Anyone doing the 30 Day Shred right now?



  • Trishabean1701
    Trishabean1701 Posts: 6 Member
    Day one for me! Eeeee so excited! Haha!
    Jumping jacks killed me a little. Right after the workout I was thinking, "Hrm, that didn't seem too hard...maybe I need something more intense..." An hour later I couldn't lift my arms or walk up the stairs XD
    I may start Level 2 early, depending on how sore I be ;) Good luck folks!
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    L1D8 completed this morning!
  • ahammer77
    ahammer77 Posts: 18 Member
    I started this morning. My question is how do you log that under your exercise? I have no idea how many calories I burned
  • ShellGetsFit
    ShellGetsFit Posts: 604 Member
    Day 8 Level 1 DONE! Almost at Level 2 and I'm SCARED!!! haha...not really, well kinda! :tongue: Looking for supporters too, let's shred together!
  • catz4ever45
    catz4ever45 Posts: 21 Member
    Yesterday was my first day and oh man i couldnt keep up but i didnt quit hopefully today will be a better day i'm really motivated and hope to see wonderful results at the end
  • MMFernaays
    MMFernaays Posts: 42 Member
    I'll be completing Day 8 of Level one this evening! Getting easier, but reading the posts about level 2 has me scared!

    I log it as circuit training for 20 minutes in MFP.
  • 1Cor1510
    1Cor1510 Posts: 413 Member
    I was on a rest day today, Day 8 level one tomorrow :)
  • day 2 of level 1...feel free to add me anyone :)
  • Greenlola
    Greenlola Posts: 30 Member
    Today will be day 2 of level 1 for me, you can add me if you like :)
  • helcart01
    helcart01 Posts: 46 Member
    I started this morning. My question is how do you log that under your exercise? I have no idea how many calories I burned

    I wear a hrm and usually burn about 160 calories. I'm still on L1 so don't know what it'll be for L2 & 3. I log it under cardio.
  • Tammelina
    Tammelina Posts: 9 Member
    I am on Day 1 of Level 2 today. I do it everyday :)
  • Mita19
    Mita19 Posts: 43 Member
    Did day 1 level 1 this morning ! This is my 2nd try 1st time around I got sick and gave up......but im sticking to it this time. :)
  • rumplesnat
    rumplesnat Posts: 372
    Today was my Level 2 Day 8. I want to dropkick Jillian in the neck and face during the workout, but it's working.
  • jljw8504
    jljw8504 Posts: 5 Member
    i went to the gym last night after my jillian workout & i have not been able to run for that long or that hard (4.6) on treadmill since high school probably. and suprisingly i am definitely not as sore today :-) and i also had been using 5 lb weights in each hand instead of 2.5 in each hand...and i think that contributed to my pain in my legs...on those squats i was killing it!! :-) I also put some cold packs on my thighs last night before bed--good times...havent done that since high school soccer games either :-)
    i can tell a difference already in how much faster i can walk and my legs feel stronger...
  • angelkein
    angelkein Posts: 6 Member
    Yes! Me :) I did Level 1 for 7 days and now I'm adding Level 2 into, alternating each day. Haven't touched level 3 yet though. Looks tough!
  • I'm on day 24 (ugh). Seriously starting to hate jumping jacks. :sad:

    I chose to rotate the 3 levels and take one day per week as a rest day (Friday), i.e. Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, repeat except for the day off.

    I find all the Levels challenging but have added some weights to Level 1 that are not in the original (shawdow boxing with weights, which is done in Level 2 [3? getting confused ... days blurring together). I've also increased the weights overall.

    I like Levels 1 and 3, not too crazy about Level 2 but that is prob due to my knees. I'm glad I decided to rotate 1/2/3 b/c honestly, I don't think I could take 10 straight days of Level 2!

    I try to do this in the a.m. before work b/c I get all sweaty; then I've been walking at lunch (most days) and then most days (9 out 10) I walk the dog immediately after work for 30 mins. To be honest, I'm not seeing "omg" results but I do feel stronger and there is a lot of flab on me to be shredded.
  • Finished Day 8 Level 1 today and just finished up 45 min of cardio. I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm starting to enjoy the exhausted feeling I get after working out :)
  • Trishabean1701
    Trishabean1701 Posts: 6 Member
    Oh one told me Id need this much advil after Day 1! LOL
    Waiting for it to kick in and off to do Day 2...wish me luck. Ow ow ow
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I just started it again. 3 time.
    I tend to wuss out though. lol
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I'm on day 24 (ugh). Seriously starting to hate jumping jacks. :sad:

    I have to do modified jumping jacks. I don't care what she says. She doesn't have to live with my hurting knees!