Is it worth it?



  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.
  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    Im at the point to where, im seriously asking myself if eating right, exercise, and all that is really worth the benefit. At this point, I would honestly say no, its not. I dont feel any better. In fact, I feel worse. I cant eat what I would like to, and I hate exercising. I feel like im the only person in the world who does not enjoy going to the gym, and who does not enjoy eating healthy stuff. Im really questioning if this is for me or not. Like I said, I dont feel any better trying to be "healthier".

    The "results" ive seen so far a small and in my opinion, not worth all that ive given (or given up) to get them. A few exchange for weeks and weeks of not eating what I would like to, not drinking what I would like to, and having to drag myself to the gym everyday......simply does not seem worth it to me.

    I hate exercise. I hate going to the gym. Having to see all these people who are in shape. Even having to see all the people who are not in shape, but who has this positive attitude and blah blah blah. It makes me feel horrible. I hate being on the treadmill, sweating like a pig. I sweat alot. While other people leave the gym and feel good, I leave the gym and feel horrible. I cant wait to leave and go home. It is simply mentally degrading and I hate it, even if im there by myself. I feel stupid.

    I hate how everybody else seems to LOVE making all these "positive" changes and all. How it all works for them. Honestly, im sick of hearing about everyones positive this that and the next. Spare me your success story.

    Try not to compare yourself to others. Are you single or do you have a family? If maximizing your life expectancy is not enough to motivate you, then do it for your family. Your family loves you and wants to see you around for decades to come. Do you best not to deprive them of that.

    That being said, you can make things easier on yourself. If you hate being on the treadmill, try swimming, if you feel like you miss the foods you love, don't give them up (just eat them in moderation). Stay positive and don't give up!
  • BonnieandClyde29
    BonnieandClyde29 Posts: 1,026 Member
    You don't have to completely cut everything out! It's about portion control and starting out by making little changes here and there....honestly I get mixed emotions about the gym, normally YES I LOVE IT, but there are days to where I'd rather shoot myself in the face then to go into one. You don't always have to go to JUST a gym, do other active things that you like- for example I am lucky and live by the beach I've been going about 2 or 3 times a week and swimming against that current for 2 hours, and hanging out having fun!!! It all depends on how you look at it- sometimes it is hard to be positive, I wold know- it feels like a never ending battle, BUT it will take time, it is WORTH it!!!

    What it all comes down to though is you. You can't help someone who doesn't want to help themselves, so your an adult and have your own choices. You can either go back and regress and enjoy unhealthy food constantly, OR you can learn how to control it, and make canges that are a good pace for you!
  • skinnytayy
    skinnytayy Posts: 459
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    I went to look at the OP's account and it's been deactivated. Epic Fail.
  • cheddle
    cheddle Posts: 102 Member
    Its definitely not worth it, YOLO, that's why I inject myself with liquefied hairspray to feel good, its almost as good as eating anything and everything in sight, and slowly decomposing into the couch watching other peoples pretend lives on TV
  • ravenrxx
    ravenrxx Posts: 455 Member

    Hahaha yesss!! ^^
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    I have a friend that says "see you at the funeral."

    If you want to feel good, go out a run until you puke. Then do it again in 2 days. Then again 2 days later. After a while you'll get used to it. And then, eventually, you'll feel good.
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Im with you OP!! I say we get some grub and go sit at the mall and make fun of people!!!:laugh:
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
  • tierre1
    tierre1 Posts: 24 Member
    This saddens me to hear. Losing weight is very difficult especially if you have a lot to lose. It's so much more easier to give up but you have to be able to picture yourself the way you would like to look, that mental picture has to stay with you, think about the things you can do when your in better shape and how it just might change your life. I've tried all kinds of diets and my weight has yo yo'd for many years. While I'm not terribly overweight I just wasn't satisfied with how I looked and how I knew I could look. I hate exercising but I make myself do it especially when my husband says he likes the transformation no matter how slow it's been. I love cake, pie and cookies and every now and then I cheat but make up for the calories and sugar through exercise and vegetables and spices and herbs. Recently I've discovered something called "intermittent fasting" and so far I like it a lot. I encourage you to google this and do your research - at least perhaps give it a one day try. I wish you the best!
  • bnsmith129
    bnsmith129 Posts: 1 Member
    Ignore the rude ones!

    If you don't like the gym then take up walking. It costs nothing and is mentally refereshing. You can wear what YOU want and not have to buy gym stuff etc.

    Mentally how are you feeling. If not in a good space then I really urge you to talk to someone!

    Hang in there!!! Only one step at a time....


    Ditto! There are many ways to reach your goals. It isn't always easy, but it doesn't have to be this difficult either. It also helps if you have a friend or group to work out with, someone to share and motivate. Hang in there!

    I have to say I'm very disappointed in all of the negative posting. This is suppose to be a place to motivate and inspire, obviously this member is feeling rough and having a tough time. And all the ridicule makes me a bit disgusted.
  • leeanneowens
    leeanneowens Posts: 319 Member
    Weight loss is a slow process. I too, hate the gym and am not willing to give up food that I love. As a matter of fact, due to health problems that one of my children has, I only went to the gym 3 times from September until January. I eat the things I love, just not so much of them. I log everything, even gum. I have steadily lost weight, very slowly, but steadily. I have made diet changes, but none that I can't live with. It is not always easy, but it is most certainly worth it. As far as feeling better, it took almost 5 months before I noticed that I felt better. You have to do what you think is right for you, but my advice would be not to give up.
  • criscollrj
    criscollrj Posts: 30 Member
    I too am kind of sad at the negative posting, though I can see how at first glance that may be tempting. I know years of all or nothing dieting have not worked for me, and this time I decided to have ANYTHING I wanted to eat, but just in small portions, and I am down 10 pounds. I am absolutely positive that if I cut WAY down (or out) on junk food, sugar, "bad" carbs, etc., I would have lost more weight by now, but THAT is only if I could have stuck with it this long. I have a bad record with sticking to a totally "clean" diet, so continue to eat probably a diet that may be a bit concerning to some, but for me it is so much better than it was when I was always "pigging out preparing for a coming diet." I do appreciate how many on here are supportive of how some of us need to approach this with more freedom, even if it doesn't coincide with their opinions. I also know, however, that eventually I may have to cut down more on the "junk" especially as I look at the 4 week plateau I am on. I guess it is all a balancing act,and I wish the OP, and all of you, peace, blessings and wisdom on your journey!
  • issandi
    issandi Posts: 3 Member
    Of course it's worth it. I am also struggling with the exercise - so far brisk walking has been my standard mode. So, I've decided to try other forms of physical activity. Bike riding, walking the dog, or just turning up music & dancing like no one is watching (hopefully, they aren't)!

    Food wise, if you looked at my food diary you'd see I'm doing a great job of watching what I eat mixed with giving myself little rewards (like a Skinny Cow Ice Cream Sandwich a couple times a week, and other "treats"). Granted, most of my "treats" are fresh fruit or other things I love like peanut butter on celery. For me it's worth it and makes watching what I eat mixed with reality a workable solution for me. Don't forget to do non-eating rewards too: pedicure, long leisurely bath, a good book, etc.

    After having a mild heart attack last year, and beating uterine cancer this year - anything I can do to help my body is going to be well worth it!

    Hang in there!
  • taylorckt1
    taylorckt1 Posts: 263 Member
    Well, after reading several replies to this post that are degrading and just plain mean, I am offering a different take on this whole thing...It is worth it because you are worth it. I don't know you from adam but I do know that if you are living and breathing it is because you are bringing something to the world no one else can bring but you.

    Anything worth having is worth working for...This journey is not going to be easy and to revert back to old habits that harm rather than help you is the easy way out...Don't give in to it. You may never love exercise but eventually you will see the benefit. You may never be the size of a male/female super model, but you will be healthy and the way you were designed to be.

    It is always worse before it becomes better. I will say though that perspective and mindset are key. Change the stinking thinking. Whatever a man thinketh in his heart, so is he (a bit a scripture to remind us of the power of our thoughts)...The power of life and death is in the tongue (another bit of scripture that reminds us of the power of words). I speak llife, a refreshing, refeuling, peace, and victory over your life. I pray that you will have a transformation in your thoughts and start controlling your body and not allow your body to control you.

    God Bless, Stay Encouraged, Be Well, and let's get on with it!:flowerforyou:
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    this is the most motivational eulogy ever
  • Ripcode
    Ripcode Posts: 142 Member
    Son i am disappoint.