Best/Worst Thing People Said on your Weight Loss Journey?



  • danamariers
    danamariers Posts: 155 Member
    Best: "You look great- I'm so proud of you!" (from my boss from my old dept)

    Worst: "You should eat more- you don't know what you're doing" (from a colleague who is maybe 110lbs soaking wet, in front of everyone in my building eating in the lunch room.)

    But I abruptly shut her up when I asked her how long she had been a practicing personal trainer, GP and nutritionist. Her response, "Oh I'm not, but I'm a mother you know." My response: "I already have a mother and she's proud of me. And my doctor and my trainer are the ones helping me so I'll stick to health professionals for my eating and exercise."

    (cue the mouths dropping on everyone in the room, and my exit with a smile)
  • llyakl88
    llyakl88 Posts: 11 Member
    This has been so much fun to read! But some of the 'worst' comments are heartbreaking.

    Anyway, here are mine:

    Best - 'You have so much more energy' and 'You are a real inspiration!' 'I can't believe how far you've come'

    Worst - When guys suddenly start to notice you when you've felt invisible for so long. It's nice, don't get me wrong and a real confidence boost, but at the same time i just wanna scream -' I've always been the same person!!' It just emphasises how shallow this world can be. I should take it in a positive way but it really just makes me angry!
  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    Best: Anytime someone says something nice and possitive to keep me feeling good and motivated.

    Worst: A friend told me, "Yah, know there are a LOT of really nice veggies out there!" :grumble: No duh... Really? I eat healthier than her. UGH! lol
  • epie2098
    epie2098 Posts: 224 Member
    The best thing someone did or said to me while on my weight loss journey is . . .

    I know you worked really hard to lose the weight, and I'm so glad you've kept it off all these years because that's the really hard part.
    You look awesome - can we meet for coffee and you can tell me how you did it?
    (from a bestie who I hadn't seen physically in a few months, otherwise no one else could have got away with it:) Holy F***! If we were lesbians, I'd totally do you, you look so hot! (Absolutely no disrespect to my LGBTQ brothers and sisters intended.)

    The best/worst thing someone did or said to me while on my weight loss journey is . . .

    I didn't recognize you from the back any more.
    You looked like you were working really hard at the gym - which is good, because you kind of have to.
    I'm glad you're losing weight. You didn't look good before.
    Yeah, I was thinking you needed to do something about your weight.
  • skinnygrlerica
    skinnygrlerica Posts: 41 Member
    People are so rude sometimes...

    Best: "We should eat better like Erica does so we can lose weight too..." Coworker, who is now on MFP because of me =)
    (I had NO IDEA anyone had noticed what I was doing or that I had made progress at that point!)

    Best #2: "I can tell you're doing some good work there...keep it up!" My HR Rep who I adore and who was MY inspiration to lose weight!

    Worst (of all time!) "Don't lose too much cause I love how big and jiggly your *kitten* is." Boyfriend. To his credit, he realized VERY quickly that wasn't a compliment AT ALL.

    Worst #2: "I noticed you lost weight. Are you doing this cause we are getting divorced finally? I"m going to join a gym now" EX-Husband. He's obviously an EX for a reason.

    Worst #3: "You can go with us to eat out today and just not log it in your dumb thingy." My coworker who is quite overweight but is in great denial. She prefers company when she feasts on 1200 cal burgers...

    Worst #4: "You are eating aren't you? Losing 5 pounds a month sure sounds like a lot. Don't quit eating..." My loving mother. She has never really successfulyly dieted and nor does she know much about eating healthy or exercising.
  • amandapye78
    amandapye78 Posts: 820 Member
    Best: you're like the incredible shrinking woman
    Worst: oh you'll gain it all back, and you've lost too much
  • alychil820
    alychil820 Posts: 219 Member
    Best: "That's you? That's a picture of you? You were so fat!!!"

    Worst: "You didn't need to lose weight, you were always beautiful." -_-
  • baker150
    baker150 Posts: 112 Member
    Worst: (From a drunken uncle not knowing which "one" I was out of my sisters "Oh, you're the fat f*** eh? Well you look good NOW".

    Best: "You look amazing, if I wasn't married I'd ask you out on a date". "You should go on TV or right a book or something, you're such an inspiration!"
  • wishnik77
    wishnik77 Posts: 5 Member
    Best -" mummy your so beautiful " From my 9 year old son xox
    Worst - 3 weeks after giving birth my brother in law says" oh wow you look different without the belly" and my hubby says " nah you shouldve seen her before" :(
    that was 9 years ago but has stuck in my head since.
    worst #2- 6 months ago a friend i hadnt seen in 2 years says " oh wow your pregnant again? " ummm no!
    Just like to add i had lost all my weight from pregnancies, i have packed it all on in the last 2 years.
  • kendallsauntie
    kendallsauntie Posts: 101 Member
    Bump for inspiration.
  • Tiznonay
    Tiznonay Posts: 124 Member
    Best: "Damn,you get smaller every time I see you!" from the bouncer at a local bar

    Some pretty funny worst's on here - ppl really are mean sometimes! Idk if I have a worst. Probably from my own mouth when I half-jokingly told one of my bigger friends "Dont worry - I'm still a member of the club" (referring to a fictitious club of fat people, haha)
  • wendybird5
    wendybird5 Posts: 577 Member
    Best: A guy I used to have a crush on was so stunned by the change that he couldn't talk about anything else.

    Worst: Co-workers who feel the need to warn that I'm going to get fat again anytime they see me eating anything "bad".
  • royvor
    royvor Posts: 271
    Best: You look so pretty, the way your hair even looks, and attitude is your more happy, and the way you carry your self is so different you truly have changed.
    Best: You look so pretty not to say you weren't then but you look prettier .

    Worst: You looked so bad then don't ever let yourself look that way again.
    Worst: You can lose weight easily NOW becuase you don't have a man, or kids wait until you get a boyfriend or get married then you will gain it all back becuase its easy to lose weight but maintaining is hard especialy when you will get comfortable, or you won't have anytime like you do now.
    Worst: Now you will find a husband. Like implying back then that was out of reach.
  • kara2
    kara2 Posts: 83 Member
    Best: After 66 days of changing my lifestyle my doctor told me that I was no longer diabetic. She told me how proud she was of me. This was one of my first goals. It felt good to reach it.
    My husband saying: You're an inspiration to me. I want to change too. (This was amazing to me)

    Worst: After losing 40 lbs a woman from my church said, "Have you been able to notice your weight loss yet?" It's hard because I have a lot to lose so others won't start to notice until I have lost about 100 lbs.

    **Can you really walk a 5K? Your still so big." (I loved proving her wrong.)
  • akkimberly
    akkimberly Posts: 63 Member
    Worst: (from my brother-in law) "You are getting skinny, like your on drugs or something...but mostly you've just lost you're A**, how does your husband feel now that his wife has no A**?"

    Best: Anything that makes me feel like I'm inspiring others :)
  • itslouiejay
    itslouiejay Posts: 26 Member
    Best - You look awesome, I should really lose some pounds as well!

    Worst - Are you done starving yourself, you look sick...
  • Tonystoots
    Tonystoots Posts: 11 Member
  • youcantfoolme
    youcantfoolme Posts: 79 Member
    Worse (after losing 45 pounds) - We were all so worried (the entire family) at Chistmas time after you moved back, that you were going to die any day. We had never seen you sooo fat and bloated, your stomach was like a table you could set stuff on!

    Best - I can tell you are feeling better each time I see you. Your hard work is allready paying off. (from one of my mayo doctors)
  • NikinCilla
    NikinCilla Posts: 129 Member
    Quick fix
    Best: Wow look at you - you look great
    Worst: Looks at me (knows I have losted weight) says nothing just smiles

    Since Mfp
    Best: Your motivated again? I can see your body changing, looking good
    Worst: (from same person 1st worst) Hahaha look at your bum its back to been fat again hahaha
  • mimieon
    mimieon Posts: 182 Member
    Worst was when a friend offered me a slice of her bread, and I said no thanks, and she said snidely "You are just no fun anymore lately". This was about two weeks in of counting calories. Then she started to bring me cupcakes and chocolate eggs for two weeks. Now its normal again (and I still count calories).

    Best was not really a comment, but an enthusiastic conversation about weight loss and running and fitness apps with my brother in law.