

  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning, everyone! I guess my work computer doesn’t think so though as it just went blue-screen-of-death on me. Grr.

    Aw, well, I’ve been wrestling with the urge to play hooky and go work in the yard again today – it’s a little cool but gorgeous out right now. I just ordered my mulch as extra incentive to finish up those last few beds and be ready to spread mulch next weekend. I also gave DH fair warning that it’s time to put on his big-boy britches as the walkway he’s wanted to do forever in the backyard will now have six tons of pea gravel waiting to be shoveled and spread for him (he’s NOT an outdoor/handyman/likes-to-get-his-hands-dirty kind of person. At.all.). Actually half of the gravel is mine to put in the walkways between the garden beds, but at least he’s been given advance notice.

    I spent the weekend out in the yard – got the front weeded on Saturday, then went out with my sister to a local farm for its open house/festival. It’s a small festival with just a few booths but the house and life-style is amazing. It reminds me of where I grew up with a huge old stone house (ours wasn’t stone, just old), lots of landscaped area around the house with big shade trees and fruit trees, surrounded by the area they garden in. I would love nothing more than to quit and just putter in the yard all the time. Anyway, I finished off the veggie garden on Sunday (getting the beds ready I mean) and some more flower beds in the back.

    Jodios, you’re a great mom, making care packages for your kiddos. I miss the days when my kid(s) were within a few hours’ drive. Sigh. I had to call DS late on Saturday night to make sure he was safe after reading about the avalanche in Loveland (right up the street from where he lives). Fortunately he assured me he’s not stupid enough to be in the back country when the snow is so unstable. (this wasn’t really directed at you, just musing about missing them).

    Yanniejannie, I agree about surrounding yourself with active people and people who are supportive of your goals makes such a big difference. I had a bit of a rant with DH this weekend when he had to take a nap mid-dish-washing – who the heck gets so tired from washing a few dishes that he needs to nap? He really needs to step up his game :smile:.

    Poerava, I just bought a Ninja and LOVE it! It does great with blending veggies and is a fraction of the cost of both the VitaMix and the Blendtec. I highly recommend it. There are a few different models – the one I bought comes with a smallish blender (holds about two quarts) and three individual smoothie cups along with a few different blending blades (advertises making cookie dough). It’s fast and powerful.

    Barbie, your day sounded lovely too. You’re always inspiring.

    Gail, so glad you had a good time catching up at the wedding.

    Cheryl, lovely picture! You look happy to be back on horseback.

    LindaB, isn’t it funny how we work so hard to be strong, then the minute we flex different muscles we’re all sore and weak again? I couldn’t believe how hard it was to trim bushes when I’ve been working out hard for almost a year!

    Michele, I’m so sorry all this worry about Bryan is weighing so heavily on you. I hope you can find a way to be happy for Bryan if this really is what he wants to do.

    Lin, welcome back. You’re still down, if a little more slowly; stick with us!

    Katla, I’ll second your opinion about Dungeness – it’s divine!

    Viv, enjoy your shopping!

    Jo in Wales, I completely agree with your Mom! I’m sure you miss her terribly. I will add to your emotions journal: how’s the water? I notice when I skip water (like I did all day yesterday) I eat very poorly. It’s so important to keep hydrated too!

    Amanda, how fun about the garden pods! Enjoy your hair color and eyelashes (color me jealous!) and watch DH get all huffy when other men take notice. Wait, maybe that’s why he’s all huffy?

    Jane in SLC, I hope you enjoy your visit with your mom. It sounds like it might be a bit stressful and possibly sorrowful; keeping you in my thoughts. I’m sorry you’re not feeling too well – it doesn’t help, does it?

    Joyce, I’m probably best kept away from kittens right now. My mommy instinct is coming out fierce – my neighbor brought one of his new puppies over to meet me yesterday and it was all I could do not to march into the house and tell DH “let’s go dog-shopping” lol. Aren’t animals a great comfort? On your trip to Applebee’s – honestly I find restaurants like that just aren’t a great deal. The food simply isn’t good enough to justify the calories, fat and cost.

    Polly, welcome back. I’m sorry to hear you had to have surgery – it’s not fun. I’m glad to hear you’re doing better now. Three pounds isn’t too bad though – you should shake that in no time! I’m glad they finally gave you your own classroom and kids – even if they are the struggling ones. Good luck!

    Jodios, I used to hate eating cereal but have become a fan of oatmeal. Yummy. It sounds like you had a busy weekend too! And congratulations on skipping the crackers at Costco – we are only buying the gluten-free/seeded ones these days, much to DH’s disgust. I love that Costco is carrying so many more organic items – I just wish they would carry veggie broth instead of only chicken.

    Sharon, I’m sorry you’re struggling right now with the weight. You may wish to just step away from the scale for the time being and just focus on doing everything right regardless of the outcome – exercise regularly, eat lightly and sensibly, and repeat. Eventually your body will accept the new “normal” and adjust accordingly. You’ll see it in your clothes. I’m so sorry your DH isn’t responding to treatment. Keeping you in my thoughts.

    Brooke, thanks for the good thoughts. I “treated” myself to working in the dirt with my headphones and favorite playlist on – music is very soothing to me. It helped a lot.

    OK, I need to get back to work. My manager goes for her appt. this afternoon so I will be very anxious to hear the outcome, good or bad. I have been laying awake at night thinking about her – one of those times I really wish I had the ability to take on another’s pain and illness, but we’re just going to have to get through this. A bit of good news came through today – her manager, my higher-up boss, got a different job within our company and is transitioning now. I’m so glad he wasn’t just laid off, and the new job is a good fit for him.

    Have a lovely day everyone –


  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member

    My spinach is up and very funny looking. It has two grass like spears of green. :huh: Some of the little plants also have one tiny leaf that looks like it is spinach shaped. I’m taking it as a good sign. :smile: I’ve never grown spinach before.
    We have a glorious day today and I’m trying to think about how to put some fun into it. DH made a mistake and took his insulin twice this morning, so what ever we do, it will have to be near food for a while.:grumble:

    Have a great day.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    Katla, that's exactly what spinach looks like when it starts. It sounds like it's doing fine. When the leaves are a decent size pick the big outer ones; the inner ones will continue to push new ones up and you can eat from your plant for some time.

    And yes, it's so much better to keep the food away from anywhere but the table (don't look while I put my bag of tortilla chips away) :wink:.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    50ish Foodie: Thanks so much for posting this link. I want to take a look at the whole study to see if I can get more from it. Their conclusions match our experience very well. I started diet and exercise together. DH started diet but not exercise at the same time. (His MS interferes with the exercise portion of the program. Sometimes it is hard to tell whether he could move more and uses his disease as an excuse. I never doubt that he doesn’t feel good when he says he doesn’t feel good.) I’ve lost twice as much weight as he has because I can exercise more. He has lost over 20 pounds, which impresses me. I also think I’ve had more fun with this weight loss adventure because I choose exercise I enjoy and because of this wonderful group of women. MFP has given me the ability to “buy” more calories with exercise when I want to, and that has made a LOT of difference to me. The opportunity to share this adventure with all of you has been a huge help. I know MFP wasn’t part of the study, but perhaps the participants had access to each other for support. I want to see if I can find the full study report online. I’ll repost your link.:heart::flowerforyou:


    mwheatcraft: Thanks for the tip on harvesting outer leaves from the spinach plants to help them produce longer. I'm also glad to know the plants are supposed to look this way when they're babies.:bigsmile:

    Katla in glorious sunshiney NW Oregon
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Sorry that I have fallen behind on keeping up with this chatty group. I moved my desk officially on Friday. So at least I don't sit near her anymore but I do still have to work for her. I keep hoping a new job will come thru. The last one I interviewed for didn't.

    I am trying to get excited about my girls weekend at the So Cal Rennaisance Pleasure Faire. It is such a part of my history (I worked there for 10 years) I love going every year and we play really hard. I just can't seem to feel much of anything this year. I know its just that naggy old depression talking and I am pushing thru it. I know I will have a great time. I really need to color my hair before I go. Nobody want a grey rooted wench playing around with them. :laugh:

    There are a couple of positions I applied for that I would really like. I hope one of them comes thru. I really need to get out of the department I am in.

    After I get back from Faire we will start the yard work. I hope to fence off an area from the fur boys so I can have a garden this year. Last year Ritter basically canabalized everything.

    Thank you all for always being here for me.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter,
    The springy and sunny PNW
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good afternoon Vit F ladies,

    Went to the Phillies game on Friday night. They were predicting thunderstorms, and it did come down, but we got to the 7th inning, the weather was beautiful up until then, and the Phillies kicked butt! We even got out picture taken in front of the field (we never get pics taken at events like this) and we liked one so much, we ordered it for our "Phillies wall" in our basement. Went to see "42" on Saturday night (do you see a theme here?) and had dinner out with family on Sunday. Not a low cal night, but a welcome treat nonetheless! My daughter is settling in her new home. Her new bed came, and she's thrilled to finally get a good night's sleep.My DVR went on the blink (third time in four years) and I spent the morning on the phone with Verizon. Very frustrating, but finally got it resolved. They are putting us in for a new plan (apparently, we had the old one and couldn't get the updated box) and a credit for our troubles. My DH would never complain, so I have to play the bad guy. But it's the only way to get results. We'll see if they follow through.

    :flowerforyou: Lora - Congrats on the weight loss! It's so much better when you have support.

    :drinker: yanniejannie - Those last 10 pounds are the toughest, but I'm sure you will be successful.

    :happy: gonzamm - The reason most of us are here is that we don't think about ourselves, so no, you are NOT a bad person at all, just one who deserves a little happiness!

    :heart: Joyce - The serenity prayer says to accept the things we cannot change, change the things we can, and have the wisdom to know the difference. Only YOU can decide what is right for you!

    :wink: Alison - Your little DGD is so beautiful! If it weren't for logging my food here, I would still be eating those high cal half sandwiches and wondering why I wasn't losing weight!

    :noway: DeeDee - That must have been some storm to knock down your pear trees! Glad you didn't sustain even more damage!

    :laugh: Brooke - Your view sounds so lovely. Loved your quote!

    :flowerforyou: Lin - Congrats on entering the maintenance stage of the weight loss journey.

    :laugh: m - You had some cold weather for that game, but bet the win made it worthwhile!

    :ohwell: Meg - On a good day, I may get in 9,000 - 10,000 steps, but I usually average between 3,000 and 6,000 steps.

    :heart: Mary - Thank God you are safe and the escaped suspect has been captured.

    :flowerforyou: Polly - You are a wise person & avoided a potentially difficult situation with grace. Those kids are lucky to have you and I'm sure they'll do just fine!

    :wink: Sharon - I found that MFP is very generous with their calories burned. Any food I enter seems to have multiple entries with different calorie counts, so I try to pick the highest one to be on the safe side. You may either be over-estimating your calories burned, or under-estimating you calorie intake. I made some adjustments and the pounds started coming off again. Good luck!

    :heart: Geri - Your DGS is just adorable!

    :smile: Michele - If Jess doesn't mind talking to Dianna, why not have her try & smooth things over? It can't hurt, and she may have better succes than you. I'm so glad Vince decided to go to the wedding. That must be a weight off your shoulders.

    Cheryl - Loved the pic of you and your gorgeous horse. I'm sure it's a joy riding her again!

    :heart: Linda S - Good luck with your upcoming surgery. It is hard to think about exercise when you're in pain.

    :grumble: LInda - N. Ontario - Weighing every day only leads to frustration. Try bi-weekly, or even monthly for better results.

    :wink: Jo - Great idea on keeping a journal for emotional eating.

    :happy: Amanda - A little change goes a long way for self-esteem. I bet you look fabulous with your new hair!

    :heart: Jackie - Dating at our age takes patience and humor! You seem to have both, so I'm sure you'll do just fine. The right one will wait until you're ready and it will be worth the wait!

    :wink: Robin - Color your hair (take notes from Amanda) and GO and have a great time with your friends! Fingers are crossed that something will open up for you at work.

    Congrats going out to all I've missed for continued success and loving thoughts to all who are struggling.

    Have a wonderful week!

    Lucy in DE.:bigsmile:
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Good afternoon. Trying to catch up on all the posts before we move to Part 3 for the month.

    My weight has been stuck so I put out there my goal of rededicating myself to weight loss. I’ve been mostly good but eating more sweets (DH has been a BAD influence). I’m so close to my goal and I’m more determined than ever to get there. So here is my plan:
    :smile: Leave 320 unused calories everyday that I exercise
    :smile: Exercise 6 days/week: 5 tough ones burning at least 400 calories and 1 yoga to stretch what a know will be a bunch of very sore muscles
    :smile: Eat even healthier – no more cookie and pie splurges (DH has agreed not to tempt me – instead he’ll eat goodies out of my sight and not ask me to bake for him)
    So its out there now and I’m going to do my darnest to stick with it. Just 2-3 pounds to goal and I’m going to get there!!!!!!!

    It’s a beautiful day here.:glasses: Perfect for bike riding (except that they are submerged under lots of water). :sad: Hoping I can start to ride soon. Biking is my favorite form of cardio. It is so nice to see the sun shining. Unfortunately, there is more rain in the forecast. Our main street is still closed due to the flooding. Oh well, mother nature sure has a mind of her own.:noway:

    Yanniejannie – I agree – who you surround yourself with can make a huge difference. My DH is also very active and its great that we can do so much together (likewise per my note above he can be a very bad sweets influence):noway:

    Rori – I’ve been thinking about the Vitamix as well but having trouble getting past the price tag. Let me know what you decide. I’m thinking about doing some juicing after reading about all the green smoothies on this thread:wink:

    Gail – so glad you had a good time at the wedding and got to connect with long lost family:heart:

    Cheryl – love the picture:flowerforyou:

    Sundance – I don’t have anything to add to the great advice Barbie has already provided other than sometimes you need to shake it up to break that plateau. I’m doing that right now. Sorry you are in pain and praying that your surgery is a success. P.S. My mom was very young looking for her age – I guess I inherited her good genes…thanks for the compliment.:flowerforyou:

    Jane – hope you are settling nicely to your new place:drinker:

    Michele – don’t give up on Bryan. Do not assume that you won’t see him after the wedding. Hopefully everyone coming together for a joyous occasion will help rebuild some bonds:heart:

    Linda – hang in there:grumble:

    Katia – you are hardly lazy…lazy would have skipped the bike! :laugh:

    Viv – I think a lot of us are there with you – indulging a bit too much and then having to recommit.:blushing: I’m so thankful for this thread – it kicks my butt back into gear. So consider yourself kicked on the backside as well. We can do this!!!! :wink:

    Jo – thank you for your inspiring words:heart:

    Amanda – sounds like blondes do have more fun! What are eyelash extensions?:wink:

    Grandmallie – did you try Zumba. I did Zumba this morning – just love it and burn loads of calories every time:bigsmile:

    Kathy – good luck with the job interview:flowerforyou:

    Jackie – you make me laugh.:laugh: My 80 year old aunt is having the same issue – the man she was seeing just wants sex. Unbelievable! I’ve got my fingers crossed you’ll find a guy soon who actually would like a relationship:wink:

    M – your visit to the farm sounds magical. I want so badly to get outside to start working on our gardens but it’s been either cold or rainy or both. It’s pretty mushy out there right now. Just hoping for sun and a bit of a dry up.

    Robin – I hope that one of the new positions comes through for you. Have fun at the faire:drinker:

    Well got to get back to work. Everyone have a great rest of the day. Jodios :smile: :love: :flowerforyou: :glasses: :smooched: :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • allisonlane61
    allisonlane61 Posts: 187 Member
    Jodios: What GREAT news about your aunt. I think when I'm 80, I'll probably care less about the relationship part of it. And it's really good to know I have a good 30 years left so I don't have to hurry now!

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Rain, wind, and downright cold again.........boy, this is getting on my last nerve! Came home from gym at 10am and kicked the heat up to 73; I'm so sick of being cold , I don't care what it does to the bill........and I'm bundled up in my fleecy robe too. Last night I turned on the heated mattress pad on my side and left it at 7 ALL night. I've already had my "evening" cup of hot chocolate......chocolate always helps.

    Judios.......we are on the same track; I mailed the last care pkg. of this year today to college; tucked in a bit of money too as her English class (Shakespeare) is doing a day trip to DC for a play and a museum Saturday

    Jackie.......very best of luck for a p.r. at your race (wanted to get that in in case I forget between now and the 5th). I have a cousin with a home on Mt. Vernon St...........don't know if you run near there but I know that he and his husband go down and watch the Philly marathon every year. And yeah, they (men) still want to score; and it doesn't matter if you're not interested (or married) either. Some things never change.

    Brooke........gotta tell you---loved "deja poo"

    Lucy...........go Phillies, born and raised in Pa.; on that side of the state.............I'm the fighter in this family too

    Porava........I'd say it would depend on how much you'd actually use the Vitamix

    Wessecg...........beautiful horse

    Sundance........... good luck with that plateau and your surgery

    Michele NC............all I can say is, if you are so detailed that you are cleaning with a toothbrush, you better NEVER see my house

    Hi to everyone else, memory of whatever else I wanted to say is gone............


    goal review:
    wore ped. every day..........getting some 10,000;;always at least 6,000
    seem to be eating less red meat; still need to review record on that
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Hi Ladies sun is shinning and got some walking in up to 6000 steps so far today may make my 10,000 goal yet!
    just got back from an emergency vet visit little toy poodle has a anal abcess and is not happy,glad we were able to get him
    some medicine and relief he is now in his bed fast asleep and I'm trying to keep out of the snacks,same as when the kids were sick,
    they bounce back and mom freaks out!!
    Well wishes to those who need them and congrats to those doing so well.

    juanita in sudbury
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Ok, time to start reading and responding. First of all, thanks to all who think my dirty little white girl is cute. She is really gorgeous, but just not this time of the year.

    Barbiecat - I thought of you yesterday, I managed 25889 steps yesterday including walking the dog (OK, so I cheated some, I leave the fitbit on while riding my horse :laugh: )

    Sundance - you wrote quite the reply yesterday. Also, I heard they had Jackson out for a walk in a wheel chair yesterday. It was his first time out.

    JaneMartin - hi back

    Michele, I'm sorry you're sad.

    Linda - I'm right there undoing it with you.

    wizzywig - there's no backside kicking icon here - but I could use one also.

    Granmallie - congratulations on the ounces.

    Kathy - Good luck on your job interview on Wednesday.

    Jackie, I envy your ability to run. I have a ruptured Achilles and just can't bring myself to go through the surgery, so I just keep limping along. I do see the doctor next Tuesday though to find out if there is something other than surgery I can do.

    M. - I envy your gardening. Mine are a mess. Or at least they will be once they start growing again. Between working all day, 3 kids in sports, daily chores (dinner, laundry, etc.) and 7 horses, gardening is way low on my list. With the exception of my ivy. Every year some foreign ground cover tries to overwhelm my ivy and I try to attack them with a vengeance. Fortunately the ivy thrives even when covered by them.

    Lucy, my family went to a Cubs/Brewers game on Saturday. I didn't go as there was a huge horse fair in Wisconsin that I had missed the last three years. It was my little kids first ball game so I'm kinda sad I didn't go.

    Jodios, good luck on your redirecting. I just can't get motivated. But I'm not giving up. I think about you every time I hear how much the Desplains River is still rising. I need to take a walk to the back of my horse property. It's supposed to be a wetland, but it is never wet. I bet it is now!!

    Yanni - thank you.

    Cheryl in Northeastern Illinois
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Did grocery shopping today, they didn't have my organic carrots I love and my Gala apples. Plus I forgot the peanut butter:frown: Hope every one is having a good day. It is gradually getting warmer again:love: Might be able to go out side for our walk. Tomorrow my husband has his treadmill test after his heart attack. Really anxious to see what the nuclear tests show about the bottom part of his heart.

    I am currently working with my mother in law and the Blair catalog and helping her shop. It's going to be a long process. She lives in a nursing home, wheel chair bound, hardly ever goes out of her room and she wants a dress, dress shoes and a faux fur coat.! Maybe this will encourage her to get out of her room. I'm afraid what it will do is make her want to get out of the nursing home and neither sons can get her in their cars. She weighs to much and can't stand so we can't get her in the car. The nursing home does have outings to the local casino or circus and they do all the transporting so she could wear it there.

    Joyce from warm sunny southern Indiana
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,782 Member
    evening ladies,
    im really tired today, I did get up at 4, but have been running to the rest room all day today:noway:
    oh well.im sitting in bed now and will probably go to sleep early..
    I found a new favorite snack,a tad on the salty side but wayyyyyyyy delicious
    I bought the brown rice and sweet potato sweet onion triscit's and paired that with a wedge of garden vegetable laughing cow cheese,OMG it was stupendous..only ate the serving size of triscit and cheese wedge
    the sun is shining and it is still a little cold out. but everything is greening up~:flowerforyou: love it!!!!!
    im getting darn close to the 30 lb mark and when I do I will order the fit bit flex,it will be out the middle of May..
    Any idea's on how I should go about getting a bathing suit that will fit me for the cruise in Oct?
    I asked earlier,I have 3 suits that I know wont fit my October, but the suits will be out of the stores my mid July, what to do?
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good evening beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Didn't make it by here this morning, I got up at 4:30:sad: , and got busy and the day just got away from me. Hope everyone has had a wonderful day, and will have a wonderful night! I've got to take Noel out for a little romp before it get too chilly for my jacket. I had to wear my big coat, hood and gloves when we went out this morning, it was 38 degrees...brrr! I even turned my heat back on, where did those 80 degree days go:frown: ???

    Have a wonderful evening ladies!!! Make sure you get all your water in:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:!!!

    DeeDee in sunny but chilly NC
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Grandmallie........bathing suits are always available on the web; when you get closer to the cruise, why not order some you like by using your measurements at the time and simply return what you don't like.....
  • wannabpiper
    wannabpiper Posts: 402 Member
    Good evening, Ladies. I've been looking for a group of over 50-ers to talk health and fitness with on this site. I just found the site two weeks ago and love it. So I need some help:

    I desperately want to run. For four consecutive years now I've begun a running program slowly and carefully, and each year I end up with injuries that stop my progress. This year it's peroneal tendonitis. I'm so sore from my waist down that I can't hardly walk. My hips, knees, and feet ache.

    Have any of you had this problem? I'm assuming it's because I'm getting older, but then I read those books that tell us we can run at any age. Help!
  • henschm
    henschm Posts: 7 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    :flowerforyou: Cheryl, I had a pedometer once that counted steps from the bouncing in the truck so even when we were traveling I got lots of steps.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Currently I’m reading “Thinner This Year” which has endless information about what fat and sugar do to destroy your body…..a few basics from the book”
    “Eat healthy foods
    don’t eat crap”
    “the two best things you can do to lose weight are eat at home and learn to cook”
    I highly recommend the book……I read “Younger Next Year” awhile ago and learned a lot and this one seems to be just as good.

    :flowerforyou: Jake had orientation at the gym he joined and I went with him. It’s a great place with lots of great equipment and I tried some out but I’m balanced enough to realize that I don’t have the time to add going to the gym to my list of things to do, so I’ll let it be his place to go and enjoy the time alone when he goes.

    :grumble: :grumble: I’m fighting a cold----sneezing and coughing a lot but getting some extra sleep. I was supposed to go somewhere this evening but Jake suggested that I stay home----I took a short nap and feel much better.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi Ladies from soggy Omaha. We have gotten 3” of rain just today on top of another 3” last week. So our yard is like soup! I taught for 4 hours today…ugh that is one long class. But it’s my last class of the semester! Yahoo the end is near!
    I wore my pedometer today and am right at 6,000 steps. I’m not sure if it’s accurate or not, but I guess if I keep increasing it that will be good, accurate or not. I guess it’s the trend that counts! I did get home and managed 15” on the elliptical, not my goal but it was something. AND I avoided stopping at McDonalds for a sausage egg mcmuffin this morning!

    Peaches: oh how I love azaleas! There are some bred for colder climates called northern lights, but I have never had good luck with them. As far as the chinese food goes…live and learn. Too bad you didn’t at least enjoy it!~

    Jodios: stay away from the cookies LOL

    Poerava: I just have a small blender that can handle up to ice and nothing more, so I can’t offer you any advice, but I think $400 is a bit much too! (says the girl who recently spent over $650 on face cream!)

    Barbie thanks for the information on the pedometer. I have worn mine almost all day but did take it off for the elliptical

    Gail: that is so wonderful to reconnect with long lost friends or relatives!

    Wessecg: what a great picture! Thanks for sharing you look like you are having so much fun!

    Nonie: welcome to the group!

    Lindasundance: I think you are right…you get the ortho nightmare award! Your surgery is on my birthday! I’m so sorry you have such pain right now.

    Janemartin: glad you are getting all settled in your new home.

    Michele: your pain is breaking my heart. I wish so much that I could do something for you. You’re right, it’s his choice (and his loss by the way) but I still hope and pray something happens to change things.

    LindaC: I’m with you….sick of doing/undoing, being good/being off the wagon. You have the right attitude….just pick up and start again. Did you order our snow for tonight and tomorrow? You should keep it up north with you!

    Katla the lazy: hope you got that bike ride in! you are not normally lazy, so maybe it’s just an off day? Hope your hubby had no ill effects from his double insulin dose!

    Viv: one transatlantic kick in the butt coming your way!

    Jo: what a great idea to keep a diary about your emotions when eating! I bet that will be eye-opening

    Amanda: ooooh eyelash extensions! Are they permanent? Wow you are really having a make over!

    Kathy: hope you enjoyed the beautiful day!

    Jackie I think you are right at least about some of the men. I haven’t been single in a while, but I hear that complaint from my
    single friends who encounter it frequently. Seems those men don’t really want a commitment because they came from bad ones, they just want to have fun. I am glad you are happy with your life!

    M: I’m with you and little furry mammals! I would love to have more, but we are at the city limit for critters!

    Robin: at least you aren’t sitting right next to she-who-must-be-a-pain! I hope you get a new position soon!

    Lucy: you were at the game last night? I watched til the 7th inning then couldn’t stay awake any longer. IT was a great game at least til then!

    Juanita: here’s hoping the little fur baby feels better soon!

    Jmkmomm your mil will be the grand dame of the nursing home in her fur coat! I think that’s wonderful…at one of the homes I take students to there is a lady who is always glammed up…lots of bling, sunglasses, fake eyelashes (they aren’t too bad) and bling=y sweatsuits! She’s so cute and just loves to be dolled up.

    Grandmallie: I shall have to look for those triscuits!

    DeeDee: stay warm!!!

    Well I better post this before the thread closes! Have a good night. Meg from cold and rainy Omaha
  • kathygolean
    kathygolean Posts: 24 Member
    Welcome to MFP! You have made the first move in the right direction to getting healthy. I'm cheering you on!
  • walker54
    walker54 Posts: 64 Member
    Hello All,
    Thanks for all the "welcome backs" and encouragement. Much appreciated. Still have to prepare my lessons for tomorrow so not enough time to reply individually, but I offer encouragement to all who are struggling and discouraged. Also sending positive thoughts to those who are not well, or who are facing surgery. It's hard to keep your focus on weight loss and exercise when you are in pain and you know you will be recovering and limited in your activities for awhile. Do the best you can, and know that when you feel better, you can pick up where you left off.

    I'm back to logging all my food after a few months of not tracking it closely, and now I can see why the pounds are creeping back on. I haven't been as mindful about what I'm eating, and I'm not eating enough of the high quality foods. I'm snacking, instead, and not on the better snacks that I was having before. Deep breath. I retained about 75% of the good habits I worked so hard to establish last summer and fall, but now I need to work on those other entrenched bad habits. I might not be able to eliminate ALL of my food vices, but I CAN do better.

    Thoughts and prayers to all our midwestern friends who are dealing with the heavy rains and flooding...May the sun come out soon.

    Chins up, ladies. :smile:
