What Is Your Most Embarrassing Moment At The Gym ?



  • VeganSurfer
    VeganSurfer Posts: 383 Member
    I farted on the treadmill "mid run" once :blushing:
  • vickydubuis
    vickydubuis Posts: 59 Member
    Every moment is embarrassing for me. All the other college girls just walk on the treadmills or do the elliptical while talking to their girlfriends and meanwhile I'm over here with maybe a couple of other girls scattered throughout the gym really working my bootay off and sweating like crazy!
    They also come to the gym with make up and their hair half-done. I don't know how they do it!
  • veto1024
    veto1024 Posts: 20
    Running on the treadmill, slapping my headphone cord by accident, causing my iPod to fall onto the belt and launch across the room into another machine. Fun times!!

    This seems to happen to me on a weekly basis!
  • I broke my nose in yoga class! Haha. :laugh: Can't be the only broken bone from yoga in the world
  • centarix
    centarix Posts: 123 Member
    Not being able to do a forward roll in Gym class in junior high school. I was the biggest kid in the gym and literally EVERYONE turned their head in my direction when it was time for me to do the roll. I did some pathetic half-like twist and even the gym teacher cracked a subtle smile. That and the 1min. jump roping, I ran out of breath at 35 sec. I don't miss those days at all!
  • NutellaAddict
    NutellaAddict Posts: 1,258 Member
    Decided to "work off" my stomach bug / viral cold and threw up near the leg press.
  • redwan2001
    redwan2001 Posts: 286 Member
    going too fast on the treadmill, and face palming when I got off. :/

  • NotRailMeat
    NotRailMeat Posts: 509 Member
    Sharted on the abdominal crunch machine. :noway: :blushing:
  • jcramer1227
    jcramer1227 Posts: 85 Member
    Yep. I've definitely had the flinging iPhone on a treadmill experience. I hit my earbud cord and my phone decided to go for a run. In my panic I decided to just stop on the treadmill while it was moving lol Luckily I just hitched a ride and stepped off the end...no falling, thank goodness!!
  • logicman69
    logicman69 Posts: 1,034 Member
    Worst ever is passing out in the locker room after a gruling workout. Apparently I was out for a while because the possition I was in looked like I was stretching.
  • ShaniWulffe
    ShaniWulffe Posts: 458 Member
    We had a really cute new ballet teacher, and he was coming around the room adjusting our arabesques. He came over to me, and just as he started moving my keg, I let out a rip-roaring, face-meltingly stinky fart. He dropped my leg and ran. I was so embarrassed! XD Luckily, everyone has forgotten about it by now
  • Jxnsmma
    Jxnsmma Posts: 919 Member
    Running on the treadmill in the gym in a small cardio room by myself. Let the smelliest whey protein fart go just in time for someone else to walk in the room to use the other treadmill... :sick:
  • peggysue218
    peggysue218 Posts: 126 Member
    Sharted on the abdominal crunch machine. :noway: :blushing:

    Wow... that sounds messy. Also smelly.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    I don't train in a commercial gym because I mostly just do heavy lifting at home, but about 6 months ago, I was planning a hiking trip and decided I needed to improve my cardiovascular endurance. So I went over to the gym at my apartment complex to do some running on the treadmill. About 10 minutes in, my shorts fell all the way to my ankles and I nearly faceplanted. There was only one other person around at the time, and it was a chick, so not a big deal. I considered it a non-scale victory that my shorts were obviously too big.
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    I rip *kitten* all the time at the gym. Can't say I'm embarrassed about it, though. Maybe remorseful when it's so bad the paint starts to peel. But not embarrassed.

    Most embarrassing will likely be tonight, when I try to use a foam roller for the first time ever. It looks ridiculous when using it the right way, can't imagine when it's done wrong.
  • starbucksbuzz
    starbucksbuzz Posts: 466 Member
    I definitely fell / collapsed trying to do step ups with a barbell. Some random dude half caught me. I guess I shouldn't have tried them after doing squats and lunges. :P
  • conidiring
    conidiring Posts: 230 Member
    During my kickboxing class, the male instructor came over to correct my form. Just as he went to move my upper body I moved into the hit and low and behold, he got a free boob grab! Embarrassing, but I just kept going like nothing happened!
  • sc10985
    sc10985 Posts: 347 Member
    I was taking a cardio kickboxing class and the instructor (who happens to be a male and is in incredible shape...annnd kinda cute) had us focus on a target area and aim to kick slap that target each time.... I guess I wasn't kicking right, so he came over by me to show me how to kick slap the right way. He told me to slap his leg, and at first I hesitated, like "why does he want me to slap his leg", but he insisted, so I slapped his leg with my hand....and he was like "NOO! I mean for you to kick slap me with your foot" and started laughing. He meant for me to kick slap, using his leg as a target. He wasn't worried about me hurting him, but of course, I slapped his thigh with my hands, like a total perv. The whole class lauged, I laughed too, it was a little embarressing, but I got over it lol, oh well.

    Lol!!!!! "Like a total perv" hahhahaha!!!!
  • redwan2001
    redwan2001 Posts: 286 Member
    Passing gas and falling off the treadmill is the most common, broken nose and passing out omg. That is just so awful in so many levels!!
  • redwan2001
    redwan2001 Posts: 286 Member
    I was taking a cardio kickboxing class and the instructor (who happens to be a male and is in incredible shape...annnd kinda cute) had us focus on a target area and aim to kick slap that target each time.... I guess I wasn't kicking right, so he came over by me to show me how to kick slap the right way. He told me to slap his leg, and at first I hesitated, like "why does he want me to slap his leg", but he insisted, so I slapped his leg with my hand....and he was like "NOO! I mean for you to kick slap me with your foot" and started laughing. He meant for me to kick slap, using his leg as a target. He wasn't worried about me hurting him, but of course, I slapped his thigh with my hands, like a total perv. The whole class lauged, I laughed too, it was a little embarressing, but I got over it lol, oh well.

    How funny yes you are a total PERV lmaooo!!

    Lol!!!!! "Like a total perv" hahhahaha!!!!