I may be chubby BUT I run Half Marathons



  • dazzo62
    dazzo62 Posts: 78
    I agree - YOU ROCK!!
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    love this and i agree YOU ROCK!!!
  • erinalysa14
    You are wonderful. I agree with everything you said 100% - "no matter how slow you run, you're still doing laps around the person sitting on the couch!!" I am doing my first 10k next Sunday and your post gave me a little push of confidence. thank you!
  • BamaBreezeNSaltAire
    BamaBreezeNSaltAire Posts: 966 Member
    Love it!!!!
  • timmemin
    timmemin Posts: 72 Member
    I am by no means a great runner like you but that happened to me yesterday. This skinny little girl gave me the dirtiest look as she was eating a plate of pancakes. I was like, really? I am bettering myself and you have the gall to give me that look. She then snickered to her boyfriend right in front of me. It was hurtful and really rude. Hope her metabolism never slows down.
  • AngieM76
    AngieM76 Posts: 622 Member
    Agreed! Now if I could just get my chubby butt out there and run!
  • DennyHodge
    DennyHodge Posts: 56 Member
    For those of you hesitant to enter and run a race, let me tell you something.

    I run marathons, half marathons, 10k's, and 5k's and do look athletic and look like a runner. I also do not EVER judge someone on how they look. The running community is very tight and you will see every kind of person at these races. From kids to women and men in their 80's. Short, tall, fat, and thin. There is just so much support at these events. Trust me.... know one is looking at you or judging you.

    Don't put pressure on yourself once you do finally sign up and line up at the starting line. People walk, run, walk and run, whatever it takes to have fun and get to that finish line.


    While I was dying at mile 22 at the Rock N Roll marathon in St. Louis last October.... a 50+ year old woman with some extra pounds sailed past me and finished before me. She actually motivated me to keep it moving and get to that 26.2 mile finish!!
  • cmurphy252
    cmurphy252 Posts: 279 Member
    LOL I LOVE this!! I'm always in awe and proud when I see heavier people running because (1) they obviously dont care what others think and (2) they're doing what I CANT do (and wish I could).

    I just started the C25K app last week - so hopefully that'll be me in the near future ;-)
  • junejadesky
    junejadesky Posts: 524 Member
    GOOD FOR YOU!!!!
  • junejadesky
    junejadesky Posts: 524 Member
    For those of you hesitant to enter and run a race, let me tell you something.

    I run marathons, half marathons, 10k's, and 5k's and do look athletic and look like a runner. I also do not EVER judge someone on how they look. The running community is very tight and you will see every kind of person at these races. From kids to women and men in their 80's. Short, tall, fat, and thin. There is just so much support at these events. Trust me.... know one is looking at you or judging you.

    Don't put pressure on yourself once you do finally sign up and line up at the starting line. People walk, run, walk and run, whatever it takes to have fun and get to that finish line.


    While I was dying at mile 22 at the Rock N Roll marathon in St. Louis last October.... a 50+ year old woman with some extra pounds sailed past me and finished before me. She actually motivated me to keep it moving and get to that 26.2 mile finish!!

    Thanks for this!! Very motivational!!
  • Karhyn
    Karhyn Posts: 18 Member
    Good job in telling her!!!

    Rock on my friend, rock on :)
  • WeightTilNextTime
    WeightTilNextTime Posts: 7 Member
    You Go Girl!!!!!!!!!!
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    Hell I was about 199 pounds the first 5k I ever ran and I got first in my age and there where a lot of people there. They looked at me the same way. I was a little shy about it but I use to be pretty damned shy but you seem like a real go get em take no junk kind of gal thats really awesome you keep going your totally awesome no matter what you weigh! :D
  • cmurphy252
    cmurphy252 Posts: 279 Member

    LOL this is GREAT LOL!
  • ash8184
    ash8184 Posts: 701 Member
    WAY TO GO! I may be a size 10/12, but I am out there running! Go get it girl.
  • RunFarLiveHappy
    RunFarLiveHappy Posts: 805 Member
    Love love love love x infinity!!!! I am a slower runner 10-10:30 miles depending on distance, but I am much faster than those sitting on the couch!!! P.S. I could probably beat the crap out of the judgmental skinny #%€£$ that feel/act that way lol. STRONG > skinny!
  • bannedword
    bannedword Posts: 299 Member
    I know this is going to get me a bunch of crap, but whatever...

    Why did you assume that this lady was thinking anything about you? And why did the other poster assume that the "skinny little girl" and her boyfriend were looking at her and laughing about her?

    I know when I run, I don't much pay attention to anyone but myself. I assume that other people are there for the same reason. It never occurs to me that anyone else cares what I do, let alone that they would go out of their way to express it to me.
  • Laurayinz
    Laurayinz Posts: 923 Member
    :drinker: Great going! Holy heck, I still can't get myself to do a second 5K let alone a half... my time sucks but I know that's not what it's about.
    For those of you hesitant to enter and run a race, let me tell you something.

    I run marathons, half marathons, 10k's, and 5k's and do look athletic and look like a runner. I also do not EVER judge someone on how they look. The running community is very tight and you will see every kind of person at these races. From kids to women and men in their 80's. Short, tall, fat, and thin. There is just so much support at these events. Trust me.... know one is looking at you or judging you.

    Don't put pressure on yourself once you do finally sign up and line up at the starting line. People walk, run, walk and run, whatever it takes to have fun and get to that finish line.


    While I was dying at mile 22 at the Rock N Roll marathon in St. Louis last October.... a 50+ year old woman with some extra pounds sailed past me and finished before me. She actually motivated me to keep it moving and get to that 26.2 mile finish!!
    And thanks for this... while it may be physically possible, it's the mental thing that gets in the way too much. :ohwell:
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Hello fellow MFP members and fellow runners. Have you ever gone out for a run and had people look at you and you can tell that they are thinking "Why is that person running they are over weight?" I was out training for a race a few weeks back and I got the dirtiest look from some lady walking along the path. So me the smartie pants that I am said very loud so the miserable cow could hear me "Hey I might be chubby but I can run half marathons" Yep pretty sure that made her think again before judging people!! Why is it that non runners think you have to be thin and be an elite runner just to run. I am by no means a Kenyan but I get out there. It doesnt matter if you can complete with an amazing time or if it takes you alot longer then the "AVERAGE JOE" you are getting out there and having fun (well most times having fun) And Dead Last Finish is greater then did not finish, which trumps did ntot start!!

    Wait, so you're yelling at random strangers who give you the wrong look and you are criticizing her for "judging" you? You ever think that should could have been lost in thought that day about her losing her job, a family member dying or just having a bad day? If you think you can read other people's thoughts about you maybe you need to change your inner monologue and start thinking better about yourself.

    Absolutely not disagreeing with your running and kudos for your great hard work. Keep that up! Just keep the attacks on random strangers down to a minimum! :wink:
  • mike_littlerock
    mike_littlerock Posts: 296 Member
    Isn't it a leap to assume that the walker thought or felt a certain way based on ones perception of "a look"? I ask this simple question, because when i was heavier I projected my own negative self image on other people, and assumed they thought or felt a certain way about me.. The reality is that person might not have been reacting to the jogger at all, could have been having a very difficult day, in pain, who knows..

    My thought is that we should just rise above, keep the smile on our faces, and let our feet do the talking.

    my 2 cents