

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,822 Member
    morning ladies,
    im up but my ear is all stuffed up and driving me crazy!!!!
    I guess It pays to exercise alot, yesterday I did and im 4 oz away from 30 lbs... so freakin excited!!!!
    it was a beautiful weekend this weekend and made the most of it, we are supposed to have showers weds through the sunday but we do need the rain...
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Hope everyone has a great productive happy Monday!!! I have no time this morning:grumble: , early dentist appt, time to get my teeth sparkly clean:bigsmile: !

    Have a fantastic day! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in cloudy, rainy, windy, cool:sad: NC
  • sunshine61250
    sunshine61250 Posts: 68 Member
    I've had several people mention that maybe my MIL is suffering from dementia. I guess I don't really "know" what dementia looks like. For example, last night she was sitting in the recliner, leaning forward with an intent look on her face. My hubby asked her what she was doing and she said "I'm going to the bathroom". So on the face of it, that does seem like dementia to me. BUT she does crossword puzzles and sudoko (as difficult as she can find) and she does them in ink with no mistakes in a minimal amount of time. So .... it seems to me like her mind is not going at all. Does anyone have any advice?

    brookehe - thanks! The road trip was actually better than I thought it would be. We saw lots of cool things but MIL refused to get out of the car so hubby and I had some "alone" time when we were looking at things. She complained once that we were gone way too long - but it was only 10 minutes and hubby's comment was that if she thought it was too long, she should have gone with.

    mwheatcraft54 - I :heart: fun days! I hope you had a blast.

    DeeDee2211 - Thank you very much! I was thrilled! AND .... I was down another 1.5 lbs this morning from yesterday! Woo Hoo! 3.5 lbs in 5 days. Not too bad.

    LizMfp - any day that I can spend some alone time reading is a GREAT day in my book.

    ramblinritz, shirdiana, chenomi, CarmenSantiag, joannbrunton, divone1 - WELCOME!

    gsager - I worked at a High School for many years and then subbed at an Elementary School. Elementary wore me out! UGH! I feel your pain.

    drkatiebug - no, you didn't beat me. I just posted a short one about taking a roadtrip with MIL and hubby but it was quite early for me my time, so it may have counted as night time for you. We are 6 hours ahead of East Coast time.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good morning!
    Get to see my Alliyah today.Mom and her are coming out to hang with Violet for awhile today.
    My good friend starts chemo today,my prayers are with her.She got married Fri to a wonderful man.
  • tammytylerjones
    tammytylerjones Posts: 109 Member
    Hi everyone!
    Back from a week in San Diego and can't believe how far behind I am! Hope you all are doing great!
    Back to "work" here on MFP!

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Just bumping in for Monday.

    TTFN :bigsmile: Got the bike rides in over the weekend and then proceeded to overeat both days:blushing: Good thing I bring my food to work and I can only eat what I bring.

    Glad for a Monday and a new beginning, have a great day all...let's drink our water:drinker:

    Laura80111 in Colorado:smile:
  • darlene_turnage
    I really just started week 3 of my grand experiment. Goals are good.

    For May:
    Continue my M-F strict food schedule
    Walk more
    Start Yoga classes
    Drink more water
    Take time to enjoy life and not get so caught up in the "to do's"
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    I've had several people mention that maybe my MIL is suffering from dementia. I guess I don't really "know" what dementia looks like. For example, last night she was sitting in the recliner, leaning forward with an intent look on her face. My hubby asked her what she was doing and she said "I'm going to the bathroom". So on the face of it, that does seem like dementia to me. BUT she does crossword puzzles and sudoko (as difficult as she can find) and she does them in ink with no mistakes in a minimal amount of time. So .... it seems to me like her mind is not going at all. Does anyone have any advice?


    So sorry to read about your problems with your MIL. I know that for the last few years of my Mom's life she got like that too. When I had first found out about it she was wearing menstral pads and soaking them through and the smell was awful. I was able to convince her that she HAD to wear adult diapers if she wasn't going to use a toilet. Thank goodness she complied. Getting the smell out of things was another issue and I put air freshners in every room and when ever I visited I was washing everything that she had sat or laid on in HOT water and bleach. My Mom's Dr did say she had some dementia and this was part of it. I had to pull the health card to get Mom to work on her cleanliness telling her she could get very ill if she didn't bath, change her undergarments and start to take care of herself better. I finally had to hire people that came in every day to make sure the laundry got done daily and that she was dressed and had at least started the day out clean.

    Joy you have my prayers that things will get better for your MIL:flowerforyou:

    Laura80111 in Colorado:smile:
  • grumpy2day
    grumpy2day Posts: 212
    Happy Mothers Day to everyone!

    My goals for May are these:

    1. Log in everyday
    2. Restart my C25K that super storm sandy f***ing derailed (just when I thought I would complete that elusive 3 minute interval!)
    3. Cut out all that junk I've cramming down from boredom and personal pity party time.
    4. Get off the pity party train!!

    Numbers 1 and 2 have already begun, 3 is trying to laugh at me, and I found a big stick to chase after 4 with during 2 and I'm thinking of using it on 3 if he keeps taunting me!

    Have wonderful day and may all your goals become reality!
  • sunshine61250
    sunshine61250 Posts: 68 Member
    I've had several people mention that maybe my MIL is suffering from dementia. I guess I don't really "know" what dementia looks like. For example, last night she was sitting in the recliner, leaning forward with an intent look on her face. My hubby asked her what she was doing and she said "I'm going to the bathroom". So on the face of it, that does seem like dementia to me. BUT she does crossword puzzles and sudoko (as difficult as she can find) and she does them in ink with no mistakes in a minimal amount of time. So .... it seems to me like her mind is not going at all. Does anyone have any advice?


    So sorry to read about your problems with your MIL. I know that for the last few years of my Mom's life she got like that too. When I had first found out about it she was wearing menstral pads and soaking them through and the smell was awful. I was able to convince her that she HAD to wear adult diapers if she wasn't going to use a toilet. Thank goodness she complied. Getting the smell out of things was another issue and I put air freshners in every room and when ever I visited I was washing everything that she had sat or laid on in HOT water and bleach. My Mom's Dr did say she had some dementia and this was part of it. I had to pull the health card to get Mom to work on her cleanliness telling her she could get very ill if she didn't bath, change her undergarments and start to take care of herself better. I finally had to hire people that came in every day to make sure the laundry got done daily and that she was dressed and had at least started the day out clean.

    Joy you have my prayers that things will get better for your MIL:flowerforyou:

    Laura80111 in Colorado:smile:

    We've brought up the Depends several times but she just refuses. Says she is NOT wearing a diaper. And the ONLY time she got dressed in the last 10 days was when we went out on Saturday. She has worn the same gown all that time. Even when she wets through it, she won't change it. She tells us to leave her alone.

    And then she wants to know when we are moving back to the US because we had told her several years ago, she could live with us when we did. I told hubby when she dies, I'll be ready to move back. Or when she's in a nursing home. 3 weeks is too much.
    DLDJP Posts: 1
    Hello all!

    New to MFP and found this message board while poking around. What a great group of supportive women! I had lost about 25 pounds last year then lost motivation during the holidays and have gained 5 lbs back. You all have had great results. I hope being on MFP will do the trick.
    My goals for May -
    Get back into walking - at least 3 times a week
    Do some kind of exercise every day
    Be more mindful of portion size!
    Be less stressed - things always seem to get done, no sense stressing over it
    Get more sleep
    AND, lose 6 pounds this month

    Have a wonderful day.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    GAAAAA hi ladies. Where has all the time gone? I simply don't know. I have missed checking in with all of you daily and I certainly need to get back in control. Every meeting we have at work (2-3 a day this week) is food so we don't have to leave for lunch etc. Today I had a veggie sandwich which was really just a handfull of sliced veggies on bread. Bleh Then I went to my office and ate my healthy choice lunch. I did eat a "fun sized" bag of chips with the sandwich becasue i was starved. Tomorrow is an all-day meeting at the zoo for heaven's sake and a catered lunch as well. You can't bring in your own food. I'm sure they will have some healthier choices becasue we are a platinum well workplace, but still. Friday graduation went from 1-6 and they brought food for us, nothing but cheese cubes and olives and crackers! Last year we had box lunches that did include fruit.

    Wednesday is my birthday. I requested no cake, but I'm sure I will get one. And out to dinner. Then next week we have company all week. More food! And those people do NOT eat healthily. I will have to be creative! They will expect my sausage gravy for breakfast!

    Sigh sorry to be such a b****. I'm tired and want to go home LOL but have one more meeting at 3:30.

    Sending prayers and big hugs to those who are struggling right now and high fives to those who are celebrating. More later! Take care, Meg from ok weather wise Omaha
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good afternoon and welcome to another week,

    I got my planting done this weekend and feel so much better. DH and I planted flowers and vegetables. We have peppers, eggplant, zucchini, cherry tomatoes, beefsteak tomatoes, cucumbers and basil and rosemary. We learned our lesson from last year and only planted one zucchini plant as it took over the garden last year. We also made a border for our tree, put plastic down and filled it with pebble rocks to prevent weeds and grass from growing there. It was a little expensive, but now that it’s done, it should last. The only thing we didn’t plant was a hydrangea I bought. The lady at the garden center said to wait until the weather turned a little warmer because it was right out of the hothouse and the nights are still a little too chilly. It’s beautiful, though, and I can’t wait to get it in! Mulch will come in a few weeks and then we’ll be done! Next weekend plan is to power wash the deck (if the weather cooperates!).

    I realize that when I’m home working I don’t obsess about food and don’t feel hungry all of the time. The main problem is in work. Maybe stress? Not sure. I sit at a computer all day which doesn’t help. I need to move more, but really can’t in the office. Can’t wait until retirement….2 YEARS!!!! I am counting the days!

    :heart: Robin – Happy Anniversary. Looks like you both did good!

    :happy: Kathy – You have such a great attitude. I hope you find the perfect job soon.

    :smile: Cheryl – Thanks for posting the picture of your beautiful daughter. It brought back memories of those carefree years long ago. So happy to hear of Jackson’s progress!

    :ohwell: Brooke – I am going to mention this to my doctor the next time I’m there, but I didn’t think it warranted a special visit. Never thought about a dietician, but maybe…..

    :brokenheart: Michele – I appreciate those shoulders! So sorry to hear you are still having issues with Bryan. One day he’ll look back at his actions and wonder how he could have treated you this way.

    :flowerforyou: Barbie – Thanks for the information. I’ll pick up that book and read it with an open mind. I do FEEL good, but still think about food more than I should. I don’t want to feel deprived. I want this to be a lifestyle I can live with forever.

    :wink: Katla – I could use some time on that island myself. I can see how being there would relieve your stress. It’s gorgeous!

    :cry: Liz – Cancer affects not only the patient, but the entire family. Prayers going out to you and your sister.

    :flowerforyou: M – I went to a nursery on Friday and was told the same thing about the ornamental grass so I’m leaving it alone & waiting to see if it springs back. I did try black cohosh, but after taking the entire bottle (one pill a day!), I got no relief at all, so I’m back to square one.

    :brokenheart: Roanne53 – So sorry for your loss. Please know that you will find motivation and support here.

    :embarassed: Rori – Happy to hear from someone else who loves salt! I am constantly surprised to see how much sodium is in low calorie processed foods. Enjoy your time in Hawaii!

    :noway: Lila – Bears on your walk? And I thought running into a fox was scary!

    :heart: Joyce – Sending (((HUGS))) your way!

    :wink: Jodios – Congrats to DH! Good luck on busting that plateau! I know you can do it!

    :heart: CityjaneLondo – I thought my DH and I were the only ones who celebrated the day we met, but it IS incredibly romantic! Enjoy your visit with DGS. Your dress sounds perfect!

    :flowerforyou: Joy – Not sure how to handle dementia, but maybe you could talk to a health professional to see if you can get some suggestions. Good luck in finding a solution that will make everyone happy.

    :happy: Meg – Happy Birthday!

    It is encouraging to see so many new people here every day. Welcome to all and keep coming back!

    Lucy in DE.:bigsmile:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    WOW, just got back from the YMCA:tongue: Tongue is hanging gout! I'm not sure how long I rode the recumbant bike today. My goal when I get hter is to get a bike that has a built in TV. So I start on the bike and then try to get the TV station. So I can't get it, try every combination I can and can't. So I just try to listen to watch with no closed caption fox news. Kind of boring to see a news staion and not be able to hear it. I have my phone with Pandora on 80s workout. Some pretty funky songs!!!:laugh: So I give up and go on the traeadmill and see if I can get that tV to work. No go. So I go back to the bike and some one had left it on hte public station and I'm listening to old time gospel.:noway: So I get up and go down to the regular bikes with no TVs. Can't get them to work. can you tell that I'm not used to the place yet!!!! So the little old lady beside me tells me that all I have to do is to just start peddling. Some one had left it on level 20:noway: So I find a staff member and they help me find HGTV on my favorite bike and I sit and ride about 20 minutes more!!!!!! Not sure how far I rode, I think somewhere around 5 miles and burned 376 calories. And now I know how to handle it tomorrow.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,822 Member
    Joy- we have had a very similar problem with my FIL, he has frontal lobe dementia he is pretty much with it,but comes out with inappropriate comments .. he also has incontinence issues, and he does where depends, but will not change them thinks he is saving money that way..
    a whole bunch of issues with him, I do feel your pain....
    im hoping when I hop on the scale in the morning, those 4 ounces will be gone, of course with my luck I will be up 4 lbs lol
    oh well everything with a grain of salt I guess..
    Hope everyone's monday was good.. :wink:
    the Fit Bit flex is out now and you can buy them in some retail stores... as soon as I get my card I will be out buying mine...
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    How does the Fit bit determine the calories burned????
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: One of the most positive and useful decisions I made on this journey was to put my health and weight loss ahead of everyone else’s expectations……when there was cake, I said “no thank you” no matter what….I brought my own food or ate ahead of time if I knew I’d be in a setting with food that wasn’t part of my plan…..i gave away all my baking paraphernalia and stopped being the local cookie baker, I served food in my house that was food that I would eat, not what someone else “expected”.

    :flowerforyou: I got up early today so I’d be finished with dog walking by 8:00 and have plenty of time for spreading bark in the front yard in the cool morning before I went to visit my friend, the line dance teacher I’m subbing for……I so rarely sit and visit with anyone. My usual visits with friends are while walking but since the reason I’m subbing for my friend is that she can’t stay on her feet long enough to practice dances or to teach, going for a walk was out of the question. It turned out great. We talked and drank ice water for over an hour and I promised to come back again. She really misses dancing and doesn’t know if she’ll ever feel strong enough to come back to class. The afternoon has been so warm that the dogs don’t want to walk for more than 15 minutes at a time and part of that is spent rolling in the grass in the shade---pleasant but doesn’t burn many calories or collect many steps.

    :bigsmile: Welcome to all the new members of our community…..come back every day and read the posts and let us know how you’re doing

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Just checking in quickly today. I took my mother and my aunt to a family funeral two hours away, so it was an all-day trip for us. I did get a walk in early this morning and being on the road all day meant no time to snack, so that was good.

    Sunshine, I saw your post after I thought I beat you to the boards, but I should have known better! LOL!

    I'm exhausted just reading everybody's posts. Maybe I can reply tomorrow.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    rosielko - great steps! Pretty soon you'll be giving barbie a run for her money!!!!

    Cheryl - OUCH!!! Sure hope you feel better real fast. Sending virtual chicken soup. Excellent dinner

    joannbrunton - welcome! I'm in maintenance, too, and I honestly think maintenance is harder than originally losing the weight. For one thing, you don't get the constant positive feedback that you're losing. I've lost and gained the same few pounds over and over. But I feel good so to me that's important.

    divone - welcome! You certainly are one busy gal!

    dovergopp - awesome steps!

    Joy - Sounds to me like your MIL has a touch of dementia. Like she has bouts of it, then she doesn't. She probably wants to be in charge some. Like when your dh was small and she was younger. She could do so much more and she has more control. I don't think I'm using the right words, I hope you get my meaning. This may be her way of reverting to the past where she was more in control. She isn't as much now and that is probably somewhat disconcerting for her. Good for your dh for standing up to her (saying that she should have gone with you if 10 minutes alone was too long)

    DLDJP - Welcome. I like your goal of not stressing because you are so right, things do have a way of working themselves out.

    Meg - happy early birthday before I forget (which I'm known to do) When I have a holiday (Mother's Day, my birthday, whatever), I request a bouquet of incredible edibles which is fruit cut up in the shapes of flowers. This sure is the time for buffets, isn't it?

    This month is crazy for me, tomorrow night Mexican Train dominoes at my house, there's a reception for the gun club Vince is part of on Thurs (but I think I can probably eat something before I go), Unifour bowling where they give you a lunch (wonder what it is?), the end of the season bowling party we're having here (we 're providing the burgers, buns, a cake,) on the 17th, a dinner for the volunteers at the church (I may eat something before I go and then not eat much there) on the 16th, rummykub here on the 21st, Newcomer board meeting where it's going to be a catered breakfast on the 29th. I asked what the egg quiche was and was told that it was egg, cheese (mmmm...no), spinach (OK), and bacon(no, no, no) but there will be fruit, since Vince probably won't eat his fruit, I'll take his, roll (I'll skip) tea/coffee (tea for me, please).

    Lucy in DE - we're going to be putting down river rock around the pool. About those pebble rocks you put down, have you had any erosion problems like from rain? Do they pretty muchly stay in place or is it like mulch where you have to put them back in place after a high wind? When I'm outside working, I find that I don't eat as much, either and don't really care for anything. I think it's more boredom when I'm not working outside. Jessica called and said that she was seriously thinking of saying to Bryan that she's really not interested in going to his wedding the way he's treating us. I tried to tell her not to jeopardize her relationship with Bryan, and that one day he might very well find that he needs us. When that day comes, he'll just have to put on his big boy pants and apologize. Until then, Vince said that he's considering changing our wills. Bryan can get what he deserves -- $1. He seems to think that because he's our son he deserves certain things (like us paying for his wedding). I'm sorry, we're not obligated to do anything except die.

    Did 20 minutes of yoga today then an hour of the extremepump class. Tomorrow I'm planning to do a Leslie Sansone walking DVD then we are supposed to go bowl in the Unifour Senior bowling games. Never done that so have no idea whatsoever what to expect.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

    Michele in NC
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    WHOA...........this thread grows like a weed if you don't pay attention every day! I've been logging food but I gave up reading ........no clue how you all do it---you must all be speed readers who type 300 words a min. I did scan a few quickly.

    This is what I do remember getting a peek at:

    wesseg: gorgeous daughter; hope she had a fabulous time at her prom and I hope your toothache/earache is better

    Meg: hope it all slows down for you

    Brooke (and someone else): congrats on breaking your plateau

    Michele: still hoping for peace with your son; it's a very difficult situation you are in........could you maybe have someone who speaks the brides language write a loving letter to her from you to give her at the wedding.....we swallow a lot for the sake of our kids and to keep lines of communication open. You sure are one busy lady!!

    Gardens sound great for those who have been working so hard on them..

    No races to help with over last weekend. Did yoga and tai chi Saturday. Went to exercise today but skipped the class in favor of treadmill and bike; went back to gym for yoga tonight but it was cancelled so I hopped on the treadmill again and then did some with kettle bells. Pedometer is almost to 17,000 for the day, new record for me, for sure.

    Welcome newbies.........lots of luck keeping up with these ladies.
