Dumped because I am fat...what do you think?



  • saxmaniac
    saxmaniac Posts: 1,133 Member
    It's one thing to not be attracted to overweight people at all -- but this isn't that. Obviously, he likes you enough to date you, but it's really crappy to put a condition on marriage like that.

    What a tool!
  • Nutella91
    Nutella91 Posts: 624 Member
    he should never ever get married. to anyone.
  • TheSwoleMinister_deleted
    You should have him read this entire thread. Then dump his *kitten*. Maybe one day he'll get a freakin clue.
  • luckyjuls
    luckyjuls Posts: 505 Member
    I'm physically sick over reading this.
    Beyond disgusted.
    Dump the loser.
    You are not a possession to be oogled over. You are a human being!

    Lose the weight for you.
  • reasnableblonde
    reasnableblonde Posts: 212 Member
    I'd talk to your boyfriend about making this a lifestyle change TOGETHER.

    HOWEVER, if he is superficial enough to make comments to you about wishing you were "hot" and you believe his family is not supporting his decision to be with you, then you need to run. Run away. Because when you marry the boy, you marry his family too. No one needs that kind of judgment and feeling inferior or disliked. It'll never go away. If he's not willing to "get hot" himself, then he's not worth your time.
  • Keto_T
    Keto_T Posts: 673 Member
    If you lose weight to comply with his wishes what's to say that he wont require something else next? Need a higher degree? Need plastic surgery to fix something else? It's too much. Boot him. There are too many to settle for one who wants to change you. Love yourself and do it for yourself.
  • lraien
    lraien Posts: 29 Member
    I agree with those who said lose weight for yourself - not for anyone else. Nothing ever sticks if you are only doing it because you have to or someone else wants you to.

    Oh - and I'd be willing to be if you did get to a point where you felt healthier and more confident in yourself, he'd be the one getting kicked to the curb - not the other way around. You're taking scraps because that's what you think you deserve. He's the one who is going to end up with a sad reality check in the end.
  • kjjm08
    kjjm08 Posts: 217 Member

    Run far away.

    That is NOT love.


    ^^ This.You deserve someone a heck of a lot better than this douche and his family.
  • FitMrsR
    FitMrsR Posts: 226 Member
    I'd dump him for sure! If you aren't good enough to marry as you are (in his mind,I think you're gorgeous) then he isn't worth it. You don't want to have to feel under pressure for the rest of your life to stay thin fir him. I honestly think that he will end up finding something else he doesn't like or cheating on you with the 'hotter' secretary eventually. I'm so sorry this guy is such a shallow person and has wasted 2 1/2 years of your life!!
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    He is an awful, shallow, superficial, disgusting son of a ***** that doesn't deserve you. Get rid of that mess now.

    You never, ever, ever lose weight for anyone else but yourself. What kind of pressure is that? To lose and maintain weight because someone who *supposedly* loves you doesn't like you the way you are? That is not a way to live. Remove him from your life and find someone that will appreciate you for you, and love you in every form you may take.

    What a prick.
  • imwithgizmo
    imwithgizmo Posts: 146 Member
    Move on AND be grateful that he told you now and not five years later after marriage and kids.
    Now as for the dieting; you have to do it for yourself period.

  • mimieon
    mimieon Posts: 182 Member
    Anyone who is willing to put you through surgery without second thought, just so you can look good on his arm is probably not worth it.
  • AbigailClarke48

    Run far away.

    That is NOT love.


    My sentiments completely. Shallow Hal.
    Have enough self-esteem to know you deserve and can have better.
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    You should lost weight for yourself, for your health, not for him.
    If that is his attitude to you then he isn't worth it. I know you've been with him a long time but he really doesn't sound like a nice guy.

    I agree. he sounds like an idiot. Lose weight for yourself, your health and your self image. You will find a nice man/ Besides if you ever want children being over weight is not good. Don't you want to wear all those cute clothes? A few years is not that long.
  • supergirl6
    supergirl6 Posts: 224 Member
    I have two feelings about this and they are completely contradictory.

    1) It's impossible to judge him and what he said and how he said it since none of us were there and we don't know him. I love my husband and I know he loves me but sometimes he approaches difficult conversations in the dumbest possible ways because he's pretty straight forward/blunt about things. Only you know how he said what he said and if he was coming from a shallow place or if he was trying to say something motivational to get you to act. Like, I'll pay for you to have a boob reduction if that'll help get you going. That would be a dumb thing to say, but was he saying it to help himself or to help you? Again, only you know the answer to that. I urge you to be honest with yourself though.

    2) Based on what information you did provide, my gut reaction is to end the relationship and move on. Love isn't conditional. As you guys get older you'll both gain weight and lose weight, lose hair, gravity will make everything sink a little, you'll get sick, you'll get better, your interests will change...change is the only thing you can count on in the future. If he thinks you have to be thinner for HIM, he's completely delusional. You're not an accessory. If he wants you to lose weight because he wants you to be healthy so you can have a long life together, you need to talk to him about how he approaches you about this subject. It's ok to be honest that being overweight might scare him, but it's not ok if he just wants you to look the way he thinks you should look. The comment about the surgery freaks me out because that's crazy - surgically altering yourself for him is all kinds of wrong. Surgery is difficult and painful and brings unnecessary risk to your overall health. IF he really cares about your health, he should be open to both of you working out and eating better TOGETHER as a support system. If his whole thing is that you just look better but not actually be healthy, than he's the absolute worst and you should run without looking back.

    Honestly, you should talk to him. You should tell him how this made you feel and you should really do some soul searching. We don't know him and you're the one who has to live with the consequences of staying or leaving. Good luck.
  • JasMikkol89
    JasMikkol89 Posts: 77 Member
    This is really messed up, i would have punched him the face for saying that to me. But thats just me lol. Honey dont do it for him he isnt worth it. Do it for your self, now you are worth doing it for. Sounds like he needs a reality check, i would have packed my bags and left. There are plenty of men out there that will love every inch of you no matter what size you are. good luck!
  • DBiddle69
    DBiddle69 Posts: 682 Member
    In my opinion...even if you do this for him he will find some other fault he dislikes about you.

    Take the time now to concentrate on you and get healthy then worry about relationships...they say that relationships tend to happen when you least expect it.
  • Teliooo
    Teliooo Posts: 725 Member
    If his family has that much influence your relationship you'll likely never be truly happy. Time to move on.

  • TwinkieDong
    TwinkieDong Posts: 1,564 Member
    lose weight for yourself. Use this as an eye opening experience. However there are many men that love heavy women, just as there are women that love heavy men. You have to do things for you, not anyone else at this moment.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    forget about our opinion, WHATS YOUR OPINION? is this the kind of guy you want to be maried to? do you want to be married to someone that for the rest of your life, you have to worry if he will divorce you or have an affair if you gain 10 pounds? do you want to be married to a guy that has such a lack of respect for you that he would hurt you just to satisfy his family? do you want to have children with a man that may or may not be there for them in the long run if you gain 30 pounds during a pregnancy? WHATS YOUR OPINION ON THIS? maybe you are willing to settle, or willing to accept this treatment because you THINK you cant get better... i have news for you... A REAL MAN WILL LOVE YOU THE WAY YOU ARE, AND SUPPORT A HEALTHIER LIFESTYLE FOR BOTH OF YOU, NOT JUST YOU. A REAL MAN WOULDNT ALLOW HIS FAMILY TO EXPRESS A NEGATIVE OPINION OF YOU, THEY WOULD HAVE BEEN TOSSED ON THEIR BUTTS... A REAL MAN WOULD BE SO HEAD OVER HEALS IN LOVE WITH YOU, THAT HED TAKE YOU ANY WAY HE COULD, BECAUSE HE JUST COULDNT LIVE WITHOUT YOU.

    look, i was 250, and i knew i didnt look good, but my husband always told me how good i looked... now that im losing, he still tells me how awesome i look, but reminds me that i didnt have to lose weight to look good, that he loves me no matter what...