Juicing VS eating Vegetables - THE REAL TRUTH!



  • t7mitch
    t7mitch Posts: 23 Member
    But the indigestible fiber helps me poop. And I like to poop.

    ME TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • PNOD
    PNOD Posts: 35
    There has been a lot of debate - juicing or eating veggies?
    there has? eating has been around for few million years. juicing has been around for a few years. now there's a debate over if we should eat food or sip it thru a straw? When did this happen?

    I wish we would all stick with all things that happened "millions of years" ago. Good chance we would have no cars, no business, no anything you to live your life around...like the gym. Those did not exist a million years ago. Are they bad?

    Back then they ate the fruit and vegetable. Actually we do not know... Now we have evidence that extracting the nutrients CAN be beneficial to a lot of people who lack nutrition. We did not have McDonalds for the past Million years and that is part of it. People that could gain nutrients now could, Now it is rare to get nutrients in the food of the average American diet. Too bad a juicer was not invented a million years ago. Then again don't drive your car, use a blender, or any other cooking device cause it did not exist a million years ago...

    Juicing is great...and yes include whole fruits and vegetables in your diet.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    ABSOLUTELY, Juicing all the way!!! The Micro Nutrients are off the chart. I am presently doing a Vegan Raw Food Plan for 6 months...the first week I lost 10 lbs, felt great, but I had been transitioning BEFORE I went full boar. I would not recommend anyone just jump into Raw Veganism or just juicing for a long period. These 30/60 day juice fasts are crazy! After the 1st of the year I will slowly transition back to a semi-raw Vegan diet for Life...of course, juicing will always be a BIG part of My Life.

    If fact I have 2 juicers...Jack Lelaine, and Breville, will eventually get a Masticating juicer to get even more from My fruit and veggies, especially the green leafy veggies (this is where all of the protein and calcium are, and of course fruit is the energy, raw nuts and seeds -some fruits (olives, coconut, and avocado) are the essential fats)!

    ETA: You will be surprised to know that you need very little fiber when you don't eat a lot of meat and "counterfeit" carbs (pasta, bread, cereal...) Many experts have adjusted their view on just how much fiber we really need. But even in FRESH juice there is a lot of fiber (if you don't restrain it out).
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    ABSOLUTELY, Juicing all the way!!! The Micro Nutrients are off the chart. I am presently doing a Vegan Raw Food Plan for 6 months...the first week I lost 10 lbs, felt great, but I had been transitioning BEFORE I went full boar. I would not recommend anyone just jump into Raw Veganism or just juicing for a long period. These 30/60 day juice fasts are crazy! After the 1st of the year I will slowly transition back to a semi-raw Vegan diet for Life...of course, juicing will always be a BIG part of My Life.

    If fact I have 2 juicers...Jack Lelaine, and Breville, will eventually get a Masticating juicer to get even more from My fruit and veggies, especially the green leafy veggies (this is where all of the protein and calcium are, and of course fruit is the energy, raw nuts and seeds -some fruits (olives, coconut, and avocado) are the essential fats)!

    ETA: You will be surprised to know that you need very little fiber when you don't eat a lot of meat and "counterfeit" carbs (pasta, bread, cereal...) Many experts have adjusted their view on just how much fiber we really need. But even in FRESH juice there is a lot of fiber (if you don't restrain it out).

    I have a masticating mouth. I like to chew my food instead of using a machine to do it.

    Part of the reason I stay away from juicing is that I understand my body is not a machine, but rather an ecosystem. Human cells are outnumbered by non human cells in this ecosystem by more than ten to one. That's one of you, ten of them. We still don't know everything about gut flora, but we do know they are a major part of digestion, absorption, immunity, BODY COMPOSITION, and in some cases the production of micronutrients. We also know that the flora in your gut live off of all the "useless" things in our food. When i am told that you make eating "more efficient", with "less waste", I immediately think of what happens to all the critters in your gut who are now out of a job. I think about what happens to a forest when biodiversity is reduced.

    When I hear someone speak of the human digestive as being capable of this, and not that, or absorbing this, but not that, or about how juicing allows them to get all the nutrients from their veggies, and not a word about managing the ecosystem within, I simply have to roll my eyes because its like someone talking about bleeding to cure illness, or avoiding cholera by filtering air so as not to encounter a disease causing miasma that has settled over their town.

    When observed from a culture-neutral distance, juicing is supported by much of the same logic as the diet advocated by Horace Fletcher. I found a nice summary of his diet. If is sounds outlandish, that's because it is, but if fletcher were alive now, we would inevitably have to act all respectful towards people lacking the critical thinking skills necessary to avoid this lunacy:

    Chew and spit

    At the turn of the 20th Century the American, Horace Fletcher, decided a lot of chewing and spitting was the way to lose weight

    Fletcherism, as it was called, promoted chewing a mouthful of food until all "goodness" was extracted, then spitting out the fibrous material that was left.

    He was fairly prescriptive in how many times you had to chew different foods. Just one shallot needed to be chewed 700 times.

    It was hugely popular and had some famous followers, including Henry James and Franz Kafka.

    It got to a point where people were timed at dinner parties to make sure they were chewing enough, says Foxcroft.

    "The diet also meant only defecating once every two weeks and it was nearly odourless, described by Fletcher as smelling like 'warm biscuits'," she says.

    "Fletcher carried a sample of his own faeces around with him to illustrate this wonder." "
  • Sharkington
    Sharkington Posts: 485
    Only reason for juicing:


    For everyone else, eat the fruit.

  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    I don't like the idea of consuming your fruits and veggies in juice form. The fiber is the main thing lost but in my opinion the fiber is the most important reason to eat fruits and veggies. They greatly help slow absorbtion of our meals and they aid in proper digestion. Vitamins aren't as important because you get them from your multi anyway. Not to say they aren't great but I believe losing the fiber defeats the main purpose of eating fruits / veggies.

    If you take a fiber supplement then sure go ahead. It's obviously much better to drink carrot juice or whatever then is would be to drink soda.
    But the indigestible fiber helps me poop. And I like to poop.

    ^^ Yep and yep
  • FaerieCae
    FaerieCae Posts: 437 Member
    Also, why is it that you think that your digestive system is incapable of extracting nutrients just because fibre is present?

    (Plus, yeah. Pooping and chewing are both amazeballs.)

    This! Totes amazeballs
  • sozisraw
    sozisraw Posts: 418 Member
    Ha ha everyone thinks people that juice don't eat any thing else to chew or with fibre.
    I hate to poop, a raw clean diet means everything goes through the digestive track fast, without staying days or
    years in the digestive track! Which is worse YUK!
  • WeightHacker
    WeightHacker Posts: 260 Member
    my thoughts.

    why should it matter which is healthier than the others?
    i prefer eating them cause of the fibers.

    juicing.. i have never found an ingredient that i personally would enjoy for juice.

    now smoothies. putting everything in the blender. = much love.
    (best part is. i dont need to put sugar at all) <3
  • sozisraw
    sozisraw Posts: 418 Member
    my thoughts.

    why should it matter which is healthier than the others?
    i prefer eating them cause of the fibers.

    juicing.. i have never found an ingredient that i personally would enjoy for juice.

    now smoothies. putting everything in the blender. = much love.
    (best part is. i dont need to put sugar at all) <3

    Yes smoothies oh fruits berries bananas nut seed cacao powder , plain yogurt , gentle non dairy milks, oh smoothie heaven
    nearly better (hmmmmm so close) than sex!!!
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I think the answer here is to never consume vegetables because they're gross.
  • red0801
    red0801 Posts: 283 Member
    I prefer to juice as a supplement to a healthy diet, not as a meal replacement. There is the closeminded view that the fiber is essential to digestion and aids in the "full" feeling. Unfortunately, there are 2 major obstacles with eating all the fruits & vegetables that have become so vital in what I consider a healthy diet. I don't know the last time I got hungry enough to eat 1/2 bundle of kale, 1/2 bundle of spinach, 1 lime, 2 oranges and a kiwi. Im a father of 3, who works full time & is a part time student. It's hard enough to find 1800 calories or healthy food, let alone someplace to store/eat 12 servings of fruits/vegetables. On a given morning I can juice the previous list in 10 minutes (including cleanup) & store it for 2 servings throughout the day.

    Since I started juicing 3 months ago, I have been able to cut necessary meds in 1/2. I'm down 36pds, I've ran my first 5k & I don't spend my entire day craving junk food!

    Hope it helps.
  • Kanohane
    Kanohane Posts: 112 Member
    There has been a lot of debate - juicing or eating veggies?
    there has? eating has been around for few million years. juicing has been around for a few years. now there's a debate over if we should eat food or sip it thru a straw? When did this happen?
    juicing removes the indigestible fiber that is present in vegetables.
    well, sounds like the debate is over. Mother Nature -1, Juicing -0. Thanks for coming out
    What is your opinion? Do you prefer juicing or eating your veggies?!
    wait, we're still talking about this? until all the teeth fall out of my head i'm going to prefer eating food. that's why i have, you know, teeth. can we stop pretending this is a real debate now? because this is sooooooo not a thing.
    FYI honey, juicing has been around as long as eating has...fiber can be gotten through other items...such as psylum husk however you spell it, and konjac...prune juice.....and grains...so I vote juicing...
  • Bettyeditor
    Bettyeditor Posts: 327 Member
    There has been a lot of debate - juicing or eating veggies?

    JUICING ALL THE WAY! Here is why: A big difference between juiced vegetables and whole vegetables is digestion. According to the Living and Raw Foods website, juicing removes the indigestible fiber that is present in vegetables. Much more of the nutrients are then absorbed by the body as compared to eating the whole vegetable.

    I have been keeping up with this blog - http://bit.ly/17q7oWo
    It explains various natural supplements, juicing recipes, benefits of certain foods, etc.
    I came across their blog on a Twitter posting from my friend; very interesting articles. Their product line is actually one of the best 'all natural' Ive came across in a while.

    What is your opinion? Do you prefer juicing or eating your veggies?!

    One side of the debate is that once the fiber is taken away then the nutrients pass through your body more quickly- sounds good, right? The second side of the debate is that because the juice is passing through your body so quickly, your intestines will not be able to absorb the nutrients fast enough.

    I get the best of both worlds. I have problems digesting and absorbing, but I don't juice. I do however, I use a NutriBullet to pulverize greens/fruits/veggies/seeds/nuts to make smoothies. So I drink the juice and fiber and pulp and everything (you can see my morning smoothies in my open diary). So I am able to absorb the nutrients easily, but it moves through my system more slowly than juice.

    Another important factor for me: juice only would shoot my blood sugar too high too fast. I am no longer diabetic, but I reversed my diabetes by ensuring that my carbs are consumed evenly through the day and absorbed slowly. No juice for me!

    In addition, I eat cooked vegetables. They are easier to digest than raw ones (no salads for me!). It is very hard for the stomach to break down and digest raw veggies.
  • red0801
    red0801 Posts: 283 Member
    I still say the average person has trouble meeting their fiber needs. You have to be eating pretty healthy to do that. And I tend to think of those that go for the whole juicing thing as the types that are looking into fads rather than balanced diets to get healthy.

    totally. the average american is absolutely not meeting their fiber needs, but then again the average american also isn't considering juicing in the first place, since you have to twist their arm to even eat a piece of broccoli in the first place. :tongue:

    Whatever you do----DONT JUICE BROCCOLI

    That stuff is aweful juiced! Just sayin
  • sozisraw
    sozisraw Posts: 418 Member
    I still say the average person has trouble meeting their fiber needs. You have to be eating pretty healthy to do that. And I tend to think of those that go for the whole juicing thing as the types that are looking into fads rather than balanced diets to get healthy.

    totally. the average american is absolutely not meeting their fiber needs, but then again the average american also isn't considering juicing in the first place, since you have to twist their arm to even eat a piece of broccoli in the first place. :tongue:

    Whatever you do----DONT JUICE BROCCOLI

    That stuff is aweful juiced! Just sayin

    Agreed! a compromise is to juice the stalk and steam the flower!
  • sozisraw
    sozisraw Posts: 418 Member
    But am I losing out on anything by blending instead of eating a veggie? For example, is drinking a blended mix of broccoli, spinach, and an apple equal to eating each of those separately?

    edit: common sense tells me they're the same but i'm never quite sure.

    Blending veggies is vile!
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    Ha ha everyone thinks people that juice don't eat any thing else to chew or with fibre.
    I hate to poop, a raw clean diet means everything goes through the digestive track fast, without staying days or
    years in the digestive track! Which is worse YUK!

    Oh, right. My body stores meat for years in the meat storage compartment, and somehow sorts it out from all the veggies, holds it there, and then pushes out perfectly regular poops around that meat. Using peristalsis.

    Did you never think to check if this claim is true, or imagine how your colon could possibly do this, from a mechanical point of view? Perhaps there are little colon elves in there doing the sorting?

    What I'd really love to know, is how I could eat a super duper duper spicy meat burrito, poop out what is clearly the super spicyness the very next morning, yet somehow the meat stays behind? Those colon elves have some mad skills!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Those colon elves are amazing, aren't they?
  • mary1028
    mary1028 Posts: 28 Member
    If jucing means you eat more vegatables or "some" vegetables, then juice. I eat raw vegetable and fruit, because I "like" raw vegetables and fruit. I don't like jucie (especially fruit) and cooked vegetables. It works for me.

    the only thing I really know is that as your get older fiber gets much much more important. I prefer not to take supplements if I can avoid it. I have been taking care of seniors the last couple of years and taking a lot of caregiver classes. We can do a lot of things without apparent effect when we are in our younger and mid ages that we start paying for later.