

  • softballsharie
    softballsharie Posts: 176 Member
    I did! And now I'm teaching it. :] It's fun, and everyone's right, you can lose weight doing any exercise that creates a deficit, but why not have FUN while you're doing it? Message me if you want, I'll give you all the info you want.

    44 lbs. down by the way :D
  • Sparlingo
    Sparlingo Posts: 938 Member
    Going tonight with a friend (for the first time - I'd rather look like an idiot in front of strangers, not friends so I'm a tad nervous - ha ha!), I love Zumba!

    I do it with a myriad of other things (strength training, running, step class, swimming, etc.) so I can't say it's solely responsible for my little bit of success so far, but it has been one of my favourite ways to stay in shape :)!

    Also, I got a HRM for Christmas, and Zumba is good for almost a 500 calorie burn when I give it my all!
  • HotMummyMission
    HotMummyMission Posts: 1,723 Member
    Meeee 28lbs xxxx done 45mins everyday but once I stopped I started to gain so I'm doing strength xxx
  • lisanxd
    lisanxd Posts: 93
    Of course. Anything you burn calories doing, will cause you to lose weight if you control what you eat. I have burned up to 800 calories in an hour of zumba at the gym. I think I burn far more in person at the gym than the DVDs.
  • balancedbrunette
    balancedbrunette Posts: 530 Member
    anyone tried zumba core for the wii?...:)
  • sugarkissprincess
    sugarkissprincess Posts: 2,595 Member
    I do X Box Kinect Zumba in the morning and walk @ lunch. 40 minutes a day and I have lost 30 pounds in 3 months. It's awesome and gets easier and funner as you go.
  • katielangley
    katielangley Posts: 152 Member
    I looked up the videos on youtube and was doing them added onto my workout, it was fun, got me loose for my 30 day shred workout, and had me sweating;) If it is to fast to keep up with just shake it!!! All you gotta do is move:) Good Luck!
  • Luvmesumkenny
    Luvmesumkenny Posts: 779 Member
    Any type of Exercise you do with a Calorie Deficit will help you shed the pounds... I Love to go to Zumba to just Shake my *kitten*!!!
  • smccully88
    smccully88 Posts: 36 Member
    I am a firm believer in Zumba. I absoultely lover it. I have lost a lot of weight with Zumba being my main source of Cardio. It is a lot of fun and you can't tell that you are working out. I feel like I am just dancing. I am drenched when I am finished. I do Zumba 5 to 6 times a week! Definitely reccommened giving it a try!
  • cruznuno
    cruznuno Posts: 1
    I totally recommend it! I have been doing it for about 4 weeks and have lost 8 lbs. I go Monday thru Friday. On the weekends I do housework and yard work which also count towards my exercise. You will love ZUMBA!!!
  • suzanney0706
    I had been doing Zumba for a year and hadn't seen results. The teacher taught a basic class. I "thought" I was working hard but I think I was giving myself a lot more credit than I deserved. I even bought the Zumba DVDs and started working out at home. Lost very little. I started taking zumba in Feb 2013 w/ a different instructor and she was high intensity! I almost didn't go back after the first class because I was scared I couldn't keep up. Well, I kept going and the weight is falling off of me, I am tone and I went from a size 12/14 to a size 6. So many people ask me what I am doing and as soon as I say working my *kitten* off they say, "oh :(" in a disappointed voice. I think so many people want a short cut but it really isn't going to work unless you YOU work.... HARD! Heart rate up and sweat pouring off of you.
  • wagonblaster
    wagonblaster Posts: 13 Member
    Depends what conditioning you're body is use too. I did not see any improvements in my body doing Zumba classes. I love to dance, and worked really hard, but I had to up it up a notch, so I went back to intense conditioning which worked better for my body. If you're just starting out, I would say Zumba is great. However, if you really want to tone and condition, then I would focus my attention on something else. None the less, Zumba is a great starting point.
  • CrazyC
    CrazyC Posts: 284 Member
    :heart: Zumba. I do theExhilarateDVD's at home. I have been doing them for about 20 days now and am HOOKED!! Before that, I did all 4 Just Dance games for the Wii (routating) for 2 months. I have lost 20 Ibs since Feb 17, 2013. (Per my ticker) since I started working out on 2/17 and logging my food since 2/21. However, I lost approximately 10+ Ibs before I joined here due to having a REALLY bad case of the flu and bronchitis.. Thus, if you count that I am down a total of between 33-35 Ibs thus far... My goal is to get down to my ideal weight of 120 Ibs... I am a vertically challenged gal at only 5 ft tall...

    I started out doing Just Dance for 3 hours daily 6x/week for about a month... (I :heart: and use to dance privately from age 5-16 and would of tried to go pro if I didn't injure my left knee... Then, I went down to two hours daily, again 6x/week, once I got the moves down. Recently, since starting Zumba and because of time constraints with my small children and hubby, I have reduced it down to 1 hour cardio everyday (sometimes up to 1 1/2 hrs) and every other day 1 1/2 - 2 hrs when I also do the toning and Sentao Dvd's with the cardio. :smile:
  • danapenguin
    danapenguin Posts: 161
    I have been doing a once a week Zumba class since April and I haven't really seen any changes but I am about to start doing it almost everyday at home using youtube videos!
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,024 Member
    I don't do Zumba, but I've lost weight eating pizza.:smile: