Bob Harpers Skinny Rules



  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    2. don't drink your calories
    6. Eat apples and berries every single day. Every. Single. Day.
    7. No carbs after lunch
    14. Eat a real breakfast.
    15. Make your own food and eat at least ten meals a week at home.
    16. Banish high salt foods.
    18. Go to bed hungry.

    I think those are good rules as long as some rules are made to be broken. The ones quoted above are those that would make me too miserable to consider without some medical need.

    2. I like wine with dinner.
    6. berries are crazy expensive where I live most of the year, but I eat apples 5 days a week on average.
    7. Nonsense that I will never willingly do.
    14. Rarely hungry in the mornings and it seems stupid to eat when not hungry.
    15. I work too far from home to do this, though I do prepare much more than 10 meals a week at home.
    16. Fixed to read Limit high salt foods
    18. In order to get in a workout after work I eat pretty close to bedtime so this is not feasible unless I give up the workout or some sleep.

    12 - I don't plan them, but I usually have one or more meatless day per week. I love beans!
    20 - I usually have a splurge meal every 7-10 days though I also don't plan them. Life just works out that way (parties, cookouts, eating at restaurant, etc.)
  • Tona917
    Tona917 Posts: 9 Member
  • kmakar
    kmakar Posts: 103
  • srk369
    srk369 Posts: 256 Member
  • gooose7
    gooose7 Posts: 7 Member
    Bob is a legend !!
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    think Ill check that out. thanks for the post :)
  • My girlfriend decided to purchase the book and after reading it, she gave me the five minute Cliff Notes version. We are part way through week one and I have lost over 13 pounds and she has lost over 10. Neither of us are hungry and there is more than enough to eat. Neither of us are fans of avocados, so we just omit it from the meal. We are sticking the three weeks out!
  • kimm40p
    kimm40p Posts: 15 Member
    What on earth would you eat to get 30-50 grams of fibre a day without using a supplement.
  • jillymurdoch
    jillymurdoch Posts: 42 Member
    What on earth would you eat to get 30-50 grams of fibre a day without using a supplement.

    I hit 30 grams of fibre pretty regularly without a supplement eating 1600-1800 calories a day (and my humble opinion, I'm eating pretty tasty stuff). That's through grains, roughage/veggies, legumes. I think I could hit more if my tummy wasn't sensitive to fruits like apples. But for those with higher daily caloric requirements, I don't think getting 40-50 would be tough eating balanced meals made with whole foods. Just MHO.
  • oiypus
    oiypus Posts: 30 Member
    I refuse to listen to any BS about having to "go to bed hungry". Sure, I won't go to bed stuffed with junk (I try not to, anyway) but deprivation always leads to relapse or illness. Always. The other rules seem straightforward enough, but I find it presumptuous of this guy to make these rules as if they are unanimously be-all and end-all. Health and wight loss/maintenance needs to be tailored to every individual's needs and lifestyles.
  • lgardhouse
    lgardhouse Posts: 11 Member
    bump as a reminder!
  • TahoeSki
    TahoeSki Posts: 69 Member
  • gossipkween
    gossipkween Posts: 35 Member
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Didn't Bob Harper's last book advocate 800 calories per day? For that reason alone I wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire much less buy his books.
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    These are the rules that I saw on a picture file going around on Pinterest:
    1. drink a large glass of water before every meal--no excuses!
    2. don't drink your calories
    3. Eat protein at every meal--or stay hungry and grouchy
    4. slash your intake of refined flours and grains
    5. Eat 30 to 50 grams of fiber a day
    6. Eat apples and berries every single day. Every. Single. Day.
    7. No carbs after lunch
    8. Learn to read food labels so you know what you are eating.
    9. Stop guessing about portion sizes and get it right--for good.
    10. No more added sweeteners, including artificial ones.
    11. Get rid of those white potatoes.
    12. Make one day a week meatless.
    13. Get rid of fast foods and fried foods.
    14. Eat a real breakfast.
    15. Make your own food and eat alt least ten meals a week at home.
    16. Banish high salt foods.
    17. Eat your vegetables--just do it!
    18. Go to bed hungry.
    19. Sleep right.
    20. Plan one splurge meal a week.

    This is all I have to go by right now, and I'm trying to follow them as well as I can. I put my name on the list for this book at the library, so I'm looking forward to reading more about some of the rules.

    Really started trying to follow these this week--skipped extra sugar on my oatmeal, letting the peaches be the only sweetener. Had a meatless day yesterday. Limited myself to one cup of coffee (I drink mine with sugar & half and half). It will be tough, but I guess trying (and missing some of the rules) is better than not doing any of it!

    Other than 8 and 9 (common sense) and 15 (because it's just good budgeting), I break every single rule and I'm doing alright. ***Shrugs***