
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Now that I am going to the Y I need to add more exercises to my diary but I can't figure out how to make new ones. Anyone help???
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,602 Member
    Hooray, hooray, a lb lost today! :drinker: :bigsmile: :laugh:
    I am now a nice round British 11 stone. One more pound to go to get into 10derland :laugh:
    DH is off to football today. It is the last day of the season and if another team lose or draw and his team wins then they get automatic promotion to the Premier League. If not then they are in the play offs. Needless to say he was awake early this morning! He has to drive to North London for the match, on a bank holiday weekend. Rather him than me.
    I will keep an eye on the score and be ready to celebrate/commiserate with him when he gets home. Turkey burgers tonight and there may be a glass of wine. - or not.
    As he is not here I will do 30D shred instead of gym machines. It's nice to have a change.
    Se you later, lovelies. :heart:
  • sunshine61250
    sunshine61250 Posts: 68 Member
    rjadams - Happy Anniversary! How long have you been married?

    kathyszoo - thanks. I've been sick now for 14 days. Norwegian doctors are not much for antibiotics. They did say that I had an ear infection so gave me a 3 day Z Pac but that was up on Sunday and I'm still having troubles with my ears, coughing, low energy.

    drkatiebug - are you here today? :bigsmile:

    Well, I've been up for a whopping 2 1/2 hours now and feel a nap coming on. :yawn: When I started the Fast Metabolism Diet before, I lost 6 pounds the first week. Now on day 4, I've lost 1/2 lb. But she talks alot about stress hindering weight loss and goodness knows this last 2 weeks has been incredibly stressful plus I feel miserable. Hubby has lost 5 lbs in the same 4 days. I'm not going to worry about it though because I know it worked last time when I was stress free and feeling wonderful. I will keep with the plan and know that I am feeding my body healthy food.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,996 Member
    good for you sunshine!!!!!
    I am not going to stress today have to work, and today I wont get to the gym... But I am hoping later to take the dogs to the park for a walk, at least it is something...
    it is supposed to be a beautiful weekend here.. so will try and get out and do things....
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member
    Good morning, all! I'm up bright and early today. I have to travel an hour and a half to a meeting that will last most of the day. I'm not looking forward to the 5 hour meeting, but I am looking forward to the vegetarian jalapeno wrap that I'm having for lunch. I have to plan the entire day's meal plan around that one yummy choice!

    Sunshine, work your plan and your plan will work. 1/2 lb is 1/2 lb. More will follow I'm sure.

    It's pouring down rain here. Hopefully, it will be gone by the time I get home late this afternoon so I can get in a walk.
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Jane from Colorado- Thanks for your response. I am very frustrated at my lack of ability to follow through with what I know is right, but I will get there. The weather here is getting really nice- warmer and sunny. With it staying light later, I can get outside after work which helps me stay much more active. I am going to start a small flower garden and a small raised bed veggie garden. Both will give me extra exercise as well as fresh flowers and veggies that I love.
    Hope all goes well for you with your Dad. My parents are in their mid 80s. Mom is very healthy and doing well, but Dad is struggling with some health issues. They only live about 35 minutes away, but it is hard to get there during the week because I always have school work that needs to get done in the evenings. I try to get there on Saturdays, but have had to go into work on the last 3. Sundays they are busy. Planned on seeing them today, but again need to go to work. I need to retire so I have time to spend with them! Four more years for me. Meanwhile, I will be done with school for this year by June24th. I will spend as much time with my parents as I can this summer.
    Have a great day!! It is beautiful here and I will get outside as much as I can to enjoy the sunshine.

    Deb A from CNY
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sat!
    Violet has her birthday party,can`t beleive she`ll be 5.My grand kids are coming in from In.
    Gonna be a good day!
  • Coldpony18
    Coldpony18 Posts: 10 Member
    Brand new to MFP. I have not been disappointed with any of it. I know what to do, how to do it, but just didn't have motivation. I think MFP has found a fix for this. I am jumping in with both feet. I love the goals! Here we go!

    1. Exercise 30 minutes EVERY day at gym or walking around town. (Currently 3 out of 7)
    2. Keep all MFP entries current. (Doing good!)
    3. Don't get exercise happy and over do it. (Fridays are too tempting!)
    4. Eat right, follow current diet, make wise choices away from home. (First day at work...)
    5. Avoid caffeine and salt, lower blood pressure. (155/85 If I don't get it down, Doc will put me on meds...)

    Looking forward to being here!
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Welcome to everyone new:flowerforyou: ! Come in often and chat!!!

    Cheryl:smile: Beautiful daughter you have:love: ! Hope they had a wonderful time!

    Joy:smile: Sure hope you get to feeling better:flowerforyou: ! Sounds like you need another round of antibiotics, are you sure it`s just an ear infection?

    Robin:smile: Happy anniversary:heart::flowerforyou: :heart: !!! Wishing you many more!

    Michele:smile: yes, it has been terrible weather for the first of May, where is all the wind coming from???

    Barbie:smile: Enjoy your guests this weekend!

    Deb A:smile: June 24th will be here soon! Enjoy the time with parents!

    Jane Martin:smile: Happy birthday to you and Violet:flowerforyou: ! Enjoy the party and your grandkids!

    Well I`m just going from memory here and as you see I have a pretty short memory:blushing: ! Since it`s the weekend I`ll do my best to get back and reply to more later! More fun than cleaning out my closet this afternoon:laugh: !

    I`m meeting a friend for shopping and lunch today:love: ! I think I could go for some new shoes:laugh: , something else to add to my closet:noway: :ohwell: :tongue: .

    Have a fantastic Saturday ladies!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in chilly cloudy NC
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy Saturday!! :happy:

    I was feeling guilty about eating the choc chip Subway cookie my DH brought home last night ( he brought home 4 :grumble: ) but I showed a 1.5 lb loss this week despite him trying to sabotage me! I know it's not deliberate but it's so much harder to resist when there is junk food in the house. I know he's not happy that I still want to lose more but I'm going to continue this healthy lifestyle and maybe one day he will surprise me and jump on board,

    Cheryl - Lovely prom pic!!!:smile:

    Brooke - Your profile pic is too cute! I don't know if you just changed it or I was oblivious, as usual! :laugh:

    Michele- I know what you mean about not wanting to succumb to stress eating! I'm so sorry that Bryan is still acting the way he is
    with you! Hugs! :flowerforyou:

    Katla - The island by you looks beautiful in your ticker pic!

    DeeDee - I need you to come over and give me a kick you know where to get me started on my closets! :laugh:

    Off to get ready for aqua aerobics! Have a great weekend all!

    Kathy :drinker:

    Renny - Just watched the youtube video, thanks for sharing! I loved it! You should have seen my dogs ears perk up when they first heard the music (they were both sound asleep in my lap). Your DS and DIL are charming!!
  • LizPlus
    LizPlus Posts: 117 Member
    Good morning All;
    The sun is shining but I think it is playing tag with the clouds and it is losing..a lot....pretty bushed today..my body is getting so woosy....:tongue: ...yesterday DH and I had my DS to her radiation treatment..it takes quite a toll on her.:sick: ....and I am so worked up over her having to go thru this that my body gets on overload...but I can stay calmer on the outside... she doesn't need to see me freaking out ...she has enough on her plate to deal with.....the cancer is starting to take over..it is growing by the second ...prayers please if you can..it would be really appreciated

    Katla in NW Oregon; Thanks so much for the support..it is really appreciated...I pray your DH results from the MRI turns out to be good news :flowerforyou:

    Laura in Colorado; I am so glad you have your insurance back..that must have been scary having no help with the medical stuff...Here in Canada we complain about our health system but we shouldn't because we do get help with the expenses that result from our health issues...hope all is well with your health :flowerforyou:

    Great Times; You lost 64 lbs :happy: That is super!!!!! :flowerforyou:

    Brooke fr Colorado; Thank You for the support...I have watched so many of my family die from this evil disease.. the mental stress accumulates with each one..but we have to go on for them......have a great wknd!!! :flowerforyou:

    Janemartin; Happy 5th birthday to Violet :flowerforyou:

    Dee; Good morning to you too..I hope you have a great wknd!!! :)

    I think it is time to get up and get my B*tt in gear.:noway: .get my granny bones a movin.:sad: ..gotta get my exercise in today missed a few days...will try to drink more water too :drinker: ....You All have a lovely weekend :flowerforyou:

    Liz fr Halifax NS
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning, everyone! Happy weekend, finally. I’m sitting here enjoying a protein shake and coffee and waiting for it to warm up enough (and get late enough) to go out in the yard. One last day – I’ll be finished today and it’s looking FINE!!! I’m so excited – as I always am in the spring. Fall rolls around and I never want to see a flower bed again, but in the spring it’s the only place I want to be lol :flowerforyou:.

    Welcome to all the newcomers! It’s never too late to start being the best you. You know what to do and why – now just lean on us for support and commiseration and we’ll do the same.

    JaneM, happy birthday to you and Violet! It’s going to be a great day – and in your new house! Have a wonderful weekend.

    DebA, try taking it one day at a time, and if that’s a bit much take it 1/3 at a time. Have fun digging in the dirt! I love it.

    DrKatie, a jalapeno wrap? You’ll have to tell me more about that. I wear an ipod when I walk unless I’m with DH. It’s about as good as listening to blaring music :laugh:. I do walk hills though – it’s all we have out here, but since I’ve gotten much fitter I don’t mind them.

    Robin, happy anniversary to you and your DH. I’m sorry to hear about your dad – hopefully he’s on the mend now. Enjoy the weekend!

    Sunshine, I’m so sorry you’re sick. That’s a long time – hopefully you’re on the mend. One word about “quick fix” diets – they tend to be fabulous the first time you try them, but your body is a smart animal and learns about them quickly too. The second or third time you won’t get nearly the results. It really is best to just learn how to eat sensibly and keep doing that, day in and day out. It’s a lifestyle, not a vacation :laugh:. Having said that, cutting out the “junk” and eating mainly proteins and veggies is always a good way to go. You’re MIL sounds like a . . . um, challenge? No way would I be picking up anyone’s wet underwear!

    CityJane, congratulations!!! It’s funny to this Yankee to hear your progress in Brit-speak :laugh:. Best wishes to DH’s team. Does he play or is he just a fan?

    Joyce, I wear a HRM when I work out to get as close to accurate as possible on the calorie burn – and then I just add the exercise to the exercise list – MFP lets you do that the same way you can enter recipes.

    Katla, wow! That’s a long, long time to spend in an MRI – hopefully he wasn’t in the scanner the entire time. I’m sorry the compass was off-kilter for you and caused stress. Enjoy your glorious weekend.

    Dancing Barbie – good advice as always. I hope your weekend continues to be fun with your houseguests.

    Gail, I hope your wrist gets better. Sometimes cortisone is a wonder drug. I’ve had a few injections in my wrists (lousy nerve structure in my upper body).

    Michele, I’m like you – “diet” was a dreaded word because as soon as I thought it I was hungry – for everything! I’m sorry you’re still stressing about Bryan. He is making this difficult, isn’t he? It seems to me if he’s not getting what he wants he’s punishing you – I would be worried that he’s not mature enough to be getting married.

    Brooke, yum indeed! Best wishes with the scale.

    Cheryl, lovely DD – her dress looks great! I hope you feel better soon.

    Connie, Ah, you’re doing the squat challenge. The end of the month is painful – that’s all I’m going to say :laugh:. If you’re worried about not being able to get up, try doing the squats next to a wall – you can lean back to help get up if your legs freeze on you. Early on I read about a study that said the best indicator of long life and health is being able to get off the floor without assistance – think of this as getting you there!

    DeeDee – it sounds like you made good progress on your goals.

    LizP – I’m sorry about your sister – and you’re being a good sister and friend for helping her through this. LOL at the bones cracking – mine have been making themselves hear loud and clear! You have a lot of stress right now, I’m sure – remember that some exercise will help relieve it a little.

    Cindy, are you doing the floors over in hardwood? I want to do my kitchen in hardwood . . . and the rest of the house. DH *may* have other thoughts about that :laugh:.

    Lucy, you can’t kill ornamental grasses, so good luck with that. We actually burn ours down each spring, then just like a phoenix they rise from the ashes. We just have to be careful the mulch doesn’t catch fire – but it’s pretty slick the way it works. The first time DH told me that’s how the neighbor took care of hers I thought it was the craziest thing I’d ever heard of. Now I look forward to burn day. Your herbs won’t mind if you abuse them – you can put them in a sunny spot with rocky or clay soil and they’ll be happy anyway. Empathy on the fat person – I went through that a few weeks ago too. I think getting outside will help with that though – I’ve been so busy in the yard that I haven’t had time/felt like eating when I’m done. I think I only managed to get around 800 calories in yesterday, although part of that was DH “volunteering” my dinner for DSS instead, so I just went to bed without. Sigh.

    On the night sweat thing – mine has been coming and going. It started on my birthday in January, was consistent every single night until about a month ago, and then I just miraculously stopped – until I noticed one of my ovaries pinging me and realized I was going through a cycle. In fact that was probably why I was so hungry too. Now they’re back. Yay. I think I’ve actually read about a menopause diet that’s supposed to help in a way that sort of replaces hormones – but I doubt that’s really true. I think I mentioned – have you checked at a health food store for a natural supplement like Black Cohosh?

    LizMFP, those are good goals. Speaking from experience, it’s a good thing to mix up the workouts – do some upper and some lower body workouts during each week and do abs on the same days or every other day – and then some cardio for fat burning too. You need some of each.

    Texasgal, I’m with you – weight loss has been much slower this year than last.

    Yanniejannie – congrats on the new disposal – and the terrific milestone! That’s a terrific loss. It feels so slow when you’re going through and then the next think you know, you look back and it’s a lot gone. I do a yoga program once/week that is an hour and a half – 45 minutes of moving options, then 30 minutes of stretching and balance and 15 of abs/shavasana. It’s loooong, but when I break it up it’s OK, and I usually save it for Sundays when I’m not in a hurry. I always feel much better afterword.
    JaneH, I feel your pain on the gardening. Gardens and wildlife in CO are not meant to coexist. And yes, the gardening is definitely a plateau buster – I’ve dropped another couple of pounds this week below my lowest weight. Skipping snacks and meals probably didn’t hurt either – but it’s only temporary, that.

    Meg, you poor dear, having to sit through two graduations. DSS is graduating from HS this year – and me being the horrible stepmom that I am, when he was talking about the tickets and the limit to eight and who was going to use them, I instantly piped up with “Oh, you can use mine – I’ll stay home!!!” Um, maybe I piped up a little too fast – he looked a little crushed :laugh:. I’d do anything he ever asked me to – except sit through another ceremony. Gah.

    Kathy, still wishing you luck on getting that perfect job.

    OK, it’s 8:30am so I guess I can safely fire up the edger and get started on those last two (soon to be one) beds. I hope you all find some joy this weekend, whether it’s indoors, outdoors, or just not having to pick up granny panties :laugh:.


  • gonzamm
    gonzamm Posts: 58 Member
    Just stop by quickly to say Hi and wish you all a good Saturday. I am busy cleaning and making a pumpkin pie for a party I will attending later on. I am trying to stay low on my calorie intake during the day so that I can eat at the party later on. I hope I show some restraint.

    Congratulations to all that have lost, keep up the good job. I will be weighing in tomorrow and I will let you know how I did.

    Well, that's all for now folks ... take care.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,602 Member
    DH' s team lost. :sad:
    At least they will be in the play offs, but automatic promotion was still on the cards until the 88th minute when the opposing team scored. :mad:
    I will definitely be breaking open a bottle of wine tonight for him to drown his sorrows.
    Luckily I have made my extremely low calorie Turkey Burgers so I can afford a few extra cals.:huh:
    M - he doesn't play (at 67), but is a long time season ticket holder. It is a huge part of his life.
    I did 30D today then felt so revved up that I did 200 on the machines as well! I think I'm getting addicted to this stuff.:laugh:
    A friend rang me yesterday to ask me how I worked out portions and meal planning. She has just joined MFP. I could not really understand what the problem was until I found out she didn't have any kitchen scales and didn't understand you have to weigh everything. :bigsmile: I certainly couldn't live without mine, although you do get better at judging quantities as you go on.
    Oh well, must prepare my sad face for DH' s return :tongue:
    Love to all esp those who have pains or illness or whose loved ones are suffering. That is the worst.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Bump to find my place. Have a great day!
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    It's a lovely sunny morning here - spring may have arrived!:love: Now to get out to those flower beds.....

    Cheryl - Lovely prom photo of your daughter - you must be a very proud momma:smile:

    Renny - I LOVED the video!! Beautiful song, beautiful setting and a lovely sound (also a proud momma I am guessing:smile: ) It is still running in my head:happy: And I see they were in the CBC searchlight contest - how did they make out? It would be a fun group to hear live! Do they tour?

    Well. my short term goal is to get back into this healthy eating/ healthy living active lifestyle thing that I have let slide over the last few weeks. Back at it Glenda, back at it!!:ohwell:

    Glenda in sunny and warming southern Alberta
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Ok I weighed in today for the first time in over a month. NO, that's not right, I logged for the first time in almost a month. My slow increase was too depressing to log, but DeeDee motivated me. I couldn't log my small losses if I didn't show my gain! So I spent this week on Nutrisystem to jump start me back. My weight is now officially the same as it was on December 21st. Instead of thinking that I haven't lost any weight in 4 months, I will instead state that I have maintained my loss for 4 months :bigsmile:

    So now I weigh 158.8. I don't think I can make it to the 140's by my June 22nd birthday but I will try. That is 10 pounds in 7 weeks. We'll see how it goes.

    Here is the Jackson update his mother posted on facebook today.

    It is a beautiful day in Chicago! Jackson is so ready to come home! Walking much better! Amazing progress this week! Getting dressed, tieing shoes, showering!! Woohoooo!! It is really a miracle and it keeps getting better every week!! Happy day!! :) thank you Lord!! And all the continuous prayers and support! We are all blessed!!

    I am still sick but my tooth is hurting way less. The endodontist said it is a lost cause and it needs to be pulled. :frown: Total bummer as it is the anchor for a 4 tooth bridge. I will be wearing dentures before I know it. I lost a bridge last year and got two implants but still haven't had the crown put on them yet. Right now I am just trying to decide if there is any possibility of riding today. I should probably continue to recover from my cold but I haven't ridden in 3 weeks :ohwell:

    Hope everyone has a great weekend.
  • Rox773
    Rox773 Posts: 1
    This is my fifth day at it, feeling good and losing weight!
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good Morning from sunny Vancouver Island. Welcome to all the newbies!! You will love this thread.

    This was a mostly good week for me. Never mind the little set backs but focussing on the positive. On Monday I saw a chiropractor for the first time ever in my entire life, and am going back this morning. Get that old spine in shape. I never made it to the final Zumba class on Monday due to an urgent family matter. I have decided not to continue with the classes as it means I come home from work and then need to go out again to class, and I hate leaving the house once I am home after a long day of work. On Tuesday and Friday I rode my bike to work - Yay, loved it. On Wednesday night I took care of little grandson and had fun at the park and on Thursday I tried out Dragon Boating. I enjoyed the workout and the team. I've decided not to sign up for Dragon Boating, mostly because I can't commit to the times/days due to my work hours. But I really liked it and perhaps will get into it when I retire in a couple of years. Instead I continue to commit to walking and biking.

    PS - just had my cholesterol checked. All the exercising did not make a speck of difference. Grrrrrr:grumble: :grumble:

    :flowerforyou: Robin - happy anniversary
    :flowerforyou: Cheryl - your DD is beautiful, what a lovely picture
    :flowerforyou: grandmallie - great decision not to be stressing. Love it
    :flowerforyou: Kathy - I am glad you and your dogs enjoyed the music video - your comment made me chuckle. Furry friends sure love music too!
    :flowerforyou: Glenda - Thanks for the comments on the video. Yes, I am very proud of my kids. The band Towers and Trees is having some success and they will do some tours. In the video they had just come back from the Okanagan - Kelowna and Kamloops. On the CBC's searchlight they made it to the final round in Victoria, then lost out to another great act. Here is their FB link with tour dates https://www.facebook.com/towersandtrees?fref=ts
    :flowerforyou: LizPlus - my thoughts are with you and your DS.
    :flowerforyou: Cindy - LOVE seeing you here again

    Okay, that's all for now. Been at the PC too long.

    :heart: Renny
  • roeann53
    roeann53 Posts: 124 Member
    Hi all, I hope you don't mind if I jump in...

    My goal is to get down to 170 (I'm 5'10"), I've been working on it since Feb'12 and was up to 273 (plus - I stopped looking it got too depressing, then I decided to take charge of my own behavior again).

    Last week was my 60th birthday (so feeling old :grumble: ) and my husband died unexpectedly :brokenheart: two weeks ago so am a bit depressed.

    Right now I need the motivation/support to keep on track, so here I am.

    My goals for the merry month of May are:
    *keep on track and count calories, but allow an occasional cheat when I need one
    *go to the gym at least 3 times a week to use weights
    *aerobics at home at least 3 times a week
    *remember to remember good times (to come and from the past).. no dwelling on the bad

    I saw someone mention golden corral.. funny I love that place because I can grade papers while I eat all of the veggies/salads I want (unlike the more formal sit down places). As I am an emotional eater and my weaknesses are carbs and sweets I keep far away from the breads, rice etc. and only allow myself a small desert.. I am not a protein person so I also force myself to eat at least one piece of broiled chicken, ham etc. I rarely go over my allocated calories.. but sometimes I can resist an extra piece of fudge... but hey isn't chocolate supposed ot be good for you :tongue: