Is Your State Making You Fat???



  • TheWiseCat
    TheWiseCat Posts: 297
    This is the sort of "research" that gives research a bad name.

    There's this truism about correlation and causation. The OP should "research" it.

    This ^

    ^ This kind of inability to properly analyze an obvious situation is why I have no faith in the future of humanity.
  • ggxx100
    ggxx100 Posts: 520 Member
    This is the sort of "research" that gives research a bad name.

    There's this truism about correlation and causation. The OP should "research" it.

    This ^

    ^ This kind of inability to properly analyze an obvious situation is why I have no faith in the future of humanity.


    You simply can't take such on "obvious" situation and come to such a broad conclusion. Her "research" fails to acknowledge individual causalities. Maybe it's not just pollution. Perhaps its because pollution occurs in industrial areas, which happen to have higher poverty rates, which in turn is the cause of obesity because of lack of funds to buy nutritious foods beyond McDondalds. Was the fact that there was pollution in the air the cause of obesity then? No, it was the circumstances that are sometimes parallel to pollution that caused it.

    1+1 does not always equal 2.
  • TheWiseCat
    TheWiseCat Posts: 297
    This is the sort of "research" that gives research a bad name.

    There's this truism about correlation and causation. The OP should "research" it.

    This ^

    ^ This kind of inability to properly analyze an obvious situation is why I have no faith in the future of humanity.


    You simply can't take such on "obvious" situation and come to such a broad conclusion. Her "research" fails to acknowledge individual causalities. Maybe it's not just pollution. Perhaps its because pollution occurs in industrial areas, which happen to have higher poverty rates, which in turn is the cause of obesity because of lack of funds to buy nutritious foods beyond McDondalds. Was the fact that there was pollution in the air the cause of obesity then? No, it was the circumstances that are sometimes parallel to pollution that caused it.

    1+1 does not always equal 2.

    Your continued inability to recognize the obvious fills me with both joyous laughter and sickening dismay.
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,831 Member
    It's very good of you to look into reason that are making people fat. However, you'd need to do some further research to prove that the two are linked, and that in fact the air pollution is causing the obesity (and not the obese people taking a car causing pollution for example). There are also a number of reasons which could cause both, or it might be coincidence. You might want to look at specific area's. For example, are people who live next to the freeway fatter than those who live further away?

    I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just saying that your research so far does not warrant saying that air pollution (let alone your state) is making you fat. It'd be very premature to move before doing further research.

    But it would be good enough for Dr. Oz's next earth shattering announcement.:frown:
  • TheWiseCat
    TheWiseCat Posts: 297

    They state obesity causes higher frequencies of backdoor sex and STDs. I think it's the other way around. First comes the backdoor, then the STDs, then the obesity from STDs. So obviously, the way to cure obesity is to encourage frontdoor sex instead of abstinence, which would also explain why democrats have lower incidents of obesity.
  • ggxx100
    ggxx100 Posts: 520 Member
    This is the sort of "research" that gives research a bad name.

    There's this truism about correlation and causation. The OP should "research" it.

    This ^

    ^ This kind of inability to properly analyze an obvious situation is why I have no faith in the future of humanity.


    You simply can't take such on "obvious" situation and come to such a broad conclusion. Her "research" fails to acknowledge individual causalities. Maybe it's not just pollution. Perhaps its because pollution occurs in industrial areas, which happen to have higher poverty rates, which in turn is the cause of obesity because of lack of funds to buy nutritious foods beyond McDondalds. Was the fact that there was pollution in the air the cause of obesity then? No, it was the circumstances that are sometimes parallel to pollution that caused it.

    1+1 does not always equal 2.

    Your continued inability to recognize the obvious fills me with both joyous laughter and sickening dismay.

    You need a cupcake.

    Red velvet? I'll add extra frosting.

    Quite cute how you're defending OP, though. You may give the online dating world a new success story.
  • Raybug0903
    Raybug0903 Posts: 86 Member
    I live in south Louisiana, where the most delicious food in the country is, so it's no wonder that LA ranks in one of the highest. Visit here and you'll understand...

    Anyway, the only thinking really making us fat is choosing to eat too much of the wrong things and not exercising enough. I's not exclusive to every single person living in their respective state.
  • TheWiseCat
    TheWiseCat Posts: 297
    This is the sort of "research" that gives research a bad name.

    There's this truism about correlation and causation. The OP should "research" it.

    This ^

    ^ This kind of inability to properly analyze an obvious situation is why I have no faith in the future of humanity.


    You simply can't take such on "obvious" situation and come to such a broad conclusion. Her "research" fails to acknowledge individual causalities. Maybe it's not just pollution. Perhaps its because pollution occurs in industrial areas, which happen to have higher poverty rates, which in turn is the cause of obesity because of lack of funds to buy nutritious foods beyond McDondalds. Was the fact that there was pollution in the air the cause of obesity then? No, it was the circumstances that are sometimes parallel to pollution that caused it.

    1+1 does not always equal 2.

    Your continued inability to recognize the obvious fills me with both joyous laughter and sickening dismay.

    You need a cupcake.

    Red velvet? I'll add extra frosting.

    Quite cute how you're defending OP, though. You may give the online dating world a new success story.

    I never said I was defending her. You assumed that. I also don't date girls online. People online are crazy.
  • Ladywindchaser
    Ladywindchaser Posts: 44 Member
    The only thing or person to blame for being over weight is ONE'S SELF!!!!!!!!!
  • tlab827
    tlab827 Posts: 155 Member
    It looks like it's Republicans that make you fat. Or are fat. Or something. It's probably because they go to church more and church ladies are always making delicious things with cool whip.

    Dont forget the jello, cool whip AND jello.
  • mistesh
    mistesh Posts: 243 Member
    Haha, there is no way people would choose more regulation of pollution and smog no matter how fat they think they get from such bad air. Those who need disciplin the most are those who resist it the most. That's how they got there in the first place, first little by little, then it snowballs, and before you know it, you're addicted, at which point help is the last thing you want if it means giving up your habit, in this case your illusion of freedom.
  • 2aycocks
    2aycocks Posts: 415 Member
    It's not the STATE that's making us Texans fat. It's all that good Southern cooking! :laugh:
  • triciab79
    triciab79 Posts: 1,713 Member
    Have you ever had dinner in LA or MS? If you had you would understand why the people there are larger. The marriage of French, Creole, Southern, Soul food, and killer BBQ is enough to fatten up the most health conscious person. The pollution types also vary by state. Smog for instance is not an issue in MS or LA who tend to deal more oil spills and pesticides. You need to do a lot more work on your theory.
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    I've been doing a lot of research lately into what exactly causes this huge obesity epidemic. So many people these days are overweight and you know that it cannot just be due to thyroids and lack of desire. Almost all the overweight people I know say they want to lose weight! AND YET THEY DON'T.

    So I went into research mode, and I found some seriously shocking things. For instance, the states with the highest amount of pollution and smog are almost exactly the same as the states with the highest rates of obesity. Check out this science:



    There are a few exceptions, but overall, the areas are really similar and this discovery is seriously ground breaking, I know that most of my friends have never considered moving to get away from obesity-causing pollutants, but I have been telling everyone about this since I discovered it.

    So what about it? Do you live in a state that is making you fat? If you do, would you consider moving?

    Ehhhhh... correlation does not imply causation. As much as I'd love to hop on this bandwagon, I have to point out this one very important caveat --

    The states with the high pollution levels also have a lot of urban areas. Urbanites tend to have more "white collar" jobs, i.e. more sedentary / less physically intensive. Also urban areas simply have more people to begin with... you don't hear about obesity being a problem in Montana because the population is extremely low and it's mostly farmers.

    I am not trying to immediately dismiss your research, it is an interesting theory... but there are too many variables to point out a singular 'cause' of obesity.
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    This is the sort of "research" that gives research a bad name.

    There's this truism about correlation and causation. The OP should "research" it.

    This ^

    ^ This kind of inability to properly analyze an obvious situation is why I have no faith in the future of humanity.


    You simply can't take such on "obvious" situation and come to such a broad conclusion. Her "research" fails to acknowledge individual causalities. Maybe it's not just pollution. Perhaps its because pollution occurs in industrial areas, which happen to have higher poverty rates, which in turn is the cause of obesity because of lack of funds to buy nutritious foods beyond McDondalds. Was the fact that there was pollution in the air the cause of obesity then? No, it was the circumstances that are sometimes parallel to pollution that caused it.

    1+1 does not always equal 2.

    Your continued inability to recognize the obvious fills me with both joyous laughter and sickening dismay.

    You need a cupcake.

    Red velvet? I'll add extra frosting.

    Quite cute how you're defending OP, though. You may give the online dating world a new success story.

    I never said I was defending her. You assumed that. I also don't date girls online. People online are crazy.

    Oh, hey, it's you. This argument again? :tongue:
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I've lived in a few different states and a few different countries and I've been fit and slender in all of them, so I think that I provide a protective barrier to the fat causing pollution.
  • 2aycocks
    2aycocks Posts: 415 Member
    It looks like it's Republicans that make you fat. Or are fat. Or something. It's probably because they go to church more and church ladies are always making delicious things with cool whip.

    Oh good grief! Seriously? You HAD to say this?

    If this is true, then HOW do you explain Barney Frank?? :yawn:
  • ksizzle911
    ksizzle911 Posts: 130 Member
    Uh yea......I live in Wisconsin. Beer, cheese and beer brats. Recipe for cardiac arrest
  • bbbgamer
    bbbgamer Posts: 582 Member
    nah... i doubt it
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Awesome, a thread to give people an excuse.

    "I live in a fat state, it's not my fault."

    correlation =/= causation