Do you need to lose 60 pounds too?



  • Rhaeven
    Rhaeven Posts: 123 Member
    Happy Sunday everyone. Its been super quiet here. Hope everyone is doing good this week.
  • Mirlyn
    Mirlyn Posts: 256
    Hi! Not posting much at all this week because I'm out of town. So far I've went over my calories a couple of times but not by much. Considering I'm set up to lose 2lbs/wk it still leaves me at a deficit so my weightloss should still be apparent. Everyone wants to socialize over meals and I've made great choices when eating out I think but nothing beats cooking in when it comes to counting calories :). I wanted to go bike riding with my husband but so far we've been busy up until 11pm visiting family so there hasn't been any time to go burn calories.

    Have a great week guys!
  • lamacken
    lamacken Posts: 4 Member
    Well I need to lose closer to 70 but am happy to sign on. My first (major) goal is to get to a BMI of 35. Right now I am at 40.5. My first mini-goal is to get under 40.
  • EboniA
    EboniA Posts: 181 Member
    Hi. I'd love to join you guys if that's ok. I started here needing to lose 60. I'm down 8 so far. I went through a few ups and downs but I don't plan on going up any more! I'm going to go back and read the old posts so I can catch up.
  • Rhaeven
    Rhaeven Posts: 123 Member
    Welcome, welcome to our newcomers!!! We have a great group here, everyone is wonderful, and has great things to say. Though a bit quiet this week it seems LOL

    @ Mirlyn Have a great Vaca with the family. Wonderful job on making better choices while you are away from home. It is so hard to do, but definitely getting easier as we progress and our lifestyles change.

    I weighed in Monday...and to my wonderful surprise...lost 3lbs. Finally!!! Maybe I finally got rid of those pesky 2lbs that wanted to hang around last month. I most definitely don't want to find those lost pounds ever again!!

    Imagymrat posted some amazing at-home workouts that I think were created for me, even though she doesn't know it. So I bought a barbell set that goes from 5-20lbs per side, and I have a step stool (cuz I'm too short to reach my cupboards lol) that I'm going to use for the step-up part of the activities. These are perfect "circuit training" type workouts that work with my extremely limited space right now. So I'm going to add those in, continue to walk AND thought I'd try my hand at some Tabata type workouts a few times here and there. :) We shall see how that goes. My man is back to working out and has some pretty impressive goals for his own body fat and weight, I want to see how fast I can catch up in the fitness department without sabotaging myself and doing damage to my weight loss.

    Here are the links to the workouts :)

    I am extremely excited to be at this place in my life this week!!! Hope everyone does well!!
  • EboniA
    EboniA Posts: 181 Member
    Rhaeven: I'm glad you found some exercises you can do in your room. I do the Biggest Loser Boot Camp and 30 Day Shred in my room. You don't need much room, just enough for lunging.

    I can't post when hubby is home. He works at night but when he's home he hogs the computer. lol. My TOM is a pain and keeps me from exercising so I don't hink I'll do well this week but I'm not discouraged. I'm under my cals and drinking water. We have to deal with this every month so ... whatcha gonna do!?! Well, I need to get back to work.

    Have a great Wednesday!
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    Good loss Rhaeven! Just the kickstart you were waiting for. Glad to hear you got your room cleared out and found some workouts that will work for ya. I can't handle 5 lb. weights yet, much less 20, But then I've been more focused on cardio... so yea, that's why I'm weak!~ lol

    Welcome to the thread EboniA! I start level 2 tomorrow on Shred, I'm enjoying it :) Are you able to walk at TOM? That's what I do when I get crampy, actually relieves mine a little and I still get my exercise, well some anyway.

    I have been stalled on loss the last couple weeks, but it looks like it might be due to my sodium intake, and someone suggested upping my calories to 1400, so I have new goals~ Trying to stay a little more level in terms of protein, carbs, fat, and sodium. Oh, and sugar too. I got some of those skinny cow ice cream sandwiches everyone is talking about last night. But, I was already over by 1 on sugar, so didn't get to try it today. Is it just me or is the default sugar goal of 25g a little low? :P
    Today we are going swimming, first time in like 2 weeks. There's been a lot of raining, flooding and man taking my car to work. I'm pretty excited to be going. Gonna wear my HRM and see if I can get a more accurate count of calories burned.

    and, I think I have run out of things to ramble about. Ya'll have a wonderful day and keep up the great work~
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    So, I did my weigh in this morning and lost a pound... down to 198 yay! I actually feel like I am gonna stay under 200 now. I was all worried about the slight stall I had, but in reality I noticed I have logged in 35 days in a row and lost 11.6 pounds.... that's still 2 pounds a week, little more really, so I got no complaints! Ten days of the shred came to only one pound lost, but half of that time was my stall, so whatever, I'm can't wait to measure. Decided I am gonna wait for the 30 days to measure so I see real results :)
    So quiet around here. I hope ya'll are doing good and keeping up with your goals. I know Mirlyn is on vacation ~ I wanna go! Talk to you ladies soon
  • Rhaeven
    Rhaeven Posts: 123 Member
    Happy Friday Everyone!!!! This has been an insanely crazy week, but then again that seems to be how my life is lately. I've done a semi-decent job of eating, I just don't have any kind of appetite so...I was trying to make up for calories here and there. But not horrible. :) I've been up and walking most days, and next week I'll be bust'n my butt working out with Imagymrat's excellent workouts. I've got my barbells and I'm ready to roll. My niece has been feeling out of sorts so she has been sleeping in my nice clean room, so...of course there is no where for me to work out. Things are settling down and the kiddos are ready to work out with me. LOL

    I'm up for a very much needed night away from home. The kiddos are all being sent off to family and I'm headed to the yummy BF's house tonight. So I'm hoping to get my walk in early today So I don't miss out on it, and then when I get home tomorrow night/evening, I'll try (if its not too late) to get in another one. The BF is "dieting" again as well, so thankfully we are now eating the same things. Not that he even needs to but he is ready to start body building again after taking an 8month break, so he is being more aware of what he is eating. :) **Nope, don't consider how I'm eating now as a diet...its definitely a lifestyle change!!!

    @mamadaisy....Congrats on the weight loss and moving out of the "stalling point"!!! Its so dang exciting when that number moves down a few notches on the scale. :) Hopefully we will all make it to our goals. :)

    I'm off to go clean house and then walk, or maybe swim with the kiddos, its warming up. :)
    Happy weekend everyone :)
  • Rhaeven
    Rhaeven Posts: 123 Member
    Happy ? Monday---My weigh in day. I lost another 2.2lbs!!! So excited, that makes 11lbs since begging my BF to help me out, and 31lbs since I've been keeping track (last year) and probably closer to 40lbs over all. But I'm only really counting the 11lbs for this year. LOL (kinda sad that even with about a 40lb loss I'm still in the same size clothes) Having a BF that is eating the same way, or nearly the same way sure makes things so much better when I go over there for the night/weekend!! LOL

    Had an awesome Fri/Sat with the BF, and of course was tortured at work yesterday! Today I am going to put out applications for a new facility to work in. Hate that place. Never have worked anywhere I actually hated being before!! And next month I have to pick up more days. Yuck!! Oh well.

    Last week I won a 'raffle' on MFP from another member who is finishing up with her 30 Day Shred video...she is passing it along. I should be getting the DVD in the next week or two, so I will be starting that as soon as I get it!! So excited.

    I am definitely looking forward to this week, How cool is that?! More eating right, and trying to find time to increase my working out, and I need to drink more water!

    Hope everyone has a fantastic week
  • EboniA
    EboniA Posts: 181 Member
    Hi ladies, CONGRATS on your losses. Sorry you lost your workout space Rhaeven.

    I had quite the week at work last week. I hate my job too. Well, like the work but not the politics and lack of communication. It's just an awful place to be especially when you're trying to stay positive about life! I think I did good over the weekend. I weighed and I'm the same as Thursday so I am set up for a loss... we'll see.
    mamadaisy, are you doing the shred every day or in incremments? I do it about 3-4 times/week so I'm on day 8 of level 1. It's an awesome workout but I need extra cardio to see weight loss. I feel much firmer though!
    Here's to another great week!
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    Supposed to be working on homework... I'm hating this math class. But it is necassary~
    EboniA~ I am trying to do it every day, but I have lost I think 3 since starting. I am on Level 2 (just day 3 tomorrow) now and it really kicks my butt!
    Speaking of my butt, my BF says its smaller... he may have just been trying to score though~
    Rhaeven~ congrats on the loss, sorry about your workout area. Hope she feels better soon.
    Sometimes I hate my job, but then I remember I have the best job in the world ~ Mom ~

    Back to the other job, that I really hate ~ school ~
  • Rhaeven
    Rhaeven Posts: 123 Member
    hehe OK... I don't hate my job, just the place I work. Wanted to clarify that. I'm a CNA and bust my butt at work, but the facility I work for and the people I work with are awful. There are a few decent aides and nurses, but the rest just don't care which is sad for the people I take care of.

    **Something Nice** I'm not with the father of my children, but we have a good, very close relationship, he is one of my best friends. He came by today to visit with us. When all of the kiddos were outside playing, I asked him if I looked smaller (I've lost nearly 30lbs, and the most recent 11). He says "funny you should ask, I was just thinking you had some nice *kitten* action going on!" I was walking around the living room picking up clothes from the floor and had been bending over. LOL So a few minutes later I stopped and told him "Now, seriously, don't lie to I look thinner/better?" He gave me a great smile and said I may have lost this weight, but I sure don't SEE it yet, I don't see a smaller me at all. The kid's dad is always honest with me, so I know that he would have said he didn't notice any changes. Even though I'm not actually SEEING a difference, I know that I'm doing the right things and that eventually I will see what I'm changing...but it was nice to hear that today. :)

    @EboniA--Hope you get the loss... Having a rough work environment definitely makes it a challenge to keep positive. Right now I'm only working on Sundays but will be picking up Monday and Tuesday starting in August...I'm in a horrible mood after just one day, not sure how working 3 is going to go..but need the money. Hope this week goes better for you!

    @mamaDaisy--Woohoo on the small butt comment!!! Always is nice to hear it :) even if its just to score points lol
  • EboniA
    EboniA Posts: 181 Member
    You guys are awesome. :flowerforyou:

    I had a good day today. I walked to the school to pick up the kids and I'll do the shred tonight. I have a mini audit at work tomorrow so I'm gonna need a good workout and some good sleep.
  • Rhaeven
    Rhaeven Posts: 123 Member
    Happy Hump Day!!! hahahaha I'm trying to stay up beat and positive today. I'm just so dang tired and my household situation really wears me down. I'm so ready for my "roommates" to find a place to live and give me my apartment back. Oh well. Hope everyone is having a great week so far..maybe I'll take a nap...
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    Rhaeven~ I get the feeling you are a very patient person. Kudos to you for helping out your family, we don't see enough of that in the world anymore. I was actually talking about that with my mom today. Families move further and further away when kids grow up, making the small world feel huge right. But we have all this awesome technology that allows us to communicate in a variety of ways across those miles, yet that communication within the family unit is still decreasing. Ya know, there's just not that closeness that was family a century ago, even 50 years ago. Anyway, yea, rambling ~

    We been going swimming a lot. The pool we go to makes the kids take a break every hour for sunscreen and drinks and stuff. I been going in the deep end and treading water while I don't have kids crawling on me. I made it through the whole break ~ 10 minutes ~ and really feel like I coulda gone alot longer. So that's my success this week~
    I am doing horrible at getting to bed before 1am though. Just can't help it, that's who I am I guess. NO, I'll work through it eventually. When I'm all done with school in a year and a half maybe...

    Well, this post is getting crazy, so I'm gonna post and go lol.
  • EboniA
    EboniA Posts: 181 Member
    Well, today was weigh in and I am down one more pound. :drinker:

    MamaDaisyJ, I agree with you about family. Ours is pretty tight even though most of them moved to Oregon and I'm in California. My husband always talks about moving out of state and I get torn because I would miss the little bit of family that is here. I do like Facebook for the day to day stuff about my cousin's kids and such.

    Well, this should be a good day. I took the day off so I am going to go have fun with my hubby who has the day off too.
  • Rhaeven
    Rhaeven Posts: 123 Member
    Wow...I cannot believe its Saturday already! The weekend (ok my ONLY day off) has gone by way too fast. Hope everyone is having a good and not too hot weekend. I'm roasting, its like 92-94 and my kids left the back door open while I was out running fun.

    @MamaDaisy..I don't know if I'm patient or just plain stupid. lol I LOVE my family but there comes a time when its just too much work and stress to have them in my very small, already over-crowded apartment. But...thats what we do for family I guess.

    Well, I'm off to clean the house some and make dinner..then to swim like a mad woman to make up for the lack of hours I've missed walking this week... I've got a VERY overweight friend and she doesn't walk fast or long... :)

    Have a wonderful weekend!!!
  • Rhaeven
    Rhaeven Posts: 123 Member
    Happy Monday everyone :) Our thread is getting pretty thin and quiet lately. Hope everyone is doing well.

    Today was weigh-in. I lost another 2.8lbs!!! 211.0 I've knocked off a fair bit now and am only 51lbs from my reassess goal, versus 60. So exciting.

    This week my major goal is to concentrate on drinking enough water. I've totally fallen off the wagon with that. I also am kicking up the workouts this week!!! Last Friday got too busy for me to start the 200 sit up challenge, so I'm doing that starting today as well.

    Alright. I'm off to keep moving on with my busy week. Have a great week!!!
  • 623Hernandez
    623Hernandez Posts: 458
    OK so far I have lost 20 but still have 48 to go. This month has been very very hard for me!!! I started school so haven't had time to exercise or cook. Between home work, school, work,and commuting I have ZERO time. So I have been eating A LOT of prepared food like tv dinners and subway! The $5 foot long is killing me thought!! By the time I get the sandwich I am soooo hungry I eat the whole foot.:blushing: When my intention was to make it 2 meals. Also I got back on the fast food for a second.:mad: I think I am addicted to it. Plus I have to drive past like 1000 fast food places going to and form school when I am starving. SUCKS! 1200 calories has been way to hard for me so I reduced my goal to lose 1.5 pounds a week instead of 2 so my calories went up to 1310. I am tired of feeling so bad when I go over my calorie goal. Not much of a difference but I am going to see if it helps. I have also reduced my weight loss mini goals, several times! From 10 pounds to 7 pounds to 5 pounds a month. I want to make realistic and obtainable goals for myself. I want this journey to be an enjoyable one. I know I won't lose as fast but i figure it took me 4 or 5 years to put this weight back on a year to take it off is nothing. I have also fallen off the wagon regarding my water intake. I so suck at drinking water!

    I am back into a 16 from an 18, I have lost 20 pounds, I have been eating breakfast all most everyday, and I have logged in to MFP EVERY day for 70 days and logged my calories. I have all so been measuring and weighing my food. I am so glad I bought 3 sets of measuring cups and spoons and my kitchen scale! So, a few things are doing good.....:happy:

    So, I want to work on eating breakfast EVERYday, haveing a water bottle with me at ALL times, packing lunches and snacks, fitting in exercise, not eating fast food AT ALL, and only eating a 6" from subway!!!

    How have you been doing? What are your goals? What has helped you most? What are your achievements?

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