6-week Kettlebell Challenge (7/1/10 to 8/12/10)



  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Okay I'm off to try my lightweight FIRM DVD w/ a 5lb bell. just a quick check in to keep me accountable. ate a snack of melba w/ sea salt ( you all must try this is you're hankering for crunchy) with 3 tbsp hummus so i'm not starving!! and I have 5oz of roasted chicken breast waiting for me w/ baby field greens and green onion afterwards - which hopefully will keep me under cals for the day!

    Will check in with you al later,
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Lightweight is what I am I guess, hahahahaha , at least with kettlebell!! sheez, the 8lb weight was surprisingly difficult!!
    we all have to start somewhere , right ?

  • Spanx71
    Spanx71 Posts: 7
    I would love to do this, I will have to go and get a kettle bell and work out vid and then i am totally in!!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Reporting back from the FIRM Kettlebell w/o :
    I di the total body w/o , 45 minutes - I could wring my hair out!! The dvd intersperses cardio bursts, plyo ( which I modified) and some intense push ups - which I also modified., and the dreaded turkish get up - which i managed 1 per side before collapsing on the floor!!
    Since i'm new to this it was a challenging work out - different from the danskin one - seems like a lot more lunging and plyo -which is kinda tough for my knees and heel issues - but I can modify.
    HRM credits me 269 for 40min - i forgot to turn it on for like the first 8-10 minutes of the dvd.

    Thanks you all for motivating me to not give up on myself,
    Janet :heart:
  • inguvap
    inguvap Posts: 85 Member
    Today is my KB workout day and I did practice all the moves I learned in the last 2 PT sessions. Boy, it is not easy. I took more breaks than my regular as I was too tired and my heart rate was at 170-175 range. I did 40 minutes of it and I am so pooped by the end of it. I also did my weigh in because it is end of second week and I lost another 0.6lb. I am not sure why I am losing at the increments of .6 but I am very happy any way. I can see my biceps now even though I am not doing any bicep specific exercises. I think this is due to all the KB swings. My waist seems to be shrinking too. I want my butt to do the same but may be in a couple of weeks...

    Janet, you see to be doing very very well. Keep up the hard work. I love this challenge and I hope everybody is benefiting ...

  • shellshalla
    shellshalla Posts: 263 Member
    Even though I haven't been posting lately I have kept up with the Kettlebell workouts. Usually 3 per week. I did 30 min of running this morning on the treadmill then 40 min of the Powerbody Kettlebell Bootcamp DVD. I planned on doing about 20 min more of the dvd, but I was really hungry from not eating much for dinner last night and I was not feeling good. Still a good work out over all. :)
  • Charleyb
    Charleyb Posts: 1
    I just learned about kettlebells and am intrigued. Where do you purchase the kettlebells and DVDs?
  • inguvap
    inguvap Posts: 85 Member
    Charleyb, kettlebells are iron canon looking balls with a handle. If you Google it, you will see the shape. I am not sure in Canada where you can find them but here in US, can get them from Target, Walmart or order online. Amazon is the best place for me to get any DVDs. I see a lot of muscle definition after I started using them. Of course, I am eating better too but I think kettlebells are the one fast ways to get muscle definition.
  • inguvap
    inguvap Posts: 85 Member
    I think I kicked my own butt today and I am happy and sore. I have worked out nonstop 45 minutes with KBs (swings, cleans, squats, rows, halos, deadlifts) plus 10 minutes of circuit training of pushups, pullups and barbell squats. Then I did 30 minutes of elliptical with some intervals. I am so pooped but I keep smiling. That's for the weekend and keep working out everybody!!!!
  • inguvap
    inguvap Posts: 85 Member
    Did not post yesterday but I did the workout. I did 110 swings in 7 sets which is impressive to me (shameless boast, I know) with 12 kg KB. I asked my gum to get me 16 kg KB in next couple of weeks and hopefully they will get it for me. I want to progress to 16KG by the end of this challange. I am still struggling with 8kb bell for my clean and presses. I started reading the book 'Enter the Kettlebell' by Pavel and trying to correct my form.
    How is everybody else doing?
  • inguvap
    inguvap Posts: 85 Member
    Hello, everybody,

    I have done a shorter workout today with the KBs as one of the gym employees wanted to have a chat with me and that got me side tracked after 27 minutes. I hate it when this happens. I was going for 200 swings today but had to stop at 120. I could not get my Presses but I can do them at home this evening.

    This is end of 3 week and I see a lot of changes in my body. I can definetly see my upped abs and my shoulders are shaping up. I lost .7 lbs this week. That is a total of 1.9lbs in 3 weeks. I wanted to lose 3 to 4 lbs but I take 1.9lbs over nothing. I can see that I am able to jog a bit better too. I am not getting winded quite easily like before. So, I surely see the advantage of working out with KBs.

    How come nobody is posting? Ladies and gents, we need to motivate each other. C'mon, only 3 more weeks to go... keep working out...

  • I just wanted to say that doing kettlebell exercises without proper instruction on technique can be an injury waiting to happen. My husband & I love kettlebells, but what we did was got a dvd workout led by an RKC (Russian Kettlebell Certified) instructor that has tutorials on proper form. (I do LOVE the ANgie Miller Bootcamp one, but her form is not the best). Anyway, just thought I'd throw out there that Lauren Brooks Ultimate Body Sculpt & COnditioning Vol 1 is a great dvd to both learn from & workout to (she has a Vol 2 as well). As is Art of Strength Clinic & Providence (Artofstrength.com is a great kbell resource- info on how to pick a kbell weight, etc.). Also maybe check out dragondoor.com for kbell resources as well (books, dvds, etc). Some RKC instructors post great "how to" videos on youtube as well. Of course if you can go get instruction live from an RKC (like I think someone posted above) then that would be fantastic. AOS & dragondoor I think also have a search feature for RKC folks in your area?

    Kbells can transform your body, no doubt about it. Personally I get a great butt, core & inner thigh workout.
    It's great to see people getting into kettlebells!!

    YOU have the right info and glad to see that you are looking in the correct direct. I am an RKC II and love to see when someone looks to learn from a certified instructor who specializes in that field. Many people just try to learn off TV or Youtube...without knowing what to look for.

    If Kettlebells are done properly...Most ladies should start with a 18lb bell and Men with a 16kg(35lb) and advance from there.
    All these 4lb - 8lbs will not give you the best results.

    Best of luck with your 6 week Challenge.
  • Janet, I asked the same question on DragonDoor.com forums. They say that if you you vary the weights, you should be able to workout everyday with KBs and when you are overtraining, your body sends you signals. but people on the dragondoor are hardcore and they scoffed at my questions when I say 5/8lb kbs. In their eyes, working with dvds by these kettlenetics or firm is a joke. But, I took their advice with a grain of salt. I am not going as hardcore as they would and I am not pushing too far too fast either. So for now, I am doing PT with KBs once a week, and I am working out on my own 2 times a week. I use the DVDs only when am not in the mood to go to the gym.

    Hi there -
    Just wanted to reply regarding your DD forum post.....It isn't that the DD people are too HARDCORE...we just know what works. RKC's have spent alot of time and money to specialize in what we love. I am an RKC and adults don't have to be hardcore to use heavier bells...with the correct technique you will get results quickly. I am very passionate about helping my clients get the best results possible.
    However, most video out there do not use proper form....every trainer and even non-trainer are trying to jump on the Kettlebell Band Wagon while it is hot right now....Pavel brought the Kettlebells to the us and started the RKC in 2001.

    My 6 year old uses her 5 and 8lb bell to do her Kettlebell workouts.

    I showed my sister Kettlebells and she went from sz 16 to sz 6 in one year. (18lb to 26lb bells)

    Happy to answer any questions you might have...best of luck in your challenge. :)
  • inguvap
    inguvap Posts: 85 Member
    Karen, Thank you for posting. I am on dragondoor forums today for almost 6 hours reading and trying to absorb as much info as possible. I am looking for a RKC near me in NJ for lesson for my 18 year old son.

    Meanwhile, I have a trainer showing me KB moves but the thing is he is not RKC or anything. He is a regular PT. I think by now, I know more about kettlebells than him. Even with all the bad form, I already see a lot of diff in my body. My shoulders and my arms are nicely shaping up. I need to lose 10 more pounds before I can be confident about posting my pics but I like what I am seeing in the mirror.
    I started reading ETK last week and got From Russia With Tough Love DVD just today. I am planning to follow ETK starting in a couple of weeks.

    Where in VA are you located? I am planning to come to Centreville on August 30th. If you are near this town, let me know. I would love to take a PT session from you.

  • inguvap
    inguvap Posts: 85 Member
    Did not get to post for a couple of days but I have been doing KB workouts. On Friday, I have done 180 2-hand swings, in 8 sets, Some clean and pushes, squats for about 45 minutes. On Saturday, using my CrankTimes app, I have done 20 rounds of swings (30sec/30sec rest). I also invited my 18 year old son to join me. He had been doing 2 to 3 sets of swings for a week now. He was done by round #14. To my own amazement, I kept going until it is over. I can clearly see my stamina improving. I kept sweating that day almost until 2 hours after the workout(I usuallysweat very little so this is good sign).
    Monday, I had PT and and my trainer did some combo of KBs and Plyometrics. I asked him to help me with my heavy footed jogging so he started me on very light plyo moves. I loved it. I can jump rope without getting winded for a minute straight. I attribute this to Swings. As I said, I see my stamina and endurance growing and I am only doing KBs for 6 or so weeks.
    Today, I did 12 rounds of swings (30 sec/ 30 sec rest) and did the plyo moves I learned yesterday for 25 minutes. Then I took a Yoga class to calm my muscles and stretch them.

    2 more weeks to go. Where is everybody?

  • inguvap
    inguvap Posts: 85 Member
    Worked out with Kettlebells Wednesday, Thursay and today. I am doing mostly swings with a timer app. I do 30sec on and 30 seconds off. I see that I am not as winded as before. I think this is my calling....
  • inguvap
    inguvap Posts: 85 Member
    Did a 30 minutes circuit with KBs mostly swings and C&Ps (some TGUs and Windmills). I lost 0.8 lbs this week. I am eating more (about 1800 cals instead of 12 to 1500 as I added more exercise daily). I can clearly see the difference in my body now. My arms look so different already in the past few weeks. I am totally in LOVE with my kettlebells....

  • inguvap
    inguvap Posts: 85 Member
    I did 40 minutes of Kettlebell swings, box squats, cleans, cleans and presses. Also did some pullups and core work for another 15 minutes. Now I can clean a 12kg. But not press it yet. All this work hopefully is going to pay off soon...
  • Ryhenblue
    Ryhenblue Posts: 390 Member
    Hi, I'm late starting this challenge but I wasn't able to start until now. I bought a 10lbs kettlebell and have a couple of DVD's I did 20 minutes of the Gin Miller DVD. There are 3 workouts on there so it should be fun to mix and match.
  • inguvap
    inguvap Posts: 85 Member
    Friday, Saturday and Monday I have done timed swings workout. 30 sec on/ 30 sec off, I went up to 24 rounds and then did C&Ps. I am getting better at this. I lost 1 lb in last 2 weeks. I am happy and I will keep going. After the 12th, I would like to offer a hardcore challenge with Kettlebells (a shorter one) and see if I get any responses.

    One more workout before the challenge is over.
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