Stop treating food like the boogie monster...

taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
We're all here for 1 reason and for most of us that reason is NOT just weight loss. Its FITNESS. Many of us would like to continue living a healthy, fit life for the rest of our lives. That includes eating yummy, delicious, butter, full of salt and/or sugar food.

So why then is it that I open the boards and I see folks praising fat-free, sugar-free, gluten-free, carbs-free, taste-free "food" but they start hissing like a vampire in front of garlic (mmmmm.... garlic!!!!) at the mention of good delicious foods like a delicious Reuben sammich, steak, pecan pie and ice cream ? You NEED to LEARN to control portions otherwise if you plan to eat this... whatever it is because I refuse to call this food, then you're gonna either have a hard struggle ahead of you or are just going to give up. I have given up in the past because of strict diets. I'm sure many of us have. Its not a good feeling and a worst feeling is when you start over a year or so later and realize you coulda been at goal weight by now.

Moderation. Eat anything and everything. Just eat it in smaller portion. Move more. Tada. It is seriously THAT simple. Don't make my food feel bad about itself. It is already self-conscious about itself in front of all the crap they make on fast food chains. You know what we eat for breakfast in the old country? Dough made with butter then deep fried in butter eaten with curry made FULL of butter along with dessert (yes, dessert for breakfast) thats made with... you got it... BUTTER! We taught Paula Deen and her butter loving, diabetic butt how to appreciate butter, baby. And yet, many of these Asians are skinny. Why? Because they burn it all up.

Now I'm not asking you to eat this all day everyday (not because its unhealthy but because theres other yummy foods out there!) but portion control and limit yourself and do not treat your food like Satan's minions thats out to get you!

Good day to you all and happy eating!


  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,804 Member

    Preach it Brother.
  • onetoughmudder
    I prefer boogity monster
  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
    I agree with what you are saying. I suppose it just takes some people to figure it out longer than others. It can be very hard for all or nothing type of people but when you do finally get it well it is like FREEDOM!!!!
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    I agree with what you are saying. I suppose it just takes some people to figure it out longer than others. It can be very hard for all or nothing type of people but when you do finally get it well it is like FREEDOM!!!!

    I agree. I still doesn't have it under control after a full year and learning moderation can be rough, even while counting calories. But we gotta learn to stop talking smack about foods that're good for mind, body and soul!
  • JosieRawr
    JosieRawr Posts: 788 Member
    I raise my wine to you lol.

    Food= yum
    though I do use some lower cal options if it doesn't affect the overall flavor of the meal
  • The_Enginerd
    The_Enginerd Posts: 3,983 Member
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    I raise my wine to you lol.

    Food= yum
    though I do use some lower cal options if it doesn't affect the overall flavor of the meal

    If you look at my diary you will continuously see low-fat milk. These low-fat etc options aren't bad by any means and if you can get flavor with less calories... well... that means more food for you to eat!

    What makes me angry is when folks go on about regular yummy foods!
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    Great post T. We can eat whatever we's all about portion control.
  • blu64
    blu64 Posts: 8 Member
    I am a recovering alcoholic and something I have learned in AA is that 'it's not the fifth drink that gets me drunk, it's the first one' So If I want to eat healthy I have to keep all the stuff that makes me binge out of the house. Just like I don't know how to drink one beer, I don't have the ability to eat one Oreo, or one potato chip, or one of anything sweet really.
    I'm not saying everyone has to do it this way, each of us is different. But I have had to completely change my lifestyle to lose my weight. If I want to stay a healthy weight I don't think I will ever be able to go back to cheesecake and donuts. I just don't have the self control. After the years of sobriety I seldom crave booze and dope, and the sugar cravings are beginning to get better too. I just have to remind myself that my best ideas about food got me to 350 pounds. Then I can put the 2 pound chocolate bar down and step away. :)
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    But I like to dance with my food....
  • DawnEH612
    DawnEH612 Posts: 574 Member
    I whole heartedly agree. There is so much CRAP out there touting itself as "diet" food because its low carb, low fat, low sugar, etc etc.. When what it is in LOW HEALTH/LOW Nutritional value and low natural ingredients! It may not have as many calories but that alone does not make a food healthy or "good" for you.. REAL foods are where its at. Its amazing, once i practiced and taught myself how to eat in moderation, i really can eat, anything i want, and have NO guilt or remorse.
    When i first came to MFP, despite needing to loose weight, my goal really was to learn how to have a healthy relationship with food. That meant it wasn't obsessive, compulsive or avoidant... I pretty much have a healthy relationship with food.. And oh yeah, in the process, i realized it wasn't my weight that i had an issue with, it was my mind and thoughts that allowed me to eat those foods that got my body weight to over 200 pounds..
  • DawnEH612
    DawnEH612 Posts: 574 Member
    I am a recovering alcoholic and something I have learned in AA is that 'it's not the fifth drink that gets me drunk, it's the first one' So If I want to eat healthy I have to keep all the stuff that makes me binge out of the house. Just like I don't know how to drink one beer, I don't have the ability to eat one Oreo, or one potato chip, or one of anything sweet really.
    I'm not saying everyone has to do it this way, each of us is different. But I have had to completely change my lifestyle to lose my weight. If I want to stay a healthy weight I don't think I will ever be able to go back to cheesecake and donuts. I just don't have the self control. After the years of sobriety I seldom crave booze and dope, and the sugar cravings are beginning to get better too. I just have to remind myself that my best ideas about food got me to 350 pounds. Then I can put the 2 pound chocolate bar down and step away. :)
    One is too many and a thousand is never enough!
  • oldy76
    oldy76 Posts: 185 Member
    So true! I've pretty much eliminated 'diet' foods from my diary now, preferring to eat slightly less of the real stuff. Portion control remains an issue though, so there's some foods I still can't be trusted to have in the house! I remain... a work in progress
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    I am a recovering alcoholic and something I have learned in AA is that 'it's not the fifth drink that gets me drunk, it's the first one' So If I want to eat healthy I have to keep all the stuff that makes me binge out of the house. Just like I don't know how to drink one beer, I don't have the ability to eat one Oreo, or one potato chip, or one of anything sweet really.
    I'm not saying everyone has to do it this way, each of us is different. But I have had to completely change my lifestyle to lose my weight. If I want to stay a healthy weight I don't think I will ever be able to go back to cheesecake and donuts. I just don't have the self control. After the years of sobriety I seldom crave booze and dope, and the sugar cravings are beginning to get better too. I just have to remind myself that my best ideas about food got me to 350 pounds. Then I can put the 2 pound chocolate bar down and step away. :)

    I am with you. And I too have control issues. But I think you're looking at it the wrong angle. I am not asking you to seek out foods that tempt you into overeating. As a large person myself, I know how some of the foods are our weakness. But what you are referring to is certain foods that are just too good to hold back on! For me its biryani (if you've never had it, you won't be able to appreciate where i'm coming from).

    What I'm talking isn't about certain foods or even food groups. Its the culture of wanting to prefer crappy food and dissing perfectly ok and healthy food and labeling it "fattening" or "unhealthy" or "not clean food". ANYTHING you eat can be fattening, unhealthy or not clean food. Just because you happen to like a 700 calories burger doesn't mean that burger is bad or evil. You just have to either move on and go over your calories a wee bit over (but probably still under maintenance) or just work it out. There is no need to put unattractive labels to foods since it will only create unhealthy relationship with something that is a necessity in life

    This says what I'm trying to say better I think
    So true! I've pretty much eliminated 'diet' foods from my diary now, preferring to eat slightly less of the real stuff. Portion control remains an issue though, so there's some foods I still can't be trusted to have in the house! I remain... a work in progress
  • stackhead
    stackhead Posts: 121 Member
    I whole heartedly agree. There is so much CRAP out there touting itself as "diet" food because its low carb, low fat, low sugar, etc etc.. When what it is in LOW HEALTH/LOW Nutritional value and low natural ingredients! It may not have as many calories but that alone does not make a food healthy or "good" for you.. REAL foods are where its at. Its amazing, once i practiced and taught myself how to eat in moderation, i really can eat, anything i want, and have NO guilt or remorse.
    When i first came to MFP, despite needing to loose weight, my goal really was to learn how to have a healthy relationship with food. That meant it wasn't obsessive, compulsive or avoidant... I pretty much have a healthy relationship with food.. And oh yeah, in the process, i realized it wasn't my weight that i had an issue with, it was my mind and thoughts that allowed me to eat those foods that got my body weight to over 200 pounds..

    This, this and more of this. This is the same reason I joined MFP, after 2 years of "syns" and "points", "free foods" and all the rest of it I just wanted to learn how to enjoy food, no guilt no obsessions!
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    This one time I opened my pantry and a can of tuna jumped at me... I may have thought it was the Boogie Monster, just saying.
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,804 Member
    This one time I opened my pantry and a can of tuna jumped at me... I may have thought it was the Boogie Monster, just saying.


    I always considered this canned stuff Tuna until I had a Tuna Steak, then i was like WTF is in the can? it doesn't taste anything like this.
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    Yep, coming from an ED background, all the negative food talk and this is good, this is bad really drives me potty. No food is bad or good, it is the over or under indulgence that determines the outcome. Also banning foods outright, is that not a bit excessive? I have been there and done does not happen any more.
  • ProudMom2Jade
    ProudMom2Jade Posts: 18 Member
    I totally agree! Most of us need a lifestyle change, not a diet. We need to learn portion control and how to accommodate splurges without getting derailed. Want a fat juicy steak with a loaded baked potato for dinner? Enjoy--jsut make sure you exercise more and eat lower calories the days before and after. If you diet down on meal replacement shakes and diet food, what is going to happen when you are "done"--you are going to rebound and then have to do it all over again!
    I especially hate the gluten-free fad BS. If you don't have Celiacs or Gluten intolerance then gluten-free is not needed--like for 90% of the population.
  • elenathegreat
    elenathegreat Posts: 3,988 Member
    Some food kinda does look like boogies though, doesn't it? Amiright?