30 Day Shred - Starting April 15 2013



  • ashleyoh33
    ashleyoh33 Posts: 85 Member
    What size weights does everyone use? I have completed Level 1 Day 5 using 5 lb weights. I do have some difficulty with the side lunges with shoulder raise (i think thats what its called..haha) but everything else is fine and my arms are never sore the next day. I feel like my arms should be sore with a 5 lb weight...should i buy an 8 or would that be unmanageable? I know it's different for everyone, just curious as to what all of you are using.
  • leeroxboro
    leeroxboro Posts: 142 Member
    I was using 5 lb weights for everything except the shoulder raises...used 2 pound for those, and had to put them down to finish the second set. I dropped back to 3 lb today, the first day of level 2...I really need to work on my upper body strength!!
  • SAB8A
    SAB8A Posts: 27 Member
    I use 3lb weights all thru Level 1 and I felt there at the last few days I should have uped the weight. I started L2 today and man oh man those 3 lbs felt like 10 lbs after the shoulder/leg raises and squat v's I think switching the weight up if it isn't pushing you would be a good idea. Like Jillian says you have to push to see results given it's only a 27 min workout. I'm going to work on getting up to 5 lbs for L2. Wish me luck
  • corrsfan
    corrsfan Posts: 26
    I just wanna start by saying that I LOVE reading about how everyone's doing and reading this thread really motivates me to keep going with the 30DS.

    I used 1 kg (2.2 lb) weights through Level 1 and half of Level 2 then I switched to 2 kg (4.4 lb) weights for the second half of Level II. It threw my balance for a bit (particularly that exercise with the leg extensions) but it definitely got better with each day so I do recommend challenging yourself with the weights though I'm no expert on what the limit should be. I started Level 3 on Saturday and I would agree with previous posts I've read where some people have said they found it just a tiny bit less challenging than Level 2 though of course it's still pretty hard. I mentioned that to my friend today and she said another possibility is that one's fitness level improves tremendously with each day and each level so perhaps Level 3 seems easier cause one is stronger. I just think it's easier cause there fewer plank moves, lol.

    Sunday is my rest day and hoped to get back to it today but I'm not feeling well so sadly I have to skip it. Hopefully a good night's rest will sort that out and I can get back into it tomorrow morning.
  • travlinmel101
    travlinmel101 Posts: 243 Member
    HALF-WAY DAY for me! (aka day 15 or L2D5)

    Once I upped my weights towards the end of L1 (from 2lbs to 5lbs), I continue to use the 5lbs for most of my L2 moves (sometimes, I have to go back down to the 2lbs for the second set, or those V's I sometimes have to put the weights down completely)...but I think if you're already feeling comfortable with 5 lbs on day 5, you should give the 8 lbs a try!

    Good job everyone!!!!
  • jennypenny24
    jennypenny24 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello! I'm so excited that I found a thread where people started the 30 day shred on April 15, 2013. I, myself, started the 30 day shred on April 16. I decided to do it for 6 days each week with 1 rest day which is Mondays for me. Anyways, I've been pairing the workouts with turbo jam for the 6 days that I work out and I've been eating low carb (induction phase) and today was my weigh in day and I'm so happy to report that I lost 6.6 pounds. Day 1 I weighed 218.2 and today is day 13 and I weighed in at 211.6. I've never had this kind of success and I'm looking forward to the rest of the program. I hope everyone has positive results no matter if it's inches or weight or just getting more endurance and becoming more healthy.
  • juliasays77
    juliasays77 Posts: 92 Member
    Well, I skipped yesterday- I had a long, difficult weekend and was just exhausted.

    So I picked back up this morning, L2 D4. I must have done something to my right hand, because it was killing me! It hurt to even get in a plank position. I modified this morning, but I may have to replace some moves if it still hurts tomorrow.

    Speaking of plank moves- I would like to know which of Satan's minions created the Plank Jack. Seriously? Seriously?!?! Those kill me.
  • aliann30
    aliann30 Posts: 291 Member
    L2D1 down.




    I didn't make it all the way through - I tried my best, but barely got through the plank ab crossover things. On a positive note, I was able to make it through the jump ropes and not cheat. I started off hating jumping jacks, switched that to hating jump ropes, and now these oblique twist jump and die things? No joke...I was about to hurl on my yoga mat when it came time for the plank crossovers.

    19 days left!!!!
  • corrsfan
    corrsfan Posts: 26
    L2D1 down.




    I didn't make it all the way through - I tried my best, but barely got through the plank ab crossover things. On a positive note, I was able to make it through the jump ropes and not cheat. I started off hating jumping jacks, switched that to hating jump ropes, and now these oblique twist jump and die things? No joke...I was about to hurl on my yoga mat when it came time for the plank crossovers.

    19 days left!!!!

    Hahaha...that O.M.G. is exactly how I felt on the 1st day of Level 2. And the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th. On the 1st day I had to stop for a while because like you, I was also nauseated. But you will love seeing yourself get stronger with each day so hang in there.
  • leeroxboro
    leeroxboro Posts: 142 Member
    L2 D2 down and I swear, the only thing that kept me going was knowing how much stronger I am after completing level 1....I. Thought. I. Was. Going. To. Die!! I don't think my knees are going to let me do some of the tougher moves, but at least I am able to do all of the modified ones....once I get through these 30 days, I'm going to concentrate on getting certain muscles stronger and come back to this to see if I can give it 100%!! (I don't think I'll ever be able to keep up with Natalie!!)

    Let's keep on keeping on!!!
  • MzzFaith
    MzzFaith Posts: 337 Member
    ave seen great results from 30 day Shred
  • reeful
    reeful Posts: 1 Member
    I am on day 14 and have only lost a pound. Actually the scale is going up and down. I had lost 3, now I've gained 2 back, but my body is definitely shrinking. Lost about 8-9 inches so far!
  • kitjos
    kitjos Posts: 158 Member
    Day 1 done for me :smile: .

    Ive got some 'before' pics so looking forward to the comparison in 29 days time. TBH, 20 mins workout isnt to bad, i thought i was either going to cry or be sick, but managed to press through it, then its all done - fab!

    Good luck to the rest of you - looking forward to the pics! x
  • aliann30
    aliann30 Posts: 291 Member
    L2D2 down!!!!

    So proud of myself! I felt stronger than I did yesterday already! So excited to see how much I can do in 8 more days!!!

    Ree - that's awesome!!!! I need to measure but am kind of hesitant because I don't want to get disappointed if there's not a huge change yet.

    Lee - that's what keeps me going too! I HATE not being able to do everything the full way so it pushes me to keep doing it to build up my strength! And never say never!!! YOU WILL keep up with Natalie one day! (and hey, even SHE noticeably struggles with Level 2!!!) :flowerforyou:
  • springbokkii
    springbokkii Posts: 28 Member
    So I just did day 10 l1 only took me two weeks to get there ups
    However I appear to have stretched something at the side of my calve over the weekend. Gave it a proper rest for two days and it seemed fine last night but now it's really painful again. Really annoyed. But I have backup plan . Just found her yoga meltdown on you tube. Since it has no jumping elements I'm hoping I'll be alright with it. If it's ok with you guys I'll keep on posting how I get on. To be honest I'm rather intimidated. At least I knew what a jumping jack is what on earth is a praying dog or whatever all these moves are called.

    Keep going everyone! We can beat the wobble :happy:
  • leeroxboro
    leeroxboro Posts: 142 Member
    I am on day 14 and have only lost a pound. Actually the scale is going up and down. I had lost 3, now I've gained 2 back, but my body is definitely shrinking. Lost about 8-9 inches so far!

    That's so awesome!! I don't have a digital camera, so I don't have any pictures, but I did measure my waist and the biggest part of my lower ab (baby pooch) and have lost NOTHING there!! Hopefully I will have by the end of it all!!

    Aliann...I'm excited to see how much more I can do before going to level 3 too!!
  • leeroxboro
    leeroxboro Posts: 142 Member
    So I just did day 10 l1 only took me two weeks to get there ups
    However I appear to have stretched something at the side of my calve over the weekend. Gave it a proper rest for two days and it seemed fine last night but now it's really painful again. Really annoyed. But I have backup plan . Just found her yoga meltdown on you tube. Since it has no jumping elements I'm hoping I'll be alright with it. If it's ok with you guys I'll keep on posting how I get on. To be honest I'm rather intimidated. At least I knew what a jumping jack is what on earth is a praying dog or whatever all these moves are called.

    Keep going everyone! We can beat the wobble :happy:

    Let me know how her yoga meltdown is....I've thought about doing that next if my knee lets me get through the shred...if my knee gets any worse, I might jump in with you!! It feels better this morning, but I haven't done the dvd yet today!!
  • chipmunk_87
    chipmunk_87 Posts: 42
    Level 1 Day 8 today. I had two days off because of a festival here. I also ate really terrible carnival food - but did walk around all day so hopefully that helped. Back into it today, and not feeling too bad considering the break. Looking forward to moving on to level 2 though.
  • hatkinson87
    hatkinson87 Posts: 42
    Hey every one :) I'm starting this tonight wish me luck lol, just wondering what do I put in the exercise section of the app for here as I can't seem to find anything about the calories burnt doing the 30 day shred?

    Whenever I do it, I always put it as 25 minutes of circuit training. I looked it up online and there seemed to be a general consensus of how to track it. Good luck!!
  • SAB8A
    SAB8A Posts: 27 Member
    L2D3 done this morning.. I second the O M G... I'm trying to keep the Negative thoughts I have about this Level away but dang I got done today cursing this Level.. My Husband has been doing it with me and his knee (which he tore his ACL, MCL, and another ligament) has been killing him. He is post surgery a few years and really hasn't had much problems with his knee until we started this Level. Could it be the jumping? And if so how could he modify it. I told him maybe he should use his brace so we shall see how that helps him. If it doesn't I might suggest the Yoga to him.

    Let's keep on Shreddin' even if we feel like we are going to DIE!!