Some people can be super negative when replying to posts...



  • staceypunk
    staceypunk Posts: 924 Member
    yeah, it's kind of just like that. It's weird because a lot of the same questions get asked and the tone of the thread is often determined by the first page of replies.
  • athyraslove
    athyraslove Posts: 145
    when people don't hear (or read) what they want to hear it can certainly come across as uber negative and un-helpful.

    just sayin'

    There are also lots of douches posting on here. It's a mixture of both.

    Just sayin'.


    See, this whole bit cracked me up. XD
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    I think there are two things everyone should do before they post:

    1) It's ALWAYS a good idea for people to use the search feature to see if what they are going to post has been asked and answered. If you then continue with asking something that has been posted about many times, you can at least acknowledge that. For instance did you know this very topic is posted weekly, if not daily?

    2) If you aren't really familiar, check the out the guidelines for posting. Lots and lots of people think they should be allowed to post about whatever because it's their opinion and whomever doesn't like it and go away -- that's not how it works.

    I think as a general rule people need to cultivate friend's lists of people they trust and ask there first.

    Nope, I def did not check before I posted, I will from now on! The only reason I was on the boards was to try to get friends to add. :)

    Definitely check out "Groups" (under the community tab) for friends. I love the forums -- that's where I find most of my friends. But I am not at all sensitive and am happy to snipe at people I think are acting like fools. The groups are friendlier.
  • Xiaolongbao
    Xiaolongbao Posts: 854 Member
    when people don't hear (or read) what they want to hear it can certainly come across as uber negative and un-helpful.
    just sayin'
    There are also lots of douches posting on here. It's a mixture of both.
    Just sayin'.

    Don't forget there's also a lot of people who perhaps aren't the brightest. It's kind of irritating so it's hard not to act like a douche sometimes. For example this is a website largely devoted to weight loss. Why oh why can people not learn the difference between LOSE and LOOSE. It's so friggin' simple.

    And if I was a complete douche I'd have quoted from the person in this thread who doesn't know the difference...
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    Sounds like good advice to me. Some people are just too lazy to do a simple search before posting, just looking for a quick answer without doing any real work.
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    Some people can be super negative when replying to posts(I've rarely seen it, and have been here a while), and some people can be overly sensitive when reading the replies.
  • athyraslove
    athyraslove Posts: 145
    Ok, ok I get it now. Thanks for all the insight and advice. I can see how if you were on here for awhile certain posts would get really old really fast. (Mine included, durrrr...) I signed up yesterday and have never been on a site like this (message boards, blogs, what have you) so I apologize for freaking out! From now on I will do more scoping before I post. :)
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member

    I like you.
  • bonniecarbs
    bonniecarbs Posts: 446 Member
    Most of the time it's not the person who posts a problem who writes back saying people are mean. Other people notice it, and they write in with comments on why people act like that. So don't blame the person who gets belittled, others are watching also.
  • monizjm
    monizjm Posts: 92 Member
    I agree and I have seen a bunch of crazy responses. Some funny ones, but some are down right rude/mean. Those are the ones I am very selective of writing/responding to.
  • bonniecarbs
    bonniecarbs Posts: 446 Member
    Take for example the person who just called people lazy because they write in the forum for help instead of looking for help in old forum topics. So now we need to research before writing in our own forum?
  • Junken_Diraffe
    Junken_Diraffe Posts: 716 Member
    How sad, it's too big and totally loses the effect. :sad:
  • bonniecarbs
    bonniecarbs Posts: 446 Member
    well it was cute!
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    Take for example the person who just called people lazy because they write in the forum for help instead of looking for help in old forum topics. So now we need to research before writing in our own forum?

    So we should all take the time to answer you because you don't feel like taking the time to look it up for yourself. :huh:
  • pannellkat
    pannellkat Posts: 709 Member
    Some people can be super negative when replying to posts(I've rarely seen it, and have been here a while), and some people can be overly sensitive when reading the replies.

    ^^^^THAT PART
  • bonniecarbs
    bonniecarbs Posts: 446 Member
    Never posted on this place in my life with a problem cause the people are not nice!!!! HA!
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    That's why I don't spend too much time in the forums lol I'm a Jersey girl, if I wanted people to be mean and sarcastic to me, I would just go out lol
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    I figure the people that post like douches are usually the ones that feel about 1" tall because of their life situation. Crappy job, crappy marriage, no money etc. People that are miserable need to be rude to feel better about themselves and they loooooooove the cheap thrill of other *kitten*' virtual backslapping. It's like "regular trolling" Just use the Ignore feature.
  • Nightterror218
    Nightterror218 Posts: 375 Member
    I do not have much of a filter and say what is on my mind. I tend to hold back and not be a complete *kitten*. But it comes out. More so when I see a really dumb post that makes me have to do a double take on whether I really read that or not.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    My MFP life has become so much more peaceful since I discovered the ignore feature. Click the drop-down arrow next to the offender's user name, then choose "ignore user". Easy-peasy. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.