Grocery Store Snob??



  • RyanneRose
    RyanneRose Posts: 128 Member
    I only notice other people's stuff if they have a ton of one the guy behind me once who had 5 or 6 cartons of orange juice. I worry about what other people think of my selections sometimes, though. The other day, for example, when I got a gallon of whole milk for my daughter, a packet of beef jerky for my husband, and a frozen lean cuisine meal for myself (didn't know what else to do for dinner...was new to watching calories) lol. Had to wonder what that looked like to somebody else.
  • LadyZephyr
    LadyZephyr Posts: 286 Member
    I really do not give a damn what other people eat and what they see me as eating. Free will, and all that.
    Just because my basket tends to be mostly veggies, fruit, and lean meat doesn't mean I'm going to look down on people who eat fried foods and ready meals. Sure, processed crap may not be very healthy but you can't judge somebody based on what is in a basket in a supermarket. If anything, I bloody envy them because they have things like cake and pizza to eat that night and I'm staring down another plate of spinach and turkey.
  • Kassandra772
    Kassandra772 Posts: 52 Member
    Me too! I'm super self conscious when it comes to buying food now. When I got grocery shopping with my hubby he enjoys the odd bag of chips or candy bars. When I got to checkout there are tons of veggies, fruit and meat.. then there's the bag of chips and a box of cookies.
  • Kassandra772
    Kassandra772 Posts: 52 Member
    I try not to judge what choices other have made in the grocery store, but I wish I could educate them on healthier alternatives. I was one of those people and know that it's very overwhelming if you have no idea where to start.
  • LavenderBouquet
    LavenderBouquet Posts: 736 Member
    Yeah, when I see some people's carts full to the brim and not a vegetable in sight it kind of makes me cringe. Not that I would ever in a million years say anything.
  • corneredbycorn
    corneredbycorn Posts: 267 Member
    I used to do it a lot, but not so much now. When I do look, it's usually a skinny woman's cart with healthy food to get ideas for myself. I look in mom carts too for ideas for my daughter.

    I do admit, knowing people probably look in my cart tends to make me more finicky about what I put in it. It's just a little extra motivation to choose healthy food instead of junk. That doesn't mean I don't get junk though. I love my Lightly Salted Lays and Keebler Samoas.
  • musycnlyrics
    musycnlyrics Posts: 323 Member
    I look at fat peoples' carts. (we WERE being honest, werent we?)
    I look in and I see what food choices they are making. It honestly keeps me on track. Reminds me that the oreos I was so desperate for helped get me where I am.
    I also coupon, so I like to find a cart that is as full as mine and I compare the prices. If their cart is $300 without any coupons or discounts, I see how much mine is and use that to see how "well" I did couponing that day.
    I guess that makes me an evil person, but I truly dont care. When I was over 300lbs, I would catch people looking in my cart accusingly (or at least I felt like it was accusingly) and I usually didnt buy a lot of processed foods, PORTIONS were my issue. I grew up in a house where everything came out of a box or can and I swore not to raise my kids like that, but I would binge secretly on fast food or eat huge portions of the meals I cooked at home...
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Yeah, when I see some people's carts full to the brim and not a vegetable in sight it kind of makes me cringe. Not that I would ever in a million years say anything.

    Glad you don't say anything. Because, how do you know they didn't just buy (or are about to buy) a lot of vegetables at a farmers market. Or maybe they have a garden and don't need to buy a lot. See, you only get a small part of the picture when you see one day's shopping expidition.
  • aimforhealthy
    aimforhealthy Posts: 449 Member
    I am super oblivious to other people, so no...I don't notice healthy carts or junk food carts. I'm in my own little world.

    Same. I have zero interest what anyone else does with their lives/ time/ money/ etc. The only time I notice anyone's cart is when they've parked it in the middle of the aisle while they block one side browsing the shelf and their 37 unruly children block the other side and I can't get through. :explode:
  • kluvit
    kluvit Posts: 435 Member
    Absolutely not.

    Whose definition of "healthy" do you use to judge others?

    I work out regularly (cardio & strength), maintain a BMI < 19, wear size 00 to 2 (depending on brand & cut), and get a smiley face from my doctor on my lab results from my physical.

    My typical cart contains everything from diet drinks, microwave popcorn, peanut butter crackers, frozen pizzas, angel food cake, pre-made mashed potatoes, deli fried chicken, ice cream to salad, eggs, almond milk, low fat/low sugar yogurt, and fresh nuts, fruits & veggies.

    So, what exactly would you say to me about my food choices?

    I would look at you and think you are just like my mother who is despite eating whatever she wants is all of 90 lbs soaking wet and too tiny to buy pants in most stores. Then I would curse the genetic metabolsim I got from my dad.

    Oh, I wish it were genetic. I can eat "what" I want, but certainly not "as much" as I want if I want to stay where I am.
    Portion control and "burn baby burn" are my new found "friends" to get to and maintain this weight I hadn't seen for at least 20 years.
  • kluvit
    kluvit Posts: 435 Member
    Absolutely not.

    Whose definition of "healthy" do you use to judge others?

    I work out regularly (cardio & strength), maintain a BMI < 19, wear size 00 to 2 (depending on brand & cut), and get a smiley face from my doctor on my lab results from my physical.

    My typical cart contains everything from diet drinks, microwave popcorn, peanut butter crackers, frozen pizzas, angel food cake, pre-made mashed potatoes, deli fried chicken, ice cream to salad, eggs, almond milk, low fat/low sugar yogurt, and fresh nuts, fruits & veggies.

    So, what exactly would you say to me about my food choices?

    I would look at you and think you are just like my mother who is despite eating whatever she wants is all of 90 lbs soaking wet and too tiny to buy pants in most stores. Then I would curse the genetic metabolsim I got from my dad.

    Nobody would say anything about your food choice, you aren't fat. Only fat people get judged and ridiculed remember?

    Good they only judged my choices before I lost weight!
    Same cart...same person...different reactions.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    I honestly don't notice other people's carts and I don't care either.
  • jinxikat72
    jinxikat72 Posts: 8 Member
    Options cart is usually half and half lol...i buy processed junk for the hubby and kids because they still eat it and refuse to be like me and avoid most processed foods...and i have my little sides of fruits and veggies and stuff...yep i get embarrassed because people see the processed foods...i feel like people are looking in my cart and judging me saying "oh yep thats why shes so fat."..i cook every day for pretty much every meal...but a lot of times i will have to make separate meals for the kids and sometimes the hubby..they tend to avoid the healthy husband acts like he's allergic to vegetables sometimes...haha..Plus my oldest (almost 3) horribly under weight and her doctors actually suggested giving her fatty foods and putting butter on everything...just so she can gain weight...but no i do not judge others...i wouldnt want someone doing that to me so i dont do it to them..

    I sort of have the same situation - my hubby and I grocery shop together and we are a bizarre couple. He is 130lbs and his meal plan for the week is made up of Hungry Man frozen dinners, Doritos, Chef Boyardee, white bread, pepperoni, candy, french fries, etc. Then there's me - the 189lb vegetarian who fills the cart with fresh produce, tofu, soy milk, low-fat this, and sugar-free that etc. And yet when we're in the grocery store together, I always feel like people look at us and then the cart and think, "Well thats why she's so fat. Maybe she should give up the Doritos and ask her husband to share that celery." Inside I'm screaming "Don't judge! I'm the good one! HE'S THE ONE WHO EATS JUNK AND HATES CELERY!" LOL!
  • mom2dzbnwe
    mom2dzbnwe Posts: 129 Member
    I have a husband who is ADDICTED to ice cream (really--it's a problem) and a teenaged son who eats like.....well, like a teenaged boy, and a 4 and 5 year old who eat whatever they want. Of course I prepare dinner for all of us, so I try to instill healthy food values (and for the most part, the kids like their share of veggies and fruits) but my cart has a little of everything in it as well.

    However, I have noticed that I acutally found myself apologizing to the cashiers for large quantities of produce. I know it's silly! I shouldn't feel guilty. But, it's a little sad too, that I'm buying stuff that is so few people buy that the cashiers have to look up codes! I know, i could use the electronic scales/label printers but to me, I'm already going to have to stand in line to pay, I don't want to stand in line 17 times before I get there!

    I don't judge others, but I do tend to notice what's in their carts...sometimes I shake my head, and sometimes I'm inspired!
  • beadalicious
    beadalicious Posts: 34 Member
    People tend to be so judgemental. I catch a lot of people checking out my veggies, ground turkey, gluten free full cart and then look at me weird.The only thing that matters to me is what I'm putting in my own and my family's bodies. All that processed food is so bad for you!
  • nytius
    nytius Posts: 173 Member
    Too busy restraining a toddler to notice but now I'm paranoid about everything. In the last hour I've been on this forum getting annoyed by comments made by posters about other people's diets, restaurant orders and shopping carts. As I'm new here I just need to know - is smugness directly proportional to pounds lost? Grr

    Unfortunately...yes for some people. I'm actually glad I came back in here and read some more comments because all the "everybody does" comments were crazy to me. Since you're new I want you to know that it doesn't have to be that way. Some people here have lost weight and NOT developed a superiority complex. As this thread developed there were a lot more people saying they don't do this stuff with other people's cart so I think its pretty even. Good luck on your journey!
  • squiggyflop
    squiggyflop Posts: 148 Member
    I tend to look at other peoples carts. I walk around the store. I get my expensive healthy food (I was paying 1/10 as much for the junk I was eating before). I get to checkout mildly pissed off due to my frugal nature screaming at me that *insert high fat high sugar food* is on sale for 3 for a dollar with no limit. It seriously takes all of my self control to keep myself from buying a year supply of something tasty when it reaches 49 cents or below, which is why I have 30+ easter bunnies on top of my fridge. I couldnt help myself once they reached 10 cents a piece. Anyway, I get to checkout angry, and I stare at everyones stuff, and I notice that everyone seems to be buying lots of veggies, and not the ones I got. They all have the ones that I turned down as being too expensive. Then one of 2 things happen. Either I become slightly relieved that im still slightly more frugal than the rest of the population, or I get even more annoyed because im jealous of their ability to just disregard how much things cost.
  • passionflwr1
    passionflwr1 Posts: 31 Member
    I seriously wonder what types of grocery stores you all shop at,where people have nothing better to do than judge your cart as you unload.

  • I definitely notice at the check out line. Then I'm paranoid that other people are looking at me when I buy anything processed.

    LOL! I do this. I rarely have anything not fresh in my cart, but when I do, I try to get it onto the belt fast and put it under some veggies or something hahaha. FAR from how I used to be... I used to be one of those shoppers with almost nothing but crap in the cart and maybe would count my salsa as "healthy" to be ok with what I bought ;P
  • sabolfitwife
    sabolfitwife Posts: 424 Member
    I do most of the shopping for myself and my boyfriend and I choose only healthy options. When he goes with me or goes alone he always picks out his treats that I won't buy. When I go alone though I always think it's funny to see what single men have in their carts. Total junk food junkies!! Lol, but I used to be that way so I can't judge, just am glad I changed my ways.