The official beachbody sucks thread



  • Griffin220x
    Griffin220x Posts: 399
    Preface: While I am a Beachbody Coach, I no longer buy into the MLM business model and I think it's a crappy way to try and "help" people. I no longer sell Shakeology, and I have always helped anyone who asks regardless of whether or not I make money off them. That said:

    So lemme get this straight... Beachbody sucks, but we love their workouts as long as we don't have to pay for them?

    Maybe the GOP is right and our country HAS turned into a bunch of entitled slackers. Guess everyone does want something for nothing. Frankly it's pathetic. You don't need to buy it from a coach, you don't need to buy shakeology, but if you're using and benefiting from a product that took time and energy for someone to create and you feel they don't deserve to be compensated for it, then I guess you wouldn't mind going to work every day and working for free?

    Piracy just pisses me off. Whether it's this or music or movies or whatever. The people that worked to create those things are no flippin' different from you. That's their job and their product and they DESERVE to be compensated accordingly.

    But go ahead and ***** about $120 or less while you're shelling out twice as much for your gym membership and your starbucks frappuccinos. It's simply pathetic.

    Screw you, startbucks is delicious.

    Additionally, how dare you make the generalization that everyone believes in communism, is a slacker, or believes they deserve to be compensated for no work or money.

    Also, beachbody programs are (here's my opinion) NOTHING IMPRESSIVE! There. I said it. If you are completely uneducated on the subject and have NEVER worked out in your life and have NEVER made an attempt to be fit i can see them being of *some* benefit. But there comes a point when learning what works for you and joining a gym or buying your own weights and doing your own thing is inevitable. Their programs are not the end all be all answer to fitness.

    And frankly, i would never spend over 100$ on a product i didn't feel worth it. (thats four months of a gym with a ton of ammenities for christs sake).

    It seems like the company preys on people with no knowledge of nutrition and fitness in general. As stated earlier i do not like multi level marketing. Anyone can be a "coach" and make money and sell shakeology and make their own profit- at any extra price for the consumer of course. They generally know VERY little about the products and very little about nutrition in general. And frankly, that seems like a cop-out to me.

    No one goes around claiming to be, say, an esthitician because they sell Mary Kay. Ya know?

    If beachbody wants to do it right, they need to get into gyms/open their own gyms; have their "programs" as fitness classes by CERTIFIED trainers and coaches, still sell their dvds, shakeology and other merchandise at said facilities.

    Even then, not the end-all be all for fitness and nutrition. ;)

    Thank you for taking the time to type out my thoughts. Much appreciated.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    who said anything about a scam? I'm not going out there and saying...hey come here, I wanna sell you something.

    I don't want to SELL anything... Obviously I know what I'm doing with my work outs..

    Lol so do I, and so do many people.

    we just don't feel the need to bash other companies to make ours sound better in comparison... and hide the fact that you DO have ulterior motives
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Preface: While I am a Beachbody Coach, I no longer buy into the MLM business model and I think it's a crappy way to try and "help" people. I no longer sell Shakeology, and I have always helped anyone who asks regardless of whether or not I make money off them. That said:

    So lemme get this straight... Beachbody sucks, but we love their workouts as long as we don't have to pay for them?

    Maybe the GOP is right and our country HAS turned into a bunch of entitled slackers. Guess everyone does want something for nothing. Frankly it's pathetic. You don't need to buy it from a coach, you don't need to buy shakeology, but if you're using and benefiting from a product that took time and energy for someone to create and you feel they don't deserve to be compensated for it, then I guess you wouldn't mind going to work every day and working for free?

    Piracy just pisses me off. Whether it's this or music or movies or whatever. The people that worked to create those things are no flippin' different from you. That's their job and their product and they DESERVE to be compensated accordingly.

    But go ahead and ***** about $120 or less while you're shelling out twice as much for your gym membership and your starbucks frappuccinos. It's simply pathetic.

    Screw you, startbucks is delicious.

    Additionally, how dare you make the generalization that everyone believes in communism, is a slacker, or believes they deserve to be compensated for no work or money.

    Also, beachbody programs are (here's my opinion) NOTHING IMPRESSIVE! There. I said it. If you are completely uneducated on the subject and have NEVER worked out in your life and have NEVER made an attempt to be fit i can see them being of *some* benefit. But there comes a point when learning what works for you and joining a gym or buying your own weights and doing your own thing is inevitable. Their programs are not the end all be all answer to fitness.

    And frankly, i would never spend over 100$ on a product i didn't feel worth it. (thats four months of a gym with a ton of ammenities for christs sake).

    It seems like the company preys on people with no knowledge of nutrition and fitness in general. As stated earlier i do not like multi level marketing. Anyone can be a "coach" and make money and sell shakeology and make their own profit- at any extra price for the consumer of course. They generally know VERY little about the products and very little about nutrition in general. And frankly, that seems like a cop-out to me.

    No one goes around claiming to be, say, an esthitician because they sell Mary Kay. Ya know?

    If beachbody wants to do it right, they need to get into gyms/open their own gyms; have their "programs" as fitness classes by CERTIFIED trainers and coaches, still sell their dvds, shakeology and other merchandise at said facilities.

    Even then, not the end-all be all for fitness and nutrition. ;)

    so if you don't like the products i assume you bought them full price and then returned them and got your money back right? because that's beachbody's policy. you can return something any time and get a full refund no questions asked.

    i assume you didn't download them or acquire them gratis, correct?

    No. I purchased them in 2011. I also had a problem with one of the dvds not working. And then i had to pay for shipping back TWICE once i realized it was a glorified lifting and cardio program in which i already knew how to do.

    But way to comment on only one portion of my statement. You know, only the part about piracy. :drinker:
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    Preface: While I am a Beachbody Coach, I no longer buy into the MLM business model and I think it's a crappy way to try and "help" people. I no longer sell Shakeology, and I have always helped anyone who asks regardless of whether or not I make money off them. That said:

    So lemme get this straight... Beachbody sucks, but we love their workouts as long as we don't have to pay for them?

    Maybe the GOP is right and our country HAS turned into a bunch of entitled slackers. Guess everyone does want something for nothing. Frankly it's pathetic. You don't need to buy it from a coach, you don't need to buy shakeology, but if you're using and benefiting from a product that took time and energy for someone to create and you feel they don't deserve to be compensated for it, then I guess you wouldn't mind going to work every day and working for free?

    Piracy just pisses me off. Whether it's this or music or movies or whatever. The people that worked to create those things are no flippin' different from you. That's their job and their product and they DESERVE to be compensated accordingly.

    But go ahead and ***** about $120 or less while you're shelling out twice as much for your gym membership and your starbucks frappuccinos. It's simply pathetic.

    Screw you, startbucks is delicious.

    Additionally, how dare you make the generalization that everyone believes in communism, is a slacker, or believes they deserve to be compensated for no work or money.

    Also, beachbody programs are (here's my opinion) NOTHING IMPRESSIVE! There. I said it. If you are completely uneducated on the subject and have NEVER worked out in your life and have NEVER made an attempt to be fit i can see them being of *some* benefit. But there comes a point when learning what works for you and joining a gym or buying your own weights and doing your own thing is inevitable. Their programs are not the end all be all answer to fitness.

    And frankly, i would never spend over 100$ on a product i didn't feel worth it. (thats four months of a gym with a ton of ammenities for christs sake).

    It seems like the company preys on people with no knowledge of nutrition and fitness in general. As stated earlier i do not like multi level marketing. Anyone can be a "coach" and make money and sell shakeology and make their own profit- at any extra price for the consumer of course. They generally know VERY little about the products and very little about nutrition in general. And frankly, that seems like a cop-out to me.

    No one goes around claiming to be, say, an esthitician because they sell Mary Kay. Ya know?

    If beachbody wants to do it right, they need to get into gyms/open their own gyms; have their "programs" as fitness classes by CERTIFIED trainers and coaches, still sell their dvds, shakeology and other merchandise at said facilities.

    Even then, not the end-all be all for fitness and nutrition. ;)

    so if you don't like the products i assume you bought them full price and then returned them and got your money back right? because that's beachbody's policy. you can return something any time and get a full refund no questions asked.

    i assume you didn't download them or acquire them gratis, correct?

    No. I purchased them in 2011. I also had a problem with one of the dvds not working. And then i had to pay for shipping back TWICE once i realized it was a glorified lifting and cardio program in which i already knew how to do.

    But way to comment on only one portion of my statement. You know, only the part about piracy. :drinker:

    Piracy is the only thing MY post was about.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    woah this is a good post I didnt even realize this beachbody,shakey thing, p90.31428 was a conspiracy. They sound like scientologist.

    I'm scared. *goes back to walking and eating vegetables.
  • KevDaniel
    KevDaniel Posts: 449 Member
    I think it's a general consensus that people hate more on the shakes and buying food (similar to programs like Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers programs)

    Weight watchers does not require you to but their food for their program, nor does Beachbody.
  • squatsandlipgloss
    squatsandlipgloss Posts: 595 Member
    woah this is a good post I didnt even realize this beachbody,shakey thing, p90.31428 was a conspiracy. They sound like scientologist.

    lol say what? I am hoping you are being sarcastic, cuz if so, that's funny.

    ETA: if not: still funny.
  • baileybiddles
    baileybiddles Posts: 457 Member
    LOL at this thread.

    Whether you like or not is irrelevant. If you don't like it, don't buy their products. But really? You're wasting your time bashing them? Get a life. And even the people who support it are sitting here arguing like a bunch of fools.


    I've lost weight using TurboJam and I feel amazing. I love the benefits of shakeology but I cannot STAND the taste, so I no longer use it. My in laws have lost tons and tons of weight doing Insanity. My mother in law looks better than me right now at 48 than I do at 20. Obviously these workouts work for some and don't work for others. Just my two cents.
  • writetomab
    writetomab Posts: 226
    This is great... how did a post about Beachbody suddenly turn into a rant about communism! :laugh:

    Of course, I must be a complete idiot and know nothing about fitness and nutrition hence the reason I am doing Insanity... right?! :yawn:
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    NVM. I remembered that I can't fix crazy.
  • BoboDoesPrimal
    I have a beached whale body. Does that count?

  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    NVM. I remembered that I can't fix crazy.

    Dang. 'Cause I had a whole list of crazy ready for you. *shreds list*
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    I don't mind the beachbody programs. I don't care for their shakes. *shrug* Why do you hate them? Please to give a bulleted, detailed dissertation.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    NVM. I remembered that I can't fix crazy.

    Actually we did... we signed a new client this morning... THANKS for your concern

    Its nice to know that people actually CARE

    WHY do you USE so many random CAPS?

    i only ask because i CARE
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    Jay, I'll try and fix your aren't CRAZY.
  • spruitt417
    spruitt417 Posts: 101 Member

    love how people are doing all this research on me and my wife.....creepy much?

    Creates thread trashing the integrity of a large group of individuals.

    Does not wish to have his integrity checked..... irony much?

    I think we've seen what we need to see here. Best of luck in your business. Thanks for checking in.

  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    I like the CONCEPT of BeachBody and I have a few friends who do it and/or are trainers. I just can't afford the shakes and I don't feel like I could fully commit myself to the program enough to be of benefit to their brand.
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    You know, what's the point of this? Make a group or some *kitten* so you can bash on things that help other people.

    I am currently looking into different programs and trying to get away from at home workout DVDs. But you know what!? P90X is what got me off the couch and set me in the right direction. I am so grateful to have found it because it got me back into working out and I really think it changed my life.

    It could have been any program really, that's just the one the got me started. It opened a lot of doors for me and also made me realize that I have SO much to learn. I won't be purchasing anymore BeachBody workouts because I don't think that working out every single day is necessary for my goals, but I'm still super happy that I did it because now I'm not fay anymore, yay!

    Why do you care what people spend their money on anyways? How is someone getting "scammed" by paying a one time $120 fee as opposed to a monthly gym membership? I have a ways to go but I think it's safe to say that the program worked well for me. And it's motivated me to do my own research and look into other programs (not at home DVDs), that will be even more beneficial to me. THANKS TONY!!
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Dear OP,

    You should come get your girl. I admire that fact that she's got her man's back and is willing to go toe to TOE with YOUR detractors.

    But she's not helping you get business right now.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    who said anything about a scam? I'm not going out there and saying...hey come here, I wanna sell you something.

    I don't want to SELL anything... besides my husbands "personal" coaching via the internet for $5.99, I mean. Because everybody's got to make a buck, right? Obviously I know what I'm doing with my work outs..


    So you must be a Beach Body coach..and for THAT I thank you..

    another bites the dust.

    So anyone that disagrees with your position has to be a beachbody coach? Got it, thanks.

This discussion has been closed.