*** Supportive Friends -- Looking to Release 50+ Pounds ***



  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    Anyone who understand WTF I am on about in my previous post wins the first prize, a weekend alone with me and my pink swim shorts (as voted on by the ladies of this thread)

    Please tell me what I am on..................
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    Ron, put the whiskey away... And no, I can't say I understood your whole post. :huh:
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    Apologies to Meg and anyone else who read the drivel I posted last night. I was really fed up as I'd drunk too much, not something I do regularly, while waiting for my dinner which was an hour or more later than usual, and then didn't want to eat anything. I felt the need to sound off so did it here :embarassed:
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,299 Member
    @ron - it was a bad day, we've all had them. Today's a new day and the sun is shining - move on and have a great day. And I hope not too much of a hangover:smile:

    @tamaralynn9 - happy day 5 - or should that be day 6 by now?? Stick with it - there are lots of people to encourage you here if you want it enough - stay with us!

    @meg - go for it with shooting for 10lbs in the month - good luck over the next week.

    Well, my good news for the week is that I'm 0.8lbs down from my last weigh in - I've been stuck for a bit so really pleased to finally move in the right direction. Ron - I am proud to say that I focussed on my study last night and I stayed away completely from the snacks! Working out hard with the Jillian Michaels DVD's at the moment - I think they are good - but oh boy, she is one mean woman who doesn't let you slow for an instant.

    So, a domestic day today - cleaning and tidying then I have my parents visiting this afternoon (hence the need for the cleaning and tidying in the first place!). Have a great Saturday everyone and stay strong - we can do this:happy:
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    @janetay - no hangover, I didn't drink that much, but enough to feel the buzz and be stupid! Well done on avoiding the snacks, and the loss of nearly a pound!

    OK, for your delectation and delight, here are the pink swimshorts -

  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    @Ron, like Jane said, we all have those days... and the shorts are awesome. And they are dark enough, at least from the pic, that some might mistake them as red.

    @Jane, congrats! Those times of being stuck aren't fun, so I'm glad you're moving past it.

    Well, it's 9 a.m. on Saturday morning, and I am trying to decide what to do today. Nothing major needs to be done, it might just be a relaxing weekend. Although I am considering taking my youngest son in for a portrait session. Not sure how relaxing that would be... And of course, there will be some form of exercise today. But I don't know that I will do as much as I did yesterday. 1500 calories burned from exercise. I enjoy excising, which is why I do it, but when I see I've eaten a thousand calories and I'm still in the whole (at lunchtime yesterday), it's a little frustrating. Maybe I should not record exercise? Just curious, what opinions do you all have on eating back exercise calories? Personally, I try to eat some back, but definitely not all, in case there was an error made in calculating the burn.
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,299 Member
    @meg - I tend to eat back some (or occasionally all!) of my exercise calories. I admit that I do it partly so that I can eat more but I did try not eating them back and I just got hungry and really cranky! I know that if I stay below the combined total of daily target + exercise I do lose weight - the challenge is simply staying below on a regular basis.

    @ron - I'm with Meg - awesome pair of shorts! Though the screen on my laptop definitely thinks they are bright pink! When do you head off again?

    It's 5.30 in the afternoon here and I'm debating what to do now. Weather has been so good that I have spent much of the day in the garden with my parents - dad doing most of the hard work mind you:bigsmile: Going to give the brutal Michaels workouts a miss today - my stomach muscles will thank me! - but might do a session on the cross trainer. Feeling motivated by the loss on the scales this morning and want to maintain progress. I also need to take some measurements though as I know it is about a lot more than the number on the scale.
  • sjo68
    sjo68 Posts: 28 Member
    Tnsumner- congrats on getting in your goal pants! And great job going out to get a new pair of goal pants right away.

    Debbiewillers- brrr 28 degrees is cold, you go girl

    Ronelle- welcome, I have only been on this thread a few days and feel like these folks are very supportive.

    Mjharman- nicely done, staying away from the chocolates

    Megblackburn- congrats on your 8.5 pounds, I see a 10 pound loss for you this month too. I too eat back some but very rarely all of my exercise calories as the burn may have been over estimated and the calorie count in my food may have been underestimated.

    Tamaralynn9- yay five days. You have a great start

    Ron2e- back away from the whiskey. While tasty, it may cause a little incoherence especially if taken on a relatively empty stomach while waiting for dinner. Oh and I like the pink swim trunks by the way.

    Good morning all. I logged from my phone yesterday and didn't get a chance to get to the computer to the thread. My speaking yesterday was wayyyyy easier than I thought it would be. While there were several hundred people in attendance, my portion was video conferenced into the room from a smaller area because the recording equipment in the larger room was not working. I only had about 15 people in the room with me and I had already met 3 of them.

    Today, my daughter is going to some all day event with her boyfriend so hubby and I are alone. I am going to try to convince him to go to the gym with me. Then it will back home to do laundry. No that isn't a euphemism for something else, I will really be doing laundry. That is my least favorite chore.:frown:

    Hope everyone has a great day.
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    Popping in to say: I ran a 5k today!!!! Spur of the moment decision, just around my neighborhood:bigsmile:
  • tnsumner
    tnsumner Posts: 283 Member
    @janetay01.... Thank you so much. You're support means a lot!!!

    @ron2e... Oh he actually did it. We're all in trouble now!!!!

    Today was a fun day of errands and yard work. I hate yard work... like to the point I almost regret buying a house!!! Anyway, that burned quite a few calories. I'm treating myself to a shopping trip to the outlet mall and Thai food with the girls tonight!!!!
  • salemnye
    salemnye Posts: 305 Member
    @Ron: Those are some nice shorts. They look like a bright red (With some pink) on my monitor.

    @Meg: How do you condition yourself up to running 5k? I don't think I have time to do the c25k thing before my 10k in June. I can for sure run for 2 and half minutes then I get too tired. I can walk (treadmill) at 3.5 with a 2% incline for that long but I can't run. (And great run btw, totally wish I could do that...perhaps when the snow melts here)

    I haven't gone on this thread in a while unfortunately. Thursday was a bad day. No exercise and feeling VERY unmotivated; mind you this is my first week back on the track. So I told myself I'd work harder the next day: Friday. I did. I did my 15 min on the elliptical then I incorporated weights. I'm hoping cardio and strength training will help me be able to get to run at least half of my 10k in June. It's a run walk and I usually walk every year. Grr, totally wish I can buff up my endurance. Oh yes, a NSV I did 5 extra minutes on the elliptical. Did 15 then strength for about 15 minutes then i was hoping to do another 15 but my legs were burning after 2 minutes in and I just told myself until 5 minutes. But it's 5 minutes more before.

    Oh yes, weighed myself this morning and I lost 2 pounds since I weighed myself on monday! Quite proud of myself ^-^
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    Seems like the vote is for the pink swim shorts. OK I'll go with that. After all, if I'm hit on by a gay man, that's probably better than not being hit on at all............:laugh: Mind you, in my dreams, and all that, but inside this bloated fat body is a sexy man waiting to break free. Fortunately I don't take myself seriously huh!

    @janetay - I leave on Monday evening, overnight flight (:sad: ) to Cyprus, back on Friday night, overnight at Heathrow Hilton, then off to Slovakia early Saturday morning, returning the following Friday. It's looking like I might get most of May, if not at home, at least in the UK, but India is on the cards for early June........... We jet-setters you know :bigsmile:

    @salemnye - well done on the 2 lbs gone!

    @sjo - congratulations on the public speaking triumph, I told you it wouldn't be too bad (smugly patting myself on the back). And yeah, we know all about 'laundry' (nudge, nudge, wink, wink, say no more!). Just enjoy!

    I made myself a fiercely hot 'Szechuan' Prawn stir fry with noodles tonight, plenty of Szechuan and black pepper and chilli. I love Szechuan pepper and the way it numbs your mouth. Yum!
  • tnsumner
    tnsumner Posts: 283 Member
    I just posted new pics. They are before and after pictures. They aren't even of me at my heaviest, but they show the progress!!!!
  • _tru_
    _tru_ Posts: 96
    Sorry Friends, so busy this weekend. Just wanted to pop on and wish everyone a great weekend! Stay strong! Stay healthy! Stay focused! You CAN do this! You ARE doing this!! xo
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    @salemnye, I'm not sure I really intentionally conditioned myself. I started off by doing a LOT of walking. And then walking just wasn't enough, so I did intervals of jogging. Then one day on my lunch break I decided to walk, but then had to run in order to make it back on time. And then I just decided to run on my lunch breaks. Only a mile an half on the lunch breaks, that is all I have time for. I did a couple sessions of c25k, but I was too far into it myself to make that work for me. And today was totally random. Just, BOOM, run a 5K.
  • Jumping in!

    Hi everyone, I'm Vanessa and I'm 26! I have a hubby, a 3 year son, a German Shepherd and a cat that thinks he's a dog.

    I am currently at 228 lbs and looking to get down to around 160 lbs. I joined MFP about a week or so ago and am liking it very much. My ultimate goal is to be able to start running again comfortably and eventually do 5k's. Moving to San Diego has motivated me to start getting healthier plus it's so nice outside all the time one can't help but want to be outside... and look good doing it! External factors aside, I really want to be able to have enough energy to play with my son and be comfortable in clothes and maybe a bathing suit some day.

    Currently, my exercise is hiking, training and walking my dog (I've trained dogs since I was 15). I do have a Zumba dvd calling my name but I can only get through maybe a half hour before I feel like I'm going to die. I am in the process of quitting smoking so that is positive but some days, I just feel sorry for my hubby, HAHA!

    Looking forward to getting to know all of you!
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    @tnsumner - Wow! What a difference! You are looking very trim indeed in that second pic, you must be delighted with the results.

    @meg - "Just, BOOM, run a 5K...." What an amazing statement that is and shows how healthy and fit you are becoming! Very inspirational, I think the way you've got to this stage is fantastic. I'm about the same point in my goal weight loss as you are (around 20%) but I couldn't run 1K let alone 5.

    @evdjohnson - Welcome! Keep on giving up smoking. I did 20+ years ago and it still is one of the best things I have done with my life, even if it did contribute to my weight gain.

    Everyone else, just keep on losing.........
  • tnsumner
    tnsumner Posts: 283 Member
    @ron2e.. Yes, I am just tickled with the difference!!!

    @evdjohnson.... We're here to help in anyway we can!!! I started running a little more than 6 months ago. It SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKS! I still hate it. Lol. I do it because I KNOW it can only help me. It does feel good when you go farther than ever before or you can run over a minute without wanting to die. Sign up for a 5k a few months away. That will motivate you to keep at it. I have a 5k every month so I can't slack off.

    Well today is date night, symphony and dinner. The beautiful 65 degree weather has turned windy. The only clothes I have that are appropriate for this weather no longer fit. Oh the "skinny people" problems I have now. I guess I'll need a jacket. That sad thing is, I'd really just like to curl up in bed and go to sleep.
  • @ron2e - Thanks for the support! I'm super motivated to quit smoking since I don't want all the health risks associated with it as well as being able to laugh without hacking up a lung.

    @tnsumner - I actually really like running! I read some of your prior posts and saw that you don't like it but good job on you for sticking with it. I was already thinking about signing myself up for a 5k in a few months but am kind of scared to do it by myself. EEK! I suppose I'm just being a big baby about it. I think I shall wait for at least a couple more months before I sign up because I'm so top heavy that it's unimaginably uncomfortable for me to run without strapping on 2 serious sports bras. Gotta loose some booby weight and strengthen my core, HA!

    So, who here considers themselves a chef? I love cooking and have been scouring the internet for healthy recipe's to try. I've been getting into freezer cooking lately because it saves a lot of time AND money, especially buying ingredients in bulk. I usually like to cook anything Asian adjacent because I grew up with it - my ma is Filipino and Spanish - my dad is Norweigan and English, though I go more for Chinese and Japanese foods. Not eating so much white rice is such a struggle for me. I don't necessarily not like brown rice... the texture is just so odd to me.
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    @tnsumner - Tickled? Yes I'd tickle you :laugh: No seriously you look great and I'm jealous but happy for you. Now, please explain, what is "date night,. symphony and dinner", sounds like fun though? I have visions of the new slim you sitting eating dates while listening to a nice piece of Mahler or Shostakovich, or possibly a romantic Rachmaninov before blowing your calorie limits on a six course dinner. Please tell me it isn't true............

    @Vanessa - glad to hear you are committed to giving up the weed. Like a lot of reformed smokers I am super anti. I have this strange problem though - I do a lot of travelling and my best friend (now living in Ireland) who smokes roll ups, asks me to buy him tobacco in the various duty free shops. I'd do anything for him, but I feel buying him tobacco is simply contributing to his early death, he already has heart problems, and I hate that like hell. I constantly make excuses but it is very difficult and I feel a little bitter about being placed in this position and having to lie about them not having his tobacco, etc............. Oh well, rant over for now!
    Now I consider myself a cook, wouldn't go as far as to describe myself as a chef, but I love cooking too. I'm a great fan of chinese food, but trying not to eat so much rice or noodles makes it damn difficult! I made myself Szechuan prawns last night and took the noodle hit, my goodness it was tasty and hot, with that lovely numbness from the szechuan pepper. Brown rice sucks, I have to agree! Healthy low cal but tasty recipes are not the easiest thing to find. My all time triumph was about four years ago when my niece was getting married and I cooked Steak au poivre, pepper steak, for 15 people with 4 levels of pepper heat and 5 levels from rare to well done, and got every single one right. I don't know if you know the english chef, Gordon Ramsey, but he swears a lot, and when my sister addressed me as 'Babe' I responded,'I'm not f*ckin babe, I'm f*cking chef and don't you forget it!' in his inimitable manner, we just laughed (and cussed!) from start to finish. Great memories! Love the profile pic of you and your baby by the way, you both look very happy.

    Well, had a busy day and packed the pink swimshorts, they are going with me to Cyprus, though I'll take the decision to wear them or not in due course! Still digging through my wardrobe and found three more shirts that fit me that I haven't worn for years. The trousers I was so happy to be able to wear a couple of weeks ago are now loose on me and the next size down are too tight so I'll have to put up with constantly pulling them up. Not elegant maybe but necessary :wink: