How does your body react to unhealthy food?



  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Had you been keeping your fat content really low? Because a sudden increase in fat consumption can cause that reaction.

    And if so, would probably be a good idea to increase your dietary fat.

  • theCarlton
    theCarlton Posts: 1,344 Member
    It rejoices.
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member

    Pizza is a vegetable, Congress says so!
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Wait wait... which was the unhealthy food? The hamburger or the sushi?
  • Viva81Diva
    Viva81Diva Posts: 148
    I react too when I eat healthy. Went 6 weeks without eating fast food before, and finally decided to "indulge" at a local ff restaurant. I ordered my favorite burger and fries, and couldn't even eat half of it without thinking how nasty and greasy it tasted. My stomach hurt for the rest of the day because of the grease. When you're used to eating unhealthy, you adapt to it and don't realize how bad it is effecting the body. I'm funny now about greasy foods and frying. I would rather fry my own food than eat at these restaurants. I'm picky, though, even about fried stuff. I'd rather bake, broil, grill and steam food. As for sweets, though, I admit I have an addiction! Sometimes people will mention how rich something is, and I'm just like, "really?!?" I'm sure that when I stop eating so many sweets that I will taste/feel the difference. I do with soda. It's way too carbonated for me. Can't even finish a whole can. It takes me all day to drink a 20 oz on the rare occasions I buy them.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Never underestimate the power of the mind and its ability to affect our objective evaluation of our feeling of well-being.
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    Wait wait... which was the unhealthy food? The hamburger or the sushi?

    Well, we already established that Caesar salad is unhealthy, so probably both.
  • randysbombshellgirl
    randysbombshellgirl Posts: 338 Member
    Truffle fries are like a laxative for me. I know I know TMI!!
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Wait wait... which was the unhealthy food? The hamburger or the sushi?

    Well, we already established that Caesar salad is unhealthy, so probably both.

    (Honestly, if I were ranking these on "healthiness", I'd definitely put the Caesar salad at the bottom. I've always thought of lettuces as mostly devoid of any significant nutrition. The dressing probably isn't adding much either. It certainly can be delicious though (when done right).)
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    I ate some pulling taffy and havent been able to walk right for a week. dang.
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    nikilis, you're on a roll tonight. lol

    I have no problem with sushi, hamburgers or Caesar salad. I don't consider them unhealthy at all.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Had you been keeping your fat content really low? Because a sudden increase in fat consumption can cause that reaction.

    And if so, would probably be a good idea to increase your dietary fat.

    I never put that together but now that I think about it, whenever I had this issue, I wasn't considering fat or keeping fat low. Since I have been focused more on macros (which includes a decent fat goal) I haven't had them.

    The only time I feel gross/sick now is when I eat too much. That seems to happen mostly when it's a really good meal which would also what be the type of meal a lot of people here consider "unhealthy". I'm getting better though.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    the only unhealthy food is one eaten in excess.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    the only unhealthy food is one eaten in excess.

    I would also argue that foods eaten *in lieu of* foods needed for proper nutrition could be considered "unhealthy"...(but perhaps you were covering that under the "in excess" umbrella).
  • thestrawberrysays
    thestrawberrysays Posts: 31 Member
    I have noticed that lately if I eat red meat, or "gut bombs" like hamburgers, taco's, etc that I almost instantly get heartburn. As far as junk foods I don't really notice the toll on my body until the following day. I have less energy, tension headaches, migraines, afternoon fatigue. It's crazy because I used to have that stuff all the time and thought it was normal.
  • thestrawberrysays
    thestrawberrysays Posts: 31 Member
    Wait wait... which was the unhealthy food? The hamburger or the sushi?

    Well, we already established that Caesar salad is unhealthy, so probably both.

    (Honestly, if I were ranking these on "healthiness", I'd definitely put the Caesar salad at the bottom. I've always thought of lettuces as mostly devoid of any significant nutrition. The dressing probably isn't adding much either. It certainly can be delicious though (when done right).)

    Lettuces are devoid of nutrition? What are you talking about?

    Believe it or not, romaine lettuce is 17% protein with 7.7 grams per head. It is also a complete protein! That means that it has all 8 essential amino acids, 9% RDA of some and up to 26% RDA of others.
    One head of romaine has 206mg of calcium (about 21% RDA).
    One head of romaine lettuce contains 44% RDA of Omega-3 essential fats.
    Romaine contains 167% RDA of vitamin C while an average sized orange contains only 92%.One head of romaine contains 6mg of iron, which ads a significant source of iron to the diets of vegetarians and vegans.
    Romaine Lettuce is Rich in B-vitamins: Thiamine (B1) – 38% RDA, Riboflavin (B2) – 32% RDA, Niacin (B3) – 12% RDA, Pantothenic Acid (B5) – 18%, Pyridoxine (B6) – 36 %, Folate (B9) – 213%!
    One head of romaine provides 16% of your daily water needs with about 20 ounces of water per head!
    Rich Source of vitamin A (as beta-carotene) and K. As with most leafy greens, romaine is super rich in beta-carotene with 1817% RDA per head and has 535% RDA of vitamin K.
    Low Levels of Oxalic Acid. If you have problems with calcium oxalate kidney stones, romaine lettuce might be a good choice for leafy greens since it is very low in this anti-nutrient.
    One head contains copper (33% RDA), magnesium (22% RDA), manganese (42% RDA), phosphorus (27% RDA), potassium (33%), selenium (5% RDA) and zinc (13% RDA).
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Sushi (fish and rice) and cheeseburgers (bread, cheese, veggies, and bread) are not unhealthy. Seriously, they aren't.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Wait wait... which was the unhealthy food? The hamburger or the sushi?

    Well, we already established that Caesar salad is unhealthy, so probably both.

    (Honestly, if I were ranking these on "healthiness", I'd definitely put the Caesar salad at the bottom. I've always thought of lettuces as mostly devoid of any significant nutrition. The dressing probably isn't adding much either. It certainly can be delicious though (when done right).)

    Lettuces are devoid of nutrition? What are you talking about?

    Believe it or not, romaine lettuce is 17% protein with 7.7 grams per head. It is also a complete protein! That means that it has all 8 essential amino acids, 9% RDA of some and up to 26% RDA of others.
    One head of romaine has 206mg of calcium (about 21% RDA).
    One head of romaine lettuce contains 44% RDA of Omega-3 essential fats.
    Romaine contains 167% RDA of vitamin C while an average sized orange contains only 92%.One head of romaine contains 6mg of iron, which ads a significant source of iron to the diets of vegetarians and vegans.
    Romaine Lettuce is Rich in B-vitamins: Thiamine (B1) – 38% RDA, Riboflavin (B2) – 32% RDA, Niacin (B3) – 12% RDA, Pantothenic Acid (B5) – 18%, Pyridoxine (B6) – 36 %, Folate (B9) – 213%!
    One head of romaine provides 16% of your daily water needs with about 20 ounces of water per head!
    Rich Source of vitamin A (as beta-carotene) and K. As with most leafy greens, romaine is super rich in beta-carotene with 1817% RDA per head and has 535% RDA of vitamin K.
    Low Levels of Oxalic Acid. If you have problems with calcium oxalate kidney stones, romaine lettuce might be a good choice for leafy greens since it is very low in this anti-nutrient.
    One head contains copper (33% RDA), magnesium (22% RDA), manganese (42% RDA), phosphorus (27% RDA), potassium (33%), selenium (5% RDA) and zinc (13% RDA).

    But how much of it do you have to eat to get the same benefits that could be found in another food?

    (PS - the answer is lots.)
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Sushi (fish and rice) and cheeseburgers (bread, cheese, veggies, and bread) are not unhealthy. Seriously, they aren't.
