What Is Your Most Embarrassing Moment At The Gym ?



  • griff7809
    griff7809 Posts: 611 Member
    I once grabbed what I thought was two 40 pound dumbbells to do shoulder presses. Performed four sets then walked back to re-rack them only to notice I just lifted a 40 and a 45. Never knew it during the lift!! I wondered why I was getting the stink eye from a few people in there. LOL...
  • backpacker44
    backpacker44 Posts: 160 Member
    I know I am not the only one that has had embarrassing moments at the gym. Yesterday was LEG DAY of course I was doing Dead Lifts and I didn't know my pants were see through. I am really good about checking my pants lol. A friend of mines was like nice purple with hearts. I was mortified, I stood there and contemplated if to finish my sets, but the show had to go on, I had to finish my deadlifts free peep show or not lol. Why because I am dedicated hahaha!!! Am I nuts or what?

    Were you wearing lululemon? :smokin:

    I passed out in a bikram class once. It was mortifying.

    I know, why do they make all their pants see through? I tried some on in the store and did some of what I was going to be doing in a dance performance to make sure they would work, and luckily I did that because they were all see through.

    They don't "make their pants seethrough". They got a batch of fabric that was seethrough and all of those yoga pants have been recalled. That is why there is a huge limit on black yoga pants this season.
  • NutellaAddict
    NutellaAddict Posts: 1,258 Member
    I know I am not the only one that has had embarrassing moments at the gym. Yesterday was LEG DAY of course I was doing Dead Lifts and I didn't know my pants were see through. I am really good about checking my pants lol. A friend of mines was like nice purple with hearts. I was mortified, I stood there and contemplated if to finish my sets, but the show had to go on, I had to finish my deadlifts free peep show or not lol. Why because I am dedicated hahaha!!! Am I nuts or what?

    Were you wearing lululemon? :smokin:

    I passed out in a bikram class once. It was mortifying.

    I know, why do they make all their pants see through? I tried some on in the store and did some of what I was going to be doing in a dance performance to make sure they would work, and luckily I did that because they were all see through.

    They don't "make their pants seethrough". They got a batch of fabric that was seethrough and all of those yoga pants have been recalled. That is why there is a huge limit on black yoga pants this season.

    That day was a sad day. :sad:
  • laurelderry
    laurelderry Posts: 384 Member
    Fell off of an elliptical and scraped my knee so bad it bled profusely and I had to leave. No one offered to help me, just pretended they didn't see it. LOL
  • backpacker44
    backpacker44 Posts: 160 Member
    I was at the gym a few weeks ago and this cocky looking guy put the treadmill at max incline on at least 6.0. I was on the AMT, and looked over and thought to myself "That's not going to work" and not even 3 seconds later he had flown off and in to a set of chairs that was about 10 feet behind him. He looked mortified and I almost cried because of trying not to laugh.

    Another little guy was trying to bench 315 and what looked like a 15 year old kid with toothpick arms spotting him. Somehow managed to get it off of the rack, and then 6 people had to run to save him...
  • jaydenmiller
    jaydenmiller Posts: 1 Member
    i was once wearing my pants inside out and didn't realize until i was almost done with my workout
  • backpacker44
    backpacker44 Posts: 160 Member
    I know I am not the only one that has had embarrassing moments at the gym. Yesterday was LEG DAY of course I was doing Dead Lifts and I didn't know my pants were see through. I am really good about checking my pants lol. A friend of mines was like nice purple with hearts. I was mortified, I stood there and contemplated if to finish my sets, but the show had to go on, I had to finish my deadlifts free peep show or not lol. Why because I am dedicated hahaha!!! Am I nuts or what?

    Were you wearing lululemon? :smokin:

    I passed out in a bikram class once. It was mortifying.

    I know, why do they make all their pants see through? I tried some on in the store and did some of what I was going to be doing in a dance performance to make sure they would work, and luckily I did that because they were all see through.

    They don't "make their pants seethrough". They got a batch of fabric that was seethrough and all of those yoga pants have been recalled. That is why there is a huge limit on black yoga pants this season.

    That day was a sad day. :sad:
    I know :( I live in Vancouver where Lululemon started, so the day I heard I ran to their outlet and bought a few pairs of the NON seethrough ones haha
  • backpacker44
    backpacker44 Posts: 160 Member
    i was once wearing my pants inside out and didn't realize until i was almost done with my workout

    Hey! I did that last week. I noticed but didnt want to get off of the machine to change haha
  • The time I passed gas when I went to pick up a set of heavy dumbells. Cleared the room.

    I passed gas when lifting a heavy barbell. ha, nobody thought it was the tiny little thing lifting beside them. :laugh: and it was so bad it could have melted the paint off the wall too. :laugh:
  • durangocal
    durangocal Posts: 90 Member
    i was once wearing my pants inside out and didn't realize until i was almost done with my workout

    I did that the other day-but it was my shirt. Wondered if anyone noticed but didn't say anything. I could've replied, "this side is fresh."
  • colex97
    colex97 Posts: 12
    Running on the treadmill at the gym in our housing center when a nice storm kicked up. Lightning took out the power and the treadmill stopped....I didn't... :embarassed:
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    tripping on the treadmill. I'm not sure if anyone else really noticed but I did the "laughing really hard at yourself even though its not really that funny" thing and that was probably weird enough.
  • JusticeGirl25
    JusticeGirl25 Posts: 703 Member
    I farted at the pool. I was so embarrassed. I know people that were swimming saw that and I felt like I wanted to crawl in a hole (and speaking of that, as soon as I did that, I immediately went under water for a few seconds hoping they weren't looking at me.
  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member
    failing on a dead when the bar doesn't move is mine (I posted in the present, as that's how I fail on deads, so I will be doing it again).
  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member
    I farted at the pool. I was so embarrassed. I know people that were swimming saw that and I felt like I wanted to crawl in a hole (and speaking of that, as soon as I did that, I immediately went under water for a few seconds hoping they weren't looking at me.

    I would have returned fire
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    In high school, I avoided anything exercise related. Friend talked me into going to a gym and we got on the treadmills. I fell off. Actually, no I didn't. I flew off, hitting my chin on the belt.
  • MrsPong
    MrsPong Posts: 580 Member
    Back in NC I started a new gym and wanted to take a class. I finally got up enough courage to go in and take it. I'm standing around waiting for the class to start, and the instructor asks me from across the room in front of the whole packed class if I was pregnant. I shook my head no because I couldn’t speak. I went thru with the class and actually kept going… But I will NEVER forget it.
  • JusticeGirl25
    JusticeGirl25 Posts: 703 Member
    In high school, I avoided anything exercise related. Friend talked me into going to a gym and we got on the treadmills. I fell off. Actually, no I didn't. I flew off, hitting my chin on the belt.

    Heh. I came pretty close to flying off the treadmill in gym class in high school. Not pretty.
  • Babeskeez
    Babeskeez Posts: 606 Member
    Queefing during yoga, which is why I wont do it anymore. :laugh:

    I usually have little farts slip out on leg day which doesnt bother me since I have my headphones on. :laugh:
  • onefitsurvivor
    onefitsurvivor Posts: 108 Member
    This topic is way too funny! I'm crying so hard because I can't lol at work! Keep 'em coming!

    I forgot my gym socks one time so I had to wear my black knee high work socks with my sneakers on the treadmill. Ugghh!