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*** Supportive Friends -- Looking to Release 50+ Pounds ***



  • januadiaboli - Hello Canada! It sounds like you and your little one have had a tough time lately. I can't imagine my 3 year old with a broken arm. He would be a darn nightmare! ;) My hubby tore his PCL when he was 14 and he still has some knee issues occasionally. May I ask what kind of exercise you are cleared to do with your Achilles ligament newly healed? I imagine lower impact stuff?

    ron2e - Gah! That picture looks ridiculously amazing and beautiful. My soul died just a little bit when I saw that pic! I SO hope I am able to do tons of traveling when my son is older. Please tell me you got to have a nice swim in the ocean.

    tnsumner - I feel your disappointment. Hopefully this will lead down a better road! I will keep my fingers crossed for you as well. Keep us in loop!:) Since you brought the great Jillian up, I know tons of ladies who just love her stuff and have nothing but good things to say about her programs. I do want to note though, that there is a program called ChaLEAN Extreme that tons of people are in love with. It's super amped up cardio and strength training - with either resistance bands or free weights for those who can afford it. A fitness trainer friend told me about ChaLEAN and I think I will try it and will keep you all posted. I hope I find myself raving about it in about a month or so.

    megblackburn - Thanks for the advice. I think I may have to go with yoga capri pants and wait longer to get back into more normal sized things. Argh! How long do I have to wait?! *big sigh*

    sjo68 - One of the worst things for me is to go to bed hungry and wake up even hungrier. I am embarrassed to admit that hubs can't even talk to me until I've started eating breakfast on those days. Well, to be honest, any time I'm too hungry I turn into a big baby. I can't even be nice to anyone but my son during too-hungry points.

    jehan - I meant to respond to you last time I was going to post then forgot! I know exactly why you are getting shin splints when you run because you described your problem. When running, most people hit the ground with their heel first then roll up to the balls of their feet. Some do this less and some do it more. It sounds like you do it more, since you described you feel like you run "heavy". Running heel first actually sets you up for a greater chance of Achilles issues and shin splints. Try a mid foot strike. Imagine as you are placing your feet on the ground that your weight goes from the middle of your foot rolling up to the balls of your feet. It will take time to train yourself to do it but in the end it will come naturally. This way a majority of your weight rolls from the middle of your foot upward. And your shins aren't doing tons of work lifting the front of your foot up. :) Does that make sense? I hope this helps you! Thank you to my high school track and basketball coaches for teaching me this! I used to get horrible shin splints every time I ran and when I finally trained myself to do the midstrike with my feet, I felt so much better. P.S, I just adore baby cooing. Ah, I remember my son gurgling, smiling and cooing at me when he was a little baby. So cute.

    Live4more - Yay! Great job! Keep it going!

    My son had his 3 year appointment today and I have to tell ya'll about some of it bc I'm so proud. He's in the 90th percentile for height and 75th percentile for weight. The doctor and nurses were so impressed by his vocabulary and speaking that they asked me what I did with him! Ahhh, it felt so good. As we were leaving, our nurse told my hubs and I that we are super awesome parents. YES! It's feels so nice to have that kind of validation from someone you don't know. And a thousand brownie points to my hubby who later said, "It's all you honey, I just assist." So sweet!

    I am getting caught up in baby fever again. My very good friend had me watch her baby girl and watching her made me all googly-eyed. Reading jehan's post about her baby being impressed by her yoga made it worse (in a good way). A second baby is definitely in our future and is one of my secondary reasons for wanting to get healthy. I. Love. Babies. Not a huge fan of being preggo but looove the babies!

    Does anyone have advice about healthy snacking? What are some of your go-to snacks? I like to roll out a bag of home-made popcorn but the sodium in it is just killing my sodium allotment.

    Lastly, could someone tell me how to put my weight loss ticker thingy at the bottom of my posts? I thought I did it, but it's not working!
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,299 Member
    @tnsumner - re: Jillian Michaels. I've just started doing a combo of No More Trouble Zones and Beat Fat, Boost Metabolism and I would definitely recommend them - but be warned she works you very hard and you will just want to scream and shout at her! But for all that I've found that even after a couple of sessions of NMTZ (primarily work with weights) I just feel so much better and more energised. Personally I would say give them a go.
  • GGNewHealthyMom
    GGNewHealthyMom Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all. I'm a busy working Mom of 2 kids. I've hit my mid-forties and can't seem to lose weight. Need to lose about 50 lbs. Somehow seem to find time for everyone & everything else except working on me. I could use a supportive group to chime in with every now & then and this seems like a good spot! --Gina
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    @evdjohnson, to get your ticker set up, when on the main page of MFP, click on the Apps tab. Scroll down, on the sidebar on the right near the bottom will be Weight Loss Tickers, click on that. From there you can choose to update your weight data, change the style of your ticker, etc. It's somewhere in the setup of creating the ticker that you choose to have it added to your thread posts.
    Gee, can you see my profession coming out? LOL, I do tech support for a software company!

    @Gina, welcome :happy: If you've read much of this thread, you'll see that this group is very supportive. Keep coming back!

    @Jehan, good job on avoiding the junk while grocery shopping! Sometimes it is so hard. I walked through the ice cream aisle yesterday and drooled, but was able to resist :smile: Also, your baby sounds adorable! Like evdjohnson, I kind of have baby fever... But as my chances of getting prego again are very slim, I make do with helping in the baby nursery at church and the Young Lives group (a support group for teen moms).

    @tnsumner, I've done the 30 Day Shred, but that is the only Jillian Michaels workout I've done. She is tough though! Definitely a good workout.

    @live4more, good job on day 2! Keep it up :bigsmile:

    Thought I'd share another recipe, Thick & Hearty Chicken Cheese Soup. Made it last night for dinner, have had it many times before but had not since I started using MFP. So I was quite happy to find out that it's fairly low in calories. Below is copied from the blog post I created about it:

    This recipe was given to me by my mom, who got it off a can of chicken from Costco. She modified it some, and then I modified it some, so it's definitely not the original recipe anymore.

    2 cups of shredded carrots (or matchstick carrots)

    1/2 cup green onion, chopped

    2 cups broccoli

    6 tablespoons butter (I used Smart Balance light)

    1/2 cup flour

    3 cups milk (recipe calls for this, but I forgot it tonight, and the soup turned out way better than usual!)

    28 oz chicken broth (I used 4 cups, or 32 oz)

    2 cans chicken ( I use fresh chicken, about 2 cups shredded or diced)

    2 cups grated cheddar (1 full fat, 1 low fat)

    1/2 tsp worchestershire sauce

    Pepper to taste

    Cook veggies in butter till tender, stir in flour. Then add liquids and chicken, cook till thick. Add cheese.

    Serves 8.

    After entering this recipe in the recipe section of MFP, without the milk, 1 serving is 233 calories. Still less than 300 per serving with the milk added in (if 1% is used).
  • Just looking for motivation and support-- So many people in my life are looking to compete with my weight loss (in a negative way) and I just want some positive people who can help me push through the next couple months. :smile:
  • 1awesomewoman
    1awesomewoman Posts: 18 Member
    Hello, I am looking for motivation and support. Right now I have no motivation but I am trying to eat healthier or at least minimize the junk food and sodas. I have 1 can of soda once every 2-4 days. I use to drink 1-2 cans of soda a day... I am honestly trying and would love to lose 67lbs. I just have to figure out how to do it.. I would love to go to the gym, but cannot financially afford it right now. So I am using Zumba on the Xbox 360 (Kinect). I hope everyone is having a fantastic day! And feel free to add me :happy:
  • sjo68
    sjo68 Posts: 28 Member
    Good afternoon.

    tnsumner– no I haven’t done any Jillian Michaels DVD. I might like to try tsome of them though.

    jehan- yoga is good for you too don’t worry about missing a run and great job avoiding the junk at the grocery store.

    Live4More- day 2 on the restart, good for you. Before you know it you will be so far into it that you won’t remember to count the days.

    evedjohnson- it is always wonderful to receive compliments about our children, congratulations. My go to snack is often string cheese and an apple.

    megblackburn- the recipe sounds delicious and I may give it a try this weekend.

    Welcome to the new faces!

    Today has been an excellent day. While I am not a secretary I do take care of a lot of the administrative stuff where I work so today in honor of admin. Professionals day my co-workers got me flowers and a cupcake. The cupcake is from a very exclusive bakery here in Seattle and so far I have not eaten it. I have put the lid back on the box so I can’t smell it. My intent is to take it home to my neighbor who did a huge favor for me yesterday. Is that bad to re-gift a cupcake as a thank you? Oh well. I will not eat it. I will not eat it. I will not eat it. I will not even look at it again.
  • Gina - It's hard to put ourselves first when we have families to take care of, isn't it? A friend told me once, "If you don't take care of yourself first, you won't be around to take care of those you love." Welcome and good on you for taking steps to get healthier!

    megblackburn - Thank you, thank you! I got it to work! That soup sounds delicious and I want to try it when I'm finished with my other recipe's for the week. Question though; What kind of milk would you use? I don't want to use anything less than whole milk because milk tends curdle when it gets too hot and whole milk is pretty good at staying stable at higher temps. But, I wonder if soy milk would be okay too but it sort of has a sweet taste to it... Or if you wanted to use say skim or 2% I bet you could let the soup cool down a little then add it at the very end so it doesn't curdle? Hmm... (sorry for rambling)

    sjo68 - First of all, that cupcake sounds amazing. You could ship down to San Diego so I could eat it. Haha. Your re-purposing of the cupcake sounds just fine to me and your neighbor I'm sure will appreciate it! Two birds with one stone! Thanks for your snacks. I like both your snacks so will be adding them to my healthier snack.

    Welcome new posters!

    We are having a rare grey and coldish San Diego day. Hubby went fishing so it was just my little man and I until just a bit ago. Feeling ultra lazy today and a little gross. Breakfast was just fine then I got ravenous right before lunch and ate three cups of a really high calorie recipe and feel mildly upset about it. Looking back a few hours, I am asking myself why I used the full fat versions of some of my ingredients. Time to be more conscious about that I think. I just have this huge fear that low fat and non-fat ingredients taste horrible, but in my mind I know that's not true all the time. Thinking I might have to bust out an hr or so of Zumba this afternoon with a lean cuisine meal for dinner to offset my "small" binge.

    What are some other snacks ya'll like to have?
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    @evdjohnson, for the recipe, after accidentally leaving out the milk last night, I recommend no milk! It turned out really creamy without it, and for my husband who is lactose intolerant, it was just less dairy to deal with. I had planned on using 1% milk though. I think whatever type of milk you chose would be ok. This soup comes together really quick and doesn't have to be at high temps for long.

    @sjo68, good job with self control!

    @1awesomewoman, welcome. Good job cutting down on the sodas. I've done that too, only have one every couple of weeks now. Which zumba game do you use? I've got Zumba Core for our xbox kinect, and I really like it.

    @litagirl03, welcome! You'll find the support you need here, and maybe just a little friendly competition :happy:

    Numb face from a dentist appointment this afternoon, so dinner for me is going to be late, and I'm really hungry! :grumble: Hope you all had a good day!
  • cinger0439
    cinger0439 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm jumping in...Hi everyone! I've been using MFP for a couple of months. I love the food database. I'm also using a Fitbit One. I've been successful losing up to 40 pounds twice and now I'm on my third try. I have about 90 pounds to lose in total and I'm disappointed that I keep gaining this weight back. I write training materials for a living so I'm sitting at a computer all day and I have to challenge myself to move more during the day. In addition, this winter was so gloomy here in Chicago and it affected me in terms of getting up and walking.

    I'm feeling good as I have been walking at least three days a week for about three weeks now. I have to make presentation at a company conference in Florida in May so that is keeping me focused. I'm also eating Seattle Sutton meals for now and I'm doing well. I became an empty nester this past fall and so these meals keep my life so simple. Plus, they taste pretty good too. I'm sure I'll want to get back to cooking eventually but it gives me a good start right now.

    Everyone here is so nice! I'm looking forward to getting to know people.
  • megblackburn - I think I'll go your route and not add milk. My husband is lactose intolerant too and I hate dealing with the disgusting aftermath of his dairy consumption, haha! I hope your teeth/mouth/face feel better by the time you get to sleep tonight. Also, your son's glasses are super adorable.

    1awesomewoman - I love Zumba. Just did some this afternoon after an unsuccessful lunch to get back under my caloric intake for the day.

    cinger0439 - Hi! I think you'll like this thread. Everyone here is so nice and supportive. I'm actually a North Dakotan living in San Diego and remember those icky gloomy winter days. Just about every winter I almost bought a sunlamp to kick me out of all that being stuck inside.

    ron2e - Are you back at home yet? How did the pink shorts fair?

    So, I did find the motivation to do some Zumba this afternoon even though I was feeling lazy. Burned 688 calories! Yay! Mission accomplished. I think I learned a hard lesson about over-eating and wanting to stay on a diet. Yes, I could overeat but that's going to result in me having to do doing a lot more work.


  • jehan
    jehan Posts: 155 Member
    Hi everyone.

    live4more - great to see that you have 2 great days of staying under your calorie. It's all about taking it one day at a time.

    evdjohnson - oooooh baby fever. So are you guys planning it anytime soon? Yeah, babies are delightful except when they cry. :tongue: :tongue: Thanks for the tip about my running. Yeah, I think I land more on my heel. I was trying to picture myself running and yup, it's just the way you describe it. Now, I have to visualize myself running properly this time. Hope I could be able to get a hang of it soon. I like to munch on cookies by the way. I know I should just bring an apple or banana but there are times that you just can't resist. Congrats on the Zumba at least you've managed to offset some of those calories...

    @megblackburn - thanks for the recipe. I will definitely try it one of these days.

    @litagirl03 - welcome, the ladies here are wonderful and they really take their time reading and answering the posts. I totally get where your coming from with the negativity. Let's all surround ourselves with happy and positive people.

    @1awesomewoman - welcome, welcome. You should see the ticker of these ladies and know how awesome they all are. It's all about changing small things here and there. Thinking about trying to avoid every junk forever seems like a heavy burden and then we get restless and fall off. So it's about choices. I used to drink soda almost everyday. But since January 2013, I managed to completely avoid it. I only managed to accidentally sip my hubby's soda when I was holding it for him. But nothing after that.

    @sjo68 - your co-workers are so sweet. Great discipline. If a box of cupcakes will be given to me, I'll be probably eating at least a piece...:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: and maybe give what's left to others.

    Well after a long day at the office, my hubby and I have to rush to a late dinner with his family. Dinner was superb in terms of taste but made me go over my calories by a couple of hundred notches. Company was great except my husband's aunt and mom started commenting on how "fat" I am up to the point that they are already implying that I'll never be like my pre-pregnancy body. I would like to roll my eyes in front of them and instead gave them one big insincere smile. This fueled my fire again and I really would like to show them that I could do this even if it kills me LOL... I woke up late today and didn't go for my run again. I'm planning to sneak out of the office and run (well mostly walk) at a nearby park even for 30 minutes.

    Hope you all have a great day.
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,299 Member
    afternoon all - working from home today and taking a quick lunch break!

    @litagirl03 - welcome! Don't let the negative people hinder your progress - surround yourself with positive thoughts. This is a good thread to be on as everyone is supportive (though also honest - not everything is always positive or good news!) and as Jehan says, effort is taken to properly read what people have to say. Stick with it and you will start to feel better!

    @1awesomemum - welcome! Well done on the sodas - i used to be an avid coca cola drinker but now I've cut it out I find it so sweet when I drink it I don't like it. And I don't like the sound of all the unpronoucable ingredients - I don't know what they are but I'm pretty confident I can live better without them! I hear you about not being able to afford gym membership - we've recently bought a house and there is a gym within walking distance - but with the increased payments with a mortgage, I can't justify it. I have however bought some exercise dvd's (Jillian Michaels) and a beginner box of weights. And with all of that, you can work out from home (my husband has to restrain himself from laughing sometimes:laugh: ) for a fairly low financial outlay.

    @sjo68 - well done re: the cupcakes, good for you and I'm sure your neighbour was pleased!

    @evdjohnson - sometimes I think we just have to use the full fat versions - half/low fat is good but it doesn't work for all receipes. I tried to make cheesecake with low fat cream cheese once and it simply didn't work. And I think you are right - sometimes they do just taste horrible! Good on you for working it all off though - this is the balance that I had to find. I was convinced for years that as long as I exercised I could eat what I wanted within reason. How wrong was I!! So now, I am far more aware of what I eat - and it's not always as healthy as it might be - but I make sure that I compensate with the right kind of exercise to balance it. Snacks - hmmm. hummous, pistachios, fruit. I get the graze snack boxes delivered to me at work - healthy snacks that don't break my calorie allocation and are better than the chocolate or crisps that I will go to otherwise. And their flapjack is so, so good!

    @meg - hope you've recovered from the dentist. I hate dentists with a passion (although mine is a very sweet lady!) and I live in terror of going in for a checkup and ending up needing work done.

    @cinger0439 - welcome! I sympathise with sitting at a computer all day. I have to try to find ways of building bits of exercise into my day in the office or I go mad. Then if I back it up with a workout when I get home, I feel like I'm at least holding my own. Who knows whether that's true but I like to think it works for me.

    @jehan - well done for being fuelled by the family comments. People have little idea how hurtful they can be - show them with the great progres that you make!

    Well, working from home today and the sun is shining so it's not all bad. We have a decorator coming round this evening to give us a quote for decorating our bedroom - got to get rid of the shiny purple paint that the previous owners thought was a good idea! Going to do a JM Beat Fat, Boost Metabolism workout and also need to start the cleanup of the house in time for Saturdays house warming - so a busy evening awaits for me I fear. And the curtains for the spare bedroom have arrived this morning - woohoo!

    have a good rest of the day everyone and if I don't exhaust myself this evening I'll check back in later.
  • mjharman
    mjharman Posts: 251 Member
    @jehan - even when done out of some misbegotten idea of love, those comments sure do hurt! I used to get so upset by comments like that, I would give up because I didn't feel my efforts would ever be good enough. Don't let that happen! You got this, girl - you can do whatever you want to do and will get where ever it is you want to go!

    I'm going to try a spinning class this evening...I only ever tried it once before and the only thing I remember is how sore my bottom was afterward...I think it needs some toughening up! LOL!

    Hope y'all have an awesome day!
  • sjo68
    sjo68 Posts: 28 Member
    Good moring everyone!

    evdjohnson- I would have sent the cupcake to you but after you little binge today I am glad I didn’t. It looks like your damage control (Zumba) this afternoon was helpful though.

    megblackburn- I hate that numb feeling!

    jehan- sometimes people (even family members) are just rude. You show them that you can do it.

    janetay- how exciting to be in a new house. I didn’t realize as it must have happened before I joined you all on this thread. My hubby rolls his eyes at me but I love the smell of a freshly painted room. Enjoy the sunshine today.

    Today is a sunny beautiful day in Seattle. I am indoors at work with a window looking out on all the splendor. Sometimes I thinkmaybe it would be bbetter to have an interior office then I wouldn't miss being outside so much. Hope everyone has a great day.
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    Apologies all, I haven't been able to check in to this thread for a couple of days, but I have been maintaining my diary via phone. I was proud of myself tonight, it was our conference gala dinner, I stuck to one drink before, water during the meal, took the lowest options I could, including a light dessert and didn't finish any of the courses so I'm confident I'm within allowance again.

    @evdjohnson - I'm not home for another week or so, I fly back to London tomorrow, arriving late, sleep over at the airport, then catch an early flight out to Vienna followed by a drive to Slovakia as I have a project going live this weekend. I finally get home next Friday night. Fun, fun, fun! I have enjoyed this week though, it's been very interesting and the pink shorts were a hit!

    And no I didn't get a dip in the sea, I don't think the general public is ready for my semi naked body yet, not till another 60 or so lbs is gone anyway. I did intend to go early this morning, but then got involved in an early teleconference so that was that!

    Keep on keeping on! I'll report back when I can.
  • Good afternoon friends!

    jehan - How horrible that someone is trying to bring you down and make you feel bad about yourself. As women we should support each other, not cut each other down! UGH! I'm angry for you. Next time, just say, "Thanks for your support!" with a BIG fake smile. Message received, I guarantee it. My mother-in-law is well, she is a real piece of work so I totally got ya. I was able to offset ALL my calories yesterday and ended up with a 236 calorie deficit so yay but def don't want to do that kind of thing again. We are hoping to get preggo in hopefully less than two years. Mmmm, I love that baby smell. Really hoping for a girl this time!

    janetay01 - "I was convinced for years that as long as I exercised I could eat what I wanted within reason. How wrong was I!!" Totally agree with you 100%. I really like hummus so I think I shall add that to my snacking regime! Oooo, another food for me to put garlic in! Haha! Decorator? Jealous! I love re-decorating so I am happy for you to be able to do that! Let us know how it turns out!

    mjharman - You are much braver than I! It would be so cool to get through a spin class without feeling like I might pass out. You attack that class! :)

    sjo68 - Thank you it did, I was so relieved when I saw I had a deficit after I completed my food and exercise diary yesterday. How did your neighbor like that splendid cupcake? Enjoy your beautiful Seattle day!

    ron2e - That is great you are staying under your calories AND doing lots of exercise. I bet you dog is really happy. I know what you mean about the "general public". I am really hoping to be at least a little presentable at the beach before the summer ends.

    Do you smell that? It's almost beach weather. Not sure whether to be filled with dread and angst or go with the flow. I will try really hard not to be self-conscious at the beach. We took our son to the beach this morning and it was coldish so I did have a sweater but caught myself tugging at my shirt more than a few times. :( I love the ocean but it's hard to not feel self-conscious when I see so many other people who look much healthier than I.

    In the interest of ending on a positive note, I invite you to watch a video I will post below. Dove did a really eye opening experiment about how women perceive themselves and the results were staggering and sad. I even started crying at one point. Let's be kinder to ourselves! <3

  • sjo68
    sjo68 Posts: 28 Member
    evdjohnson- I saw that video just this week. I was moved by it as well. My neighbor gushed over the cupcake! I was pleased that I didn't eat it but I was very pleased (and a little suprised) when I realized that I honestly didn't even want it. I guess my mentality is finally changing.
  • jehan
    jehan Posts: 155 Member
    Hi everyone..

    @evdjohnson -thanks for inviting me again. Anyway, I tried to do what you said about my running and I also watched some youtube videos about the proper form and guess what, I ran yesterday and I woke up this morning with no pain on my shin. Yehey.

    @sjO68 - good for you. I guess your brain is now circuited to avoid unnecessary junk.

    @mjharman - how's the spinning class?

    Well, thanks for all your comments and motivation. Yup, next time, I see them, I won't be sucking my stomach in, lol.

    Finally, thanks to evdjohnson, my shin is now pain-free from the running I did yesterday. I managed to sneak out of the office. I was jokingly telling them that if I'm not back after an hour they should have an ambulance look for me. Since, I woke up late again, I'll just do my yoga in the office since I'll be doing some overtime work.

    Hope everyone have a nice day....
  • jehan - Aww, that is so GREAT!!! I am so glad you tried that new running technique out. That is just awesome. Awesome, awesome, awesome!!! Also, remember to stretch afterwards too. That also really helps with muscle soreness and stiffness.

    sjo68 - That is great that you didn't even really want that cupcake. Victory! :)

    Hubby offered to get In'N'Out for me today and I just put it out of my mind so it's a work in progress for me but I did resist the temptation for a delicious burger and fries. I didn't even want to look up what the calories would be for it because I knew I would immediately start thinking of ways or excuses I could justify having it. Old habits die hard!