you have to go through the website for that.
    @Kaye -- I'm wearing out my belts I'm wearing them so much on all my old trousers!
    @Tom -- My calories have been creeping up too! But I'm getting back on track now I think.
    @Laura -- Welcome! There are plenty of people here with pain issues. Can you walk a little? Even a very short walk will help.
    @Tammy -- Yay with the SV! That's great!
    @Kristen -- Sorry for your loss. One meal won't matter in the grand scheme of things but it's worth remembering that Ceasar salad is often very high in cals; the croutons can have loads, and the dressing is full of cheese. Some places even manage to get loads of oil into the grilled chicken.
    @genki -- Is that 元気? Welcome! You do get extra cals for walking with a baby, and jumping rope is great exercise! Can you do anything in your lunch hour? When I started out, I did a lot of Wii games which I could play at home even though our living room is quite small, and I did step on the Wii Fit board (which fits under my sofa) while watching telly. If you have stairs in your apartment block then stairclimbing is brilliant exercise. My friend gave me a list of bodyweight strength exercises to do in the kitchen while cooking (waiting for things to boil and so on); squats, counter press-ups, calf raises, using a big milk bottle as a mini-kettlebell, that sort of thing. Good luck!
    @Nicole -- Well done on being a full time student, and on getting that course!

    Tuesday goal -- I am going to lose this week, after two static weeks. No messin!

    Yesterday I SWEATED by having both a long walk (5 miles), which made me HUNGRY for my lunch, and badminton coaching and practice. I'm not sure I'm going to sweat today because it feels like a rest day is called for after all that. I might squeeze in a little dance mat but I might not.

    Have a great day everyone!

    -- Alison
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    I forgot to mention welcome back to KSea and Bitnert -(sp?) - good to see old friends again! And a warm hello to anyone who is lurking and just reading - you are also a part of this journey to a healthy life. Some day you might feel like adding your 2 cents worth - feel free to comment! Newcomers are welcome here!

    I tried to weigh myself yesterday and got a LOW BAT message - so today I successfully weighed myself and am glad to see I am at 233.4 lbs. which is down 3 lbs from my December 1 weight. Hello ! Did I hear an anvil drop? I've set my goal at 2 lbs a week for the next seven weeks so I am hopefully down to 219 by the time I leave for my Jamaica vacation Feb. 25th. (oh, so excited for that!)

    Latest news on the exercise front is that 1/2 hour of exercise a day, even done not all at once - is enough to make a difference in your life! So lets all of us who have a hard time exercising just think of that half hour of exercise as our life line back to health and get up and get sweating !
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    I tried to weigh myself yesterday and got a LOW BAT message - so today I successfully weighed myself and am glad to see I am at 233.4 lbs. which is down 3 lbs from my December 1 weight. Hello ! Did I hear an anvil drop? I've set my goal at 2 lbs a week for the next seven weeks so I am hopefully down to 219 by the time I leave for my Jamaica vacation Feb. 25th. (oh, so excited for that!)

    wow! down over the holidays? that is impressive!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @robin--congrats on that loss! :flowerforyou: Have you done any shopping for the Jamaica trip?

    @alison--sounds like a lot of activity yesterday--rooting for you to break the 2-week plateau! :drinker:

    @kelley--yes, I will go to the gym after school and work off yesterday's excess. I used to drink the EAS shakes--they had some that were for low-carb diets and I really liked them--the dark chocolate flavor was delicious! I may need to get back into drinking those occassionally.

    @holly--after my Popeye's binge yesterday, one chicken wing sounds like a win--proud of your for stopping at just the one!

    @toots--Thanks for the support!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Hurray for all of the victories! Yesterday was a really blah day for me. I just didn't feel like doing much of anything. I did get in my 30 min walk and finished the chemo caps. It was snowing all day. For some reason that just took the energy out of me. Consequently, my goal today is to get motivated to get some things done around here. I know there is plenty to do and I won't have to look very hard to find it. Its snowing again today, but I can't let that derail me again. Have a great day. Kaye
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Laurie - I hope your knee problems continue to improve. I had to sympathise when you mentioned your DECADE of walking on ice and twisting your ankle - although its not funny, I chuckled because I was the same way, in fact my right ankle has been in a cast over 6 times for just twising it. Finally the docs discovered an unattatched tendon and fixed it. Problem solved for me! But I still walk quite gingerly over ice and snow and wary of pot holes and little uneven-nesses....

    mackbeth - great 2.6 loss! WOOT WOOT! Your walks sound lovely in Colorado - while we stopped in Denver the altitude did affect us, and I was thirsty all the time. Hope your knee is better too.

    Naceto - I am excited for you getting your English Honors class! Having a full schedule and work too is really going to keep you busy and out of the kitchen maybe? I'm pulling for you!

    Charlotte - that is shocking about the nurses' layoffs. I hope the figure is exaggerated and its not nearly that many! As for you and your weight loss journey, I know you are going to do great! Hope the scale reflects your efforts tomorrow!

    Alison - Great exercise - terrific walk!

    Kaye - hope you have a great, busy day!
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Tuesday goals..... Get back on track after yesterday. I had a good solid healthy breakfast, had my regular mid morning snack of a mandarin and a cheese stick. Then KABOOM, for lunch I ate 3/4 of a pizza hut medium cheese lovers pan pizza. The rest of the day consisted of tons of mandarin oranges (like half a dozen), three granola bars, two servings of air popped popcorn (great UNTIL I added TWO tbsp of butter and TONS of salt to it), and... I think that might be it. Anyway, I was -1555 on my daily caloric intake and feel nice and sluggish and carpy today because of it. Also bloated because it was -1736 over my sodium limit. Blech.
    OF course I didn't walk yesterday. I spent the afternoon in bed with the boys watching Star Trek and stuffing my face with carbs... with bouts of carb coma in between food trips to the kitchen.

    So, on that note :) Sounds like every one is doing great today, Aches and pains slowly healing, diets getting back on track, and everyone in general hanging in there.

    Since I bailed on work yesterday (if I don't work, I don't get paid) I have to try and make up 8 hours over the rest of the pay period. Longer hours means no exercise outside this week so I guess I might as well start the 30 day shred again. It's been on my to do list for ages. Now is as good a time as any to be in incredible pain.

    Had my granola and almond milk for breakfast. I have my chicken casesar salad for lunch and TWO mandarins and a stick of cheese for snacks while at work. Huuzah, let's get to it!

    Oh, and water tag. Everyone drink one big glass! :drinker:
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Just finished my 7th glass of water. I also used the gym for my first time on lunch today and I loved it. My walk is done for today.

    @Karen- I love poppey's and could not just eat one of their wings. These wings didn't taste all that great plus it was my bed time I was more tired than hungry.

    @Robin- Can you fit me in your luggage :tongue: I love the sun and warmth. Have fun shopping for your trip.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi all. I got up had breakfast, showered, picked up a little around the house, and then dived in with 20 sweaty minutes with Leslie Sanson. I have to say I hate her perkiness but it is easier to talk myself into her then going outside to walk. I get bored outside and am surrounded by hills which kill my ability to breathe instantly. So thats 2 days in a row that I have worked out. Dare I say I might finally be ready to trully implement this phase of the lifestlyle change. My goals for the week are to esercise 4 more days and take sunday off.

    Wednesday: Chalistneics
    Thursday: Leslie Sanson
    Friday: Chalistenics
    Saturday: Leslie Sanson

    Thats right I posted a workout schedule. Try not to fall over in shock anybody:laugh: congrats to everybody who had a loss for the week on the scale. I have drank 3 20 ounce glasses of water so far today and am shooting for 3 or 4 more so everybody grab a glass and join me in a drink:drinker: Have a great day everyone:flowerforyou:
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    I also find Leslie Sansone way to perky. I have her walk away the lbs videos and I turn the volume REALLY low. Then I turn on a great TV show(has to be a rerun of something since I'm not pa ying 100% attention) and turn the volume up loud. :P I keep one on her to make sure I'm transitioning with the group and the other eye on the TV where I'm entertained.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Queen - I am not shopping for trip yet - want to get smaller - right now I still fit into last summer's capri's and bathing suits and cover-up. Hope I get a significant loss and can buy something smaller - and find things cheaply. Just got a shock picking up prescriptions. New copay jumped from $31 to $88 - SHRIEK! I am NOT happy!!!!! :grumble: Although generics remain at $9, the non-generics are gonna kill my pocket-book!.

    jtconst - I'm very impressed you posted a work-out schedule. I don't have the moxie yet :blushing: but I hope to within a week or so, that's one of my goals too! 20 sweaty minutes is something to be proud of!

    Water tag! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Tuesday Goal: Just keep on keepin' on. Glad to be home and back into my routine.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,357 Member
    No goal updates for me again this week----just keep at it! :glasses:

    HOLLY - congrats on publishing your goals. That's a monster step. And also congrats on using the gym. You are making such progress. :happy:

    NACETO - all best wishes to you on the upcoming school term. Do your best---be fierce! :bigsmile:

    ROBIN - this upcoming vacation sounds like excellent motivation. I tried jogging during commercials---ummmmm, didn't work that well for me. I am a confirmed walker I guess. :happy:

    And sorry people, Leslie Sansone is just fine with me. When I like something I tend to be quite perky as well. Years ago when I went to the gym at work, people in group classes would grind their teeth when I was there because I really would get into it and whoop and stuff. In real life, I'm pretty subdued, crank some music and it's a different world for me. I find so many ways to annoy people. :wink:

    JTCONST - a perky congrats to you on MOVIN' IT!!! Whoop. :laugh:

    CHARLOTTE - I am sorry to hear about the cutbacks. I'm sure this has been very stressful. Keep on your personal path. Again, so glad to see you here again. :heart:

    LIZ - although I'm still sorry about your $$ disappearing, I'm glad it was not the situation it seemed at first. :flowerforyou:

    Everyone be well. I personally am having a horrible, miserable, crappy day. I'm hoping things shape up in a couple of days. Meanwhile, I guess I'll just hang on. :ohwell:

    Best wishes.

