What is your TRUE reasons for wanting to get in shape?



  • Pjtexgal
    Pjtexgal Posts: 1
    Hi all. First time poster here! I want to get into shape because I am 50 years old and want to keep nastiness caused by being overweight away from me! I do cardio and strength training to stave off osteoporisis and when I have less weight on me, I don't have to take medicine for my GERD. I don't necessarily want to get "in shape" but I very definitely want to be healthy.

    I'm an old fart who doesn't want to feel that way!

    God Bless!
  • KisaraKaiba
    KisaraKaiba Posts: 59 Member
    Last fall, I was diagnosed with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. My liver was being damaged due to the fact that I was overweight and eating a very poor diet. My cholesterol was high too. I'm only in my early 20s!

    I didn't want to end up needing a liver transplant. The diagnosis was a huge wake up call that I really needed and that I was lucky to get sooner rather than later.

    I had yo-yo dieted throughout my teens and during college, but now I know this MUST be permanent. Maintaining a healthy weight and a healthy lifestyle is no longer an option for me - it is a mandate. I want to live a long, healthy life. :)
  • jennbme24
    jennbme24 Posts: 32 Member
    Also because for the first time in my life I want to love my body. I went thru a divorce 3 years ago after 10 yrs of marriage and two kids. It was a shot to my self confidence that I havent gotten back yet. I want to like myself again period! I also want to keep up with my 12 and 8 yr old boys who play every sport and love it when I get out there and play with them.

    And of course I want to rock a bikini and look smoking hot, its time to get out there and get a new man ha ha
  • wassergottin
    wassergottin Posts: 154 Member
    I want to be considered muscular, but skinny, and to have people comment that I should eat more. A bit weird, but the truth. I really want a flatter belly.
  • MamaC77
    MamaC77 Posts: 104 Member
    There are a few,

    Look good
    Feel good
    Have more energy to run around with my 3 kids
    To be able to spend more time with my husband while we do this together.
  • Bownzi
    Bownzi Posts: 423 Member
    I don't my my kids to have to carry a really heavy coffin when I die...LOL
  • MsKeelah919
    MsKeelah919 Posts: 332 Member
    I just want to feel beautiful, strong and capable...inside and out.
  • PandalynnKapri
    PandalynnKapri Posts: 17 Member
    After having a baby, I want to be healthy and fit for myself and my fam. Also, I can't fit into any of my clothes that I want to wear! :))
  • juanyjoanna
    juanyjoanna Posts: 36 Member
    My Son :)
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    Cause I like being HAF.
  • msuspartan10
    msuspartan10 Posts: 72 Member
    Self esteem. No amount of friends or family telling me I look skinny and look great makes me actually FEEL great. I need to see in the mirror how I want to be.
    I want to look great in my wedding dress some day.
    I want to be in good shape for when I get pregnant some day. Healthier for the baby and easier to get rid of the baby weight after.
    To keep him coming back for more :)
  • nzs110b
    nzs110b Posts: 56 Member
    look good naked.
  • Sweets1954
    Sweets1954 Posts: 506 Member
    My true reason for getting into shape is to reduce the amount of meds I am taking. I have found I am much more successful this time rather than all the times I "tried" to lose weight for other superficial reasons. I have a new husband and a new grandchild that I want to be healthy enough to spend time with both. And I want to look forward to the weddings of my children and more grandchildren to come!
  • cwaters120
    cwaters120 Posts: 354 Member
    to avoid the family "curse" in the health department (diabetes) and be a mother and wife my family can be proud to call their own. To be healthy enough to be there for my parents and family when they need me.
  • JacquiMayCrook
    JacquiMayCrook Posts: 308 Member
    I spent my early 20's as an overweight frump, and at my heaviest hit 14st (which at 5ft2 was quite large!). I slimmed down age 25 to 9st using weight watchers, but three kids and two failed marriages later I find myself verging on frumpy again. Having just remarried at age 44 the last thing I want to do is settle for frumpdom again. I'm too young to feel old and frumpy!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,022 Member
    There r many reasons but it#1 is I was sick and tired of being sick and tired, ( fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and hypothyroid also high blood pressure and high chlesterol) after losing 112 lbs I feel likeni have my life back A LOT less pain, my blood pressure is actually low now and chlesterolnis now normal
  • Lalasharni
    Lalasharni Posts: 353 Member
    I got replacement knees. Dont wanna go through THAT again!
  • candymara
    candymara Posts: 49
    Of course I want to lose weight to look like my old self- feel pretty again, be healthy and live longer for my family

    But I have another reason too..

    Well, I got married last september. And I wanted to walk down the aisle at my wedding- obviously, what girl doesn't? So I began seeing a physical therapist. I wanted them to make me a leg brace that would allow me to walk. I have been in a wheelchair for 8 years since my son was born in 2004. I had an epidural during the delivery (needle in the spine for pain control), and I haven't walked since.

    I use a wheelchair daily. can't walk full time in a brace without destroying my pelvic area because I am paralyzed from hip to toe- when you can't step, you can't walk. I do have a crappy brace that lets me hobble around in emergencies, and that's what I ended up using to walk down the aisle. But anyways, back to the story - So I see this therapist who tells me "omg, I heard about this amazing new technology that would be perfect for you! You wouldn't have to use a wheelchair anymore, you could actually walk! Like everyday, permanently, WALK!" SO I was over the moon! She began to make casts of my leg to get me started on this wonder brace.

    Weeks go by, and I haven't heard back. So my mom and I both call to check in. She isn't there, we leave a message. Months now go by and I still haven't heard from her. It's getting close to the wedding and I'm beginning to panic because I want to practice walking in this brace so I don't look like an idiot on my wedding day. Finally I get ahold of her.

    She tells me I'll have to use my old brace- the one for emergencies only- at the wedding. And that she can't make the new one work for me because... I'm over the weight limit for the technology. I guess she was avoiding me because she didn't know how to tell me that I was the only person holding myself back.

    So here I am. With the knowledge that I COULD be walking right now, if only I lost 100lbs. Believe me, that's quite the motivator. But when you have spent so many years eating away the pain of a chronic illness plus neurological injury and gaining pound after pound from overeating, lack of exercise and god awlful medications that literally add pounds by the tens each time I am in the hospital and forced to take them - reaching your goal is not easy. But I'm slowly tearing down the excuses.

    I have a goal. It's an amazing goal- probably better than the average reason or goal- and I'm trying to get to it. It will just take time and a lot of emotional and physical work. Don't let me quit. I want to reach my goal and be walking again by April 2014!
  • ranchmimi
    ranchmimi Posts: 126 Member
    I have reached 75 years old - semi disabled - and still way over weight. I finally decided that I could do this eating healthy life style back in October 2011. I have lost 24 pounds since then (didn't join MFP until March 2013). I finally have my appetite under control and I plan to continue eating healthily until I'm the best I can be! And then I'll eat healthily to maintain what I've managed to attain! Fitting into clothes I've not worn in 20 years is also a huge plus!
  • MaliceWells
    Two reasons : I have a high blood pressure that is clearly related to my weight and would like to have more energy in life in general. Being able to run, walk for a long time and go up stairs without feeling like dying once I'm up.
    The second reason is to feel more confortable with my image.