Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • his_kid1
    his_kid1 Posts: 177 Member
    Thank you for the welcomes. I have been doing bits of activity here and there today. Sometimes it is just doing a couple of stretches each time I stand up, but I think that it will be helpful in a number of ways. I planned my food last night for the entire day, which I don't think I have ever done before. I have also been making good positive changes in my home. I think they are definitely related. I will look up the goals when I am back on my laptop.
  • AuntieVaVa
    Happy Monday Everyone!

    MONDAY - Check In (how are you doing? Had any successes or struggles this week-end?)
    My successes this weekend included going to Curves on Saturday (made it three days in a row, joined on Wednesday, and worked out Thursday, Friday and Saturday), and cooking - I made mini crustless greek quiches with egg beaters, spinach, feta, and kalamata olives and froze them in individual ziplock bags. Had two for breakfast today (56 cal, 2 gm carb, 1 gm fat, 8 gms protein per mini quiche). They were pretty good - not as good as a flaky pie crust with real eggs and ham and cheddar cheese, but still pretty tasty and more importantly, good for me. (I adapted a recipe from Yesterday (Sunday) I cleaned for hours - and I mean scrubbed the shower tile and floor, washed the bathroom floors, moved the furniture and vacuumed every inch of the whole first floor, stripped the bed and washed all the bedding. I hadn't cleaned very well since after Thanksgiving, only touch ups here and there and I was sick of looking at the dust bunnies.

    I gained back quite a few pounds while I was off work on medical leave this November-December, so my mini-goal is to get back to where I was in mid-September. I've made some progress since January 1st and have 5.2 more pounds to go to reclaim my September place.

    Good, healthy week to all!
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hello. I'm Laura, and do need to lose more than 100. I was doing well at the beginning of last year, then get a month-long pneumonia, and that totally sidelined me. After a little bit of floundering, I totally took the chowtrain up to my highest weight ever. I'd like to join in with you, if I may. I would love having a daily thread to post goals and challenges, etc. and get support. I struggle a LOT with chronic pain, and I have let that really own me for too long. I have done pretty well since the 2nd on food. Trying to start out by stretching every day, logging my food, and limiting to one soda per day (until these are gone... I had been drinking like 4/day).
    Hi Laura this is a great site for strength and support. Everyone on here is super nice and supportive. There are alot of people here with chronic pain issues including me. You will be amazed how just changing your eating habits for the better will help this. I went from haveing multiple severe flareups every week to just having the occasional one or two in a onth. Not perfect but so much better. You can totally do this and we will be here to support you every step.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi guys. So for those who dont want to see the fat flying turn away cause I am totally doing my happy dance right now:laugh: I jumped on the scales and after getting past tom and a week of no more holidays I lost not only those pesky 4 pounds but 2.2 more as well. Yep thats right 6.2 pounds gone. :laugh: With the five pounds I lost before starting MFP I am a grand total of 41 pounds lost. I am so happy I just cant stand it. I translated that happiness into a 25 min workout were I pushed harder then ever so far. Needless to say I definitley hit the goal to sweat today. Once I can breathe normally again I am going to jump into some deep housecleaning. I am going to do one or two rooms a day all week until I get this house where I want it. After that I am going to get out my school books from my Medical assisting classes and start making flash cards to go over every day before I forget everything I learned since finding a job just hasnt worked out so far. :ohwell: I hope all our teachers and students have a great day today and good job to everyone who is jumping back on board after the holidays with so much enthusiasim. I am off to refill my water glass now. Drink up everyone :drinker: :drinker:
  • jumpy983
    Monday Check in -
    I have to be honest, coming off the weekend, this Monday was a bit of a let down but I guess it could've been worse.
    I started the day very positive and upbeat. Got the kiddos off and dressed to daycare and it was great.
    Then hubby came to work and let me know that his grandma had passed :( so that was a bit of a rough time.
    We went out to lunch at the Ale House to talk about the arrangements (they are out of state)and I thought maybe a soup and salad would be ok.
    So I got the Chicken Ceasar & a corn chowder soup. When I logged the salad it was 1000 calories!! For lettuce, grilled chicken and dressing!! had I known i would've gotten it on the side. And then on the way home, my Lieutenant was behind me pulling out of the parking lot and I pulled out of the parking lot and nearly side swiped a car i didn't see and of course, he saw the whole thing.
    So from crappy to worse to worse still. And I have to work my second job until midnight tonight...just not in the mood. UUUUGH

    Goals: to at least lose one crappy pound this week.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kristen--First, sorry to hear about the loss of your husband's grandmother. I've read lots of places that restaurant salads are often very high in calories--I actually avoid them unless I know ahead of time the calorie counts--and yes, dressing on the side can help. Oh well, you can't beat yourself up for trying to make a healthy choice, just store the info in your memory bank for future reference.

    @tammy--Woohoo! Congrats on over 40 lbs lost!!! :drinker:

    @auntievava--awesome job getting back in the swing of things both food and fitness-wise. Those mini-quiches sound delish!

    @holly--love your mini-goals and rewards!!

    @lin--great job meeting your new goals for this new year!!

    @laura--welcome!! Were you on MFP about a year ago? Your username and picture look familiar. Either way, glad you are here--you've found the best thread on this site!

    @tom--good to see we still get a shot of testosterone on this thread from time to time--I feel like all of the other men have abandoned us.

    @alison--I didn't mind the polenta--added just 4 ounces of goat cheese to the whole batch (1 ounce/serving) and it seemed to do the trick. It was even tasty today as leftovers for lunch. I'm not a fan of the texture--reminds me of cream of wheat...

    @ksea--welcome back!

    I know I missed a bunch of folks for personals, but I promise to catch you on the next round. :wink:

    Monday Check-in:
    Getting back to school wasn't as dreadful as I thought it would be, but I think in part that's b/c we only have one week until final exams. I updated my grading goals and plan to work on #3 when I finish with this post.

    Grading goals:
    1. x/22 diction analyses
    2. x/48 AP essays
    3. x/11 AP analysis activities

    Fitness has been pretty good, but I need to do more core work at home. I keep putting it on the schedule and them skipping it. Today I must do at least 110 calories worth (about 20 minutes) if I want to break even for the day. Setting up my fitness goals for the week:

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--core work
    Tues--walk gunner + gym
    Wed--core work
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner + core
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (long run)

    It's supposed to really warm up here, so I may switch Thursday's gym visit to a run outside. We'll see.
  • his_kid1
    his_kid1 Posts: 177 Member
    Monday - Check In (how are you doing? Had any successes or struggles this week-end?)

    Doing pretty well, actually! My successes have been to log everything, lose 2 lb, not have over 1 soda/day, and been doing stretches more mornings/nights. I know I'm in the honeymoon stage, though, so I know there will be more struggles.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Someone mentioned Christine--I've also been wondering about Bellawares. She is on my friend list and it says she hasn't logged on in over 2 months. I know she was having a rough go of it with caring for family members--I hope she's doing okay.

    Some others I miss = doug, pattynava, nichols, bigaug, ushkii, and shrinkrapt (sara)--I know there are more... I miss tonia's posts on the thread, but we still post on eachother's walls, so it's not so bad.
  • his_kid1
    his_kid1 Posts: 177 Member
    @skinnyjeanz YES! I was on here. Good memory!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Hi guys. So for those who dont want to see the fat flying turn away cause I am totally doing my happy dance right now:laugh: I jumped on the scales and after getting past tom and a week of no more holidays I lost not only those pesky 4 pounds but 2.2 more as well. Yep thats right 6.2 pounds gone. :laugh: With the five pounds I lost before starting MFP I am a grand total of 41 pounds lost. I am so happy I just cant stand it. I translated that happiness into a 25 min workout were I pushed harder then ever so far. Needless to say I definitley hit the goal to sweat today. Once I can breathe normally again I am going to jump into some deep housecleaning. I am going to do one or two rooms a day all week until I get this house where I want it. After that I am going to get out my school books from my Medical assisting classes and start making flash cards to go over every day before I forget everything I learned since finding a job just hasnt worked out so far. :ohwell: I hope all our teachers and students have a great day today and good job to everyone who is jumping back on board after the holidays with so much enthusiasim. I am off to refill my water glass now. Drink up everyone :drinker: :drinker:

  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Sunday Share:
    Had my little hike today and had to laugh. I went with my ex husband, his dog, and his best friends. We were on a path that led past the car and the two of them were puffing and panting so bad they wanted to go home. It was only 2.6 miles into the walk... and we were walking at a pretty leisurely pace. I was sweaty but had LOTS more go in me. What wimps! I was even carrying the backpack with all the water (4 bottles), the toys for the dog, and all our jackets stuffed into it. I have to giggle because 6 months ago I wouldn't have made it 1/8th of a mile before I had to sit down and rest.

    wahoo!!! what a great victory for you!!!!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,153 Member
    Someone mentioned Christine--I've also been wondering about Bellawares. She is on my friend list and it says she hasn't logged on in over 2 months. I know she was having a rough go of it with caring for family members--I hope she's doing okay.

    Some others I miss = doug, pattynava, nichols, bigaug, ushkii, and shrinkrapt (sara)--I know there are more... I miss tonia's posts on the thread, but we still post on eachother's walls, so it's not so bad.

    ME TOO!!! I miss our friends..............

    Christine is on my friend list and I leave a greeting on her page from time to time but no response for quite a while but she does login from time to time. I hope she'll come back soon.

    Did Helen leave us again?


    Now to change the subject..............water tag. :drinker: :drinker:

    Next 3 people need to drink a glass of water RIGHT AWAY!


  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member

    Now to change the subject..............water tag. :drinker: :drinker:

    Next 3 people need to drink a glass of water RIGHT AWAY!


    ok i just did.....who else did it too??? :drinker: :drinker:
  • genkimomof2
    genkimomof2 Posts: 50 Member
    Hi! I need to loose 100+ LBS!
    Find a way to exercise. I have a lot of obstacles because I live on a road I can't walk down, an apartment too small to exercise in, and far away from a gym, and all swimming pools are closed until April. I will start jumping rope with my son for bonding/exercise time 2X a week, and try to convince a friend to book the badminton courts on Saturday for an hour, and from time to time go hiking, but I leave for work and return from work in the dark every day, so I can't go hiking too often, maybe on Sundays. And that would be hiking with a 20 LB baby on my back, for extra cal burn! Any other ideas out there? Anyone else with those challenges find a way to get in those 30 mins of cardio?

    I have been using MFP for a week and it's pretty clear that:
    1. I'm eating at or below 1500 cals most days, even when I eat "bad" foods
    2. I don't drink enough water
    3. I'm not exercising enough.

    So I'm not worried about food intake as much as water and exercise. I will work on that today!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @karenleona--I'm at starbucks, but I will drink 3 glasses when I get home! :drinker:

    @lin--I'm friends w/ Helen and she still logs daily and is making progress--just hasn't been on the thread.

    Grading goals:
    1. x/22 diction analyses
    2. x/48 AP essays
    3. 11/11 AP analysis activities DONE!!!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @skinnyjeanz YES! I was on here. Good memory!

    Well welcome back! :flowerforyou:
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,153 Member
    @karenleona--I'm at starbucks, but I will drink 3 glasses when I get home! :drinker:

    @lin--I'm friends w/ Helen and she still logs daily and is making progress--just hasn't been on the thread.

    Grading goals:
    1. x/22 diction analyses
    2. x/48 AP essays
    3. 11/11 AP analysis activities DONE!!!

    Okay, drink that water when you get home---you wouldn't want a TRIPLE portion of Starbuck's tonight to fulfill the tag challenge. :bigsmile:


  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Genkimomof2 Have you been in Japan? I know what genki means. :wink: Some of us are using the Leslie Sansone walking videos on Youtube to get in some exercise when other options won't work. It takes very little space. I don't do a lot of exercise. Walking is about my only option since I had knee replacement in October. Exercise is really important, but don't let the lack of it derail your efforts. The battle is really won in the kitchen. If you can keep your calorie count where you want it, you will lose.
    Good luck to you. Kaye
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Queen - your bf sounds like he's really ignoring your needs - keep pestering him, and I'm glad you had a night out with friends, sounds like you needed it.

    liz - glad things turned out to be a mistake with your sister, and don't apologize for venting here - we're you're friends for gosh sake - also I love how your phone "auto -corrects" and changes the spelling on some of your words - it can be so funny ! :wink:

    Laura - Welcome !! My best piece of advice is - be prepared to have days where you fall off the wagon and plan on just getting back on and repeat.... over and over again because no one is perfect at this life style change. I'm so happy you've joined us.

    jtconst - WOOT - what a great loss - lets hear it for you YEAY!

    Jumpy - sorry for the loss of your hubby's grandmother. I hope you all have good memories to comfort you.

    Genkimomof2 - welcome! Really happy to see you here. I exercise by lightly jogging in place in my little living room - easy peasy - to commercials for 2 minutes at a time currently in an effort to get 30 minutes of exercise a day.

    skinny - I miss soooo many people - I'm glad to know that you keep in touch with some of them!

    I worked up a great sweat today doing about 8/10 mile in 10 minutes. Then automatically went and got a small snack, but caught myselt and asked myself if I was hungry, and I wasn't. I drank some water, and didn't eat until I was hungry for dinner quite a bit later.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Lin-Thanks for the water challenge- need to go drink my water for tonight. Water cup in hand for 16oz.

    Welcome back Ksea and everyone else who is coming back. We hope you stay around.

    To our missing friends mentioned aboved- you are missed and we hope all is well with you. We are still here when you are ready to visit again.

    Welcome to all the new people. Happy you decided to join us.

    Deep tissue massage can be very painful since the massage therapist is going into the deep tissues and trying to break them up. I would suggest starting with an easier massage and have the therapist adjust the level of pressure so it feel comfortable.

    Today, was a good day. I went to the gym and completed the strength training working that my trainer gave me. It was a good workout. I am not sure if I mentioned it yesterday but I tweaked my knee again yesterday while curling. I believe it was a combination of the lunge position, slipping on the ice so that my knee is no longer happy. Good news it is not bad just very annoying. Hopefully, it will go away in a day or two. I did see my chiropractor today for treatment and he said at least this time you hurt it doing something fun instead of finding a pothole. It was a reference to the past 10-11 years of my life when I could walk through a parking lot and find the smallest of holes/ cracks and turn and ankle. I did ask my former trainer for some exercise for my knee and my current trainer is looking up exercises for Wednesday.

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Water TAG Next three people go drink a cup of water NOW- Get MOVING:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: