30 Day Shred - Starting April 15 2013



  • DistractedGrace
    Ok, me too!
  • jesskkai
    jesskkai Posts: 5
    I am on day 6. (: But I'll still join you.
  • jesskkai
    jesskkai Posts: 5
    Hi! First thing: good luck to everybody is doing 30ds, hope you see the results you want!!
    I need an advise! I'm 23 and i have to lose 20lb. I'm currently doing a running program to run 10km in less than 60minutes and i run 4 times a week. I started 30ds 3 days ago(every day) because i needed exercises for my arms and abdominals. I'm thinking of doing 30ds only 3-4 times a week (when i don't run), do you think it would work or i HAVE to do it every day? I don't want to stop my running program, maybe i should try another dvd? Did you have one to suggest?
    Thank you and sorry for my english (i'm still learning it!)

    It's the 30 day shred. Not every other day shred, or every few days shred. I think it needs to be done every day. But that's just my opinion. I am doing the 30 day shred every day and training for a 5k every other day.
  • c1aireee
    c1aireee Posts: 297 Member
    I have just started again today! anyone add me for support! I am gonna do it every weekday with weekends off
  • toridehaven
    I am starting today at lunch! Not gonna lie, totally intimidated!
  • Mamagill08
    Mamagill08 Posts: 20 Member
    I am on day 14 of the 30 Day Shred and I have noticed a huge difference! Feel free to add me if you like as I am always looking for workout buddies! I use the Nike Fuelband and it has me burning 160-200 calories with Level 1 and around 160 for Level 2. I weigh 136 lbs. I'm sure it differs for every person, body type and effort exerted. I am always happy to cheer on and motivate anyone that needs it as I love motivation too. :)
  • padackllins
    Hi all, I've been tempted to do this again for a while but I've lost my old weights [d'oh!] so is there anything I can use instead, like bottles of water or tins?
  • JustAGirl0916
    JustAGirl0916 Posts: 1,020
    Hey every one :) I'm starting this tonight wish me luck lol, just wondering what do I put in the excersize section of the app for here as I can't seem to find anything about the calories burnt doing the 30 day shred?

    I was told circuit training :)
  • JustAGirl0916
    JustAGirl0916 Posts: 1,020
    Hi all, I've been tempted to do this again for a while but I've lost my old weights [d'oh!] so is there anything I can use instead, like bottles of water or tins?

    I just now bought weights...When I started I used the 16.9 oz bottles of water lol. All I had at home!
  • 13suzie
    13suzie Posts: 349 Member
    I'm in for 30 days w one day off per level. (Combining 30DS w 6mi run each day. Using 30DS to get stronger and speed up weight loss.)
  • jbuchanan086
    Just finished my first day right now. Oh my I am more unfit than I realized LOL 29 days to go!
  • endlesswonderr
    endlesswonderr Posts: 91 Member
    I'm in, also! I've tried to keep up the 30DS several times, but never got past the first week. I just get so bored with them, and the thought of having to do them for a full month was overwhelming. However, I've started them back up again and have been using it as well as running+belly dancing everyday. I've actually managed to keep it up thus far :) so we shall see!
  • reenasamaan
    reenasamaan Posts: 66 Member
    Hi all!

    I finished the 30 Day Shred last week but I'm still using it as my primary strength training routine, just alternating now between level 2 and level 3. As someone who just finished the Shred I can assure you it WILL get easier! Yes you will feel sore but just push through! I've read in interviews that Jillian recommends taking one or two days off each week. I combined my 20 minutes of the Shred with about 35-40 mins of cardio each day. No weight loss to report (I only have a few more pounds to go and loss has been SLOW anyways) but I lost almost an inch from my waist and definitely have toned. YOU CAN DO IT!!! xx
  • neelia
    neelia Posts: 750 Member
    I started today, as well! It was rough!

    I am also walking 3-4 times a week for at least 30 minutes and logging my walks with the RunKeeper app.
  • maci1914
    maci1914 Posts: 8
    Today was D3L1 for me. Knowing myself, if I don't do it everyday, I will have a very hard time getting back into it. I'm hoping that by working out for 30 days straight will change my exercise habits and I can incorporate some rest days in the future. Keeping my fingers crossed!

    Feel free to add me for support.
  • skcarrion
    Count me in too! I do the elliptical several days a week, but really need to mix it up. Since today is about over, I'll start tomorrow.
  • Pdmgtal
    Pdmgtal Posts: 3 Member
    I started today and would love the accountability of this thread! I had to take short breaks, but at least I did it! I have a vacation in 6 weeks, and toning up some would be great
  • needlework
    needlework Posts: 141 Member
    bump for later
  • springbokkii
    springbokkii Posts: 28 Member
    Hi, just saw this thread and thought awesome just what I needed. About to do day2level1 made it through day one ok but am very very stiff now who'd have thought there are muscles in my backside.
    Good luck everyone, excited to hear how we all get on.
  • puuka
    puuka Posts: 39 Member
    This sounds great! I want to try 30 Day shred. I was excited about result pics so i started yesterday. :) Count me in!
    Let's get motivated!