Are you looking for new friends? Start here :)



  • ash_mason
    ash_mason Posts: 13 Member
    I'm about a week in on MFP and had good results after week 1! I am really drawing inspiration from you all and I love the community aspect of MFP.

    The more positive friends the better, so please add me!
  • cashcash12
    cashcash12 Posts: 400 Member
    Hi Everyone ,add me too ,need lots of friends ,common lol
  • Relatively new to MFP as well (been about 2 weeks.) Always looking for more friends to motivate and for motivation in this process. :)
  • theuber
    theuber Posts: 51
    Always happy to have friends! Add me!:flowerforyou:
  • chubbard9
    chubbard9 Posts: 565 Member
    I've recently re-joined, and have a good group of motivators but am definitely looking for more! Add me if you wish! I've added a few of you already :)
  • anjuli_mack
    anjuli_mack Posts: 5 Member
    Hey everyone (; this is so cool! I'm Vicky! I've written about me on my page :D
    I haven't weighed myself in a while so haven't updated it but my fat percentage is at 18% and hoping to get to 15% by June 15th in time for a pageant ((:

    Anyone have Instagram? @anjuli9872 or @fitforlife9872 leave me a comment that you found me through this so I know aha that'd be cool!
  • starblossom
    starblossom Posts: 7 Member
    Add me! I do calorie restriction. Most nutrition and food in the least calories.... I wanna get thin and sexy. I'm 5'8, and have a goal of loosing just 15 lbs, to stay within a healthy BMI. I'm at 150 looking to be 135 (or a smidge less).

    Bring it!
  • im here for new friends! where do I sign?
  • Cincypsych
    Cincypsych Posts: 116 Member
    I would love more friends with similar goals. I am 46, married, 2 teenage kids. I work full time, log daily, have an open diary and exercise 5 to 6 times per week.
    I have done the 1200 calories a day then went to EMTWL. I have settled at eating a 500 daily deficit from my Body Media daily burn. Weight coming off slowly .
    I am 5 41/2.
    SW was 167.4
    CW is 158.2
    GW is 150
  • prettyflower12
    prettyflower12 Posts: 5 Member
    I would like some support on my yet again attempt to lose wieght
    my goal is to lose 50+ pounds
    Im married and have one amazing son :)
    Im attempting wieghtloss again after losing 30 and gaining it all back :/
    I wanna lose it all and keep it off!
  • Hey! I just joined...hoping this will guide me on my way to bringing sexy back. lol I have no friends. :(
  • emsxoxo
    emsxoxo Posts: 12
    Hiya! :)

    25 year old in NZ wanting more friends toooo..!!! Losing around 70lbs, or 35kg in kiwiland. Heaviest i've ever been, and have been going fairly hard at the gym. Sometimes the weekends hit me food wise, but I try to log everything and know what i've done etc, and make up the next week (i know, bad habits die hard).

    Feeling a lot fitter, and my partner has noticed the change in my personality from depressed to happy and so on and so on... Wanting more and more now, but even just the fitness is making me feel so much better within my skin.


    I also have an open diary.
  • SW1388
    SW1388 Posts: 24
    New account add away :)
  • JennKend
    JennKend Posts: 11 Member
    I am new here too. I'm a 38 year old single mom of two boys with 100+ to lose.
  • rachel4304
    rachel4304 Posts: 115 Member
    I've been here awhile but I'm ready to build a support group on here. My profile is all filled out. Add me if you want.
  • starfinale
    starfinale Posts: 309 Member
    add me! I need new active friends.
  • Add me I would love encouragement
  • Dejahvu04
    Dejahvu04 Posts: 18 Member
    wife and mommy looking to lose around 80 lbs!
    would love to make new friends on here for motivation on our weight loss journey :D
  • Add me too! I'm coming up on 2 weeks here and I love motivated friends! :)
  • AndreeAnneB
    AndreeAnneB Posts: 20 Member
    I've been on MFP for a while now but I struggle a lot. I could use some support and friends, to share food and fitness tips. :)