Sick and Tired of feeling Hungry



  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    You may not eating enough, how many calories are you eating?

    Actually go here..

    it will make sure you're eating enough.

    ^^^ this

    before you follow any of the other tips in this thread (many of which are really good tips) make sure that you are eating enough, because the main cause of hunger is undereating and that's not going to do you any favours. If you're sure you're eating enough, but you're just adjusting to eating the right amount after eating too much, then follow the other tips in the thread.
  • pmteet
    pmteet Posts: 69
    Me, too!! I am not losing weight because (for the most part) I have overeaten healthy foods. I love veggies. :) And beans and tofu. :)

    I don't believe it! You are overweight because you are eating too many of the wrong fats and calories. A person simply can not eat in one day enough fruits and veggies to get fat. NOW the dressing and dips that can go WITH those things sure.
    Sorry too many people are lying to themselves and that is fine.
  • wswilliams67
    wswilliams67 Posts: 938 Member
    1. Water
    2. Fiber
    3. Protein

    - Lower sodium intake
  • pmteet
    pmteet Posts: 69
    If they are over weight they are not eating healthy. I know vegans who eat an entire package of Oreos. That is NOT healthy. I am really not going to play your game. You know I am right. You WILL NOT get fat eating only HEALTHY unadulterated fruits and veggies. Yes there are apples in apple pies. But THEY are not healthy. Seriously? No wonder there are so many overweight people in the world if the really believe that calories from chips and calories from apples are the same. If you watch thin people. Not naturally thn but people who just eat what a healthy amount of food is you will see they eat more fruits and veggies than meat. That they do not eat junk, even vegan junk.

    This is just not true.

    You can and will gain weight if you eat over your TDEE of fruits and vegetables. Don't fool yourself into thinking that you won't. I dare you to eat 3000 calories of carrots and apples everyday, and see what you weigh 2 weeks from now. You will weigh more.

    You do not need to eat "clean" to lose weight. Have you ever heard of the Twinkie Diet? You might want to google how that professor lost weight eating nothing but pure sugary fatty junk food.

    And perhaps I should introduce you to my overweight cousin Tracy who eats a vegetarian diet...not said Oreos and other junk foods you mentioned...but simply non meat and non dairy "clean" foods. She eats more than she should and exercises less than she should. Calories in are greater than calories out, and she wants to lose weight...

    I have heard of them all. My mother tried them ALL. Again everyone seems to be kidding themselves. I was thin MOST Of my life. I know what to do to stay thin. Only after chronic pain, and meds have I gained weight and I am only 151 at 5'3". The sad part is that over weight people, my family included, refuse to listen to thin people. But in fact thin people KNOW how to eat. There is NO MAGIC to weight loss!!! NONE!! EAT RIGHT and exercise and you will lose weight. No special diet of twinkies or grapefruit. Just correct portion sizes, which is a huge problem, and eating the right stuff.
  • running_shoe
    running_shoe Posts: 180 Member
    I eat five smallish meals a day. Breakfast (about 350 calories), morning snack (about 250 calories), lunch (about 500 calories), afternoon snack (about 200 calories), dinner (about 400 calories). I get 1640 a day, and normally perform about 300 calories of exercise a day, so I come out just a little ahead. My food is as healthy as I can make it with protein and fruits and veg and grains. Eating this way means I never have to get really hungry, and psychologically I know my next meal is not far off. Also, I have adjusted to not getting "full." Full is actually not a great feeling if you think about it. - it usually involves some level of discomfort, I find.
  • foleyshirley
    foleyshirley Posts: 1,043 Member
    You may not eating enough, how many calories are you eating?

    Actually go here..

    it will make sure you're eating enough.

    ^^^ this

    before you follow any of the other tips in this thread (many of which are really good tips) make sure that you are eating enough, because the main cause of hunger is undereating and that's not going to do you any favours. If you're sure you're eating enough, but you're just adjusting to eating the right amount after eating too much, then follow the other tips in the thread.

    You really need to do this first! Many people on this site are hungry because they don't eat enough.
  • Casstevens133
    Casstevens133 Posts: 142 Member
    I never go hungry and most of the time stay within my calories. I have found that for me to be satisfied with what I eat And still lose weight I do need to keep the carbs in check and go over on protein - which I mostly do. I also eat clean 90% of the time. My diary s open so please feel free to browse. Good luck! :)
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    Eating food that will improve satiety is good advice. As for learning to stop before you are stuffed, I have a mind trick training suggestion:

    Fill your plate up as you would normally. Eat half of it. Put the other half in the microwave or somewhere out of sight. Wait one hour. If you are still hungry after that time has passed or still really thinking about it, go ahead and eat the food. What often happens though is typically you will end up distracted and realizing you are full after all. You gave yourself permission to eat it so you don't feel deprived but you also have yourself time for the body to catch up with your hunger signal. (Yes, that's not a scientific way of putting it nor is it even necessary for weight loss but rather it is just an idea to try in effort to learn to reduce portions and feel satisfied).
  • jaimepecze
    jaimepecze Posts: 1
    I am new to this site, and am working on a complete lifestyle change. I saw the suggestion that people eat til they are stuffed, rather than full. Is there anyone who like me, started as a person who eats until they are stuffed, but were able to change their eating/mind set to only eating until you were full? I'd appreciate knowing how you made that change as it may hopefully help me make that change too. So many things are more easily said than done, and I wonder if what worked for you may be what helps me.
  • juliekaiser1988
    juliekaiser1988 Posts: 604 Member
    Ok now I am going to say this and I might get slammed. I am coming from a place were until the past few years I never had a problem with my weight but most of my family has...including my hubby. My observation is this idea of feeling FULL instead of just not hungry. I have seen my mother only feeling satisfied after she was stuffed. I think people have to get use to feeling not hungry instead of full. Does that make sense. I know it may seem like I am splitting hairs but there is a difference.

    IF you are eating really healthy food you will be more full because your body is getting the nutrition it needs and not just calories it does help.


    Amen says the choir!!!
  • maryrosenavoa
    maryrosenavoa Posts: 53 Member
    I know one good trick. You should drink 2 glasses of water everytime you want to eat something. Sometimes you feel like u are hungry when in fact iyou're just thirsty.
    There's no harm in trying:)
  • dennymau
    dennymau Posts: 118 Member
    My observation is this idea of feeling FULL instead of just not hungry. I have seen my mother only feeling satisfied after she was stuffed. I think people have to get use to feeling not hungry instead of full. Does that make sense. I know it may seem like I am splitting hairs but there is a difference.

    Agreed. You should also never really eat until you are full. Once you are full you've eaten too much. I forget but it's something like I heard at WW like it takes your body x minutes to realize it's satisfied and you normally eat past that to full because you don't give it time.

    Take time when you eat. Put your fork down. Chew. go slow. You will feel full faster.

    Couldn't have said it better!!!!
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member

    Again everyone seems to be kidding themselves.
    Ironic post is ironic.
  • KimberlyAndrews1
    KimberlyAndrews1 Posts: 87 Member
    Eating healthy has been my biggest problem. I hate chicken breasts and fish. I've tried them both all kinds of different ways and just hate them. I've never ate a chicken breast that wasn't dry to me. So chicken & fish is out! I mostly drink all water everyday, but occasionally drink a glass of tea. I do have 2 cups of coffee in the mornings. I tend to go overboard at meals eating more than a portion size because I eat to feel full. I still feel hungry if I don't feel full. I just started drinking a healthy Beginners Green Smoothie either for breakfast or lunch. So then the rest of the day I'm going to try to eat in moderation and watch my portion sizes and not snack on too many sweets & etc because I have also been doing that way too much lately, so gonna cut those out. Gonna add more fruits. I bought me some Kellogs Sea Salt cracker chips to snack on. They're 110 calories per serving and a serving is 30 chips. Just going to try to ease into it and not make too many big changes all at once.
  • JulesAlloggio
    JulesAlloggio Posts: 480 Member
    How can I feel full with out going crazy on the food any ideas?

    Try eating more protein and small meals throughout the day. I eat 6 times a day and am never hungry.

    there are even times when its time for me to eat and I have to force myself to because I need to nutrition.

    Just a thought. I'm sure you've heard this idea before.
  • JulesAlloggio
    JulesAlloggio Posts: 480 Member
    I eat five smallish meals a day. Breakfast (about 350 calories), morning snack (about 250 calories), lunch (about 500 calories), afternoon snack (about 200 calories), dinner (about 400 calories). I get 1640 a day, and normally perform about 300 calories of exercise a day, so I come out just a little ahead. My food is as healthy as I can make it with protein and fruits and veg and grains. Eating this way means I never have to get really hungry, and psychologically I know my next meal is not far off. Also, I have adjusted to not getting "full." Full is actually not a great feeling if you think about it. - it usually involves some level of discomfort, I find.

    This to me sounds like you're on the right track. Keep it up.

    Also to the OP... eat healthy foods.. foods that are full of nutrition and your body will USE instead of just "hold on to" Try to steer clear of "empty calories" they will just leave you feeling gross and empty in the end.
  • Mock_Turtle
    Mock_Turtle Posts: 354 Member
    drink more water
    eat more fiber
    eat more protein
  • ddky
    ddky Posts: 381 Member
    I will be honest I'm a horrible eater X_x I do however enjoy salads by some unknown reason I'm done eating today but I'll try larger salad tomorrow. Pmteet you could be right this could just be a craving more than hunger pain. So I guess the question is how do I kill the craving to eat. I been keeping up with the water intake thus far yay but not nearly enough veggies because I do not like how they taste X_x I sound like a little kid.

    You don't eat veggies because you don't like the taste, Have you thought about trying something like the nutribullet or something else where you can make a smoothie with veggies and fruits. Maybe you could incorporate them that way.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    Fructose happens to be more addictive than cocaine!

    If you do your own research and read some books

    This is what seems to be getting people into trouble and thinking they are somehow experts(not directed at you). A little knowledge can be dangerous as shown by the "clean vs. dirty food" debate
  • lajolla0215
    After you are finished your meal, have a cup of green tea...I find that if I still want something (i.e. dessert or second helping) I fix a cup of hot green tea and that seems to do the trick. It tastes great and is also great for the metabolism.