

  • mookiemoomoo
    mookiemoomoo Posts: 53 Member
    :flowerforyou: well i did it again at the gym and burned 587 calories . moms birthday tomorw and we having a party for her pie and pea super and choclate cake . i can hear you all gasp . i have added it already and got to do wii fit before work to make up for this , i dont eat like this at all . but i dont think it will hurt just this once do you . loved the posts about the cats and dogs lol . i cant remember all your names yet to reply i think its barb who as the dogs are they ****zu you have ? i have a little****zu to called daisy dimple . got tp go now things to do im also reading new moon some one is reading it to on her cant wait to see eclipse . by the way i lost a pound :bigsmile:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    :flowerforyou: well i did it again at the gym and burned 587 calories . moms birthday tomorw and we having a party for her pie and pea super and choclate cake . i can hear you all gasp . i have added it already and got to do wii fit before work to make up for this , i dont eat like this at all . but i dont think it will hurt just this once do you . loved the posts about the cats and dogs lol . i cant remember all your names yet to reply i think its barb who as the dogs are they ****zu you have ? i have a little****zu to called daisy dimple . got tp go now things to do im also reading new moon some one is reading it to on her cant wait to see eclipse . by the way i lost a pound :bigsmile:

    Hi Mookie--

    If you spell the dog breed name in its correct form you won't get censored by the website. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Yes, I do have a Shih tzu, and a Lhasa Apso, and a Yorkshire "Terror"-AKA "The Three Little Pigs":laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Post a pic of "Daisy Dimple, if you can. Congrats on the pound lost.

    Jackie, your rabbit story was hilarious. Told it to my parents, and they had a good laugh too.

    BTW, I recommend that you STOP with the cod liver oil already!! Due to all the garbage that is in the ocean, cod liver oil is loaded with mercury and other poisons that you don't need to ingest. You can still get all the benefits of fish oil without taking cod liver. Get a pharmacuetical grade fish oil. I am not sure what is available in the UK, but I can go online and research some brands, if you would like. This is not the cheap fish oil you can buy in the nearest pharmacy. That type also has lots of impurities in it.

    I am only on here for a sec, so see you all later.

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Mookiemoo: Way to go on the pound lost! And enjoy your Mom's birthday. Good for you for planning your treats in advance!

    Jeannie: That is great about the smaller shorts...not so great about the rocks and dunks. Glad you are all ok and that it was still fun! Loose clothing and smaller sizes are things to celebrate for sure!

    Wishful: I love Chinese fringe plant and put some in here several years ago. Unfortunately, It didn't do too well because it turns out that our well, which we use to irrigate the property, has some salt content. (We live on the coast) Chinese fringe does NOT tolerate any salt in the water, so it went bye bye. You should do well, however, as I see it doing really well in other areas near me who don't have salt. Where do you live? Good luck. I think they are lovely.

    Lots of funny stories this weekend! Thanks for the chuckles:laugh:

    DH should be getting home soon. I have done well this past week while he was away. It is a nice way to focus on simple foods and extra exercise. I am not as tempted with the wine that he enjoys each night or the cheeses, nuts, etc. STILL...I am ready for him to be home. I have a huge bunch of fresh veggies to cook for us. He doesn't do the best with that when away so he will enjoy them. Me too!

    I notice when looking in some folk's food diaries that they are much more detailed with their food entered than I am. I often just click something close to what I have eaten, with the same calories but not the same brand, or other things, just to be fast. Also, I tend to round up some calories and not enter every little carrot or other low cal vegetable that I eat. (I put lots of left over roasted vegies in eggs, pocket sandwiches, etc.) I know that keeps my sodium and other specs off, but it seems to take so much time to fill out. I always cook with low sodium broths, deli meats, etc. so I would guess I am under whatever MFP says unless I eat out. Oh well. Not a big deal I would guess.

    Happy rest of the weekend, all! Glad you are all here, Kackie:heart:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    My horse story:

    I was driving home one day from a camping trip and came upon a very skinny horse walking down the road. He shoes were on sideways so when he walked his right shoes cut into the inside of his left legs. His skin was hanging on bones and his fur was gone. Being the dog lover that I am, I just happened to have a dog leash under the front seat. I caught him and used the leash as lead and drove home with him walking next to the passenger window and me holding my arm out hanging on to the leash.

    Turns out some people bought him for their grandchildren were only there for the summer and they set him free thinking he would do OK on his own. I ended up keeping him (how many of you are surprised at this?). Now, to the story...........................

    3AM my phone rings and it is my neighbor. "Do you know where your horses are?" he asked. My answer was "Obviously, they are not in the pen or you would not be calling me."

    Ranger had picked the lock on the horse pen, opened my neighbor's gate to his yard, then opened both the door to his garden shed and the gate to the garden. It was only when Ranger was opening the gate next to my neighbor's bedroom window that he got caught. He was holding the latch in his mouth while he was kicking the gate with his leg.

    Ranger and Lou ( my other horse) had eaten all the seeds, birdseed and striped the fruit trees and were on their way to some place else. It took the neighborhood to catch them as Ranger woke up more and more people trying to evade capture. He was breaking into every gate and yard he could pick the lock on.

    Which explains how he got out of the pasture his previous owner had left him in when he ran out of food. Which led to me finding him in the first place.

    I had to buy all my neighbors new locks that were more horse resistant than the ones they had. Ranger and Lou lived to be quite old for horses and lived out their lives on pasture when a rich old lady bought them from me when they got too old to ride. She rode at the stable where I worked weekends at the time and loved hearing about their adventures and use to ride Ranger instead of a rental horse. She spoiled them and had dead bolts installed on every stable door and key locks on every gate.

    Have a great evening everyone,

  • tcac
    tcac Posts: 211 Member
    Kackie, Before I forget we used the coffee recipe and it was a huge success.
    Shower was so beautiful. DD#1 had everything decorated beautifully. The other 2 girls in charge of games did a wonderful job. One game they played was they had called Keving before and had him answer 24 questions and then Melissa had to answer then the way he had. For every question she got wrong she had to put a piece of gum in her mouth. I t was really funny and she had a lot of gum in her mouth.
    We had 9 children attending and DD#1 had a special Children's table and for their centerpiece she had bouqets of lolly pops so that was a big hit. Adults said it was the first shower they attended with a children's table and really enjoyed it.
    Melissa got so many thoughtful and wonderful gifts. This is kind of silly, but when I turned around and saw that she had arrived and she was just glowing. DD#1 had bought her a beautiful dress to wear and when I looked at her it was like being taken back and I was thinking "Oh my, she is a bride" and for some reason I teared up. Silly, but as a mother, I still seem surprised that they are young women now.
    She was up here a little while ago and said how much fun she had. So it was a success.
    If any of you lived in Pittsburgh I would give you the name of the catereer to make sure you never use her. I do not want to go into all the things she did suffice to say she will not know what it is to have repeat customers. Not only was she unprofessional and 2 hours late (with no apology) but every bit of the food was cold and tasted terrible. The one thing I went over again and again with her was the fact that I wanted individual tarts and pies especially chocolate as that was Mellisa's favorite. She brought no tarts on very stale brownies and some lemon things that you could not eat. We ended up after the shower throwing all food away. She did not bring half of what she was supposed to bring and what she did bring you really could not eat. A couple of people actually said that sometimes there might be one or two things that tasted bad but with this lady there was not one thing that was edible. I am going to write to the lady who recommended her . I am trying to find a way to let her know that I in no way blame her, but she will not want her name associated with this lady. One guest told me that DD#1 went outside and asked her if she was going to apologize to me for being late and this lady was screaming and swearing at my daughter. The other guest said she went out, because she thought this lady was going to hit Amanda. I am glad I missed that. I was determined to not let this ruin the day for me of Melissa. My husband ran out to a bakery and bought some little cakes so we at least had some dessert to feed out guests. I have never experience anything like this. I had paid her up front for the whole thing, so there really is nothing I can do. Just move on and be glad I will not ever have to deal with her again.
    I ended up having 6 extra people show up and stay with us for the week end. I am now exhausted after cleaning and cooking for this much company I am ready for bed.
    I will try and read all the posts soon, but I am going to bed. I do not like starting a work week this tired. Hopefuly I will get a long bike ride in this week.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    I am sorry this inconsiderate clod made a mess of your special day, but I am glad you were able to still find some enjoyment, and enjoy your daughter.

    As for the "Caterer from Hell's Kitchen"--There IS something you can do. I know you are in PA, but things can't be that different in your state than out west. Investigate the possibility of suing her in small claims court. You should have no trouble obtaining statements from your guests to support your claim--especially about her treatment of your daughter. She should not be allowed to keep dime one of what you paid her after such a shameful display. In addition, there should be some sort of licensing oversight since she is in food prep. I would find out what agency is involved in it, and register a complaint there.

    Also, don't forget to file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau in your area. If it were me, I would make it my personal business to publicize what lousy service she provides. Another thing you can do is go to a website like "yelp"--they allow you to write reviews about local businesses, and they, in turn, are read by other people.

    As you might guess, I am not a good person to tick off, as I can think of all kinds of ways to even the score:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: --all legal and effective too.

    Good luck!!!

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member

    I am sorry this inconsiderate clod made a mess of your special day, but I am glad you were able to still find some enjoyment, and enjoy your daughter.

    As you might guess, I am not a good person to tick off, as I can think of all kinds of ways to even the score:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: --all legal and effective too.


    My thoughts exactly. We think alike Barb.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hey Robin,

    You know what they say about "great minds?" :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • farr2fun
    farr2fun Posts: 15
    Joined MFP a few weeks ago. I've been keeping my food and exercise diaries daily for about 3 weeks now. I'm 50 now and would rather change what I eat than begin to have to depend on meds. In the past 3 weeks, I've lost 8 pounds. More importantly, I'm getting back to regular exercise each day. Love how fast it is to look up nutritional info on this site.
  • Erica_q
    Erica_q Posts: 41
    Once, again, it's the end of the day. I finished my food diary and thought I'd check this out before doing dishes and getting ready for bed.

    Rjadams - thanks for the link about the apple cider vinegar. I may have to give it a try. I don't think I have any, but I'll check my cupboard. It certainly couldn't hurt to try it. I meant to have some fresh fruit for dessert, but succumbed to the oreos. :frown: .

    I love all the animal stories. I have two cats, but no funny stories to tell. I, also, enjoyed the "hare" spray story and the ladies lunch. They all brought smiles to my face. Thanks for putting a little sunshine in my day, even if it is the end of the day. :happy:

    I didn't walk today, but I figured since I've walked every day this week, I could skip today. I did well on my eating, even though I did have the oreos. Tomorrow's my first weigh-in day since joinging the site. Hopefully, I'll have a loss to share. Wish me luck.

    Not much else going on today. I'll check in tomorrow.
  • Maywin
    Maywin Posts: 12 Member
    Hi Linda, I'm sorry that caterer was so terrible:mad: . I agree with the others here who suggest sueing. I don't know how it works in US, but in England you could definitely sue especially as you have so many witnesses.
    I'm so glad you managed to get some cakes and have a wonderful time anyway. We don't really have bridal showers here much, but it sounds like fun. The special table for children was a great idea.
    Have a good week
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello ladies.

    Just a quickie this morning as I'm about to take my step-grandson off to the park before we go to my dad's. Bobby was as good as gold last night and even slept late (which meant I had time to go on the treadmill before he got up). It's the first time he's stayed over with us, so I'm pleased he was ok.

    Still got a big, tender bump on my head but the headache is a lot less now. Hopefully it will be all better by tomorrow.

    Jeannie, I love the story of your horses. Although, how awful that he was originally abandoned. People are so horrible sometimes.

    Linda, I'm glad that the shower went well. I can't believe your caterer! You really do need to take it further. She should not be allowed to get away with substandard service like that. I believe in fair treatment and you should definitely get your money back. Good luck.

    Erica, good luck with the weigh in. Let us know how you get on.

    Well, I'll be back on later and catch up with you all then. Have a good day.

    Amanda x
  • laniv
    laniv Posts: 106 Member
    Another pound lost! Yes!
    I had a great day, yesterday. We spent the day at my youngest brother's house. He and his wife both reached goal weight on Weight Watchers, so the food was perfect for weight-conscious people. I chased my nephew and niece around the house - so much fun! How many calories did I burn? Who knows?

    My sister-in-law told me that the key was understanding that keeping the weight off meant a lifestyle change, not a diet. So smart! She is building exercise into her day, eating lots of vegetables, and collecting low-calorie recipes. For example, for dessert she had angel food cake with fresh berries and low calorie raspberry syrup. Yum! If she can do this while working full-time, caring for two children under the age of six, and managing household responsibilities, then I can too.

    Amanda, I'm really impressed by your weight loss. I'm sure your health has improved tremendously.

    Erica - Good luck with the weigh-in. With so much exercise, I'm sure you'll see some results.

    Farr2fun - I agree with you. You get some great information from this site.
  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    An early evening ...Hi! .... to you all out there.....

    :explode: I am a bit peeved to say the least today .....
    1) ....the scales still said 154lb today
    2)....the social workers and occupational therapist assessment/ review threw up a few obstacles for my mum's respite stay.
    3) ...I feel like a general dogsbody today:sad:

    :sad: The care home can see problems with mum staying in the "Normal" residential side and feel's that she needs to stay in the EMI unit where the staff ratio is higher. She really does need to be watched a lot. So.....we need to have another assessment done by the district nurse because she needs an air mattress, cot sides etc. Also she doesn't know she broke her hip and can't stand.... and also from the Psychiatric nurse. Then....go back to the home and see if they do in fact have a place for the dates we need. If yes ...the Social services panel needs to approve it ...again ...because the cost is higher ...If no place is available in the first home they'll ask the next one on the list etc....that home will then have to assess mum to see if she's able to go there.
    I did have some hair at the begining of the day but probably be bald by tonight!!! I think I need that tin of "rabbit" spray!!

    Anyway ...off to Zumba tonight! ..perhaps by tomorrow I'll be a few ounces lighter? Any bets?

    Off now
    :heart: Jackie
  • rfsahae
    rfsahae Posts: 68 Member
    Hello All
    I'm back after almost three weeks traveling in Europe. Glad to be back exercising and eating the right foods. You may enjoy my blog post about the experience I had in a Munich supermarket when I wanted to buy an apple. Hope everyone is enjoying their summer and the opportunities it brings for some different exercising. (I swam to an island, can't even believe it). Now I'm working on losing the 2.5 pounds I gained during my travels. :wink:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    After a little searching, I found your blog post. It was hilarious, and congrats on solving your apple purchasing problem in a creative way that benefitted others.

    There doesn't seem to be any easy way to find someone's blog on here, which seems odd. I looked for a link in the obvious places, like your profile or my home page. No link on the homepage, but fortunately, their was a reference in the newsfeed chatter about your blog post, so I found it from there.

    For the first time in about 2 weeks Mai Li slept through the night-no getting up at 3am to go outside on the patio and bark until I get up and let her back in. She will go "out" the doggie door, but seems to have trouble at that hour with the concept of "in.":noway: :laugh: :laugh:

    So there I am, thinking about how nice it was to sleep uninterrupted all night, and while I am in bed, the DOORBELL rings!! I have been battling with the landscaping contractor who manages our sprinklers to get it through their heads that in the summer, people who have back yards don't want the sprinkled in the evening when they might want to use their patios and backyards. You would think a simple request--change the timer so the sprinklers start later in the evening--wouldn't require that much explanation, but so help me, a landscaper employee knocked on my door to tell me he was going to change the sprinklers to start at 9:30p!!! :noway: :explode: THAT is even EARLIER than when they now come on!

    So I stood their, behind my door, as I was not dressed yet, and with it ajar, patiently explained, for the THIRD time, why they needed to come on LATER than 10:45p. I am getting really tired of having to take the dogs outside on leash in the front because the backyard is getting drowned at the time they want to go out just before bed. I think we FINALLY have it fixed, so we will see tonight!!:drinker: :drinker:

    Well, I need to get a movin.' It is cloudy this morning and I want to get my walk in early so I don't have to deal with sunscreen.

  • Erica_q
    Erica_q Posts: 41
    I lost 1 pound this week! Yeah! :happy: I walked this morning and have planned my meals for the day, so I'm happy. I have my list of things to do, so I'm hoping it will help me keep the night time snacking to a minimum. I did well yesterday, except, of course, for the oreos. I have apples with a little cinnamon on them planned for dessert tonight. I'll let you know if I stick with it.

    Laniv - congrats on your lost pound! Aren't you lucky to have family doing Weight Watchers. It makes it easier when you visit them.

    Jackie - I'll keep you and your mum in my prayers. That has to be very stressful for you. I hope everything works out well.

    Well, I just wanted to check in this morning and let you all know about my success. I'll probably check back tonight before heading off to bed. Have a great day, everyone!


  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    It's Monday afternoon and I'm just now getting to reading all the postings since Friday:cry: There are 12 pages and I'm only at the start of page 9....this is going to take some time so I will post and then finish reading as I have time. Maybe by Wed I will be caught up with all that's been going on:wink:

    :flowerforyou: Welcome to all the newbies and boy are there a lot of them. This is a great place to get encouragement, laughter, support when things go wrong and some great friends that we all have a common thread in wanting to get fit and healthy in our Great 50's!

    Thank you everyone for the welcome to Eli. Yes, babies are so much fun and being Grandma is a lot more fun than Mom!:wink: Saturday when DIL #2 was coming home from the hospital I volunteered to keep Noah and we played outside until the thunderstorms chased us in and I put him in the tub to continue his water play. I think he really had a good time because I kept his bucket full of water and it didn't matter how wet he got:laugh:

    Because of how busy we were last week and only being a 4 day work week I didn't get myself into a strong drink all the water mode or watch what I was eating as closely as I should have, so my weigh in on Saturday I had gained 2/10 of a lbs, so I didn't even log it in. I'm already being better today.

    The good / fun part of the weekend (outside of seeing Eli and getting to play with grandsons) is that my Hubby and I did a 4mile bike ride around Cherry Creek Reservoir and I wasn't all that tired and had no "sore" muscles to wake up to this morning. So I guess that means I need to up my exercise tonight in the basement and see what new heights I can climb:wink:

    My next posting I will tell you about the strange conversation I had with my Mom yesterday, it was so strange I'm still not sure I understood what she was talking about:huh:

    It sounds like a lot of you had a good week and are making positive strides. Let's keep it up and continue to fight off those unwanted lbs:drinker:

  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    Greetings all and welcome to newcomers!!! After having had house guests from early AM on June 20 through about 7:30 last evening, I feel I am emerging from the netherworld. Hoping to jump right back in and get right back on track. Didn't actually do too badly but did have a stretch where I wasn't logging food/calories or getting regular exercise at all. So, back at it today.

    Hope everyone has a good day. Linda, sorry to hear about the caterer-from-hell for DD's shower...Congrats Jeanie on the the size 10 shorts (I agree...I would SO love a bold option on here!)...Loved the cat/dog/horse stories and Jackie's jokes. It's good to be back. Have a good day all and will try to read, post, log and exercise regularly (at least until August 16 when my next out-of-tow company arrives...REALLY looking forward to them coming!!).
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Evening everyone:drinker:

    :smile: My first day back at work after my week off and I had what I can only describe as a "blonde moment":laugh: I scanned a few medical reports into a programme we call OPAS, broke off for lunch came back from lunch and I couldn't scan anything else in :noway: I tried for almost an hour, I checked that the scanner was working etc. I then raised a ticked with our IT people and thought I'd better give the company a ring that installed it. Explained to the young man what I was doing, he said he'd talk me through it - it was then that I realised that I had been doing it wrong :embarassed: Yes I know in the hour that I had for my lunch I "forgot" how to scan a document, I had been clicking on the wrong button for over an hour. It must be an age thing :bigsmile: I then had to cancel the ticket I'd raised with our IT people, I couldn't quite bring myself to write 'problem solved operator error' on the update (I felt foolish enough as it was) so I left it at 'problem solved'. Hope I'm more with it tomorrow.

    :flowerforyou: Jackie I'm sure I've read somewhere that it is harder to lose weight if you are under stress, so that is maybe what is holding you back, you seem to be doing everything else right, keeping within your calores and you get plenty of exercise. It must be very stressful/frustrating for you with all the social workers and their different assessments. :frown: They should do a one off assessment and then when you have your dates for respite care they should know which homes are suitable for your mums needs and fit her in one of them.

    We've had rain all day today, I suppose the gardens have needed it, but I wish it would rain overnight :wink: I wanted to get some plants to put out on the patio on my next weekend off but I'm not sure what type to go for yet. I'll ask my dad as he's the gardener of the family he'll probably give me some cuttings, see if I can get them to grow :smile:

    :grumble: I'm cross with myself because I have eaten a slice (big) of iced madeira cake which I didn't really want, but it looked so nice and it called eat me eat me - I have no willpower! I've noticed that if I have the same old cakes/biscuits in the house, I can resist them, but if it is something new that I haven't had for a long time, my willpower goes out the window.:frown:

    I'll just have to get back on track tomorrow !


    Viv :heart: