

  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Michele - a half sister/brother share a bloodline through a common parent and steps are by marriage only. All 5 of us have the same father. His first wife died when the younger of my two sisters was an infant. A couple of years later he married my mother and had 2 more children, so I technically have two half sisters and one half brother, plus a full brother -- though we never consider it that way. We are just brothers and sisters, all the same. Then after we were all gone from home my mom died and after some time he married again and we added 3 steps! Now all the parents have passed away and we are just orphinks.

    I did get some troublesome news about my oldest sister, who was not at the wedding. She hasn't been feeling well since November and finally went to the doctor. They found she has a mass on her spleen and are planning some exploratory procedures and probably surgery. Don't you know she never told any of us?!? Apparently she just told our older brother right before his trip to the wedding. So, 'Nancy' needs prayers for healing and good care for those that would.

    Need to get ready for bed.

    Gail, metro ATL
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Katla - I think some of it is that my son feels that he's 27 now so I should stop worrying about him. Like that's ever gonna happen!

    Phyllis - I can't help but think of Vince's "team building". What did they do? They went to the local go kart and rode the go karts! They then billed that to the company as a "team building exercise".....lol

    It's gotten pretty chilly today. At least no rain is in the forecast.

    Jo - have an emotional day. So sorry about your mother, I know that that hurts.

    Those magic cookie bars ARE very good. I've put them in the freezer, but I've even put them behind a bag of frozen lobster that I have so that they are harder to get at.

    grandmalle - good for you portioning out your snacks. I do that lots, helps me from overeating, too. I hope you feel better fast and that it isn't anything real serious

    Have potatoes in the microwave right now cooking. We'll have them with dinner tonight.

    kathy - Vince didn't really change his mind about going to the wedding, I really think he's doing it for Denise and me, not because he cares himself. If it were totally up to him, I don't think he'd go. A friend of Bryan's from college got married this past November and wanted Bryan to be in the wedding. He said that he couldn't afford it, but Jessica told us that this was one factor but also that Bryan didn't feel he should leave Dianna. Bryan is just going to have to learn that loving someone means that you want the best for them, even if it's not exactly what you want. You don't hold the person back, you let them go. Honestly, it's going to be hard to keep the lines of communication open when Bryan has said "I want nothing more to do with you"

    Went to the extremepump class, only they didn't have the class, there was some sort of health expo. So I went to a friend's and picked up some old toothbrushes from her, mailed two packages out of the country, took the food to the soup kitchen, bought Vince milk, then home and we worked outside. The pool is looked fairly decent. In the deep end you can now tell that the Polaris is blue! That's an accomplishment!!! Seeded part of the yard. Tonight is mahjongg. Update: maj'd 3 times!

    Jackie - congrats on the runs. I'm always in awe of someone who can do that, running just isn't my "thing" at all

    Thank you, everyone, for all your support about Bryan. Over the next few months you'll probably hear me wining just ignore it.

    katla - wow, dh has lost a lot!

    Robin - I do hope you get something soon. You deserve it!

    Lucy in DE - thanks for reminding me about the serenity prayer. I really have to learn to accept the things I cannot change. I honestly don't know if Jess talks to Dianna or just facebooks her, but at least she's allowed to communicate with Dianna. I really hate asking her to get in the middle, but I don't know what else to do.

    I'm thinking that I'll do a bosu DVD tomorrow. Then we have Newcomer board meeting. It's supposed to be nice so Vince said that we could put the heater on and I can probably get into the spa to clean it out.

    jodios - I don't know who is going to be at the wedding. Remember, it's in Spain. I know that Vince, Jess, Denise and I will be there. Don't know if any of his friends from the states will be and I don't know how to get in touch with anyone

    Juanita - so sorry about your doggie, but glad you're getting it taken care of

    grandmalle - yanniejannie had a great suggestion. You can always get bathing suits off the Internet.

    wannabpiper - welcome! I've never had that problem. Maybe what you need to do is not start out running but start by walking at a good clip and gradually build yourself up to running.

    barbie - feel better fast. We need you and your wisdom!

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

    Michele in NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: several of you have given me credit for starting the new thread when the old one reaches 500 and I thank you for your kind words but actually, MFP does it automatically. After you've been with us for awhile you get accustomed to paying attention to how many posts there are so you know when it gets to 500 and you look for the little tiny note at the bottom that tells your how to get to the new part. I always write my posts in a word document and then copy and paste so if I goof, I don't lose my words.

    :bigsmile: :yawn: I should go to bed early but I have to stay up late enough to vote for my favorites on DWTS......I record the show so I can watch it in the morning but I vote even if I haven't watched all the dancing.....I won't tell you who my favorites are because it is such an emotional subject for all of us who are fans that the discussion would be as emotional as sex, religion, or politics. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington where the weather is beautiful:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • RozannSatt
    Hi Everyone. I am relatively new on this site. I have a lot to lose, especially since I am only 4'10" tall, but I am determined to do it. I have struggled with my weight all of my life. I just want to go to the store and pick out cute clothes that fit comfortably. Do they have any challenges on this site? Where do I find them? Good luck everyone. Rozann
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: It is only 8PM on the west coast and I am ready to hit the sack. Good night everyone. Tomorrow is another day!

    Vancouver Island, BC
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Some have been talking about the book called thinner this year I haven't read it yet but I have downloaded the Receipe book that is called Stepforward for Thinner this year ,younger next year 65 recipes there are some good recipes just thought I'd let you know
    I got it off my KOBO ereader

    juanita in sudbury
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Just a quick BUMP so I can find this thread later. Thanks to everyone who chimed in about the VitaMix. I'm still mulling it over. :huh: :huh:

    Oh Barbie! You're so right about DWTS. Looks like another great season.:laugh:

    Good night Friends.

    Rori in Colorado Foothills where it is SNOWING AGAIN :explode: :explode: :explode:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Gail: Nancy is in my prayers.:flowerforyou:

    Michele: My son thought I shouldn’t worry about him at 27, but at 37 he appreciates it. Patience is the hardest thing. I hope it pays off for you eventually and I’m sorry that now isn’t great.:flowerforyou:

    Barbie: I thought it was you who started the new threads. I’m glad to know you don’t have to sit and wait for the magic number. Hurray for technology!:bigsmile:

    Renny: I hope you rest well and tomorrow is awesome.:flowerforyou:

    It was beautiful here today and also chilly. My daughter lives near Boulder, CO and my son is somewhere on the East Coast. We win the family weather award for today.:bigsmile: I visited with a friend this afternoon who asked me all about MPF. She asked what I can eat. I said anything I want. She looked at me like I’m crazy. I forgot to tell her about measuring and portion control. Next time I see her I hope I have my brain with me.:tongue::laugh:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon.
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :bigsmile: Took so long to find out where I'd left off on page 2 that I'm marking my spot for later.

    Sorry, haven't quite finished all the posts on page 2 so need to have a good catch up, but for now I need to get ready for work.:frown:

    Have a fab day dear Vit Fs. :heart:

    Viv UK
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Trying to read everyday and keep up with this page. This kept me motivated and feeling the "love and support"Thank you all for your kind works and support.:drinker: :drinker:

    Our fruit trees are all blooming. We just got 6 avocados from our dwaft tree! This is only the second year with avacados! We just pulled out some vining roses to make way for the garden again. We need to get new topsoil! I finally got out all the mint roots! Man, they grow every where! Our roma tomato bush lasted through the winter and is getting new tomatoes! Now, if I can keep the dogs out of them,we should have a great crop of freah tomatoes.Strawberrys also lasted through the winter, but any suggestions to keep the insects from eating them, only organic ideas please!:flowerforyou:
    I am going to the pool with DD tomorrow, so should be an easy day on the joints! I think I am going to start working with some weight machines and do light intervals on the treadmill. Give the elliptical a break for awhile.Need to confuse my body and get it off the plateau!:smile:

    Anyway, I sat down here at 10:30 pm and now its 11:45pm. One good thing is that if I am here I am not eating or thinking about eating! Amen!!:bigsmile:
    Have a strong week, strong in your plans to eat healthy,to nuture your body,mind and soul.Be kind to yourself and share a smile with everyone you meet! You are special! :flowerforyou:
    BARBIE:flowerforyou: - I don’t usually eat processed foods. I have been trying to shake up my metabolism by eating different foods. I don’t eat much meat and can’t buy the wild Alaskan salmon yet. Even the frozen wild salmon was gone at Costco. I am getting back to my greek yogurt twice a day. We will see how it goes! Thank you for you kind words!
    Michele:flowerforyou: - glad that Vince is going to the wedding. Sorry that you are feeling blue. I hope things will go well for you and that you will get to see Bryan more than you think!
    Linda-of the north,:flowerforyou: where the snow is melting! Glad to see your smiling face again!
    Katla:flowerforyou: - thanks for the info on acupressure. I have never tried it! I may have too! I have never grown spinach! Let me know how it goes!
    Viv-YORK UK-:flowerforyou: Here is a virtual kick in the backside! Just like you asked for! Tomorrow is a new day and a new way!
    Jo-UK WALES-:flowerforyou: thank you for sharing about your mum. What did she do as an air raid warden? I f you are able and feel comfortable to talk about I would love to hear about what she did! Sounds like a wonderful woman and mother!
    Amanda-:flowerforyou: what a wonderful transformation you have made! I like your style and your determination to do what you want for you!
    Kathyszoo:flowerforyou- praying for you with the new job interview. From what I can tell any employer would be lucky to have you as an employee!!!
    Jackie in Cherry Hill:flowerforyou: -I think you are amazing running as you do! Good for you! I am not at all surprised about your comments about men. It seems since the internet came along that the obsession with sex is just gone overboard. Good for you and your values! Keep them. The rate of HIV is going up in our age group, as our age group doesn’t think that this group is sexually active, and therefore don’t use protection. Good for you and this is also a good topic to talk about. If I ever got divorced or a widow, I don’t think I would get married again!
    Robin:flowerforyou: - still praying for the right job to land in your lap! Ritter sounds like a rambunctious pup!
    M-:flowerforyou: Loved the story about the trip to the old stone house. Sounds like you had a lovely time! You have your yard work cut out for you! Think of the burn!
    Cheryl-:flowerforyou: virtual backside kicks coming your way! Maybe we can make it a boomerang kick! Lol
    Joyce-:flowerforyou: good luck shopping with MIL! Maybe, it will bring her a sense of some control in her life? I hope all goes well with this.
    Grandmallie-:flowerforyou: just buy a few suits in different sizes, or if you can alter the ones you already have, then just do this a month before your cruise. You new snack sounds delish!
    DeeDee:flowerforyou: - that is too cold for me! Keep warm, no more illness for you!
  • slimjoycenow
    slimjoycenow Posts: 16 Member
    Hi everyone, hoping its ok just to jump in here :). I live in the UK, I'm 55 and I have around 50 to lose. I initially joined MFP in September last year and did great till Xmas, losing 19 lbs. Then both my 16 year old DD and I both needed major surgery within about 3 weeks of each other. Her's was planned, mine was a shock, and I was very glad I'd lost some weight over the previous months. I had a bit of a rocky recovery and between exhaustion, worry about my daughter and boredom put back on 8 pounds. Anyway, woke up yesterday morning and suddenly just thought 'today is the day' so I've started again. My first goal is to lose those 8 pounds I put back on. As I've had a total thyroidectomy I'm also dependent on thyroid supplementation, which has been completely out of whack recently, leaving me a bit hypothyroid. But I've decided waiting till its sorted is just an excuse - I need to start from where I am, right now :)
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    A very quick log post to mark my spot and answer a couple of questions.

    The garden pod (which I ordered yesterday and I am so over-excited about) is going to be somewhere that we can enjoy our garden and stay warm - or out of the sun (sun you say?) We have two gardens at the rear of our house and the pod will go in the second garden, which will make it more secluded. I'm looking forward to using it as an outside office and also dining area.

    The lash extensions last about six weeks and really make a difference. I have naturally sandy eyelashes, which need a lot of mascara normally. This means I can get up and go. (Which I intend to do!)

    Blue skies in London again, long may it last.

    Love to all.

    Amanda x
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Gail:smile: Sending prayers to Nancy:flowerforyou: !

    Amanda:smile: I had lash extensions once and I LOVED them, no messy mascara to put on or take off, imagine my horror when I woke up about a week later and my eyes were swollen shut:noway: :huh: , I eneded up taking the lashes off with baby oil and had to go to the eye Dr., I was allergic to the glue:sad: , had to use antibiotic eye drops for a week, no more flirty long lashes for me:sad: . I so wish I could do them again!!!

    I`ve run out of time again:ohwell: ! Have a great day ladies!!!
    Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in chilly 47 degrees NC
  • Patchworkperson
    Patchworkperson Posts: 151 Member
    Quick bump to mark my spot.
  • moxie1962
    moxie1962 Posts: 165 Member
    bump for later
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Damp, cold , windy again...........feel like I've traded places with English posters who have stolen my weather!!! LOL!

    Wannabepiper......... my advice (purely from being around runners for years, NOT myself personally) is to get a thorough evaluation by a competent physical therapist who is well respected in your local running community.......you may just solve your problems with custom shoe inserts. Then go to your local running store and start with a beginning running group led by someone experienced who can listen to your issues and help you nip them in the bud if they start to develop again.

    Meg.........on the pedometer........mine works well only if I wear it on my waist band, directly above the iliac crest, not on the pocket or anywhere else; it's a cheapie but accurate if I wear it there and only there. Stay dry.

    Down another half pound..............YEAH!!!!

    Have a good day everyone,
    yanniejannie.............of the miserable mid-Atlantic weather
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,186 Member
    Me too. Just trying to keep up............:heart:

    Warmest wishes.

    Lin in Central Iowa

  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    “You is kind. You is smart. You is important.”

    :flowerforyou: Brooke from Colorado
  • srdmomof3
    srdmomof3 Posts: 5 Member
    Good morning, all. I will be joining the fabulous 50 plus group this August! I have been on MFP for about 3 weeks now, have lost the weight I gained at Christmas. Now I am working to lose the weight I gained before I gained the weight at Christmas. Hope everyone has a great day!

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good morning ladies. So last night I was trying to make some new faire clothes. I haven't made any for almost 12 years. I was never a very good seamstress but I could make passable costumes. Well I have forgotten my "recipe" for skirts and chemises. I tried two different chemises and they both failed miserably. So I decided I didn't need new faire clothes. I only go once a year. Maybe I will buy something new when I am there. I was very frustrated by the whole thing but oh well. And I found enough service-able clothing for this weekend.

    Have a great day ladies.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter,
    sunny and loving the PNW