A Woman Needs To Feel Desired



  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    i think there are parts here that are true, and parts that are sexist.

    I don't think it's a stretch to say that when anyone feels loved and desired that they go about their life with their head a little higher and a little more strut and confidence, etc. And those things can and do have positive effects on oneself and others around them.

    And while I think that there is nothing better than a relationship where 2 people support and love each other and actually need one another for a variety of things in their lives. But the things presented here for women to be are stereotypical like child rearing and gardening. Then the last part where it suggests that she needs to be lied to seems out of place and unnecessary. I think that it's also a little sexist towards men and their role, but I fear that my post is already too long to be read.
  • _crafty_
    _crafty_ Posts: 1,682 Member
    I like this. Don't think it's sexist at all.

    Thanks OP. :flowerforyou:
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Doesn't everyone want to feel desired? :o))
  • knitwit0704
    knitwit0704 Posts: 376
    In my opinion, for me, (since I'm only 18), this could be applied to approval by family and friends as well, not only the man in your life. Of course, some words would change, but the principle still stands and rings true. Maybe that's just my life, or maybe it's true. I don't know. What I DO know, is that I'd give this a big 'like'.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    women AND men appreciate being desired.

    It's JUST as important for a man to know you desire him...it is a two way street.
  • NikkiHann17
    NikkiHann17 Posts: 126 Member

    While it is true a woman should not place their self image in the hands of the world, when a woman is married and has carried his children and let her husband become her center as he has let her become his, she desires rto be desired by him in the same way she desires him. As our bodies change bringing children into the world it becomes difficult to see yourself as anything more than mom. Tis is reminding our husbands that as it is our job to nurture out children as well as our husbands feelings it is his job to do the same. Marriage is a partnership of mutual support.


    This about sums it up nicely. Since i have been on both sides of the fence I can say my marraige now is better because I know he loves and desires me no matter what I look like. The same can be said for how I feel about him. Sometimes when I am down it changes my whole mood when he puts his arms around me and says," I wish the kids weren't up". Been together for 13yrs and can't wait to continue the next 40 or 50. :happy:
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    i disagree with this sexist piece of crap. i have no desire to feel desired. i want certain people to hate me. thank u

    ♫ "Whoa ooo here she comes. Watch out boys she'll chew you up. Whoa ooo here she comes. She's a man-hater!" ♫
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    This reminds me of that song by Joe so thanks!

    Tell me what kind of man
    Would treat his woman so cold
    Treat you like you're nothin'
    When you're worth more than gold

    Girl, to me you're like a diamond
    I love the way you shine
    A hundred million dollar treasure
    I'll give the world to make you mine

    (La, la, la, la, la)
    I'll put a string a pearls right in your hand
    Make love on a beach of jet black sand
    Outside in the rain we can do it all night
    Out to tour the places he would not
    And some you never knew would get you hot
    Nothin' is forbidden when we touch

    Baby, I wanna do
    All of the things your man won't do
    I'll do them for you (Whoa)
    Baby, I wanna do (Hey)
    All of (All of) the things your man won't do (Every little thing)
    I'll do them for you (Yeah)
  • Penny_Lane_
    Penny_Lane_ Posts: 163
    Also queue

    /aretha franklin "natural woman"
  • sourpower434
    sourpower434 Posts: 47 Member
    Sexist writing? I don't know. But if I didn't think my husband loved me and found me desirable, then I may think "why bother being married?" I totally believe people can be happy & complete without marriage. I have an older sister who has never married and is completely content. I get it. But if I am going to be married, I want the whole deal.

    Agree 100%!
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Ooooh, and "She" by Elvis Costello

    May be the face I can't forget.
    A trace of pleasure or regret
    May be my treasure or the price I have to pay.
    She may be the song that summer sings.
    May be the chill that autumn brings.
    May be a hundred different things
    Within the measure of a day.

    May be the beauty or the beast.
    May be the famine or the feast.
    May turn each day into a heaven or a hell.
    She may be the mirror of my dreams.
    A smile reflected in a stream
    She may not be what she may seem
    Inside her shell
  • SyntonicGarden
    SyntonicGarden Posts: 944 Member
    I've been married a long time, almost 30 years. There is no one secret to a long lasting relationship, but I do believe there is truth in this poem/writiing. My husband and I are partners. We work hard together to keep the house in good repair, get the bills paid, take care of our son (who's almost out the nest), take care of our friends/family, etc. He's my friend/buddy to go out shopping & eating, vacation with, play with. But what makes it really special is the intimacy we share, emotional and physical. We care about each others feelings, and find each other beautiful physically. Yeah, I have a few grays and wrinkles, and he has less hair & a little paunch. :laugh: But he makes feel like the most cherished, loved, valued and yes, desirable woman in the world.. I think (hope) I do the same for him. When he wants to get frisky, he says in a very sexy voice "Hubba hubba" :wink: I just sent him an e-mail an hour ago with the simple message "I love you, have a great day. Hubba hubba. " Sounds hokey or corny, but I don't care.

    Sexist writing? I don't know. But if I didn't think my husband loved me and found me desirable, then I may think "why bother being married?" I totally believe people can be happy & complete without marriage. I have an older sister who has never married and is completely content. I get it. But if I am going to be married, I want the whole deal.

    Married. No kids. Above poster is completely right. Whole deal. I think the poem has less to do with sexism and more to do with the fact that sometimes complacency sets in. We forget all of the work put into dating. The flirting, the fun, the playfulness. It's really easy to forget to appreciate your partner - male or female - and I think that's what the sentiment of this is.

    When we feel loved and appreciated, regardless of gender (or gender identity) it's easy to be less tweaked that we're the only ones that see that the trash needs to be taken out or that we're almost out of dog food. It's 2013. There's no reason my spouse can't pick up toilet paper at the store or throw in a load of towels. When we, as human beings don't feel loved, appreciated or wanted, the blobs of toothpaste left in the sink, or the hair in the shower drain can become bigger issues than they are and we stop overlooking the seemingly otherwise trivial things.

    Covey calls this concept an "emotional bank account" and I think this poem is just a reminder that it's hard for a relationship of any kind (marriage, dating, common law, etc.) to function if one person is constantly overdrawn.
  • LookMaNoHands
    LookMaNoHands Posts: 174 Member
    A woman needs to feel desired, yes, and in other, equally shocking news, 2 + 2 = 4. LOL!
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    Here's the lesson to be learned:

    If you love someone, TELL THEM. Build them up in day-to-day things. Don't just silently assume they know you appreciate them.
  • grandma0561
    grandma0561 Posts: 16 Member
    Wow! This is great however I see it from another perspective as well. I have been married for 26 years to a wonderful man, my high school sweetheart, who works hard every day and I think this can apply to men also! They want to feel desired and act better, respond better and are generally happier when they are made to feel so. I'm still working on this but I do think it goes both ways (:
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Why is this awesome thread being called sexist? If a woman (or a man for that matter) doesn't want to feel desired then that persons flame is gone and that is just sad. Maybe if he/she had felt more desired their flame within them wouldn't have died.

    Nice thread OP :)
  • coloradocami
    coloradocami Posts: 368 Member
    Love this!!!
  • grandma0561
    grandma0561 Posts: 16 Member
    You took the words out of my mouth!!!
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    i disagree with this sexist piece of crap. i have no desire to feel desired. i want certain people to hate me. thank u

    Because your 19 years old, I will overlook your surly, nasty attitude. I will also say that clearly this is written for married mothers. You are very welcome sunshine.:)

    I don't think its written for married women. Everybody likes to feel desired. Heck, why are we on this site?

    Its just that some folks will try to start an argument regarding their own personal agenda (in this case, that persons views about feminism and shoving her ideas to us). You can just ignore these noises
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    One of the worst things I have done in previous relationships is not convey how much I appreciated and desired my partners. Then men I have been with suffered just as greatly as my ex-gf at my careless treatment of them.

    This is a good piece and can be applied universally.