Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • rachael726
    rachael726 Posts: 202 Member
    @skinnyjeanz- I was trying to figure out how I would be able to pull off yesterday's lunch. It's back to crunch time for the new body I want. Btw, what is onederland? I'm learning do many new words on here. Lol

    Sunday sharing- my name is rachael and I'm from NJ. I'm 29 years old and have been overweight all of my adult life. I have 2 kids, age 9. My weight yo-yo'd for awhile then I just gave up and accepted being the "big girl". My entire family is big and I really want to change the cycle for me and my kids. Since I started working out, my kids have been eating better too. Even though my journey has just begun, I'm hoping that I will have the strength to continue with the help of everyone here. I plan on being a regular name here :). I decided something needed to change when I weighed my self and the reading was 302.8. I just looked at the scale! How could I let myself get this big?!? I wear a size 24 in pants and mostly a 3x in tops. I couldn't live my life like that anymore, not if I wanted to make it to 50. I have a big support system at work but I have found that the daily encouragement is working for me. It helps to keep me motivated. My goal weight is 140 for my 5'5-5'6 frame. Not sure how long I will take to make it there but I'd like to be a single digit size for once in adulthood.

    I enjoy reading the many success stories on here. It shows that hardworking can pay off. :)
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    :bigsmile: I'm down 5.5 this week. I think that makes up for the .2 last week very handsomely. This next week will not be as good, as we will be traveling and spending time with relatives. I am determined to keep the good habits going. Portion control and no mindless eating should do the trick!
    Sunday share: I have been on the this journey so many times it is embarrassing.:blushing: I have never lost weight so quickly or felt so in-control. After all of my experiences with failure, I hope that I am aware now of the things that can derail me. I intend to keep this up for the rest of my life. As I watch the scale drop, its fun to think, "Okay, I will never see that number again."
    Have a great Sunday. I still have lots of wet towels to wash and dry, but I plan to have a good day. Kaye
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    As I watch the scale drop, its fun to think, "Okay, I will never see that number again."

    Great attitude! I'm going to start saying this to myself when I see the number on the scale, too. I'm done with dieting. I'm going to hit goal and not hit the fridge this time.

    Sunday Share: For the first time in a long time I looked in the mirror yesterday and recognized the person standing there. For years this sad fat stranger was looking back at me instead. Now she's gone!

    Edit: And she is never coming back!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @mara & kaye--I agree with you about always moving forward. In my case, however, my scale fluctuates way too much for me to say "I'll never see that number again." I bounce up and down within a 5 pound range depending upon factors like sodium, muscle fatigue, hormones, etc. Therefore, whenever I hit a new "low" on the scale, I do my check-in here on MFP. Currently, that is 190 lbs. Does that mean I weigh 190 lbs today? Not necessarily--at the gym yesterday I was at 192, but in my mind I'm still 190 lbs. As long as the fluctuations are within 5 lbs of my lowest weight, I don't sweat it. Eventually, my weight will drop below 190 and I'll hover around that new number. I have to take this mindset; otherwise, I would stress over every little ounce. :smile:

    @kaye--congrats on the huge loss!! That's awesome!! :drinker:

    @rachael--Onederland is when you move from the 200's into the 100's on the scale. I believe the term was coined on The Biggest Loser. At least, that's the first place I ever heard it.

    Sunday Share:
    I'm going to my niece's 1st birthday party today. Can't wait to see her--she's such a cutie! My sister and I got her a beautiful charm bracelet. Of course, she's too little for it, but we figure we can buy her charms over the years for when she's big enough to wear it. For those of you who are newer, DH and I don't have any kids of our own by choice. I teach kids all day and really can't imagine also coming home to them--I admire teachers who make the choice to raise their own children in addition to their students (I also think they might be a little bit crazy! :laugh: ). Anyways, I really love having a niece (my first) and am already having fun being an aunt. I want to be a healthy example in her life and down the road hope to get her interested in exercise and sports. I go to 5ks and they often include "Fun Runs" for the little kids--I hope to take Violet to some of those when she's old enough.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    I see New People = Welcome! You are too many pages back for me to fetch your names here but WELCOME, WELCOME, WELCOME!! Everyone is welcome to join this thread. It moves fast, then it moves slow, but toss your comments into the ring, and you are one of us! Ask any question you want and it will get answered. Tell us your frustrations and we will help you out! Everyone is a friend here - and men are very welcome indeed!

    We've been here for 3 years now and have many graduates who've lost their 100 lbs.+ and gone off into the world whole new persons.

    Congrats to Vickie on reaching Onderland (for those new to this, Onderland is reaching 199 lbs, or the first time your weight starts with a ONE)

    To those under the weather, I am joining you. I woke up in the middle of the night and have, I fear, the flu. Muscle aches, dry cough, and a migraine. No reason, fortunately to go out in public, so will stay home and feed myself chicken soup for the next few days until the contagion period passes......

    Water 3 people ....drink a glass of water! :drinker:
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @Nicole -- of course you can count the walk from your car! Good to wear a pedometer for that and try to keep the speed nice and high, but these regular walks that we do every day are *fantastic* for weight loss and general health. I try not to eat back all of my exercise cals because sometimes I think MFP overestimates a bit. If you're exercising much more than usual then you won't see a loss straight away. You may be gaining muscle, but it's more likely that the muscles you've already got are using water to repair themselves. In a few days you'll start to see the benefit and the weight loss will happen in time.

    @Rachael -- I don't 'cheat' (ie, not log) at all, but I do have days when I go over (even some where I go a *lot* over); I just log everything. I think that's better than just having days when you don't log, because it's easy to eat amazing numbers of calories if you don't log, especially if you eat restaurant portions, or entire packets of tortilla chips or whatever. I wasn't going to log Christmas Day, but in the end I did just for interest -- it turned out to be about 4600 cals or so. I can't bake without tasting what I bake (I'm a lifelong beater-licker as well); but everyone loves homebaked stuff so much that it's worth it. And well done for keeping on plan on your big celebration weekend! ONEderland is getting under 200 pounds, and TWOderville is getting under 300 for those bigger folks. I don't know about people who get down from 400 plus, but I bet there's something for them too.

    @Kristen -- congrats on the SV!

    @Kris1085 -- good to see you back. I bet that Hip Hop class was fun; not my favourite sort of music but whatever gets you dancing is really good.

    @Susan -- ooh salted caramels. My favourite.

    @Choncho007 -- welcome!

    @Marsha -- I think I'm pretty sure that I'm going to be logging for the whole of the rest of my life (or fall off the wagon of course, but I prefer the first option). I might try, if maintenance goes well, just weighing and only logging if my weight creeps up, but my guess is that I'll need to keep logging.

    @Karen -- dancing to bands is so wonderful! You'll have just used your calves in a different way to usual; that's good, isn't it?

    @Lmackbethl -- you know, I've always quite fancied triathlon. I'll watch your plans with interest.

    @Kaye -- oh goodness that all sounds really scary! I'm glad you've got water back again and that everything seems ok. It's worrying about your husband, isn't it? On the other hand, I laughed at the thought that you're finding it easier to reach things in the cupboards! I wonder if that will happen to me too (I'm pretty short). And a big WELL DONE on the SV. Good luck with the travelling.

    @Tammy -- I left the US in 1982 and I *still* miss Taco Bell.

    @Vicki -- Congratulations on ONEderland! Isn't it a great feeling? I got there before Christmas and thought I'd quickly bounce back over 200, but in fact I plateaued. And (spoiler for tomorrow when I weigh in) I'm now a bit down from there now as well.

    The sleepover was incident free -- we snuck out in the morning for our parkrun (free 5k runs every Saturday morning in your local park) and left the teenagers sound asleep. My son and his friend did their first parkrun, so their first 5k, and beat me. They just ran on ahead and then walked till I caught up, and then ran on ahead again, until they were done. And parkrun is starting up in Walthamstow in a couple of weeks! It will be out the back of one of the sports centres where we play badminton, so that will be very convenient. I don't think it will be quite as nice to run in as Valentines' Park though so we will probably still go down there some of the time.

    And then today the weather was cold but beautiful so I got up early and went for a long, long run. Over to Wanstead Park which is very beautiful, ran all around it, walked home. 7+ miles of running, over 10 miles in total. I don't know exactly how far because the GPS was a bit screwy in the forest. gmap-pedometer says 10.5 miles. Longest run yet and I was really tired at the end. MFP is saying I have 1996 calories left for today and I ate breakfast and lunch, and a snack while running! If only I had a party to go to tonight. Instead I must take the final exam for my MIT free online course.

    A quick Sunday share for the newbies: I'm Alison, I'm 47 and am married with two kids -- a girl who will be 16 tomorrow (wow!) and a boy aged 12. My husband's also on this journey but has now lost enough to be back in a 'healthy' BMI. His waist size is still a couple of inches more than the British Heart Foundation recommends, so he's keeping up the plan until that's sorted, but he's nearly done. We live in Walthamstow, which is a 'vibrant, cosmopolitan' area of East London -- that's code for cheap and grubby. But it has lots of great features, like we live five minutes' walk from a Tube station and yet within a couple of miles we have the River Lea, the Lee Valley Park, Epping Forest and the new Olympic park (not open till the summer though).

    I was a bit of a lifelong couch potato but in May I decided to take 30 minutes of exercise a day because I wasn't working and I was worried that I'd just fester at my computer all day. In June I started logging my food here every day, and in September I started running, using a 'couch to 5k' app on my iPhone. I'm now training for a half marathon. In a few weeks (perhaps by March), I hope my weight will be the lowest it's been since I was 23, and I can confidently say already that I'm in the best shape of my life.

    This group has been with me every step of the way and I can't thank you all enough.

    Hope you all have a great Sunday!

    -- Alison
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Hi all, thought I'd pop in and stop 'lurking'. I do need to lose 100 lbs. also.
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Special K Cinnamon Pecan + Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk = 150 calories of dangerously yummy.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    @Vickie - Doing a major /happydance for you! You should be so proud of yourself!

    Sunday share: Not much going on. Not expecting much of a loss this week. I had two pretty big binges so it's unlikely I'll lose weight. Had a woman approach me at work and ask for help last week. I'd seen her in the halls but never talked to her more than a polite hello. She's quite overweight and has started having health issues. She asked if we could meet up after work that day to talk about how I'd lost weight.

    We talked for about an hour and she's at my apartment today to do some healthy cooking and talk more.

    Off to hike this afternoon with my ex husband, his dog, and his best friend again today.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    it's cool that you can still be friends with your ex mowmow
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    vickimieth - ONEderland! Yay for you!:flowerforyou: :drinker: :happy:

    karenleona - don't worry about your speed, just keep walking. you will be surprised by your progress if you just keep walking.

    Rachael - glad your party was a success. Bet your mom feels the love. :smooched:

    Robin - sorry you are under the weather:sick: :ohwell: feel better soon:flowerforyou:
    Alison - Glad you are in the best shape ever! :happy: That is a great NSV.:flowerforyou:

    Melancholy2 - Glad you de-lurked.:laugh:

    I am trying to stay warm and thinking that we may need to invest in new insulation....:frown: this condo was built in the early seventies and I guarantee they didn't use a vapor barrier, because the windier it gets the colder we get. :indifferent: I feel like being whiny, so I will stop here....
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Hi all, thought I'd pop in and stop 'lurking'. I do need to lose 100 lbs. also.

    Welcome aboard! :flowerforyou:
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member

    Sorry to be mia I have been under the weather. Really yukky flu. Still hurting physically right now hurting all over but my ankles the most. Just getting out of bed as my feet contact the floor the pain just makes me cry yesterday I just crawled back into bed.

    It took me till late morning to get going. I hate that its. Such a waste of day. My last 2 days have been stuck on the sofa. Today I am still hurting more of the same.

    Well enough about me.

    @Robin so sorry you are under the weather.
    @Vickimieth. Yay for Onederland!!!
    @Alison that is a great nsv to be in your best shape ever!
    @karenleona - no worries just keep walking!
    @Rachel nice job on the party sure that your mom feels love.
    @mymowmow. Enjoy your walk that is really cool that you ate helping that lady.

    @Christine welcome back!!
    @Kaye that sounds so scarry glad working out ok.
    @Alison - glad the sleepover went well.
    @welcome to the newbies
    @Nicole I count it all.
    Wishing everyone a good day.

    Keep logging and drinking your water.

  • barbhale
    barbhale Posts: 10 Member
    I am really struggling...I failed each day of this first week...I''m thinking why is my will power so weak..why can't I follow the calorie goal...I really want to get back down to 135 this will I do it? Feel like I'm never going to be able to commit to losing this weight ; - ( Need help and motivation

    I wanted to respond to this post. Feeling like a failure sucks AND in order to feel successful and be aware that I am making progress, my motto is, "Something is better than nothing." If I meet my calorie goal without going over, that's a success. If I take one walk instead of no walks, that's a win. If I go over my calories today and don't move at all, I still have tomorrow to start anew. I view my progress in days, weeks, and months. Progress is slow and change is hard. Changing habits is difficult, period. Every step we make toward eating better and moving more is as step in the right direction. Be gentle on yourself and keep going forward!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    I am really struggling...I failed each day of this first week...I''m thinking why is my will power so weak..why can't I follow the calorie goal...I really want to get back down to 135 this will I do it? Feel like I'm never going to be able to commit to losing this weight ; - ( Need help and motivation

    I wanted to respond to this post. Feeling like a failure sucks AND in order to feel successful and be aware that I am making progress, my motto is, "Something is better than nothing." If I meet my calorie goal without going over, that's a success. If I take one walk instead of no walks, that's a win. If I go over my calories today and don't move at all, I still have tomorrow to start anew. I view my progress in days, weeks, and months. Progress is slow and change is hard. Changing habits is difficult, period. Every step we make toward eating better and moving more is as step in the right direction. Be gentle on yourself and keep going forward!

    I think you're response is GREAT! I am the originator of this thread, and I felt the same way youre feeling now the day I started it, so intimidated by my past failures and my inner weaknesses, that I had difficulty staying on the wagon more than a few days at a time. Through the support of the wonderful people who joined me on this thread, I did learn that this is NOT a diet, but a lifestyle change, and that we are changing SO MANY HABITS that you can't do it all at once. So you have to start by logging your food and getting good at that, and while you do you will be falling off the wagon calorie-wise sometimes, but over time your weight will keep going down and you create new habits that you can build on to become a stronger willed person who then can achieve what was once impossible in your life.
  • rachael726
    rachael726 Posts: 202 Member
    Today was the first day I did 3 miles with Leslie sansone on her 5 day slim down!! Omg!!!! My legs hurt but for a good reason. I also got a pedometer at Walmart. Will try it tomorrow and see how it works. Just wanted to share the news!!!
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi everyone. Super congrats to vickie on reaching onederland. I hope to join you there in a year or so:flowerforyou: So my husband proved to me yet again he is the sweetest man ever and reminded me why I married him. For those who are new here I have been married 20 years and my husband is an engineer on a fishing boat in alaska while we live in Washington. He goes up for a couple months and then home for a month and cycles like that all yer. Well he called to say bye before the boat pulled out of phone range and before we said goodbye he said he wanted to congratulate me. I was like ok ty but what for? He said it was for all the weight he knew I would lose while he was gone this time and he was so proud of everything I had accomplished so far. Needless to say he put me in tears which big strong man that he is just had him stumbling through the I love you so he could get off the phone:laugh: Like I said sweetest husband ever. Then just for a little more ego boost for the day I saw my brother and we were talking a little and i Had to hike up my pants as they are gttting fairly lose and he said he had noticed I was losing weight but even more I was becoming a much more positive and confident person and the whole family was really proud of me. I dont know how much more praise I can take for the day but god it feels good to have people acknowledging all the hard work I have been doing. Needless to say I am in an excellent mood:happy:

    Robin feel better soon I know this flu sucks my daughter is on the tail end of it now.
    To all the new people welcome. You have found a great source of inspiration and friendship.

    OOps better go my little doggie is trting to put away mommies groceries and they dont go under my bed:grumble:
    Have a great day all and drink up :drinker:
  • lmackbethl
    @robin & liz - so sorry the flu has you down. hope you feel better soon!!
    @marsha - congrats on the wonderful loss!
    @vicki - ONEderland?!!! That's ONEderful!!!! Congratulations!! I hope you celebrate with something fun!
    @susan - Good luck with your new challenge!!
    @nicole - Hang in there with the classes, especially math. You've taken on a lot this semester, but you can do it! It's just temporary madness, with a big pay-off in the end.
    @kris - hip hop class sounds great!!!
    @alison - what an amazing run!!! you will be ready for that half marathon in no time!
    @skinnyjeanz - you could take your adorable neice to your races now, in a jogging stroller... she would probably enjoy the ride and would be learning healthy habits from the start. my neice "ran" a marthon with my dad when she was two and had a great time!!! also, they do have triathlons with kayaking or canoeing as the first leg instead of swimming.

    welcome to all the new folks - you have found the best thread! I hope to see you again soon!!

    to all you runners - at what weight did you start? I really want to complete a sprint triathlon (1/2mile swim, 11mile bike, 5k run) this summer. I figure I can already do the swim (my single favorite activity) and easily enough get in shape for the biking, but I have never been a runner. I know I can probably just walk that portion, but I'd like to at least try to be able to jog it. I'm thinking i need to lose some more before I try running -- at still over 290, I worry about injuries. I am happy to have found a women's-only triathlon within driving distance in mid-august and i think that gives me enough time to prepare!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @lmackbeth--Most of the races I run don't allow jogging strollers; however, I have thought about buying a jogging stroller to use in the park across the street from my nieces house. Gonna price them out and weigh the cost against how much use I will get out of it. They live about an hour from me, so it's really only worth it if I'm going to be over there a lot more this coming summer. I did already decide I will invite my sister to bring my niece to cheer me on at some races this spring/summer. They are usually in the city near where they live, and there's usually some sort of celebration afterwards, so I hope they'll come.

    As far as running goes, I started c25k in June 2011 when I weighed 225 lbs. I laready had some foot problems (plantar fascitis), so I made sure to get fitted for shoes at a running store. I also started out at a really slow pace and on a treadmill b/c it's lower impact than running on pavement.

    @tammy--that's so great that you're getting some props for all of your hard work! You should be so proud of yourself! :flowerforyou:

    @rachael--congrats on 3 miles!!

    @kris--I think it's so great that you are helping your co-worker--you are truly an inspiration!! :drinker:

    @vickie--longtimers on this thread know my weakness for cereal--specifically frosted mini-wheats. I've bought exactly 2 boxes since I joined this thread in May 2011, and that wasn't until this past summer b/c I didn't trust myself before then. I did okay with it, but it's just easier to not keep it in the house too often.

    @alison--dancing to bands is absolutely my favortie form of exercise! I
    know the reason my calves hurt is b/c I enjoy all of the "jumping" songs too much. I'm an okay dancer, but I'm an awesome jumper! :laugh:

    @robin--Feel better soon!! :flowerforyou:

    I'm home from the b-day party which was really fun. I had saved about 750 calories from yesterday and let myself accept a huge piece of cake. It was delicious, but I couldn't eat it all. Other than that, my sister only had a few other items as snacks--a veggie quiche (crustless) and a veggie fritatta (sp?) along wth some mini-bagels with homemade salmon cream cheese and a fruit tray. I tried a taste of everything, but really only overdid it with the cake. However, I'm pretty sure the cake wasn't more than 750 calories, so it's all good.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Enjoyed visiting with my parents yesterday and made reasonably healthy choices on our dinner out. Today has just been one thing after another, so just now checking in.

    Sunday Share~I'm Kelley, 44, an accountant in Texas. I'm not married and have no kids (never a priority for me). After losing both of my senior cats 7 months apart, I recently adopted a 3-month old tabby - her name is Zoe and she is a bundle of energy (but so lovable)! I haven't had a kitten around for over 15-years so its been an adjustment. :laugh: Right now she's got a bit of the crazies! My hobby is looking for new recipes and playing around with them to make them into something different and healthy. For the newlings, I've been at this for a while - losing 75# on WW and then when they changed their plan, it quit working. That's when I became more active in my gym and hired a personal trainer; I joined MFP shortly thereafter. Its been about 8 months and I've lost another 30, I wish it was more but as long as I continue with a downward trend I try not to worry too much.

    @Robin~Hope you feel better soon. If you think its the flu, go to the doctor and have them test - they can prescribe Tamiflu, that stuff works miracles!

    Exercise Schedule for the week:

    Monday~Cross Trainer (followed by session with weight loss coach at gym)
    Tuesday~Off Day (have class)
    Wednesday~Training Session & maybe Zumba with a friend
    Thursday~Off Day (have class)
    Friday~Run or Elliptical
    Sunday~Training Session