Help me out! Where are you at and how far have you come?



  • Missyann68
    Missyann68 Posts: 36 Member
    -What was your starting weight?
    283 Wore a size 22W-24W

    -What's your target?

    -What are you now?
    218 Wear a 16W in pants and 16-18 in Shirts.

    -How many calories/day do you consume?
    1400-1500 before exercise

    -When did you start your weight loss journey?
    July 16, 2012

    I am 44 years old Till August
  • krissy_krossy
    krissy_krossy Posts: 307 Member
    -What was your starting weight?
    191 pounds

    -What's your target?
    120-ish, maybe a bit lower depending on body fat % and such when I get there. I'm kind of short, so 110-120 isn't that low.

    -What are you now?
    143.8 to be exact. Weighed-in today.

    -How many calories/day do you consume?
    About 1450 or so, give or take 100.

    -When did you start your weight loss journey?
    Despite the date on my acct., I didn't actually start until Jan 2nd of this year.
  • kiesha22001
    kiesha22001 Posts: 70 Member
    -What was your starting weight? 232 (I think, I'd have to look it up to be exact)
    -What's your target? 155 (on the high side of healthy BMI)
    -What are you now? 220ish
    -How many calories/day do you consume? Goal is 1350
    -When did you start your weight loss journey? 3/20/13 (I started this last year and gave up. This time I'm here to stay!)
  • Mcmilligen
    Mcmilligen Posts: 332 Member
    -What was your starting weight?
    150 ish (5'4") with a high BF% (30+)

    -What [was] your target?
    123 lbs

    -What are you now?
    126-130bs with a BF% of around 20 and under.

    -How many calories/day do you consume?
    I'm weening myself off the counting. I usually do well at 1400 on days I do nothing, and go up from there. I am now basing my nutrition on what foods I put in my mouth, not the caloric values. Raw fruit and veg as often as possible, whole foods, home cooking/grown and vegan at all times possible.

    -When did you start your weight loss journey?
    2010! The year I graduated from Animation school, and the year I felt the worst in my own skin. It's been a slow road, but an important one. As I dealt with the demons within first (so to speak) before being able to focus on weight.
  • RingSize8
    RingSize8 Posts: 175 Member
    I started at 303.
    My goal weight is 175 (I think).
    I'm at 190 currently.
    I eat 1680 calories a day as a base + I eat back my exercise calories.
    I originally started about 4 years ago maybe, but I plateaued for like 2 years at 215. I seriously start again about 4 months ago.
  • eperezamora
    eperezamora Posts: 42 Member
    What was your starting weight? 275
    -What's your target? 180
    -What are you now? 245
    -How many calories/day do you consume? 1500-1600
    -When did you start your weight loss journey? starting at the beggining of the year
  • Ashshell
    Ashshell Posts: 185
    -What was your starting weight?

    -What's your target?

    -What are you now?

    -How many calories/day do you consume?
    No more than 1400 consumed
    400-500 burned daily (Gym - Cardio and Weights)
    I do not eat back exercise calories, therefore I typically end with a net of 900-1000

    -When did you start your weight loss journey?
    February 27, 2013
    I am in the middle of my 9th week right now.
  • kelso235
    kelso235 Posts: 7
    I'm trying to get an idea of how different diets affect different people. So here's a little survey!

    -What was your starting weight?
    -What's your target?
    -What are you now?
    -How many calories/day do you consume?
    -When did you start your weight loss journey?

    I started at 212 at about Eastertime. My target is about 150 and currently I am 202. My calories I am still trying to figure out, I'm eating 1200 now but have raised that from 1000 and will likely increase it again to prevent troubles down the road (I like losing the weight fast but not at the risk that I could damage my metabolism later).

    -What was your starting weight? 183
    -What's your target? 130, Though this is based on the lowest weight I've ever been but I didn't have as much muscle then so probably 135ish
    -What are you now? 153 (as of this week!)
    -How many calories/day do you consume? Net 1200 is my goal. The workouts I do burn 500-700 calories in 45 minutes to an hour and I walk to work/to get groceries etc. I actually eat about 1500-1700 a day. I'd say half the time I'm right at 1200 and the other half I'm at about 800-1000 net.
    -When did you start your weight loss journey? August 2012 I started eating better, starting October 2012 I became much more committed to eating better as well as working out.

    If you're looking for something intense and are really ready to getting your @ss in gear I'd highly recommend the Insanity workouts. When I lost weight when I was in high school I ate really well plus did the Winsor Pilates program and had great results as well. I get overheated really easily and being sweaty didn't appeal to me at the time. Now I say bring it on - but whatever your preference is, I like both programs a lot!
  • mrsmarit
    mrsmarit Posts: 229 Member
    -What was your starting weight? 245
    -What's your target? 141 (I will be focusing more on a healthy BF % over a number on a scale)
    -What are you now? 190
    -How many calories/day do you consume? 1670
    -When did you start your weight loss journey? March of 2012
  • What was your starting weight? 209
    -What's your target? 160; reevaluate from there.
    -What are you now? 202
    -How many calories/day do you consume? I consume less then 1600
    -When did you start your weight loss journey? Monday 4-21-13

    Just getting started again, I have given up for too long. It's time to get back and in shape so I can feel better again.
  • karenmi
    karenmi Posts: 242 Member
    -What was your starting weight? 199
    -What's your target? 145
    -What are you now? 158 (was down to 147 after first year, kept it at 150 for over a year, gained back 10 in past year by letting old bad habits creep back in)
    -How many calories/day do you consume? 1800, do not eat back exercise calories (just changed this week from 1200/day and eating back calories burned because I'm stuck, not able to lose that 10 lbs, so am now following TDEE advice given here on the boards)
    -When did you start your weight loss journey? February 2010 - have logged food & exercise every single day since then - the good, the bad & the ugly - and proud of it!
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    starting weight 184
    target weight 160's (use to be 145 when I was younger but I am 59 now so anywhere around 160 is ok)
    CW - 164

    Consumed 1200 calories at first, now 1400-1600

    started Feb 2013
  • KodAkuraMacKyen
    KodAkuraMacKyen Posts: 737 Member
    -What was your starting weight? 192
    -What's your target? 130 (More importantly to me is my goal BF% which is between 18-20%. I'm currently at around 22%)
    -What are you now? 134.4
    -How many calories/day do you consume? 1500-2000 daily depending on activity
    -When did you start your weight loss journey? May 31, 2012
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    I started around September at around 300 some odd pounds (not sure of how much over 300 I was) & now I'm around 218.

    When I first started out I put to lose two pounds a week, but I found that the calories I had for the day left me extremely ravenous at work. I now have it set to only lose a pound per week & net anywhere from 1500-1900 calories a day depending on exercise.

    My main target right now is around 160 depending on how I feel when I reach there.
  • sunshyncatra
    sunshyncatra Posts: 598 Member
    -What was your starting weight? 198.6
    -What's your target? 155
    -What are you now? 178.6
    -How many calories/day do you consume? 1350-1500
    -When did you start your weight loss journey? 100 days ago in January

    I started off at 1800 calories a day and worked my way down whenever I stopped losing. Eating healthy is the way to go. I'm never going to stop.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    -What was your starting weight? 245lbs Size 22/24 pants and XXL Shirt
    -What's your target? 20-22% body fat
    -What are you now? 173.8lbs, Size 13 pants and L Shirt
    -How many calories/day do you consume? 1700+ exercise cals
    -When did you start your weight loss journey? been fighting with my weight all my life, but my heaviest was in 2009.

    ETA: I am 5'1
  • lachesissss
    lachesissss Posts: 1,298 Member
    -What was your starting weight? 275lbs
    -What's your target? 160lbs
    -What are you now? 187lbs
    -How many calories/day do you consume? 1500+ Exercise cals
    -When did you start your weight loss journey? Dec 2011.
  • honey_bee_keysha
    honey_bee_keysha Posts: 773 Member
    -What was your starting weight? Start weight 175ish
    -What's your target? 135ish
    -What are you now?145, I think. I haven't weighed myself in two weeks.
    -How many calories/day do you consume? around 1400 plus exercise cals
    -When did you start your weight loss journey? June 2012
  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
    For reference, I'm 5'7''
    -What was your starting weight? 184 (32% bodyfat)
    -What's your target? I just changed it from 150 to 145 (from 19% to 15-17% (ish) bodyfat)
    -What are you now? 162 (~24% bodyfat)
    -How many calories/day do you consume? 1200 (average), High protein, good amounts of fats, high nutrient fruits and veggies
    -When did you start your weight loss journey? Jan 17th (on MFP, I had lost a chunk of weight before that doing pretty much the same thing)

    Edited to add in body fat percentages (which are more important to me than numerical weight).
  • hailsmac82
    hailsmac82 Posts: 9 Member
    I started April 2011 after my daughter was born, I was 216 pounds. Now I'm 165 :-) aiming for 130-140 at the moment but will see how I feel when I get there. I aim for 1200 cals as well and I'm 5'2"
    It's taken me a while to get here but now I'm stuck around the 165lb mark, have been for months :-(