What Is Your Most Embarrassing Moment At The Gym ?



  • AuddAlise
    AuddAlise Posts: 723 Member
    My VERY.FIRST.TIME.AT.THE.GYM.EVER....I dropped my towel while on the treadmill. For some reason I though I was coordinated enough to lean down and pick it up while running. I was not. I fell to my knees scraping the skin off to the bones on my left shin. Damn thing didn't stop either so I had to place my hands on the moving treadmill and push back causing my hands to be scraped up too.

    If the towel drops now I don't pick it up. :blushing:
  • TehNoms
    TehNoms Posts: 86 Member

    Oh wait...

    I'm laughing WITH you. ;)

    A lot of people have commented on falling off the treadmill, and that is totally me. A friend comes with me sometimes and she will hop on the treadmill right next to me. Well we were both into our own workout and I leaned over a bit to show her the song that was on my mp3 player, and I didnt slow the treadmill and ended up tripping over my own feet. I was able to grab the siderails and not fall completely down, but it was enough to make her crack up pretty hard. I wish I could say I learned from that experience, but it has happened again since then.

    LOL Shut your face! hahahahaha
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
  • sdfkjsadglkj11
    sdfkjsadglkj11 Posts: 211 Member
    Ugh, well I was doing a thirty minute run on the treadmill, and I felt myself sweating down the sides of my face and down my neck pretty bad, so I got off the machine to go get a paper towel. Well, this one guy kind of glanced at me and walked away, and I ignored him and started wiping my face and the back of my neck. When I pulled away the paper towel I saw it was bloody red. Then I realized that it was hair dye dripping from my scalp!!!!! I used a really strong red dye the night before, the kind that actually stains your scalp. I thought I'd washed it all out, but apparently not.

    Talk about working 'til you bleed.
  • Today When I got back after 3 years and I could lift only 1/3 Literally of my previous weights per exercise.:huh: :yawn: :noway:
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    Probably using the machines wrong. But I have no idea, so I don't feel embarrassed, others are just embarrassed for me.
  • 5erious
    5erious Posts: 469
    I have a morning ritual that I need to share. I call it "the terminator". First I crouch down in the shower in the classic "naked terminator traveling through time" pose. With my eyes closed I crouch there for a minute, visualizing either Arnold or the guy from the second movie (not the chick in the third one because that one sucked) and I start to hum the terminator theme. Then I slowly rise to a standing position and open my eyes. It helps me to proceed through my day as an emotionless, cyborg badass. The only problem is if the shower curtain sticks to my terminator leg. It ruins the fantasy.
  • I have a morning ritual that I need to share. I call it "the terminator". First I crouch down in the shower in the classic "naked terminator traveling through time" pose. With my eyes closed I crouch there for a minute, visualizing either Arnold or the guy from the second movie (not the chick in the third one because that one sucked) and I start to hum the terminator theme. Then I slowly rise to a standing position and open my eyes. It helps me to proceed through my day as an emotionless, cyborg badass. The only problem is if the shower curtain sticks to my terminator leg. It ruins the fantasy.

    oh really?

    thats funny because I have a morning ritual that I need to share. I call it "the terminator". First I crouch down in the shower in the classic "naked terminator traveling through time" pose. With my eyes closed I crouch there for a minute, visualizing either Arnold or the guy from the second movie (not the chick in the third one because that one sucked) and I start to hum the terminator theme. Then I slowly rise to a standing position and open my eyes. It helps me to proceed through my day as an emotionless, cyborg badass. The only problem is if the shower curtain sticks to my terminator leg. It ruins the fantasy.
  • paulperryman
    paulperryman Posts: 839 Member
    farting while doing situps with a medicine ball.
  • ArchangelMJ
    ArchangelMJ Posts: 308 Member
    I'm prone to doing awkward shiz, but luckily, I haven't been in a gym often enough to do anything too embarrassing.

    Just last week though, I was jogging outside and I passed a basketball court where a ton of guys were playing. Many of them were shirtless with perfect bods and some were staring directly at me. I kept bouncing along, feeling good, like 'I'm cute, got my shades ooon, I'm joggin' in my shorts ya'll, heeeey - *TRIP*

    I totally caught my foot on the cracked side-walk and tripped. I managed to catch my balance so that I didn't fall but it was still pretty graceless and deflating. :O
  • ArchangelMJ
    ArchangelMJ Posts: 308 Member
    I have a morning ritual that I need to share. I call it "the terminator". First I crouch down in the shower in the classic "naked terminator traveling through time" pose. With my eyes closed I crouch there for a minute, visualizing either Arnold or the guy from the second movie (not the chick in the third one because that one sucked) and I start to hum the terminator theme. Then I slowly rise to a standing position and open my eyes. It helps me to proceed through my day as an emotionless, cyborg badass. The only problem is if the shower curtain sticks to my terminator leg. It ruins the fantasy.

    oh really?

    thats funny because I have a morning ritual that I need to share. I call it "the terminator". First I crouch down in the shower in the classic "naked terminator traveling through time" pose. With my eyes closed I crouch there for a minute, visualizing either Arnold or the guy from the second movie (not the chick in the third one because that one sucked) and I start to hum the terminator theme. Then I slowly rise to a standing position and open my eyes. It helps me to proceed through my day as an emotionless, cyborg badass. The only problem is if the shower curtain sticks to my terminator leg. It ruins the fantasy.

    This response made me laugh more than it should have.
  • teebeegeebee
    teebeegeebee Posts: 218 Member
    The moment when I realised I had worked up so much sweat that my easy breathe shirt had become see through and that people in the gym were s******ing at my man boobs!

    I win though as I have pretty much trained the moobs away now.....my biggest nsv!
  • FloyMcCaudie
    FloyMcCaudie Posts: 1,132
    When i aimed to bench 200 and failed epicly..ye my coach still keep makin jokes bout that -_-
  • 5erious
    5erious Posts: 469
    I have a morning ritual that I need to share. I call it "the terminator". First I crouch down in the shower in the classic "naked terminator traveling through time" pose. With my eyes closed I crouch there for a minute, visualizing either Arnold or the guy from the second movie (not the chick in the third one because that one sucked) and I start to hum the terminator theme. Then I slowly rise to a standing position and open my eyes. It helps me to proceed through my day as an emotionless, cyborg badass. The only problem is if the shower curtain sticks to my terminator leg. It ruins the fantasy.

    oh really?

    thats funny because I have a morning ritual that I need to share. I call it "the terminator". First I crouch down in the shower in the classic "naked terminator traveling through time" pose. With my eyes closed I crouch there for a minute, visualizing either Arnold or the guy from the second movie (not the chick in the third one because that one sucked) and I start to hum the terminator theme. Then I slowly rise to a standing position and open my eyes. It helps me to proceed through my day as an emotionless, cyborg badass. The only problem is if the shower curtain sticks to my terminator leg. It ruins the fantasy.

    This response made me laugh more than it should have.


    Thats funny because this response made me laugh more than it should have.
  • FloyMcCaudie
    FloyMcCaudie Posts: 1,132
    oh really !?!?

    thats funny because I have a morning ritual that I need to share. I call it "the terminator". First I crouch down in the shower in the classic "naked terminator traveling through time" pose. With my eyes closed I crouch there for a minute, visualizing either Arnold or the guy from the second movie (not the chick in the third one because that one sucked) and I start to hum the terminator theme. Then I slowly rise to a standing position and open my eyes. It helps me to proceed through my day as an emotionless, cyborg badass. The only problem is if the shower curtain sticks to my terminator leg. It ruins the fantasy.
  • jeets888
    jeets888 Posts: 2,237 Member
    I sweat tons upon tons upon tons and once forgot my towel at a spinning class - had to use my t that i wear after a workout as a towel .... ppl probably thought this poor SOB cant even afford a towel lol .... not pretty.

    Another one in a spinning class when after we were done with the class, I cycle backwards as part of recovery (prescribed by a biok. and some instructors) ..... then some dumbass instructor announces to the class (but aimed at me) that we dont cycle backwards - nobody goes in reverse she says, sometimes some people should just not be trainers.

    Last but not least - also attended a spinning class when started out and wore loose boxers with a not very long shorts - yeah, i was quite very self concious that entire class (especially during the seated spins) - cant think now why i just didnt walk out.
  • So I am 21 and my little sister is only 11. Anyways she gets in the shower and a little while later gets out and goes into her room to dress.

    Like 3 seconds later she starts screaming and I am working out in my room doing my third rep of chest curls, so I have no shirt on. I immediatly drop my 50 lb weights and barge in and ask her what the fukc is wrong with her and she points up at the ceiling and its just a little stupid spider on the ceiling. Our ceiling is kind of high so I have to jump to get it. So i grab a magazine and jump up to swat it. and I hit it a little but it falls and lands right on my fukcing sisters head.

    she immideatly drops her towel and starts swatting at her head screaming "GET IT OFF, GET IT OFF" I notice it crawling down her back and it is still alive I drop the magazine because it wasnt working so well and i grab her shoulder with one hand to get control of her because she is flailing around like a maniac and then I am swatting at it with my only other free hand. and just then my parents burst in and see her naked and me in just my aids shorts spanking her rearend while she is crying her ****ing guts out.

    Most embarassing day of my life. I tried to explain to them i was like "guys oh no wait there was a spider there was spider and stuff". and my little sister was still crying her guts oout and my dad just exploded and told me to "get in your fukcing room immediatly you sick fukcing predator". It doesnt help that a couple months ago they found a pair of her undies on my floor. I dont know how they got there but probably were stuck in my pants after mom did laundry or something.

    i really feel like killing myself right now.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Wetting myself while running on the treadmill. Not gushing wet, but enough that I had to walk home cold & wet cause I didn't take a change of clothing. I've not been back & that was about 2 months ago. I'm still paying cause I'm locked in.

    Embarrassing enough?
  • maiaroman18
    maiaroman18 Posts: 460 Member
    I don't get embarrassed easily, but this is a list of stuff that happened to me just this last week:

    *in belly dancing class, I tripped and fell over the veil that I was dancing with
    *rolled off a stability ball while doing a push up and took out my neighbor
    *was attempting to stand on my head in yoga (done it before), but lost my balance and fell over
    *tripped over one of the machines after getting off the treadmill; I wasn't wearing my glasses and it appeared out of nowhere
    *let out a massive fart while in boat pose during pilates

    I should add that I lack coordination and I trip over my big feet all day long. This is a typical week for me.
  • angelamary61
    angelamary61 Posts: 97 Member
    This thread has been funny and very entertaining. Thanks for that.
    I dont do embarrassing stuff on the equipment but tend to have a knack of tripping over bumps in the carpet on the way to the shower room.
    Do I keep walking as if nothing happened or turn and look at the floor to pretend there was something that tripped me or just admit I am soooo clumsy.