

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Speaking of cat stories -- whenever PJ went to the vet's (even if it was for something really minor) he'd ALWAYS poop in the car. Never failed. We could be only 2 miles from the office, but then we'd get that "aroma". I don't know how many towels I've thrown out that he pooped on (I would wash the ones he just peed on). Vince puts a pillow on top of his "privates" when he goes to sleep so that if cats are playing (and running on him), he doesn't get hurt, or if Lexi decideds to "check for organs" (she kneads his stomach)

    Erica - I hear ya bout wanting chocolate. There are times when I MUST have a chocolate bar or I'll go out of my mind. I'll make these chocolate cookies, but make them REAL small, put them in the freezer and then just take one or two out when I have these urges. Can you maybe have just 1/2 of the chocolate bar? Lots of mfgrs make those "mini" candies. You usually can get them especially around Halloween but I've seen some year round. Remember, chocolate can be frozen. Maybe buy a bag, freeze it, then when you have those urges for chocolate, take a small one out. Satisfy your urge. Right now I have some of those chocolate cookies in the freezer and a few of the mint dark chocolate mini 3 Musketeers in the freezer. I don't dilute the apple cider vinegar with anything, and I usually only need a small amount (I'm talking a Tbsp or so). I'm not sure if distilled white vinegar would do the same thing. SuzyQ might know. But I can attest to apple cider vinegar. Someone on here also suggested having a little before going out to eat, I was skeptical but tried it. That really helped me not want to eat as quickly or as much. Honestly, I don't use the vinegar from the health food store, just the el-cheapo store brand. You know what works SOMETIMES for me (I admit, not all the time). If I have a piece of fruit first and then have the cookies. Many times I find that I don't want as many cookies. Congrats on your weigh in. That's the way to go!

    Something else that I do that gives me enough of a chocolate fix plus I drink at least 24oz of water so that fills me up (yup, that again). I make these muffins, take a box of low fat chocolate brownie mix, 3 cups of wheat bran, an egg, 1-1/2 cups of water. Mix it together, bake at 350 fo 30 min. Has 58 calories/muffin. The water fills me up and I get my chocolate fix

    barbiecat - next time you "talk" to Rose, tell her I'm thinking about her. Thanks for the update. Miss her.

    Barb/weaklink - I always wondered how to edit a quote so only the portion that I wanted was in the quote. It never came in the box for me, always was white. Now I know why! Thanks

    You know out of curiosity I weighed myself today. Now the WiiFit when I did the body test says that I gained a pound from yesterday, yet my bathroom scale says that I'm the same weight as yesterday. Wonder which is correct?

    Jackie - loved the restaurant story. Oh, and before I forget, happy (probably early) birthday! Do you have any special plans?

    Today (Sun) did Leslie Sansone's 5 mile fat burn workout. I'm amazed how much I sweated and drank water. I seem to drink so much water during my workouts. I see these people on the DVD's they don't have a water bottle next to them. Me? I can easily go thru one bottle. It's so hot that I think I'll do the deep water workout tomorrow.

    tiarapants/Amanda - thanks for the tip about hummus on the edamame. Now I just have to wait until Bryan doesn't eat all my hummus....lol Honestly, he bought some spinach and avacado hummus. He ORIGINALLY said he didn't like it, I thought it was pretty good. So I told him not to throw it out that I would finish it. Guess who finished it up? (hint: not me) Actually, I'll look for a recipe and maybe I can make a small amount. When you buy it in the store, you usually get so much. It's only me who'll eat it.

    jam/Jeannie - your rafting trip sounds so wonderful. WTG on being in the size 10 shorts!!!!

    tcac/Linda - so glad you had such a great time at the shower despite all the problems. Way to make lemonade out of lemons! You know, if it were me, I would certainly want to know about your experience. Who knows? Perhaps others have had the same experience.

    Welcome farr2fun! Being able to look up nutritional values is very handy. Also, being able to add your own is a big help. One thing I've found, tho, is that you sometimes really need to look to see which entry applies to you. The nutritional values differ from country to country, even from different parts of the country. Glad to have you!

    laniv - Isn't it just great to go eat at someone's house and know that what you're being served is healthy? One WW recipe that was told to me was take an angel food cake mix and instead of the water (and I think eggs), put in a 20oz can of crushed pineapple. Sometimes angel food cake can be so "bland", but this pineapple gives it just a bit of "zing".

    Jackie - what a hassle with your mum! I certainly don't envy you. Go to zumba and get that stress out!!!! You need it, girl.

    Welcome back rfsahane! Sure did enjoy your posts from Europe!

    It's really warm here so I did an hour of water workout. Tomorrow...pilates and then a toning class.

    Have a great evening everyone!

  • Wishful
    Wishful Posts: 618 Member
    Other than sodium, I have kept close to my calories today, AND burned over 300 calories! Yippee!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Something else that I do that gives me enough of a chocolate fix plus I drink at least 24oz of water so that fills me up (yup, that again). I make these muffins, take a box of low fat chocolate brownie mix, 3 cups of wheat bran, an egg, 1-1/2 cups of water. Mix it together, bake at 350 fo 30 min. Has 58 calories/muffin. The water fills me up and I get my chocolate fix

    This sounds so good! I'm going to try it soon! Thanks, Michelle! One question, though, how many muffins does this make? (I have the standard-size pans--12 muffin cups each.)
    Today (Sun) did Leslie Sansone's 5 mile fat burn workout. I'm amazed how much I sweated and drank water. I seem to drink so much water during my workouts. I see these people on the DVD's they don't have a water bottle next to them. Me? I can easily go thru one bottle. It's so hot that I think I'll do the deep water workout tomorrow.
    LOL! I've wondered that myself. I drink at least 1 bottle of water during a workout--I just don't see how they can go that long without drinking any! (Maybe they take breaks that we don't see.)

    I've been in a walking challenge and I'm pretty sure I'm not going to make my goal. I will next time, though! I'm sure it was the time I spent at the hospital with my dd when see had the baby that has kept me from making my goal. I'll take the sweet baby over my goal anyday!

    He's starting to be a lot more aware of what's going on around him and is starting to make those little baby 'cooing' sounds (when he's not demanding his dinner!)

    I have read all your posts but don't have time to respond in a more personal way. Welcome to all our newbies and everyone take care.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Welcome to Farr2fun, Erica_q, Maywin and anyone else new that I missed.

    Laniv & Erica_q – Congratulations on the pound loss.

    Jackie – I’m sorry you are having such a time of it finding respite. I agree with the other comments that it is probably stress that is keeping you from loosing weight. I hope Zumba helps you feel better today.

    I did good on calories and exercise today, but not on drinking water. I have been doing better than I usually do, but it is still not what it should be.

    Tomorrow we are going to the Y to swim and workout after I get out of work. I probably never mentioned this, but I'm a .75 FTE and that makes life a lot of easier. It give me wiggle room for the parents and the kids and errands. I think it is the only thing that keeps me sane.

    Happy Monday to all and here's hoping you all have a good day tomorrow.:drinker:

  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Had a lovely Sunday and Monday. Took my granddaughter, Olivia, with me to a new church on Sunday. Thoroughly enjoyed it although I noticed the entire worship team was female. That made me wonder. I called the church office today and found out that the worship team includes both men and women. I'm glad! I'd have a hard time with a church that expected women to be seen but not heard in church.

    Took Olivia to Vacation Bible School this morning. I'd say there were 200-300 kids there. Blew me away. They were so well-organized though. Olivia had about 10 other first graders in her group and 2 team leaders. While she was at VBS, Kate and I went to the gym. (Kate's too young for VBS.) I had a good workout and she loved her time in the Play Center. (It's amazing, with crafts, an outdoor play area, etc.) I had a moment of panic when I went to pick her up. I couldn't find her after looking in all the rooms twice. One of the helpers found her in the train play structure outside. I thought I'd looked everywhere. She was dressed in a princess costume though so maybe I just didn't recognize her. :wink:

    My son, Mark, and his fiancee picked out a ring today. He wanted to pick it out together so, when he proposed, he gave her a plumbing ferrule (a circular brass fitting) as a token. The ferrule made sense as he's a building contractor and often gives her little "gifts" from the construction sites. It was funny watching people's expressions when they saw her ring. "Oh," they'd say. "It's beautiful." :laugh: Then she'd tell them what it was! It's a good thing they finally picked out a ring. Her finger was turning green.


    Jeannie, congrats on the size 10’s. Wow and then some! :flowerforyou:

    I love all the stories. A laugh is always a good thing. The aging ladies (I passed that along via email), the hare, the horse, etc. I enjoyed every single one. :happy:

    Jackie, I’m sorry you’re having so many struggles with your mum and getting respite care. You’re wonderful to be there for her. :flowerforyou: I hope you get the break you need.

    Kackie, I’m with you. When I log, I often go with whatever food is closest to what I’m eating. Sometimes, I put a new food in but only if I think I’ll eat it again. It looks as though I eat all my vegetables raw, but that’s just how I measure them! :tongue:

    Linda, I’m glad the shower went well. It is amazing to see our kids grow up. :love: That coffee drink did sound yummy. You got the caterer from Hell. I’m with Barb and Robin when it comes to following up. (Barb, I don’t ever want to tick you off!) The caterer should be put out of business so she doesn’t inflict herself on more people. I can’t imagine how she’s stayed in business this long. :angry:

    Farr2fun, Erica, and Wishful, congrats on great progress. Laniv, you too! Your SIL is right on. :flowerforyou:

    Randy, I’m so glad to see your smiling face! :heart:

    Laura, you sound like you’re in such a good place. Being a grandma is the best! I hope everything’s ok with your mom.

    Michelle, I always have chocolate around and eat a little most days. Somehow, I’m not quite sure how, I can have it in the house and not have a problem with it. I usually aim for 100 calories or so. I like the bars that are exactly 100 calories. It’s a different story if I go somewhere and they have goodies sitting around. I am much more in control when I weigh and log. :drinker:

    Good night everyone. What a nice group of girlfriends! :heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :flowerforyou: Jackie, I loved the story of the aging girlfriends.:laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Amanda, I looked at Sally Arnup's bronze animals.....I can't decide which one of the dogs I liked best.

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie, congratulations on the size 10 pants...that is such a great accomplishment :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Linda, I'm so glad the shower was a success in spite of the food/caterer problems.......that just proves that the success of a party doesn't depend on what's on the table, it depends on who's in the chairs

    :flowerforyou: the new raised bed got finished on Friday while we were gone and it looks fabulous.....tomorrow we will begin putting the plants in (the daisies that used to be there and the pumpkin, sunflower, and marigold seedlings)....I can hardly wait.

    :flowerforyou: we're glad to have the animals home after being boarded for the weekend and I'm glad to be back to healthy eating :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • chicletgirl
    chicletgirl Posts: 113
    Hello everyone!!

    :bigsmile: Erica congratulations on your weigh in! I have mine tomorrow at the doctor's office. It's been a month in between my last weigh in and I am very nervous. Wish I could afford to buy my own scale so I could weigh in more often. The wait drives me crazy, but at least I will FINALLY know tomorrow.

    :flowerforyou: Everyone seems to be doing so well with their eating habits. I hope I can stay on the straight and narrow too! Don"t really have any cravings strangely enough. I used to be a severe sweet eater and 3 years ago chocolate was my enemy. Then my husband left me :brokenheart: and I had my year of being the walking dead :indifferent: . Nothing mattered, nothing tasted good and I didn't want to eat. But interestingly enough, I completely lost my cravings for chocolate!:noway: Never wanted again. Not even during my monthly time! Shock -a-roo!! Maybe because my ex became my new enemy and chocolate was no big deal now??:wink: Either way that year I lost weight, but gained it back the following year eating sweets, just not choclate ones.So I have been sweet free for 3 months now and feel fine. Something should be weird about that, but I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth, if you know what I mean.

    Figures, the day before my weigh in, I have the worst day with my food since I begun this trek! My son went to work this morning and about 10 am, called me with the news that his girlfriend went into labor and he was at the hospital right then. She was delivering 3 weeks early. So I didn't have time to plan my food for the day, because I was calling everyone and alerting them. It was her first child, so I took a shower grabbed a chicken pot pie and ate quickly, packed some pretzels and was ready and waiting for my ex to pick me up to take me to the hospital. ( I don't have a car anymore thanks to the divorce) Well he was late and it wasn't until 4 pm that he picked me up. So I put 2 low fat weiners in the microwave, cooked those quickly and ate them for my dinner right before he showed up. Oh, and a half hour before he did show up, the baby came! She was in labor for only 4 and a !/2 hours!:noway: My son has a baby boy named Robert, 7lbs and 19 inches long.

    I have never had a baby, baby, as my son was adopted and he had just turned three a couple of weeks before we received him. So this is my first baby! LOL You're not going to believe this, but when I got to the hospital all I could do was stare at this tiny looking doll like being, and think how precious it looked and fragile. My son was holding him like it was something he had done all his life. I just marveled at him. Now here's the thing you won't believe.....I couldn't hold him. I was petrified to hold him!! My son went to hand me the baby and I couldn't do it! I know what you all are thinking about me, like I am some kind of weird anomally, but I have had a phobia of babies since I was liittle and knew, if I were going to ever have a child I wouldn't give birth to one, but would adopt one. Then when I met my husband, I was willing to try and get past my phobia because I wanted his baby so badly! That was when we found out we couldn' have a baby. It's like something was telling me it wasn't meant to be. So we adiopted and I asked for a child 2 to 3 years old and got my son 2 months later.

    Now I have a baby in my life and he's so gorgeous. And I am scared to death.:smile: I'm going back tomorrow after my weigh in with my doctor and am hoping I can have the courage to hold my grandson. Isn't this the weirdest thing you have ever heard??!!:huh:

    Wish me luck. I'm really going to need it.:smile:

  • mookiemoomoo
    mookiemoomoo Posts: 53 Member
    morning ladies . well got a confession i did not do the wii fit mon am . so to make up for it going to the gym today got it all planned out what im doing ,

    :blushing: thought i had spelled it right barb lol will post a pick wed of daisy she is adorable . i also had a yorkie a few years back

    im having ladies problems and taken my pain meds yesterday and i was tripping i had to lie on office floor my head was floating i had to go home and moms party was all a dream , not taking them again will stick to cocodomal. it took while 3am for me to feel normal again wow :sick: do go to gyne next tues to see when next opp is :sad:

    on a happy note well done all ladies what are shedding the fat :bigsmile:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Happy Tuesday ladies.

    We have a grey and drizzly day here today. Much cooler too, which I'm grateful for, even though I have a washing machine full of wet bed linen that I wanted to hang out to dry. I absolutely refuse to use the tumble dryer in the summer.

    Michele, our cocker spaniel always used to poop in the car on the way to the vet too. We used to call it her 'motion motion'.

    Kathy, I'd rather spend time with a baby than trying to reach a walking goal too!

    Mimi, I loved the story of your son's temporary ring for his future wife!

    Mookie, I hope you are feeling better today. What on earth were the pain meds?

    Chiclet, I think it's good that you don't have scales at home. It's much better to not get hung up on the numbers and if you are being weighed on the same scales each time (at the doctor's) you know it will be a more accurate reading. Good luck with the weigh-in. Oh, and congratulations on Robert! I'm sure you won't be able to resist holding him before too long.

    Jackie, good luck with the respite care. Last year, when mum-in-law had to be moved from hospital to a nursing home, I had to take responsibility for finding a suitable one for her. She needs EMI care so that immediately cut the number of available homes by over fifty per cent. In the two weeks that I spent looking for a home, I visited more than thirty of them. Some of them were absolutely atrocious and others were merely ok. I think I managed to have a shortlist of about seven that were suitable and of those, I chose three for DH and bro-in-law to choose from. All along I knew which one was best, but I had to let the boys have the final decision as it was for their mum and I didn't want to be held responsible if something (god forbid) ever went awry. Anyway, they chose the home that I liked the best. It was also the most expensive (but you get what you pay for). We are self-funding, which is crazy when you think of it - all those years that mum-in-law paid her national insurance and she still has to pay upwards of £2k a week (yes, a WEEK!) The good thing is that she is in a lovely environment and the staff are second to none.

    My new iphone should be delivered today. I'm quite excited about it. The main reason I wanted to get it now is so that I will be able to use the mfp app when I'm away from home this weekend (yes, my name is Amanda and I'm a MFP addict!) I hope it works, otherwise I'm going to have to find somewhere with wireless. I'll take my little pink netbook with me anyway.

    Yesterday I had my step-grandson and I took him to Richmond Park for a good stomp before going to collect my dad. After about an hour, he said he was getting tired and he couldn't walk any further. So I told him to run! He told me it was like being in boot camp! He's ten, bless him and he just couldn't keep up with me.

    We then had to take my dad off to the hospital to see the cardiologist. He had an ecg and then we had a talk with his heart specialist. Nothing has been resolved except they are not giving him a pacemaker at this moment, although they will probably do it before the end of the year. I don't think my dad is any happier about this, but c'est la vie. Since his quadruple bypass, he has been totally convinced that every little twinge or ailment is connected to his heart - even when he has earache!

    When I dropped step-gs off with DD#1 yesterday evening, she opened the door and I couldn't believe how large she looks! She's halfway through her pregnancy now and is definitely in full bloom. Bobby immediately ran in and gave her a kiss and then kissed her tummy with two kisses, one for each of the babies. I was almost floating on air by the time I left. We have waited so long for grandchildren and my two daughters have been through such hell with IVF. DD#2 is going to have her eighth attempt at it later this year. It would be my dream come true if she could have a baby. They will have been married for ten years next month and they would make such amazing parents. Wow, I'm going to be such a sappy grandmother!!

    Time to expend some more energy in my home-gym. I want to do some more sit-ups - I bet the delivery guy arrives just as I'm in the middle of them!

    Have a happy and healthfilled day please.

    Speak soon.

    Amanda x
  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    A late good morning to everyone .....

    :sad: Could you hear the scream over in the U.S? ...The scales said ....154lb today. After all that Zumba..ing and being really good...I can't believe it! Never mind ...at least I haven't gained!

    Thanks everyone for your kind thoughts and support re. mum's care. Yesterday was quite a day ...mum has turned into Houdini I think. She has managed to take the buckle/clip off of the wheelchair lap strap. I thought I'd fixed it by sewing it to prevent her loosening it again. Think again Jackie....she managed to undo the other side too ...the clip is still fastened though!! just not attached to anything!:laugh: She also managed to take off the heavy bed sides bumpers which are velcroed together around the bed sides. One was on the floor this morning ...but it wasn't mum that did it. :noway: Teddy ...was it you???
    I'm on the look out for a big tangle of string for her to unravel for me ...keeping little fingers busy!!

    I nipped up to the hairdressers for a trim this morning and must now get rid of the fall out that's annoying me so much!!

    I do hope you're all having a good week so far. Before I go ...there was an article in our paper today that tells 50 ways to help slim, among them are:-

    5) Have a good laugh for 10 - 15 minutes a day. This will increase your weekly calorie consumption by 280 cals.
    16) drizzle on soy sauce - it interacts with receptors in our brain to tell us that we're full.
    20) A daily glass of red wine helps you stop putting on fat, especially around the middle. Resveratrol in the grapes inhibits the development of fat cells around your waist.
    23) Have more sex! ..burns 150 calories every 20 minutes...(How long????)...It boosts a hormone that increases your metabolism and lean muscle growth.
    26) Sip green tea. It contains a compound thatreacts with caffeine to boost fat oxidation and resting metabolism by 20%

    Just a few of the tips!:drinker:

    :explode: While I've been posting ...Mum has just dunked her hearing aid (The only one left) ...no...it's the right one! .....into her coffee.

    Aaaaaaarrrrgh! ...

    :heart: Jackie
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    It is 4 am, and I am still up from Monday night!!:noway: I attended a birthday party last night and didn't run fast enough to keep ahead of the carrot cake :ohwell: and there was some excellent grilled flank steak and corn on the cob also. I did have two helpings of salad. I should have avoided the Zatarain's Red Beans and Rice (sodium train wreck):grumble: but didn't) ---think Tuesday might be a "no weigh" day.:wink:

    Anyway I came home and started doing stuff online, research mostly, and listening to classical music--thank goodness for Music Choice on the cable system. Didn't pay much attention to the time until I came back on here to read a message I had received a notification about, and realized it was already "tomorrow" and I was :bigsmile: and a dollar short!!:ohwell:

    Some comments while I am thinking of them. Chiclet--I can totally relate to your lack of experience with babies. I am an only child. The only "children" I have had each possessed four feet and tailsI!! :noway: Amazingly, I have managed through my entire adult life to NEVER have changed a diaper. :drinker: :drinker: I don't think picking up doggie surprises from the lawn is quite the same thing!! :laugh: :laugh: I have looked at a few newborns through the years, but I always managed to avoid picking one up. Partly, it was not being comfortable, but mostly it was just not having strong "motherly" instincts where humans were concerned. Doggies and other animals I have always been a soft touch for. So if we are going to talk about "strange"---guess I just made you look not nearly as strange as you thought you were!!!:wink:

    I am finally feeling like it might be time for bed, so guess you can figure that I won't be on here very early today--well, on second thought, guess I already HAVE been!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Didn't see your post until after my previous one was sent. I guess your mom is giving new meaning to that old saying "lend me your ears.":laugh: :laugh: In her case, I guess it would be "lend me your hearing aids"--waterproof that is. Sorry she drowned 'em. :ohwell:

    I am fighting off getting my hair cut. I figured out my hair looks its best about 3 weeks after a trim, so in order to have the timing come out right for the end of September when I go to my cousin's daughter's wedding and see people I haven't seen in quite a while, I am extending the timing of the next haircut by two weeks, so things will come out right in September. I hope I can put up with it for another week. I am beginning to feel as shaggy as Pepper. He always looks like he just got out of bed--kinda disheveled.:bigsmile:

    After reading your calorie burning tips, I was sitting hear trying to come up with a joke involving soy sauce, wine, and sex, but I guess I AM tired--couldn't come up with anything. It is probably just as well.!!:wink:

    BFN :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:

  • mookiemoomoo
    mookiemoomoo Posts: 53 Member
    tiarapants :laugh: they was tramodol soooooo strong feel a right twit :blush:
  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    Have only scanned the lasts few posts...must admit I look for Jackie's as they alway give me a chuckle!! Bless you dear, you are a sweet daughter!

    Here after bragging yesterday that I hadn't done too badly I had a major meltdown last night. Decided it was a good night after church to indulge in my annual (that's right...I allow myself ONE per YEAR) Peanut Buster Parfait from Dairy Queen. Then I finished off a chicken strip and french fries from Texas Roadhouse and then made myself a S-More. Added to the diet shake I actually had for dinner it was a complete nightmare. However, today is a new day and emotionally I really do feel better. Off to deliver the altar flowers from church to a shut-in, get a haircut, go to the post office and meet brothers and a sister for sibling lunch! Salad is on the meal plan for today!!

    Have a great day all.

    P.S. I guess I should explain I was really missing the grandson and feeling bad over the "if only's" that never happened, and unhappy over the pain and heartache that did happen. I need to learn to leave the past in the past. I don't wallow in it all the time, but when I do, do I ever!!
  • laniv
    laniv Posts: 106 Member
    Good morning, Ladies.
    Yesterday was a lazy day for me. My husband was out until late because of an office evening event. I didn't plan my meals. I just ate what I wanted - cereal for dinner, tofutti bar for lunch. Surprisingly, I didn't go too far over my limit, but I'm not looking at the scale today.

    I'm back on track today. I planned out my meals for the day. I'll go for a bike ride later today, once the thunderstorm alert is over.

    Terri - Try to learn from the past, and bring the new lessons into your present. And give yourself some time. My prayers are with you.

    Jackie - I'm not so keen about the soy sauce, but the other ideas for weight loss sound great to me!

    Everyone else, thanks for your support. It helps to hear your ideas, your humorous comments, and reflections.
  • RedHairedChiliPepper
    Yesterday was such an out-of -sorts day that I didn't even want to post. All because of the **** scales. I logged in more miles last week ~ stayed within my calorie goals and the stinking LED showed a gain of 2 pounds. What the hey!?!? I can totally commiserate with mynyddisamrs. My son was quizzing me on my salt intake and he thinks that is what did it. I don't know. Dern thing made me mad! So, me and Leslie Sansone have been walking together in the morning before work and I will continue on.

    To all the new members of this family - you will be happy you found this support group. They are amazing.

    And a big congrats to all the new babies. The pictures have been gorgeous!!

    Have a great day, everyone.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Congratulations on all the grand babies we have coming on board this month.

    I am the youngest, so the first baby I held was my daughter. My son is adopted and he was almost 3 when we got him. After 3 doctors telling me I couldn't have kids we were planning to adopt and got a big surprise to find out I was pregnant. We forgot to withdraw our names from the adoption agency and four years later a birth mom picked us for an interview. We did not want to hurt her feelings and withdraw, so we went on the interview. Only 4 families accepted the interviews. The rest is history.

    Jackie - I am so praying for you with your mom. You have your hands full. Hang in there.

    At work, so have to go now.

  • Wishful
    Wishful Posts: 618 Member
    This has to be the busiest group ever!

    I jogged early today and went to town to run errands. All four of my men are out of the house today, so I can watch my calories more carefully until suppertime at least!:ohwell:

    Chiclet, hold the baby so you won't break your son's heart. If you don't want to hold Robert in your arms for very long, sit down and put him on your lap with his head at your knees and his feet at your tummy. Then you can just marvel at him up close and personal!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good morning all,
    So yesterday I finally went and had a physical since I turned fifty. I had my blood work done so i will let you all know when I know. I am pretty healthy, my blood pressure was very good and my resting heartrate was good(62) and there are no sounds or signs of my athsma in my lungs. Basically pretty boring.:indifferent: I do need to schedule the boob squish and then they want me to ge a screening baseline colonoscopy. :grumble:

    Umm that really scares me. the procedure sounds horrible:noway: . So somebody please tell me how bad it really is and give me the courage to schedule it. thanks.

    I have a feeling I will lose this week, I am really doing well and feeling good and the scale looks good on the unofficial front.

    chiclet - congrats on the new grandson, don't feel bad about being afraid to hold him, like Barb said we aren't all wired for mothery nuturey baby stuff. I have had kids and babies still kind of freak me out. (Maybe that's why I am not to anxious to be a grandmere):blushing:

    chillipepper & mynyssisamrs - just keep going it will eventually have the results, unfortunately we aren't linear beings and so many things factor into the scale fluxuations. Just keep going. you can do it.

    Barb - I hope you finally got some sleep. I haven't cut my hair in years so I can't relate to the shaggy thing.

    Mimi - glad you had a good time at the gym. I think you may be starting to enjoy it. :bigsmile:

    there are so many posts it is too hard to respond to all. I read them all everyday, I just don't post so consistently. Have an awesome day.

    I realized I am stalling. I really need to get on the treadmill but I am just not feelin' it yet. :tongue:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello Everyone!!

    I picked the WRONG night to have insomnia. After getting to bed at 4 am, I was awakened at EIGHT AM:mad: Today is Tuesday, so the pesky landscapers were here doing their weekly mowing. One bit of good news. The sprinklers didn't come on until after midnight, :drinker: :drinker: so I shouldn't have to do any more late night doggie walking at bedtime.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    As I expected after last night's dinner transgressions, I was up a couple of pounds, but I attribute it to sodium, so I am leaving things as they are for now.

    Chili Pepper, Don't get discouraged. Sodium is a pain, but keep your water consumption up, and if you are not already tracking sodium in your food diary, you can go in and change it anytime to make that change.

    Terri, Sorry you hit a rough patch, but think of how far you have come. In time, it will be a little easier to bear things, but in the meantime, don't beat yourself up for being human.

    I am trying to get up the energy to take the doggies out, but since the sun is now out, I think I will wait as Mai Li doesn't get far before wanting to rest when she is in direct sun, even if it isn't too hot, and Pepper is just about as bad. Bradley, on the other hand might be part camel (in addition to my theory that he is part goat--the food stealing, ya know:bigsmile:). Since camels can go on forever in the heat, that is why I have reached the conclusion. He just keeps trotting along, not even panting, and the other two are ready to fall over. It is still hard to believe that he is FOURTEEN years old. In dog years, that is about 98-and he just keeps on going!!:noway: :drinker: :drinker:

    Well, I have to figure out what is for lunch. I have some hardboiled eggs, so maybe I will have a couple of them with some hummus and eat some more blueberries.

