*** Supportive Friends -- Looking to Release 50+ Pounds ***



  • _tru_
    _tru_ Posts: 96
    @sayhitoshari – Way to push through!

    @tnsummer – Ugh. Sorry to hear about the blue lungs. That just can't be good. Excellent progress on your journey! WOOOHOOOO!!!!

    @debbiewillers – Just keep at it. You'll get it!

    @salmennye – How did the run go?

    @stephanizoundi – Keep on keeping on Hun!

    @mjharman – I cannot see your diary, but I am wondering if you are eating enough calories? That may be why you are crazy hungry. If you aren't getting close to your goal calories in during the day, you can stall out. If that s the case, try increasing your calories a little and see how you fare.

    @sjo68 – Welcome!

    Have a great evening Friends!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Thanks for the support to those who commented on my 4 days streak a few days ago. Unfortunately, today is bad day number 3. I'm re-reading a book I read a while back that has been really inspiring. I'm still working on the right mindset right now, and just don't feel like doing anything at all. :frown:
  • sayhitoshari
    sayhitoshari Posts: 7 Member
    I usually do my weigh in on friday, but got on the scale today and I was in the 160's! Small victories count!

    Im really here to ask if anyone keeps any snacks in their car. The days I volunteer at the school its very hard for me to even come close to meeting my calorie goal. I don't know the best way to remedy this...not exercise that day so I have less of a deficit? Have a totally fattening breakfast because I know I won't get to eat again til after 4pm?
  • tnsumner
    tnsumner Posts: 283 Member
    It seems that everyone is doing so great!!! I'm super proud of y'all. Even if we've fallen off a little, today is a new day! Get back on it. Tell yourself that you are going to look AMAZING in those shorts this summer. My goal is to look FABULOUS in my bikini this year.

    @sayhitoshari... I don't keep snacks in my car because #1 I'm not in it a lot. #2 I don't want to get in the habit of eating my car. It can trigger the hunger monster by just being in there, like when people smoke when they drive. Like if you start snacking in front of the TV, you'll want to snack whenever you watch TV. My recomendation to you is to get some fruit, trail mix (A HEALTHY ONE), and protein/fiber bars in your purse, bookbag, or gym bag. Get a variety so you allow yourself options. Don't just put them in your console in the car because then you'll end up eating in the car. Then while you're walking to your volunteer job or walking to your car, eat one of the things you've brought with you. Let me know if this works for you!
  • sjo68
    sjo68 Posts: 28 Member
    Good morning everyone. I am a little excited and nervous today as I am speaking at a meeting for the ACS Relay for Life this evening. I so hate public speaking and I am not good at it at all. Usually when I get stressed I eat but today I have packed my meals and snacks and am taking them with me. Unfortunately no trip to the gym for me today.

    I will be back to check in a bit later today.
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,299 Member
    @sayhitoshari - congrats on hitting the 160's - what a great feeling for you.

    @sjo68 - good luck at the meeting - you'll be fine and you've already started well with packing your meals and snacks.

    Today I've invested in a box set of 4 Jillian Michaels DVD's and some weights and have done the first 'No More Trouble Zones' workout. Hard work but feeling good for it - weights are the one thing I've never really done as part of exercise so here's to building strength!

    Nearly the weekend and my husband is going to see his Dad for the weekend. This is my danger zone - it is nice to have a 'me' weekend once in a while but I must keep control of what I eat. I have study to do tomorrow night - must find some healthy snacks!
  • Hello everyone. My name is Tamara, I'm 34. American born but I live in England. I'm a photographer, married to an artist.

    I have battled with my weight my whole life. At one point I weighed over 300 Pounds / 21 Stone and lost 150 Pounds / 10 Stone.
    I'm 5'ft / 152cm I've gained a lot of weight back and am trying to lose 100 Pounds / 7 Stone, and keep it off this time.

    Feel free to add me as a friend. I'm not the best with always keeping up with message boards, but I am very good about being supportive of my MFP friends on my home feed. I could use the support as well. I'm only into my second week and my biggest fear is not keeping up with this. However, I really want to get this weight off of me again and keep it off!
  • mjharman
    mjharman Posts: 251 Member
    Today I will stay away from the mini chocolate bars at work...
    Today I WILL stay away from the mini chocolate bars at work...
    TODAY I WILL stay away from the mini chocolate bars at work...
    TODAY I WILL stay AWAY from the mini chocolate bars at work...
    TODAY I WILL STAY AWAY from the mini chocolate bars at work...
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    Firstly, welcome all newbies,I am the token male around here. I pop in and make facetious comments then disappear up my male ...er........shed. Talking of which, look up "Fifty sheds of grey" on Amazon, just love the excerpt.

    @mjharman - you WILL stay away from the mini chocolate bars at work. Or else. The heavy mob will be round to give you a reminder if you don't.

    @tamara- this time, with our help, you will get it off and keep it off. The weight also!

    @janet- forget the snacks, this is a lifestyle change, you don't snack,remember! Have a good time on your weekend off, and don't do anything I wouldn't do (that's a pretty wide choice you have there!).

    @sjo - don't get uptight about the public speaking, you'll be fine. Just pick someone in the audience and speak directly to him/her and enjoy performing. Everyone will be looking at you because you are good! Personally I love performing, but I have been doing it with a guitar round my neck for a long,long time.........

    @tnsumner - Ok so I'm going to look hot in my bikini and amazing in my shorts, I can't wait :laugh:

    @sayhitoshari - Oh, snacks in the car are SUCH a bad idea,don't do it hon, throw them in the nearest trash can.

    OK, tomorrow's Friday, wind down day, then the weekend. Have a great weekend everyone and keep the weight coming off.

    I have a dilemna, I am attending an IT conference in Cyprus next week, and as we have 'beach activities' I bought myself a new pair of swim shorts,expecting them to be a sort of shade of red. However they are definitely pink. Dark pink maybe, but pink. Should I return them and go without? Or should I tell myself real men wear pink and go with it? Maybe I should get ill and unable to go? What do you think?
  • sjo68
    sjo68 Posts: 28 Member
    Good afternoon, I am just getting ready to leave work and head out to do the public speaking. I did just find out that there will only be a couple hundred people in the room and the rest will be seeing it via a video link. Ahhhhh! I feel so much better about that.

    mjharman- you can be strong! Stay away from the chocolate bars.

    janetay01- thanks for the support on my speaking. And good have a great "me weekend".

    ron2e- I would love to learn to play guitar and I hope you didn't mean should you go in the dark pink shorts (I think most men look fantastic in any shade of pink by the way) or go without as in nekkid. Well, I suppose depending on which beach you were at nekkid would be acceptable but....... I would take the pink ones just in case. LOL
  • _tru_
    _tru_ Posts: 96
    @steph_135 – Come on Steph! You can do this! Try to remember WHY you started this in the first place. Draw from that motivation!

    @sayhitoshari – That's excellent! *happy dance*

    @tnsummer – Will it be an itsy-bitsy-teeny-weeny-yellow-polka-dot bikini? Heard polka dots are all the
    rage this summer!

    @Janetay – Have faith in yourself. You can stay the course! Good luck with the studying.

    @tamaralyn – Welcome. Just take it one day at a time and you'll get there!

    @mjharman – Step away from the chocolate!!!

    @ron – I say trade in the pink shorts for that bikini. ;p

    @sjo68 – All the best on your speech! You'll knock 'em dead!

    Not my quote, but one I love: “Nothing tastes as good as healthy feels.” Eat well and keep moving, Friends! We've got this!!
  • Hello everyone My name is Ronelle i am looking to loose another 50 pounds to meet my goal. I am here to meet more people who may help me and that I could possibly help. Please feel free to add me if you would like to assit me.. :smile:
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    @sjo68 - No,I don't think the world is ready for the glory of my nekkid body, not till I've lost another 100 lbs anyway :noway: So I will be conservatively dressed in the pink shorts and a T.........

    @_tru_ - A bikini might not be such a bad idea and give some support to my man boobs, until they go the way of all fat! Now,if I could get a bikini in that shocking shade of pink...................:smokin:

    @Ronelle - welcome. All it takes is a bit of commitment,resistance to temptation,and following your MFP limits.

    @mjharman - you WILL stay away from the mini chocolate bars at work.

    Dentist this morning, last 'must do' of my week working from home. Must also remember to pick up some sun cream for Cyprus just in case. I notice the hotel hosting the conference has 'bathroom scales' in each bedroom. Not sure if this is a good thing or not.
  • tnsumner
    tnsumner Posts: 283 Member
    @_tru_... I took dance as a child. I actually had to wear an itsy-bitsy-teeny-weeny-yellow-polka-dot bikini for a recital. Lol.

    @ron2e.... Short shorts!!!!

    OMG GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I fit into my goal pants today!!!! I haven't been this small in 8 years!!!! I can't believe it!!!! Thanks to all of you that have supported me in the past month or so to really push me there. I went out and bought new goal pants today (size 10 American Eagle pants). They will be my motivation to continue.
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,299 Member
    will be back later but just wanted to say congrats to @tnsumner - way to go. The victories that are more than pure numbers on a scale are so satisfying. And here's to the next pair of pants!
  • debbiewillersveik
    debbiewillersveik Posts: 105 Member
    Good morning everyone....FORCING myself to exercise this morning, so I won't be on long.....or I'll talk myself out of it :) So....here's to a wonderful Friday, the Sun is Shining here in a chilly 28 Degree Nebraska, but I plan to get warm in just a few!! I've got another shot at getting it RIGHT today
    > here I go!
  • mjharman
    mjharman Posts: 251 Member
    rone2e - I say WEAR THE SHORTS! :wink:

    I DID stay away from the chocolates...thank you all for your support!
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    @Ron, real men wear pink! At least, my husband does on rare occasions, and he's ALL manly man.

    @sjo68, hope your public speaking went well! Glad it was you and not me though, I would have choked...

    @Ronelle, welcome! We'll be glad to support you on your way.

    @tnsumner, yahoooooo!!! That is so awesome about your goal pants!

    @Debbie, the more you force yourself to get out there and exercise, the more you will enjoy it, and then it won't be about forcing yourself anymore! You will be find ways to sneak in a workout when you normally wouldn't have :happy:

    @mjharmon, yay for avoiding temptation! Although, don't deny yourself completely, have a little bit of dark chocolate every now and then. One small piece is enough to satisfy.

    Well yesterday was my rest day for exercise, and I didn't get too grumpy about it. Today I am going to walk with my dad again like last friday, and probably do some zumba. Feeling pretty darn good about myself this month. I've lost 8.5 lbs and there's still over a week left, so I'll likely hit a 10 lb loss this month!
    Keep up the good work everyone!
  • Thanks for the welcomes and the new friend requests! I'm on my second week of working out and eating better. Almost done my first week of MFP. Today is my 5th day logged in. I've got my aunt into it now, she signed up last night. I feel really good about trying to lose weight this time. Just wanted to say thanks for all the encouragement.
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    @tamaralynn9 - Firstly, why such an awkward user name, it has taken me an inordinate time to get it right (But then i'm Half or even totally, p*ssed, this whisky is a b*gger!! Secondly, and more importanllty, WTF are you playing there, looks like some strange version of cricket? I'm totally stumped...................

    I'm going to go with the pink , I know when I'm outvoted by the more sensible sex. If I am subsequently gang raped by a bunch of gay colleagues, I will hold you all fully responsible, whether I enjoy it or not!. Meg I'm not convinced about your husband, I think he may be a latent homosexual. You say, he says, yeah.............. However if he wishes to confront me in person I will simply admit my mistake and offer to ...............well whatever, I am a total coward.

    I am kinda worried tonight, due to reasons beyond my control,plus too much whisky, I am eating too late and don't feel hungry at all. So *kitten* it, I will do without. This must count as less calories. I blame my wife for this aberration. TOTALLY!!

    I must apologise, due to circumstances beyond my control I am out of control tonight and liable to make statements that are inaccurate and totally misleading. I trust you will see it in your hearts to forgive this obfuscation, if you even know what it means and wish pity on this poor sinner who even now, and despite everything, doesn't give a *kitten*......... In vino veritas as the Romans, who knew a thing or too would say........................Who needs wives?

    After all, it's all about losing weight, innit?