At your heaviest, what was your eating like?



  • jayrae87
    jayrae87 Posts: 36 Member
    I don't have much to lose, but hit my highest weight after I had my daughter. I became a stay-at-home-mom and started learning to cook. I've eaten healthy most of my adult life and never went crazy on the dairy before but I have become MADLY in love with cheese. I also started to do a lot of baking, so between second helpings of everything yummy I made, the scones I was baking weekly and the cheese on everything I was 10 pounds heavier than ever.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    At my heaviest my eating was intuitive!!

    Got fed up with constantly having to watch what I ate just to stop from gaining slowly so decided to let myself settle at a "natural weight". Within 6 months I went from 28lbs overweight to 42lbs overweight.

    So much for that experiment. :grumble:
    Got to my goal weight by calorie counting and following the 5:2 fasting regime.
  • jmcreynolds91
    jmcreynolds91 Posts: 777 Member
    I ate fast food several nights a week, didnt drink much water. Whatever i wanted, i ate without even a second thought. My food lifestyle has changed so much.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I had relocated for a job & was living out of a hotel for 2 months eating out for almost every single meal. I was hitting the gym, but allthe bad food habits ballooned me up.
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    Whatever I wanted. Did even give it a second thought. Way too much McDonalds. And never even thought about exercise.
  • Rachlmale
    Rachlmale Posts: 640 Member
    It was impressive :bigsmile:
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Burgers and pizza several times a week.
  • marionmmm
    marionmmm Posts: 61
    I ate a cans of Pringles on the way to work, and then trashed the cans so no one would know... what's that all about?

    When you hide-eat like it was something illegal, then it is time for a change....
    BTW - my commute was 20 minutes...
  • LGrill27
    LGrill27 Posts: 337 Member
    Eat when I was bored, lived off convenience food, anything that would fill me up.... pizza, chips, fast food, beer etc. I think I was allergic to any form of exercise.
  • AmberLee2012
    AmberLee2012 Posts: 540
    I would eat as much as my husband and his band mates did. I was just one of the guys. I also used to binge eat a lot. I'd eat dinner then chips and then ice cream. I used to eat fast food a few times a week (sometimes even twice in one day) as I worked in a law office right by McDonalds, Wendys and Burger King. Now I try and allow myself calories in the evening to have a treat (either salty or sweet but not both) and I have cut down fast food to once or twice a month. My highest weight was 199 lbs and I'm about 5'2 and a half. I knew it was time to make a change. Right now my weight varies from 170-172. My goal is 130-135 so I have a ways to go yet.
  • BrieLP
    BrieLP Posts: 300 Member
    Fast food multiple times a day, lots of soda, chips, cookies... every day.

    Yup this was my life!
  • EmmieChunk
    EmmieChunk Posts: 13
    biscuits / cakes / choc for breakfast - anything sweet that was in the house or id miss bfast

    white bread sandwhich and crisps and chocolate bar for lunch

    pizzas/pasta/ready meals for tea and plenty of takeaways at the weekend - indian/ chinese/ kebabs

    lots of cups of tea and milk lots of diet coke (yeh, diet coke haha pointless)

    Id eat biscuits all day without thinking and if someone offers cakes/chocs at work id always accept mindlessly.

  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,124 Member
    Last year was my heaviest... I own a retail store and next door there was this FANTASTIC mexican restaurant. We would eat from there atleast 3 times/week. I would have a whole plate of Pollo Fundido... a bag of chips and salsa... with a large soda. I figured it couldn't be THAT many calories... until I watched an episode of TBL and they had something similar... it was over 2000cals!!

    Dinners were (still are) very late because they store doesn't close until 7pm and I live 1hr away... so it'd always be something easy like Hamburger Helper... or Chinese takeout.

    Then, after dinner I'd get the munchies and pig out on ice cream... cookies... crackers... DORITOS... you name it.

    PS - Anytime I sat down with a bag of Doritos in was gone in 2 sittings, MAX.
  • Wgbn32
    Wgbn32 Posts: 38 Member
    Just a greater volume of all the same foods I eat now.

    I was never a huge junk food person. I would probably eat junk food once a week (usually wendys-- bacon cheeseburger with fries). In the last 5 years I can count how many times I've drank soda....not a fan. But my biggest issue is/was portion control. Even though I ate decent in terms of healthy foods I would just go over board. I'm learning to control my eating and to stop when im satisfied.

    Another issue was I rarely ate breakfast....and would wait until I was absolutely starving (which leads to overeating). Probably had 1 or 2 big meals a day instead of spreading it out.

    Would also eat/snack late at night. I still do sometimes but now I make sure to give myself at least and hour and a half to digest before I fall asleep.
  • Maris_Swan
    Maris_Swan Posts: 197 Member
    Junk food 24-7
  • RambyPandy
    RambyPandy Posts: 118 Member
    Breakfast: Medium whole milk latte and a pastry
    Lunch: Subway buffalo chicken sandwich with double cheese and ranch sauce, bag of chips, and soda
    Dinner: 2 slices of pizza
    Then cookies or ice cream and more soda
    Maybe some snacks before bed.

    I was eating high-fat foods a LOT and drinking lots of diet soda. I'd eat ice cream like it was no one's business.

    Sooooo glad I did a 360 on those bad habits!
  • DottieNewton
    DottieNewton Posts: 112 Member
    Atrocious!! Thinkless! I was just stuffing food into my mouth--anything and be honest I couldn't even begin to tell you what I had eaten that day. And I went to bed not satisfied and got up not satisfied... WHY?? because Food will NOT , can not be your everything in life. It will not help anything...yes, it gives a moment of pleasure ...but. OH! the pain and health issues it brings with it!!
  • dkgoetz
    dkgoetz Posts: 65 Member
    At the time, I worked from 6am to 2pm, so I never ate breakfast and thought I was being healthy by only eating two meals a day - late lunch when I got home and dinner. I could put away an entire 2-liter bottle of Orange Fanta (sometimes two bottles) a day, eat an entire frozen pizza (I could probably still, if I really wanted to, because if pizza was a person I'd marry it) and usually a box or two of Little Debbie snacks (usually the brownies).

    And yes, I was one of those people who didn't understand why I was gaining weight!
  • imhungry2012
    imhungry2012 Posts: 240 Member
    I drank pretty much 5 days a week (that is A LOT of calories)...which was always followed by a diner at 2am, a jumbo slice or a cab ride through the drive thru somewhere! I also ate out more than I ate in not really paying any attention to what I was eating...I liked healthy food, I just ate it in mass quantities, covered it in cheese and chased it with beer, wine, and/or vodka....and I rarely worked out (probably b/c I was hungover a lot). :drinker:

    ahhh...the good old days :laugh:
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    It was fun. Sigh.
    haha THIS^
    happy meals, pizza and beer - oh my!! =)