Running at night with a concealed carry.



  • Dr_Flo
    Dr_Flo Posts: 465
    OP :


    I can't bring up the page while at work, but I believe they are sold here :

    Yeah, Ive heard of these.. try this. It looks like it would be PERFECT for what you're doing! Good call
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Need it for what? A deer mugging? :huh:

    Put your gun away before you hurt someone

    Yes because responsible, law-abiding gun owners are the ones hurting people ... :ohwell:

    In case you're wondering, criminals love people who think like you.

    Playing devil's advocate here...

    Wasn't Trayvon Martin murdered by a responsible gun owner?

    He didn't have ANY criminal record!
  • Gusman14
    Gusman14 Posts: 94
    Need it for what? A deer mugging? :huh:

    Put your gun away before you hurt someone

    You really need to get out and see how evil the world really is.


  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Need it for what? A deer mugging? :huh:

    Put your gun away before you hurt someone

    Yes because responsible, law-abiding gun owners are the ones hurting people ... :ohwell:

    In case you're wondering, criminals love people who think like you.

    I like you! :flowerforyou:

    Why is it we can be trusted with driving a car, sharp kitchen knives, using a chainsaw - but carry a gun (with training and a license to do so) and all of a sudden we're raving lunatics who might hurt someone? Puh-leeze. :tongue:
  • fly_butterfly
    fly_butterfly Posts: 35 Member
    I just want to read the responses.

    *Grabs popcorn* (Butter free of course!) :wink:
  • Doodlewhopper
    Doodlewhopper Posts: 1,018 Member
    Only in the United States of America! ;)

    This! So glad I live in Canada where I don't have to worry about encountering people carrying guns while just out and about.....

    Yeah right.

    Canada VS US Crime Stats
    Assault Victims
    Can .... 2.3% .... US.... 1.2% .... **DOUBLE**
    Ranked 5th. 92% more than United States Ranked 11th.

    Rape Victims Canada VS US Crime Stats
    Rape victims Can .... 0.8% .... US 0.4% .... **DOUBLE**
    Ranked 8th. 100% more than United States Ranked 13th.

    Canada VS US Crime Stats
    Total crime victims Can....23.8%.... US.... 21.1%
    Ranked 7th. 13% more than United States Ranked 15th.
  • willnorton
    willnorton Posts: 995 Member
    DEVILWHITEROSE !!!!!!!!! GREAT GREAT GREAT..... WOW>>>> a great North Carolina woman who has a brain... Im a retired police officer from Hendersonville Police Dept...(31 years)...

    Its so cool to see people who realize that this world has gone to heck in a hand basket.....

    Im so glad you take the attitude you do.... of course as a retired cop, I never leave home without it!.....i have a gun on me or beside me 24 hours a day .... my good friend Ed Davenport said its better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it....

    one word of advice and i know you know this.... make yourself so familiar with your gun and never be afraid to use it...know your states (my state) laws.... I love it...

    the two things i will suggest to you is what i do.... # 1 is a necklace holster...I carry a North American Arms 22 Magnum in a necklace holster...its a hard plastic holster that the gun clips in to...its easy to get to and no one knows its there..... 5 shots of 22 magnum will absolutely ruin someones day...

    #2 is a fanny pack that is made as a is easy and would not move on you would be like it was not there... I carry my Kel-Tec PF -9 in that...... I live in Florida now so i dont ever wear long pants...i never liked ankle holsters...very cumbersome to get to......

    google "carry concealed holsters" and you can get some other ideas ...Im actually looking at a bandaleer (sp) holster to put under my t shirt... it looks like it might work....

    not sure what kind of gun you have but always remember the saying... NEVER TAKE A KNIFE TO A GUN FIGHT..
    that is just a good overall saying to remember...always be prepared...

    one last thing... Im very proud of you.... pay no attention to the people who freak on here not believing someone would dare carry a gun......running...i worked 31 years as a policeman and investigated so many crimes where a female was assaulted and worse and had no way of fighting back.... you are smart...
    have a great day!
  • Its_All_Gongfu
    Its_All_Gongfu Posts: 43 Member
    haha I don't think liberals are going to come near this thread with a 10 foot pole. It fact I think they are all hiding in a cave right about now smoking a joint. I hope you didn't scare off 47% of the Americans on MyFitnessPal.

    Bringing politics into a clear-cut discussion about self-defense tactics and pistol carry methods is useless.

    Pigeonholing, generalization and blanket statements have no value.

    Intelligent, pragamatic people recognize the need for self defense.

    The smartest ones actually cultivate it as an art form.....

    This holds true no matter whom they decide to vote for.
  • Rottnme
    Rottnme Posts: 167 Member
    +1 on the fanny pack but get one specifically built for CC. They are relatively inexpensive, can go over any clothing, fit snugly, and open in a flash. I would stear away from ankle holsters for many reasons, like having to stop running and then bend over to access your weapon from cover when you are already under immenent attack (that 3 seconds could mean your life), not to mention the added weight and possible discomfort while running. I would also look to something that either either retains the weapon very tightly (so it can't wiggle loose while running) or that has some sort of retention snap or closure.

    I would suggest going to a couple of local gun shops and discussing with them. Along with the multiple advantages to having a relashionship with your local FFL, you may be able to have them order one, or a few, items that you could try out in the shop before commiting to a purchase. In all cases, in my experience, cheap is cheap so I would stear clear of ebay and the like unless you know exactly what you are getting. Ask yourself this, "How much is my life worth to me and mine?", chances are that the extra $50 or whatever is worth it. You could also visit your local police department to discuss with some of the officers, they are typically very helpful as well as experienced with daily, often round the clock, carry.

    No matter what you get, practice, practice, practice. The motions involved to defend yourself need to become a muscle memory reaction (it is said that this often takes a person between 3k and 5k repetitions to learn). The more you practice the better able to defend yourself you will be should the unfortunate need arise.
  • BrandiBoo84
    BrandiBoo84 Posts: 110 Member
  • Kendie74
    Kendie74 Posts: 22 Member
    haha I don't think liberals are going to come near this thread with a 10 foot pole. It fact I think they are all hiding in a cave right about now smoking a joint. I hope you didn't scare off 47% of the Americans on MyFitnessPal.

    Is this all it takes to keep liberals away? :drinker:
  • Its_All_Gongfu
    Its_All_Gongfu Posts: 43 Member
    I run at night with my 2 yr old. You bet I carry. I'm not going to caught by wildlife or a person without a weapon. Period. Plus I live in the south....this isn't something new. And no, we are not all gun toting rednecks, we just like our right to bear arms.

    Right on.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    Just showing my support for her right to protect herself, as long as it's legal where she is.

    I don't run at night but if I did, I would carry, someone recently got attacked by a coyote 5 minutes from my house.
  • ccr214
    ccr214 Posts: 3 Member
    You have to love the 1st and 2nd amendments. You go girl. You're no sheep, just keep doing what you're doing and stay safe.
    You're trained and obviously logical so I respect and support your decision to carry when you want. These people that are scared of guns, and not bad people that wield them crack me up.

    Navy SEALs didn't kill Bin Laden...Guns did!
  • MissBellatrix116
    MissBellatrix116 Posts: 50 Member
    Just a little note, for anyone suggesting a large dog. I have 2. One is too dumb to know what a threat is ((she's 80lbs, too)), and the other ((120lbs)) won't do long walks, never mind actually trying to run!

    I wish I could carry. Unfortunatly my state is quite strict. I can, however carry my pocket knife. Atleast makes me feel a little better off.
  • Apyl32
    Apyl32 Posts: 91 Member
    I would say ankle holster. Also not sure how well it would work but I've seen bra holsters as well. Don't let anyone get you down about carring a CC. Its your RIGHT to carry ! It doesnt matter where you live. Kudos to you for taking your safety into your own hands !
  • Masterdo
    Masterdo Posts: 331 Member
    Only in the United States of America! ;)

    This! So glad I live in Canada where I don't have to worry about encountering people carrying guns while just out and about.....

    Yeah right.

    Canada VS US Crime Stats
    Assault Victims
    Can .... 2.3% .... US.... 1.2% .... **DOUBLE**
    Ranked 5th. 92% more than United States Ranked 11th.

    Rape Victims Canada VS US Crime Stats
    Rape victims Can .... 0.8% .... US 0.4% .... **DOUBLE**
    Ranked 8th. 100% more than United States Ranked 13th.

    Canada VS US Crime Stats
    Total crime victims Can....23.8%.... US.... 21.1%
    Ranked 7th. 13% more than United States Ranked 15th.

    I like that you left out the Murder with firearms, you know, the one that probably matters most here :p

    Can : 144
    US : 9639
    64 times Can

    But yeah, that doesn't matter :p
  • rugbygirlca
    Sorry, but I didn't get why any woman would want to run @ 9:00 @ night alone in the pitch dark? I don't care what you're carrying with you for protection, common sense kicks in and it's just not the brightest of ideas, especially being that you think you need a gun to protect yourself. Sell the gun and buy a treadmill or rearrange your schedule so you can run at a time of day that makes more sense.

    BINGO! I understand why someone would feel uncomfortable running in the dark in a rural area. It just would NEVER EVER occur to me that carrying a gun was a solution. I'm glad I live somewhere where this is not the norm.
  • fitfreakymom
    fitfreakymom Posts: 1,400 Member
    I wonder what the stats are on justifiable homicides/shootings. You always hear gun nuts saying how they need to carry guns but never hear much about them actually using them to protect themselves.
    Take some time to look this up. It happens all the time but the media says nothing about it. Why...because it makes a much better story about the psycho killing 50 people with his gun, than the person killing the one psycho before they do it!

    I read a comment earlier from someone here in canada saying they are glad they are in canada so they do not need to worry about this stuff, we I live in nova scotia and not that far from here they have a sex predatore on the loose , this guy targets women on a trail not all that far from here. This stuff happens all the time here in canada . I live out in the boonies and i can promis you if anybody tried any thing on me they would would be severly attacked as I do walk with either my dog or my neighbores dog, I also have a small knife and will be upgrading it to a hunting knife in the next couple weeks.
  • Shes1CraftyMama
    Shes1CraftyMama Posts: 152 Member
    I wonder what the stats are on justifiable homicides/shootings. You always hear gun nuts saying how they need to carry guns but never hear much about them actually using them to protect themselves.
    Take some time to look this up. It happens all the time but the media says nothing about it. Why...because it makes a much better story about the psycho killing 50 people with his gun, than the person killing the one psycho before they do it!

    Anyone hear of these stories? Nope....probably not.

    But I guess this stuff only happens in Iran.
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