The Fast Metabolism Diet



  • nas061
    nas061 Posts: 256 Member
    From Amazon.... The "silver bullet" no less!
    Haylie Pomroy has helped countless clients lose up to 20 pounds in just 4 weeks –all through the fat-burning power of food. Hailed as “the metabolism whisperer,” Haylie reminds us that food is not the enemy, it’s the rehab needed to rev-up your sluggish, broken-down metabolism and turn your body into a fat-burning furnace.

    On this plan you’re going to eat a lot. You’re going to eat three full meals and at least two snacks a day – and you’re still going to lose weight. What you’re not going to do is count a single calorie or fat gram. You’re going not to ban entire food groups. You’re not going to go carb-free or vegan or go cold turkey on the foods you love. Instead, you’re going to rotate what you’re eating throughout each week according to a simple and proven plan carefully designed to induce precise physiological changes that will set your metabolism on fire.

    Phase I (Monday-Tuesday): Lots of carbs and fruits
    Phase II (Wednesday-Thursday): Lots of proteins and veggies
    Phase III (Friday-Sunday): All of the above, plus healthy fats and oils

    By keeping your metabolism guessing in this specific and deliberate way, you’ll get it working faster. This isn’t just a theory, it’s the results-based product of Haylie Pomroy’s successful programs. It’s worked for celebrities, for athletes, and for people with chronic illnesses who need to lose weight, doctor’s orders. Now it’s going to work for you.

    In 4 weeks not only will you see the weight fall off, you’ll also see your cholesterol drop, your blood sugar stabilize, your energy increase, your sleep improve, and your stress dramatically reduce. All thanks to the miraculous power of real, delicious, satisfying food!

    Plus, by switching up what you’re eating every few days, you’ll get to enjoy a greater variety of foods, so your palate will never feel bored or deprived. Complete with 4 weeks of meal plans and over 50 recipes – including vegetarian, organic, and gluten-free options – this is the silver bullet for the chronic dieter who has tried every fad diet and failed, the first time dieter attempting to kick her metabolism into gear, and anyone who wants to naturally and safely eat her way to a skinner, healthier self.
  • spaniel
    spaniel Posts: 468
    I saw Haylie on Dr. Oz a few weeks ago and she makes a lot of sense!! I may have to buy her book.
  • Here's what i know.. as an ex athlete in my younger days I pretty much ate whatever I wanted, I looked into this book because I now have felt as if my metabolism has come to a halt. I've gained 30 pounds alone in less than 6 months when i got an office job and am so sedentary my legs hurt when i stand up. I'm trying to move more but it seems difficult when tied to my desk all day.
    Ive never been skinny, ever! Ive been 170-190 all my life. Im fine with that. I run half marathons. At least 3 a year along with 5K's for the fun of it. So I'm not a normally sedentary person. I am now 220 pounds and find it so difficult to get rid of it. No matter what i do. I'm frustrated and will try anything at this point.
    I absolutely love the teachings in this book. How is eating healthy a gimmick? Its not a gimmick. You eat a lot of fresh organic foods and get enough proteins. Whats wrong with that.? I have learned that 400 calories of Taco Bell is a lot less than 400 calories of veggies not to mention you're eating fresh, vitamin, and mineral, filled foods instead to processed, high fat, high sodium chemically modified foods. There's a great quote in the book that says if you don't think you know how to cook Yellow #5 then don't put it in your body by cooking it.. You eat a lot of food. So that your body doesn't feel it has to go into starvation mode thus slowing your metabolism down. Your cooking a lot on this diet... a lot. So you have a hand on what you eat and put into your body. But is all good for you and I would much rather put fresh veggies and proteins in me than Wendy's or McDonald's or even a frozen Lean Cuisine. I' m trying it now. Today is my first day. I have nothing to lose. I already exercise a lot so calories consumed are not an issue. Its revving up my slow metabolism after I damaged it by doing what I did.
    If anyone is interested in anything to do with this diet or you need a buddy. Let me know. I really have enjoyed learning the biochemical standard to my body and am prepared to fix my metabolism by eating clean because diet and exercise are important. I want my body working for me as hard as I am pushing it.
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    I think the real question you are asking is why you haven't been losing weight. And to answer that, it would help to know more about you. What do you weigh, what is your height, how much do you eat, what are your macros, and do you weigh everything or eyeball your intake? And what kind of exercise do you do, if any?
  • 2eatcake
    2eatcake Posts: 11
    I have just started The Fast Metabolism Diet. Day 1 was fine. Figuring out the foods to eat and timing are a bit of a challenge, but will probably get easier the longer I am doing this. I was did the blood sugar solution before this and only lost 6lbs. I would love to join a group!
  • sandi117
    sandi117 Posts: 445 Member
    Yeah you guys are right. I just need to focus on consistent healthy eating; I'm just in a rut with the same old dinners that aren't always low-fat or lower calorie.

    Look into buying some recipe books. I've found the books that focus on certain lifestyle diets (vegetarian, diabetic, gluten free, etc.) offer some tasty and healthy recipe alternatives to many "standard" recipes like spaghetti, pork chops, desserts (yes DESSERTS!)
  • IIISpartacusIII
    IIISpartacusIII Posts: 252 Member
    I was just watching Good Morning America and there was a blurb on The Fast Metabolism Diet. Has anyone heard of this? Tried this? Seen results!?

    I'm interested in purchasing the book because it outlines meals to eat and it would take so much guess-work out of my weekly meal planning! I feel like I eat pretty healthy (except for the more than occasional treat) but I havent seen any consistent weight loss - so maybe this would be good for me?

    Thanks! :)

    I much prefer the "Happy Camper" diet. It's been scientifically proven and there are thousands of testimonials! Get on it now!
  • girliegirl78
    girliegirl78 Posts: 2 Member
    I saw dr. Pomroy on dr oz last week, as many of you have mentioned. I've bee lm trying to lose weight since my divorce a few years back and have been unsuccessful in everything I've tried. I have always been an avid exercise going and my friends all doon me as the healthy friend because of how I eat. So it not only fathoms me but them as well as to why I can't lose weight. After watching her on dr oz and feeling like her methodology makes sense I bought the booked and read over half of it in one day (which is are for me.. I'm not a big book fan). It was so informative and addicting. I didn't want to put it down. I started the program 5 days ago and I've already lost 8.6 lbs. it hasn't been hard but I do have to prep a lot, which I don't mind because i knw what I put in my body. Phase 2 days were a little tough but knwing there only 2 days makes it easy to push through. I can't tell you how exciting it is to see results like this. Again I have tried every commercial diet plan out there, talked with nutritionists, naturopaths, personal trainers and not one has given me results like this and one where I feel in control. I highly recommend . My goal weight loss is 40 lbs... I just booked a trip to Mexico for 7 weeks. Excited to see what kind of results I get by then
  • I am on Day 9 of the Fast Metabolism Diet. I am looking for other people who are doing it, but apparently there are more people who are interested in slamming this plan without knowing anything about it. So annoying. Just because it has "diet" in the title (and that's not PC anymore!) doesn't mean it's bad. This is actually the best "diet" I have ever seen with the most healthy choices. I have lost 5.5 lbs so far. Mostly, people on this thread want to hear themselves talk and have a soapbox to stand on for their agenda. If you can't contribute about the diet, don't post on this thread!
  • vikdubbs
    vikdubbs Posts: 13
    I am only on day 4 but would love to join a support group for this plan. I am sticking it out for the full 28 days regardless of the obstacles I face. My issues are that I am a vegetarian and only eat eggs (no meat, fish and want to stay away from tofu/soy as this is part of my issue). Phase 2 therefore, poses a huge issue as the only option for me, really, is the egg whites (and 4.5 egg whites is a serving suggestion x 5 a day... = a lot of eggs).

    I don't live in the states and can't get the protein bars that Haley sells quick enough, since I already started - I have gone to 3 health food stores to try and and find a protein bar that matches what she sells and have had no luck...... so frustrated.

    Phase 3 starts tomorrow - so excited to eat something besides eggs!!

    How are you doing?
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I tried low carb and when I do have carbs I have them morning then got all day to burn them off. I also found I lost more weight when I got up early and did work out before breakfast on empty stomach.
  • red_road
    red_road Posts: 761 Member
    Do what works for you! My sister lost over 100 pounds on a diet called "Cheat Your Way Thin" but when I tried it I felt it was too complicated and required too much work! People have lost weight on every diet out there, they had to find what is right for them and what would work. I am a masters prepared nurse and we try to avoid "cookie cutter healthcare" meaning the same plan is not going to work for every patient. Just as the same diet will not work for every person-- while one person prefers to count points, another wants to count calories....while one person increases protein, another cuts carbs.... Do what works for you, what you will stick with, and what feels right!
    We are all in this together and should support each others decisions no matter what! There are some pretty crazy diets out there, but they have worked for some people and people should be given the laterality to try whatever they want without feeling like the DIET CZAR is telling them they are doing it wrong (unless completely unhealthy and they could kill themselves doing it).
    Heads up...we got let's do it!


    to the OP what got me out of a plateau was alternate day fasting also known as JUDDD. Just my two cents.
  • red_phoenix
    red_phoenix Posts: 2 Member
    I have just started reading the book. I'm on nutrisystem right now and committed to another 6 weeks or so (which I'm now regretting but have to continue because of the money I've spent on it.) but once I'm done I am going to try this method. I am always interested in nutrition science and very open to new perspectives. The premise of this book seems very interesting and I am anxious to read more. I would love to hear success stories from this way of eating. I do strongly believe that metabolism plays a significant role in weight gain/loss and the more we can manipulate it to our advantage the better.
  • fitsonia24
    fitsonia24 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, I just started myself - I'm on day 3. I feel lighter and not as bloated. For the last six months, I was eating well and exercising everyday and nothing was happening weight wise. I then realized that my metabolism was sleeping and that's why I choose to do this diet.
  • debweenz
    debweenz Posts: 2 Member
    Has anyone here looked into Matt Stone and 180 Health? I just read Diet Recovery 2, and I feel like I finally have a bridge back to normal eating.

    Every person that has posted to this thread sounds like me at one point or another. Although I do still log my food and exercise, it is more like a daily diary than calorie goal. I'm eating 3 meals a day and when I've had enough, I stop. Not worrying or I should say obsessing over every micro and macro I put in my face. I've always loved whole foods prepared simply, so that is easy. But now, if I'm traveling or at a work event I eat what I want because I am hungry and need to eat. Previously I'd step out and chow on a protein bar or skip eating altogether.

    He helps you get "out of your head" so to speak. I recommend Diet Recovery 2 and Eat for Heat by Matt Stone.
  • My husband and I are starting tomorrow- I am hoping this truly is the last diet. Would love to hear how others are progressing
  • VeinsAndBones
    VeinsAndBones Posts: 550 Member
    Unless its a diet of greek yogurt, ice cream and cereal I don't wanna do it
  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
    Yeah you guys are right. I just need to focus on consistent healthy eating; I'm just in a rut with the same old dinners that aren't always low-fat or lower calorie.

    Sounds like you just need some new recipes.
  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
    I am on Day 9 of the Fast Metabolism Diet. I am looking for other people who are doing it, but apparently there are more people who are interested in slamming this plan without knowing anything about it. So annoying. Just because it has "diet" in the title (and that's not PC anymore!) doesn't mean it's bad. This is actually the best "diet" I have ever seen with the most healthy choices. I have lost 5.5 lbs so far. Mostly, people on this thread want to hear themselves talk and have a soapbox to stand on for their agenda. If you can't contribute about the diet, don't post on this thread!

    Oh feisty.
    This is the internet and a public forum. People will post whatever opinion they want if you like it or not. That's the way it works.
    You found something you like, fine, then ignore anyone who's opinion you don't want to hear. No need to let us get to you.

    This post requested opinions...and you want to bash people because they gave their opinion. Just because an opinion does not match yours doesn't mean that they have less of a right to post it.