What is your TRUE reasons for wanting to get in shape?



  • learninmama
    learninmama Posts: 49 Member
    Health & self esteem :)
  • So I'm not embarrassed to be seen shirtless ..............maybe even by someone else someday
  • monikalrobinson
    monikalrobinson Posts: 5 Member
    I'm going to be 50 years old next month and I want to look my very best for my half-of-a-century big day! I lost 25 lbs on the OMNI program and wanted to lose 10 more the good ol' fashioned way-through healthy diet and lots of exercise. I love to exercise because I know that it makes me look and feel better every day. It also keeps my bipolar symptoms at bay and keeps me from having to take medications. My diet also helps with this. Also, my boyfriend is taking me on a Caribbean cruise for my 50th birthday and I have 3 bikinis that I want to look good in. I love this website and the way it manages every aspect of my fitness goals. I wish you all the best and the same for me!
  • Nerdybreisawesome
    Nerdybreisawesome Posts: 359 Member
    So I can be 90 and still be able to move around like a rock star.
  • Svolt
    Svolt Posts: 284 Member
    Both of my parents have/had high blood pressure, diabeties and high cholesterol. I don't want to end up like them. My mom had a stroke and died of cancer. TOTAL EYE OPENER FOR ME!
  • I've struggled with my weight my entire life, and just found out why last summer: diagnosed with PCOS. So I'm working to make myself healthy, and learn to love myself again. :)
  • mailhena
    mailhena Posts: 1
    I want to fit in my small size clothes
  • My father recently died at a relatively young age. I want to be around for as long as possible for my family. If I do go early I want it to be from some sort of crazy action sports accident while out living, not heart disease. ;-)
  • My employer offered free blood work and when I got the results I realized how unhealthy I really was. My lifestyle had to change before I ended up having a heart attack at a young age. I turned 30 shortly after that and decided it was time to change my life.

    My employer offered the free blood work again this year, it was almost a year later and I had lost 70 pounds, my results were MUCH better! I feel so much healthier, have a lot more energy, and I'm enjoying my new lifestyle.

    I did this for me! :)
  • JSTworkinout
    JSTworkinout Posts: 20 Member
    Not sure sometimes its a game see how far down i can go then i creep back up its all science and math really playing with numbers as long as i don't go up past my limit it gives me a goal and when i reach it is like i say now what ???
  • Baby_sway86
    Baby_sway86 Posts: 62 Member
    Total vanity - want to do more modeling jobs in the summer just for the fun of it bc I'm kinda old now. But looking good in tight jeans, short tops is def something I miss.
  • Smile72
    Smile72 Posts: 104 Member
    1. I want to be healthy - my family history is filled with many medical conditions I've been lucky to have avoided so far. I want to keep it that way.
    2. I want to have a baby.
    3. I've dropped over a 100+ lbs and have managed to gain some of it back. Which I'm not happy about.
    4. Tired of people and their inuendos.
    5. VANITY
  • MikeLoyd
    MikeLoyd Posts: 7 Member
    The doctor put me on blood pressure pills two years ago. Happy to say I am off of those now :) I feel that we are obligated to be good stewards of our bodies. Now that I have made some major lifestyle changes I feel much more disciplined in other areas of my life.
  • FussyFruitbat
    FussyFruitbat Posts: 110 Member
    To look like a stone cold fox, obviously.
  • Will606
    Will606 Posts: 55
    I've never really felt like I was in shape. I've been fat, I've been skinny and skinny/fat.....@44 I would like to be able to look back and honestly say there was a period where I was really "in shape"
  • fitfreakymom
    fitfreakymom Posts: 1,400 Member
    want to be fit by forty, and that will be in the fall,
  • I want to be the only woman that my significant other looks at, I want to have the energy to do all the outdoor things that my state has to offer, I also want to learn how to keep a balanced die!
  • H0llyG0lightly
    H0llyG0lightly Posts: 214 Member
    To look good and wear whatever I want, and to feel good about/comfortable with myself. Being fat made me super self-conscious, which was a huge emotional/energy drain.
  • ericaknight95
    ericaknight95 Posts: 127 Member
    I'm sick of feeling like an ugly piece of shiz.
  • lovemitch125
    lovemitch125 Posts: 257 Member
    It's nice to finally think that I am one of the "skinny" girls at the gym for once :)
    I want to look good in a bathing suit, prove my mother wrong, get rid of my hypertension (which I've already succeeded at)
    AND FINALLY NOT BECOME A DIABETIC LIKE MY FATHER! I see the **** he has to deal with, and I refuse, just refuse.
    Plus, my little brothers always called me fat, well they haven't called me that since I lost my first 10 lbs XD, I now fit in with the image of my family :)