Level Obstacles: Lose Weight, Target Fat! (EASY!!)



  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I have eaten 500 calories below my TDE and that maintains my weight.

    800 calories a day keeps me full because I eat high volume, low calorie foods. It seems silly to eat more food and stuff myself when I'm not hungry.

    I'm still sold on the 1200 calorie diet because I have tried this and it doesn't work for me.

    This is confusing. If you are eating under your TDEE, you will lose weight - it's a simple reality of physics that you can't get more energy out of a system than you put in. In this case, you are either not calculating your intake or your output correctly.

    You mention a 1200 calorie-per-day diet, and then you mention that 800 calories per day keeps you full... unless your calorie counts are wildly inaccurate, you are probably doing severe damage to your body and should stop immediately.

    ETA: Out of curiousity I ran some numbers. A TDEE of 800 (what you say you're consuming daily to maintain your weight) is less than an 80 year old, three-foot, six-inch tall, 70 pound woman would need to sustain a sedentary lifestyle.

    I should have been more clear. My TDEE is 1800. Consuming 1300 calories has made me maintain weight. Technically I am supposed to have 1200 calories a day right now but lately I have been eating 800 because I haven't been hungry for more. If my stomach doesn't growl, I'm not eating.

    I meant I have eaten 1300 in the past, 500 below my TDEE, and it has not worked.

    You joined this month. How have you tracked your intake before?

    If you actually maintain at 1,300 calories, I would see a doctor as you have some metabolic issue going on. Or you could just not be accurately tracking your food.
    This, something is really really wrong here.
  • hockeymom95
    hockeymom95 Posts: 157 Member
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    I should have been more clear. My TDEE is 1800. Consuming 1300 calories has made me maintain weight. Technically I am supposed to have 1200 calories a day right now but lately I have been eating 800 because I haven't been hungry for more. If my stomach doesn't growl, I'm not eating.

    I meant I have eaten 1300 in the past, 500 below my TDEE, and it has not worked.

    Putting aside weight loss advice or who should eat what or when or whatever -- if you are seriously having trouble eating more than 800 calories per day, please, please see a doctor. The Mayo Clinic, NIH, American Heart Association -- there is absolutely no question amongst medical health professionals that an unsupervised, prolonged 800 calorie per day diet is extremely dangerous to your health - dangerous like dead dangerous.

    I'm not assuming, inferring or implying that this is something you've chosen - I take you at your word that you feel full on 800 calories - but nonetheless, that way does indeed lie a premature death.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I should have been more clear. My TDEE is 1800. Consuming 1300 calories has made me maintain weight. Technically I am supposed to have 1200 calories a day right now but lately I have been eating 800 because I haven't been hungry for more. If my stomach doesn't growl, I'm not eating.

    I meant I have eaten 1300 in the past, 500 below my TDEE, and it has not worked.

    Putting aside weight loss advice or who should eat what or when or whatever -- if you are seriously having trouble eating more than 800 calories per day, please, please see a doctor. The Mayo Clinic, NIH, American Heart Association -- there is absolutely no question amongst medical health professionals that an unsupervised, prolonged 800 calorie per day diet is extremely dangerous to your health - dangerous like dead dangerous.

    I'm not assuming, inferring or implying that this is something you've chosen - I take you at your word that you feel full on 800 calories - but nonetheless, that way does indeed lie a premature death.
    Yep http://ajcn.nutrition.org/content/56/1/230S.full.pdf <-large deficits and sudden deaths

    That full feeling on very little is also very common. And feeling full on little. That does not make it a healthy choice. Just ask anyone recovering from an ED
  • Steffani911
    Steffani911 Posts: 196 Member
    So I have a question. If one is following the formulas for several weeks (I even bought BFM and a food scale to ensure that I am being as accurate as possible) and not losing weight, what would the next step be? To look at macros? I was thinking perhaps I'm too high in the carb and too low in the protein.

    Edited to say that I have lost weight but not since I joined the MFP community and started paying attention to BMR, TDEE, and eating exercise calories.
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    So I have a question. If one is following the formulas for several weeks (I even bought BFM and a food scale to ensure that I am being as accurate as possible) and not losing weight, what would the next step be? To look at macros? I was thinking perhaps I'm too high in the carb and too low in the protein.

    Is several two or six? The distribution of macros shouldn't make that much of a difference. Additionally, are you coming off of a prolonged period at very low calorie levels?
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    So I have a question. If one is following the formulas for several weeks (I even bought BFM and a food scale to ensure that I am being as accurate as possible) and not losing weight, what would the next step be? To look at macros? I was thinking perhaps I'm too high in the carb and too low in the protein.
    I'm assuming by BFM you mean BMF. Depending on what you're doing, I hear they can be quite off.
  • Steffani911
    Steffani911 Posts: 196 Member
    So I have a question. If one is following the formulas for several weeks (I even bought BFM and a food scale to ensure that I am being as accurate as possible) and not losing weight, what would the next step be? To look at macros? I was thinking perhaps I'm too high in the carb and too low in the protein.

    Is several two or six? The distribution of macros shouldn't make that much of a difference. Additionally, are you coming off of a prolonged period at very low calorie levels?

    I started March 24th, prior to that it wasn't low calorie. It was basically maintenance. I'm never one to starve. One of the things I've considered is have I given it enough time.
  • jsjp
    jsjp Posts: 51 Member
    Absolutely helpful....thanks
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    I started March 24th, prior to that it wasn't low calorie. It was basically maintenance. I'm never one to starve. One of the things I've considered is have I given it enough time.

    A month is a reasonable time frame to expect to start seeing results. This makes me wonder if there may be an inaccuracy somewhere.

    What were the numbers you calculated? How much (%) under your total expenditure are you? Doing any exercise in particular?
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Bumping for the sheer awesomeness in the OP. :drinker:

    If only this was explained to me a couple of years ago, I wouldn't have tried to live off of 1400-1500 calories all through 2012. I'm loving my new goal of 1800 calories which is causing me to look amazing! I may even increase a little more, too, since I have decided to add another day of cardio to the mix (only because I love Turbo Kick and want to do more for the enjoyment).
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    This is how I lost 20lbs in 30 days, For starters be honest with yourself when it comes to portion control /calorie counting!

    2 jumbo eggs 3 turkey sausage links Grape fruit 8oz of water and coffee
    4hrs in between meals
    6oz chicken breast cup of green vegetables and serving size of fruit to curb your sweet tooth
    Snack 5 prunes
    dinner 4oz of salmon,1 cup green vegetable, instead of starch add a serving of fruit
    Weight watchers ice cream bar of your choice ( preferably after workout)

    60min cardio a day whether jogging in front of tv
    Strength training every other day!
    Heaviest weight 230
    Starting weight 03/20/13 203lbs Current weight 183lbs. 5"5 lost 5inches plus off waist and 4inches off hips

    note: buddy system works wonders, if you follow this plan for 30 days I bet you will see great results and have lots of energy!
    It does take true commitment but remember your mind is more powerful then you think!

    Lose weight equals eat healthy lean meats green leafy vegetables and healthy fruits like prunes in limitation, grapefruit, strawberries, blueberries and apples are all good fruits for weight loss! Stay away from empty calories like white rice breads and white potatoes! artificial sweeteners are your enemy it causes health risk and food cravings! (Stevia is less of a health factor)

    Good luck to everyone on there Weight loss journey!

    I don't agree with some of the things you said. My heaviest was 245 and I am currently 174. I've gone from 22/24 to 14 (really close to 12)...and, being part Asian, never gave up (and never will) white rice.

    I also eat white potatoes and bread occasionally, not to mention foods like pizza, burgers, and ice cream. I think moderation and fitting the foods you love into your calorie goals is better than trying to adopt an all or nothing attitude.
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    2 jumbo eggs 3 turkey sausage links Grape fruit 8oz of water and coffee
    4hrs in between meals
    6oz chicken breast cup of green vegetables and serving size of fruit to curb your sweet tooth
    Snack 5 prunes
    dinner 4oz of salmon,1 cup green vegetable, instead of starch add a serving of fruit
    Weight watchers ice cream bar of your choice ( preferably after workout)

    This is 1100 calories of food per day.
  • carolemack
    carolemack Posts: 1,276 Member
  • StArBeLLa87
    StArBeLLa87 Posts: 1,582 Member
    Yea and being all healthy food and adding daily vitamin supplements have resulted in greater health all around!
    YOU MUST LISTEN TO YOUR BODY that is key if you feel hungry still add 100 calories of healthy food because depending on your energy consumption on your days you may require more than other days!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    This is how I lost 20lbs in 30 days, For starters be honest with yourself when it comes to portion control /calorie counting!

    2 jumbo eggs 3 turkey sausage links Grape fruit 8oz of water and coffee
    4hrs in between meals
    6oz chicken breast cup of green vegetables and serving size of fruit to curb your sweet tooth
    Snack 5 prunes
    dinner 4oz of salmon,1 cup green vegetable, instead of starch add a serving of fruit
    Weight watchers ice cream bar of your choice ( preferably after workout)

    60min cardio a day whether jogging in front of tv
    Strength training every other day!
    Heaviest weight 230
    Starting weight 03/20/13 203lbs Current weight 183lbs. 5"5 lost 5inches plus off waist and 4inches off hips

    note: buddy system works wonders, if you follow this plan for 30 days I bet you will see great results and have lots of energy!
    It does take true commitment but remember your mind is more powerful then you think!

    Lose weight equals eat healthy lean meats green leafy vegetables and healthy fruits like prunes in limitation, grapefruit, strawberries, blueberries and apples are all good fruits for weight loss! Stay away from empty calories like white rice breads and white potatoes! artificial sweeteners are your enemy it causes health risk and food cravings! (Stevia is less of a health factor)

    Good luck to everyone on there Weight loss journey!

    You do realize that most of that weight loss is water and food weigh, not fat I hope. There are many reasons not to keep a large deficit for any length of time, including hormonal, metabolic and maintenance of LBM.

    Also, unless we are talking about ridiculous quantities or you have PKU or a sensitivity to them, there are no health risks to artificial sweeteners and food cravings are individual and they can help with food cravings for many.

    And, how on earth are potatoes empty calories? One large potato contains 48% of the RDA for Vit C and 18% for iron.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    2 jumbo eggs 3 turkey sausage links Grape fruit 8oz of water and coffee
    4hrs in between meals
    6oz chicken breast cup of green vegetables and serving size of fruit to curb your sweet tooth
    Snack 5 prunes
    dinner 4oz of salmon,1 cup green vegetable, instead of starch add a serving of fruit
    Weight watchers ice cream bar of your choice ( preferably after workout)

    60min cardio a day whether jogging in front of tv
    Who wants to live that way for their entire life? No thanks.
  • KatNewby
    KatNewby Posts: 26
    This is definitely some of the best advice around here.

    It's difficult to get out of the set 1,200 cals a day mindset, but in the long run I know it will be important to go slow and steady.

    I would love to lose a lot before my wedding at the end of July, but I'm more concerned with last results and creating habits that are meaningful and sustainable.

    I'm really happy that I found this community :)
  • silvercanoe
    silvercanoe Posts: 95 Member
  • Dottyb1940
    Dottyb1940 Posts: 188 Member
    Bump and thanks for reposting