*** Supportive Friends -- Looking to Release 50+ Pounds ***



  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Morning all,

    Welcome to all the new people - good to see you all here!

    @jehan - excellent, someone else tackling Beat Fat, Boost Metabolism. I did it last on Wednesday and like you my knees really feel it the day after. Sure it's doing us good though!

    @evdjohnson - like the sound of that bath. May have to try that next time I exercise - I could have done with trying it yesterday morning - everything ached:smile: Hope the workout goes ok today!

    @meg - congrats with your loss over the last week. How's the pushup challenge going? They are probably my least favourite exercise - which I guess means I should do more of them but I like to think I can do other less horrible exercises instead. Deluded? Maybe!

    @melissa - that's a lot of people and dogs in one house - no wonder you struggle to find time for yourself! I sympathise with being a shortie - I'm 5ft - in heels. Ha! So, I pretty much have to exercise every day in order to stay within my deficit range - sometimes it works, sometimes food and life gets in the way.

    @kandisnewplan - I think small goals are a good plan. Like you, i've lost before only to add them back - sometimes with their friends as well. Stick with MFP and the mini goals and you will make progress.

    @tnsumner - good luck, hope you get the grades that you deserve. And have fun with the violin - I think my husband would take a similar approach to your boyfriend if I started that - I love music but my abilities to play musical instruments are severely limited! Good luck with all the local cats!

    @juniperT- sorry to hear about the oven - hope you get that sorted soon.

    well, I had a shocker yesterday. If you've ever had those days where you wish by about 10am that you hadn't got out of bed, then you will have some understanding of my Thursday. Having had a really lovely Wednesday, everyone at work annoyed the life out of me yesterday and I made really bad food choices. Not helped by a nice but very high calorie supper that we make from time to time. I left the office early (preferable to staying and smacking someone:laugh: ) and went home with all good intentions of exercising all my bad choices away. Well, it was a good plan - got home, ate two chocolate digestive biscuits, had a soak in a hot bath - then stuffed my face with supper. And got to the point where my diary would have looked so bad that I couldn't be bothered to log. I think in hindsight I had a mini rebellion - don't want to count calories, don't want to log. So I didn't! And then took hours to get to sleep:yawn:

    on the plus side, I'm back on the wagon this morning and feeling more positive. We have a three day weekend with a cinema visit, gardening and decorating my husband's office on the agenda. And the weather looks good so I really shouldn't complain.

    Anyways, sorry for ranting! Have a lovely Friday everyone!
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    Ouch.... that's all I have to say about the pushup challenge. Not sure how well I will do with day two today.

    @tnsumner, I remember when my older sister took violin lessons. I left the house when ever I could if she was practicing! :tongue: Good luck with that. And congrats on being so close to your goal weight!

    @JuniperT, bummer about the oven! Is it fixed yet?

    @Jehan, just keep at it, you will get past the plateau. Do you exercise daily? If so, it might be time for a break, take a week off and be careful with your calories. I did that this week, and while it feels weird not to exercise, I broke a small plateau and lost a couple pounds. And drink lots of water. It's weird how much that helps. I'm getting about 12 cups a day.

    @Majasmi, welcome!

    @Jane, like I said above, OUCH! lol, I'm going to keep at it though. I need to be building muscle. I understand about your day yesterday. Hopefully your 3 day weekend will help you recover from that. And good job hopping back on the wagon this morning. That's what you've got to do when you have days like that, just get past it and keep going.

    This weekend should be interesting, in a good way. My best friend is coming into town for the weekend (she lives 2.5 hours away) and is staying with my parents since I don't have room at my house for guests. I will actually be spending the night at my parents tonight too, and my wonderful husband is going to have her son and our two boys at our house with him. Her two girls with be with us at my parents. So I'll be spending today and tomorrow with her, and then Sunday is my husbands birthday. He has requested a TARDIS cake, and Pizza Hut for lunch. Yay... lol. I plan on a nice workout at some point Sunday to make up for the pizza and cake. And now, I need to go take my son to school, the go to the grocery store to get cake supplies, and come home and make that cake! Have a good weekend everyone! I'll check in if I have time.
  • evdjohnson
    evdjohnson Posts: 25
    Ah man! I don't check for a couple days and I miss tons of posts!

    Well, here we go!

    megblackburn - I hear you on the boys bathroom. I don't even like to open the toilet seat in my husbands bathroom. EWW! So jelly you get to see your bf! Mine is little over a thousand miles away from me. Eat a slice of pizza for me! ;P

    JuniperT - I don't do shakeology but have a friend who is a beachbody instructor. I have had to modify the workouts too and I am really hoping I get Chalean's energy as well. It's almost depressing seeing how she and her instructors and intensely bouncing around and yelling and here I am profusely sweating and can barely keep up. I'll get it someday though!

    Jehan - You know you can use resistance bands instead of weights right? That's what I'm doing. 15$ set of 3 at Walmart!

    janetay - Definitely try that bath! Hottest water you can stand, 2 cups of epsom salt (super cheap and easy to find) with 1 cup of baking soda. Try to soak as much of your body as you can and stay in for at least 20 minutes. I just set my laptop to Modern Family and watched a whole episode after I ran the bath water. We all have those days where we wake up and it's like, "Not today." Good for you, for not letting it spiral into a weekend of bad choices!

    Today has been sort of stressful. I am taking a trip home on the 6th and staying til the 25th. Leaving my hubby to take care of my 3 year old so I can watch my niece for my sister who can't afford daycare and letting my mom get back to work. Lots of mixed feelings. I will miss my husband and son more than I can express , I will be taking care of my niece whom I lovelovelove and never get to see but my sister is an irresponsible mess. She can't control her finances, she can't find a way to deal with her ex getting re-married, the list goes on. I cry thinking about it because I know I can't even talk to her about her issues because she'll listen and pretend to be on board but then everything always goes back to how she wants to do it and what will make her the happiest. I just want my niece to have a stable woman in her life and since we don't live near each other she doesn't have that with my sister and my mom. Ugh, the bad list goes on.

    It has started to ruin my weekend thinking about how much I will miss my boys and the mess I'm going to be visiting. It's a struggle but I'm not going stress eat! I'm NOT going to stress eat. I already have my resistance bands packed and plan on not letting anything stop my progress. If I get frustrated or sad I'll go cry in the bathroom and try to use my frustration during my workouts. I don't know what I'll be able to do about missing my family though. I'll be able to skype but you know 3 year olds - Attention spans of the wind! Ugh.Ugh.Ugh.

    Anyway, I found a lower calorie chicken enchilada recipe I'm going to try tonight! Really excited to go to Costco and get a rotisserie chicken!

    Happy weekend everyone! Enjoy your families for me!
  • lovekoko320
    lovekoko320 Posts: 171 Member
    My name is Lynn and I have the same goals. I am low on friends on here though so if anyone would like to add me I'd really appreciate it. :)
  • rdcphone572
    rdcphone572 Posts: 75 Member
    Hey everyone!

    @lovekoko320 - welcome aboard!

    @jehan - good luck with the c25k. I think you are inspiring me to make that my September goal. I think I can work up to three miles by then.

    @melissawannal - I'm with you on the 50 pounds. Hang in there. We can do this.

    @megblackburn - thanks for explaining elephant ears...sounds like funnel cake...maybe? Good luck with the pizza and cake avoidance but most all enjoy your family and friends!

    @tnsummer - absolute congrats on the good grade in organic and good luck in calculus. I had to work at those too.

    @evdjohnson - I hope the situation with your sister gets better in all ways soon. Hang tough and try not to stress eat during the visit.

    @janetay01 - I know what you mean with work.......

    It was a long week at work for certain. Was in a bad place cause I found out my boss gave a big raise to someone I've been assigned to help...much bigger than mine. Like really? This is a person who has missed multiple assignments but my boss just likes him. Period, the end. Normally, that would have led to the death of a chocolate cheesecake but not this time! This was a major victory for me. I didn't stress eat and I was ok. I just focused on staying with my goals and walked a bit more. We will see where work goes (need to stay to finish doc) but for now, I feel victorious because I'm more worried about my fitness and health then I am about something totally outside of my control. I also will not give them the win twice!

    Home has been good the last few weeks. No crisis! Everyone okay. I'm blessed.

    So, I still have 27 pounds to go with 23 pounds loss. But, I must say, it finally looks possible...when I started it seemed really far away. The first 17 came off pretty quick but it's been slow since. Very slow. It is still happening but I'm having to work for every bit of it.

    I am really enjoying this frozen dessert called Arctic Zero, which is mostly frozen whey protein. It's good and only 150 calories per pint. I also get protein without eating more meat.

    Have a good weekend!!
  • Lindseylnds
    Hi everyone!!! I am starting this for the firsst time and want a complete life change, i would also love to shed some pounds ! I need all the support i can get!!!!!
  • Sarab120
    Sarab120 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi my name is sara. Iv also been doing hypnotherapy too. I'm down 23 lbs. I still have 32 to go, but it's a good start.
  • untogether01
    C25K week 2 day 3 down, and it was painful!! Hope soreness goes away before week 3 starts Monday!!

    Hope you are all having a great weekend- I have family coming over tomorrow and I can't decide if I'm going to have a cheat day, or try to log everything, which can be a challenge when there's food everywhere.... Decisions, decisions.
  • TheBaileyHunter
    TheBaileyHunter Posts: 641 Member
    Jumping in here. I'm Bailey, and I have an end goal of 65lbs to release back from whence it came. Just starting this journey and hoping it will be my last!

    I've been working hard, though the scale doesn't show it. But on the upside, the measurements have. Something for me to keep in mind when that scale mocks my efforts.

    Pleased to meet y'all.
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    Wow! A lot has been going on since I've been away. All of human life is here, triumphs, tragedies, successes, failures and lots of newbies! Welcome! Including another man (we're kind of under represented on this thread, not that I'm complaining, I love women)!!

    Well it's been an exciting two weeks, four days in Cyprus at an IT Conference which was actually hard work but very rewarding, and the pink shorts (for those who remember) triumphed! Then a noisy four and a half hour flight with Cyprus Air back to London, kids screaming and running up and down the aisle, Cypriots blocking the aisle while they held lengthy conversations in Greek - I was delighted to land and escape to a quiet airport hotel for a few hours sleep before flying to Vienna on the Saturday morning and a two hour drive to the Project go-live. I'm happy to say it went off with hardly a hitch and I actually had very little to do but monitor all the activities going on. Too many late nights, some of them with too much celebratory alcohol and on Thursday a large piece of celebration cake which I sort of had to eat. Long day Friday getting home at 10:30pm (22:30) and a pretty much chill out Saturday drinking my normal and losing some retained water, hopefully more to go today and tomorrow, if my normal modus operandi is followed. I weighed this morning and had lost 1.6 lbs since I went away but expect more to go in the next day or so but I don't think it will be as much as I hoped for, Still I'm not downhearted, any loss is a step on the way to THIN! Managed to do a good few walks too in addition to those forced on you at airports.

    @rcdphone572 - well done on overcoming your disappointment without the chocolate cheesecake! That must make you feel good.

    @Sara - I don't know about you but I wouldn't be at this point without the hypnotherapy, it has really helped me.

    :evdjohnson - don't let the stress get you down, and don't stress eat! It's hard being without your family, but you still have all of us, just shout or scream and we'll be there! Your sister sounds like a nightmare, I can't imagine what that must be like, I have two great sisters though they live a long, long way away (about 6000 miles) so I only see them once a year at most.

    @meg - I just have to say how great you look, what a difference from your 'before' pic, you must be delighted.

    @sjo68 - great chunk to lose, well done, you are putting in lots of effort, you deserve the rewards!

    @penny - sounds like you've had a very busy time, but you sound a lot more cheerful and positive which is nice.

    @janetay01 - Mmmm, rhubarb! My grandfather used to grow rhubarb and when we went round, he would pick a stick, wash it and supply with a little bag of sugar to dip in (raw rhubarb can be very tart), happy memories. And don't worry about the temporary episode of backsliding. You've done it, put it behind you and carry on as before

    @tnsumner - good luck with your results! And enjoy learning to play the violin, it can be painful for others during the early stages, but it can be such a beautiful sounding instrument when played properly.

    All,have a wonderful Sunday. We have a public holiday here in the UK tomorrow so it's a long weekend for us and tomorrow looks like being barbecue weather! And I don't have to travel this week :happy:
  • magicretreat
    magicretreat Posts: 15 Member
    I'm so glad to have found this thread. I'm stuck! I'm 26, married, no kids. I've been overweight my whole life. About 2 years ago I lost about 60 lbs with WW. I gained 10 back. I am far from my goal and still need to lose about 65 lbs. I would like a group of supportive people that will encourage me when I cant myself (my husband is great, but working different shifts). I love meeting new people and love encouraging others. :)
  • rdcphone572
    rdcphone572 Posts: 75 Member
    I want to challenge everyone in my pal circle to NSV WEEK!

    Starting with cinco de mayo/May 5th and going for a full week.

    So, sometime between now and next Sunday midnight please share a Non Scale Victory that is significant to you...like that smaller pant size, that faster mile, that double workout, abstaining in the face of monster temptation, or staying in the green with all your goals for 5 days...anything you wish to share about good health except the scale! Let's celebrate our successes without talking about the ticker for a minute.

    Have a great week and live in balance!
  • Ready4Thin
    Ready4Thin Posts: 9
    OK, gonna jump right in here! I have about 85 lbs to lose, and maybe even more, but for right now I've set my goal there. I just joined WW and here, and I am really looking for a place to come and be encouraged, supported, and lifted up. I only have 10 weeks on WW (that's all I can afford and it's a special thing at work). I have every intention on sticking to their program after the 10 weeks, but I just can't afford more than that. I am hoping to get a firm foundation of loss within the 10 weeks. The I will have here for my support structure!

    This seems like a really active thread; I hope I can keep up!

  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    Really delighted today :happy: After two weeks away (I always retain water when I'm travelling), two days at home drinking normally have stabilised my water content as usual and as of this morning I have lost a total of 4 lbs (in two chunks, 1.4 down yesterday first thing, another 2.6 this morning) over the past two weeks, 2 lbs a week which is more than respectable. I sometimes lose more than normal after the 3rd day home so I'll be interested to see tomorrow's reading, but I'm just happy with what I've got rid of! My expectations were low as I found it difficult to estimate some of the meals I had and drank too much, but it seems I got things more or less right. I've also lost a cm off my waist measurement as a bonus.

    Edit: @rdcphone572 - Hope this last counts as an NSV for this week! The other one I'm having, not sure if it is a victory or not is my trousers (pants) keep falling down they are so loose, and the only belt I have is too small. I'm reluctant to buy another belt as I know in just a very few weeks I'll be able to raid my closet for the next size trousers down which I actually can get in to, though they are too tight to wear in public. I only have one pair I can wear currently and they are in the wash............ :laugh:
  • jehan
    jehan Posts: 155 Member
    Hello everyone..

    Janetay01 - Yey, we are both doing JM's banish fat. Yup, sore knees and all. BUt what the heck, I'm burning 500 cals then I wouldn't mind it all....Hope you had a great weekend.

    megblackburn - thanks for accepting my invites. Well, I'm just starting to exercise more recently. A couple of weeks back, I was like on then off again kind of exerciser. I haven't been on a scale for a while so I'm not sure if it budged even a few itsy bitsy pound.

    evdjhnson - hmmm...yeah maybe I should get those resistance bands...but I'm not coordinated at all and It might end up choking the life out of me.

    rdcphone573 - me? inspiring you to reach your goal this September? Are you kidding me? You already lost a lot and I'm sure you'll reach your goal without breaking a sweat (or maybe with a lot of sweat plus tears, lol)..

    untogether01- go c25k...

    Weekend for me was hohum, in terms of exercising. Meaning, I didn't exercise at all. Foodwise, I didn't log my food intake the past two days so I'm sure I went over board. BUt this is a new week and a new beginning.

    Anyway, had a pregnancy scare. I know there are ladies here bitten by the baby bug. But having 2 babies 11 months apart has taken its toll on me, physically and emotionally. I was feeling nauseous for several days now and TOm hasn't arrived yet. I had to sneak to the pharmacy and buy some tests. I didn't inform my hubby yet cause he might freak out, you know how guys are. Anyway, thankfully it was negative.

    I'll be doing my C25k I'm on Day 3 Weekn 2 later. Some of my officemates will also be joining me later. I guess my fitness bug is spreading here. Hope you all have a great day.
  • sjo68
    sjo68 Posts: 28 Member
    Wow, I go away for a long weekend and come back to lots of new faces. I will read back to catch up in just a bit, but welcome to all the new faces.

    My push up challenge is going well. I initial test was 16 and while a bit sore I am doing okay and improving daily.

    I am struggling with week 5 on my c25k though. The first day was no problem, the 2nd day ugh! I may repeat week 5.

    Hope everyone has a great day and I'll check back in a bit later.
  • dareacceptor
    dareacceptor Posts: 58 Member
    I'm two weeks into a challenge, focusing on nutrition and exercise. It goes one more week... I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.

    Here's what we're doing:
    No carbs, except within an hour of a *strength* workout - 1 cupped hand size (cardio workouts don't allow carbs)
    Veggies with every feeding opportunity - fist size (4 - 6 meals per day).
    Protein with every feeding opportunity - palm size
    16 oz water with every feeding opportunity
    Review your goals daily
    Workout 6 times per week (at the gym where I'm doing the challenge - 3 strength, 3 cardio)

    Here's the payoff: By being more careful about when I consumed my carbs (which also cut the calories I consumed), I've dropped about 8 pounds in 2 weeks. This isn't a loss I expect to maintain, but it does remind me how much I cheat when it comes to carbs and the calories related to them. :)

    One more week... I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.
  • rdcphone572
    rdcphone572 Posts: 75 Member
    Hello everyone!

    @ron2e - the trousers being way too big is a serious NSV! Thank you for sharing. We all need hope on this journey and that was just great!

    @jehan - I'm with you on the coordination. I'm not ready for bands. I hesitated with the arm weights because I was worried I might hit myself...seriously! And your NSV is spreading the fitness bug in your office. Much better bug than the plumpercacabug. LOL!

    @dareacceptor - those challenges are a great way to shake it up for a week or two

    @sjo68 - push-up challenge at 16 is great! I don't think I can do 2!!

    Still want to hear about your NSV this week please. Share your victories with our team. Mine was wearing a jacket this week that I couldn't last year. Anything that is health related but a non scale victory, like one person who avoided a high calorie burrito and had the low calorie option instead. We can do this.
  • Tiff050709
    Tiff050709 Posts: 497 Member
    My name is Tiffany. I have been on here, diligently, for almost 3 months now. I have lost 30lbs, still need to lose 120lbs. Overall I have been doing well. Eating healthy, cut out a lot of junk like pop and sweets. Drinking almond and soy milk, not eating a lot of red meat and just staying in my calories. I try to exercise 6 days a week. I am doing the C25K Mon, Wed and Fri and weights Tues, Thurs and Sat and my rest day on Sun.

    I don't know how you save a thread so you can come back...
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Hi all,

    busy weekend and now busy day at work so will report in properly later!

    @tiffany - welcome! now you've replied to the thread, you can find it again by going to the community section and clicking on the 'my topics' link - this will show you all the threads that you have contributed to.