Man to Man: A Support System for Men (part 2)



  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    No advice for the wife situation, it's tough, she's just gotta want to do it, and you can't make her.

    After working on this for 1-1/2 year with my wife I realize that a lot of times this is tougher for them than it is for us. We're big strappin' healthy guyz and lots'a times our stuff just works properly. There's an old Rosanne Barr joke "if a man wants to lose 5 pounds, all he's gotta do is skip lunch and take a crap" :laugh:

    My wife is far more selfless, more dedicated to calorie control, and more serious about her program than I am. She's about to pass 200 consecutive days logging in, and she counts grapes and tic-tacs and she never cheats. Works out when she can, not often enough 'cause of health problems... basically she's just doing everything right and her weight's been stuck for a $*%in' year. A year! If I weighed grapes for a year and didn't lose a pound I'd lose my mind...

    I honestly don't know how she does it. Is your wife having the same struggles? If she is all I can say is just be there for her man,,, it sux bad.

    ((We're seeing another quack next week, hoping to get hold of this. For some reason her body's not obeying the laws of thermodynamics,,, which is pretty amazing really. Interesting stuff,,,))
  • paullie_t
    paullie_t Posts: 23 Member
    what am I doing wrong?

    I decided to incorporate some strength training the last couple of weeks and ultimately needed to take almost 4-5 days off after fatiguing my quads so much that it hurts to stand up or sit down.

    I've tried these workouts on the previous Sunday or Monday nights:
    Dumbbell workout from Men's Fitness:
    Spartacus workout from Men's Health:

    In the Dumbbell workout, I did one full set at pretty reasonable weights and destroyed my quads. It took a full week to recover from this one workout.

    In the Spartacus workout, I used 5 lb weights and only did 10-15 reps on each exercise. I was able to almost complete 2 sets. I did this on Monday night and I am still reeling from this workout.

    I played a lot of baseball in high school and have pretty sturdy legs and I am not used to feeling this kind of pain. I am not an expert in weightlifting, but I have spent a good deal of time lifting weights, so I don't think that I'm out of my realm.

    I guess I was just trying to go too hard, too fast.

    Tonight, I would love to hit the Spartacus workout again, this time without weight, just too see if I can do it, however I think I am going to only end up being able to hit the elliptical trainer again, because my quads are still killing me.

    Any suggestions?
  • HOSED49
    HOSED49 Posts: 665 Member
    See how the elliiptical feels on your legs, but in your mind you will be thinking about the spartacus workout. Fun thing about any workout, if it gets to hurting too bad, stop, get some water, regroup mentally and find something not as taxing on that area to do or push through it. The spartacus workout is a butt kicker for sure and i do alot of crossfit type workouts! Here's another fun fact for ya, I do crossfit type workouts 5-6 days per week. Almost every workout involves bodyweight squats. So through the week I probably do 500 to 900 squats. So the next week we incoporate lunges for one day. Legs are screaming the next two days just for introducing a new exercise. So it doesnt matter your background, if you throw something new into your routine, you should definintley feel the difference!
  • paullie_t
    paullie_t Posts: 23 Member
    I don't feel the pain when doing it, which was why I was able to get through 2 sets.

    It hits me like a truck the next day though.

    A trainer at my office says that I should roll out my quads with a rolling pin and that would reduce the pain as well as stretch out the muscle for future sessions.
  • wjassell
    wjassell Posts: 104 Member
    DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) is what you are experiencing It is normal for someone who trains hard when they change routines. You should read the wikipedia article on it.
  • onwisconsn
    OK, I just have to write what is a situation I am sure many/most of you have encountered. Since I lost the first 30-45 lbs, people at work (I'll say 15-20) have come up to me and complimented me on the weight loss. Talk about positve reinforcement.

    Then, most of them have asked me what my secret was, with excitement in their eyes. When I proceed to tell them that I have been following the recommendations of myfitnesspal - ie. being aware of what and how much I eat, exercising more, and drinking tons of water, I can see the dissapointment in their faces. These people honestly thought that there was a secret "easy" trick, even though every weightloss product out there says in their materials "with proper diet and exercise." It used to surprise me, now it just amuses me.

    OK, just thought I would share something funny
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Yep, very common. Seen it many times. "What's your secret?" - "the only thing that really works - diet & exercise"... Ohhh :frown: :frown: :frown:
  • ccgisme
    ccgisme Posts: 239 Member
    what am I doing wrong?

    I decided to incorporate some strength training the last couple of weeks and ultimately needed to take almost 4-5 days off after fatiguing my quads so much that it hurts to stand up or sit down.

    I've tried these workouts on the previous Sunday or Monday nights:
    Dumbbell workout from Men's Fitness:
    Spartacus workout from Men's Health:

    In the Dumbbell workout, I did one full set at pretty reasonable weights and destroyed my quads. It took a full week to recover from this one workout.

    In the Spartacus workout, I used 5 lb weights and only did 10-15 reps on each exercise. I was able to almost complete 2 sets. I did this on Monday night and I am still reeling from this workout.

    I played a lot of baseball in high school and have pretty sturdy legs and I am not used to feeling this kind of pain. I am not an expert in weightlifting, but I have spent a good deal of time lifting weights, so I don't think that I'm out of my realm.

    I guess I was just trying to go too hard, too fast.

    Tonight, I would love to hit the Spartacus workout again, this time without weight, just too see if I can do it, however I think I am going to only end up being able to hit the elliptical trainer again, because my quads are still killing me.

    Any suggestions?

    Hey Paullie -

    The DOMS comment is right on. Did you ease into these routines, or did you decide to walk into the gym and be Spartacus on day one? The week after I played my first game of flag football I could barely walk - just from going from easy jogging intervals to sprints and from straight line running, to cutting, etc. Your body will adapt, it's just going to hurt for a while. Be sure you are giving your muscles adequate rest at least 48 hours between workouts that tax the same muscle groups.

    Be sure to incorporate stretching into your workouts - stretch before you work out and stretch between sets.

    And drink plenty of water! Take your weight, divide it by 2 and that's how many ounces you should shoot for in a day. For each hour you work out, add 10 ounces. Sounds like a lot, but proper hydration is one key to recovery. (A balanced diet and adequate rest are the other two.)

    Good luck!
  • jruizuk1
    jruizuk1 Posts: 3 Member
    I was thinking of starting a 4 week challenge for men as I am going to need both a challenge (I am a competitive kind of guy) and encouragement. Anyone interested?
  • gr8dad1975
    gr8dad1975 Posts: 338 Member
    I was thinking of starting a 4 week challenge for men as I am going to need both a challenge (I am a competitive kind of guy) and encouragement. Anyone interested?

    The Man to Man Forum is always up to a challenge. What did you have in mind? :huh:
  • ccgisme
    ccgisme Posts: 239 Member
    I was thinking of starting a 4 week challenge for men as I am going to need both a challenge (I am a competitive kind of guy) and encouragement. Anyone interested?

    The Man to Man Forum is always up to a challenge. What did you have in mind? :huh:

    @jruizuk1 - You're leaving us hanging mate, what's your idea for a challenge?
  • CaptainJim157
    Hello Guys!

    Just wanted to see how everyone is doing. :happy:
    I have a busy schedule this week, so hopefully it'll be easy still to stick with logging stuff in, (have lots of app. and such)
    Anyways, I've noticed since I lost the weight so far (only about 8 lbs, but hey, better than nothing!) that my TS & anxiety disorder have been improving, and I also found out today that I enjoy bike rides, I mean, REALLY enjoy them, I went for a 30 min one about an hour ago, and burned 311 cal! :wink: That was really neat to see how many I burned, and that I actually like to do it too, I think I found my new exercise to do :p
    Anyways, hope everyone is well! Cheers! ^^
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member
    Well, Maybe I have found my "happy medium" :)

    Up 2 pounds this week to where I was 2 weeks ago. So far in the past 4 weeks I have just been gaining and losing that same 2 pounds :)

    With that said, even after my modified 300 today, I did my normal hour on the elliptical and got the best distance I have ever achieved at 6.38! So even though my weight went up slightly, I still achieved a good milestone.

    My 300 for today (I hope I do not annoy everyone with my check-ins but it helps me stay accountable):
    25 Bodyweight Rows
    25 24" Bench Jumps
    25 Push-ups
    15 each arm 35lb Dumbbell Clean and Press
    25 Floor Wipers
    25 Bodyweight Rows
    25 Bodyweight Squats
    2 Pullups :(
    2 sets of 15 @ 150lbs on Nautilus Ab Machine
    then 1 hour Elliptical (Distance - 6.38)
  • ccgisme
    ccgisme Posts: 239 Member
    I hope I do not annoy everyone with my check-ins but it helps me stay accountable

    Not at all. I think holding each other accountable was in Gr8dad's charter for the forum! :wink:

    Your check ins are also a nice prod to remind me I need to be more consistent with strength training and not so focused on cardio. Keep up the good work!
  • onebeer
    onebeer Posts: 36
    Hi all

    Think I have hit another plateau, (190) - can get 3 below to 3 above on any given day. Problem is motivation is waning slightly - hence typing it up on here to try and get myself going again. Still cycling 3-4 days a week, but have cut back on using the x-trainer on the other days so much. Keep finding other things to do to stop me from going on it. Not sure how the kids summer holidays are going to affect this, but am in need of a real kick us the *kitten*!

    Really got to get back on it - half marathon planned in October, but I havent ran for a month, not too good - but, am looking for a 100 mile bike ride to do.

    Anyways, have fun all
  • gr8dad1975
    gr8dad1975 Posts: 338 Member
    I hope I do not annoy everyone with my check-ins but it helps me stay accountable

    Not at all. I think holding each other accountable was in Gr8dad's charter for the forum! :wink:

    Your check ins are also a nice prod to remind me I need to be more consistent with strength training and not so focused on cardio. Keep up the good work!

    @ gale_c

    You make me proud brother!!! :wink:
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    I just found this posting and figured I'd stop in for a quick peek. Needless to say I think I'll be staying. Everyone needs a little support. Nice to see all the dudes helping each other. I am currently on week 4 of P90X. Tough one. I completed Power 90 series before I started P90X. No way was I going to jump right into P90X. I went from sedentary to P90X in 6 months. 265lbs down to 215 and dropping. P90X, I hate it, but I love it! Hope to get to know you guys!
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Took down my ticker, tired of looking at it.

    I'm on maintenance now, working on fitness when I can, mostly concentrating on other stuff nowadays. I still weigh every morning, and I still get a start if the scale creeps above 205 - but I seem to be able to knock it back down pretty easily. Lifelong process,,,

    I'm still here. Still logging most of my chow and using MFP to keep myself honest. Usually log in the first 3/4 of the day, so I fix supper knowing I have 800 left or whatever and then just cook & eat accordingly but I don't bother to log back in. If the scale ever says 210 again I know what to do and how to do it.

    Not leaving, I'll still be around and posting etc.etc. Just a little less religious about the program, and not exercising so much right now. Maybe this fall I'll get busy again. I guess I'm taking a semi-break.

    Endeavour to persevere gentlemen.
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member
    I still want to lose some but like Casper said, I am just watching it and really trying to hit my fitness goals. I am between seasons on officiating and my sister said she is wanting to walk in the afternoons so I am going to try that this afternoon. We did 4 miles Sunday afternoon which was good because I had a bad weekend food-wise and I normally skip Sundays.

    I think I like the idea of fitness goals now instead of weight goals.
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    JUst a quick howdy. I am busier than a puppy with 2 peckers but just wanted to check in.
