What do you typically eat for breakfast?

I struggle in the area of breakfast. I can easily skip it without noticing, but if I do eat it I gravitate towards fatty, high carb, or sugary foods. I have been eating oatmeal for the past few days, but its going to get boring and then I will end up making some bad choices. I need to find a go-to breakfast that is going to keep me full, without filling me full of sugar and such, and that it...interesting and appealing :) Please help me out.


  • WeightWatcherCindy
    I eat an egg beater omelet with salsa and light cheese . 2 pcs of 35 calorie wheat bread with sugar free jelly and a light yogurt . I have this almost every morning. Its very filling and under 300 calories.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    There is no need to eat it if you don't fancy having it. I've stopped now since I learned it doesn't boost your metabolism to eat it and so I go from dinner last night to lunchtime today. It's called intermittant fasting.
  • savoiaS1
    savoiaS1 Posts: 129
    Dieting for almost 20 weeks now I cant wait to eat breakfast and it is always my biggest meal of the day usually around 700-900 calories. At the same time it is almost always the same. Cup and a half of egg whites. 1 or 2 whole eggs. And a large dose of carb source. Since carbs are easily used to replenish glycogen in the morning after a fast of sleep. Usually cereal and skim milk or oats and water. Currently LOVING a combo of 81 grams of wheaties and 30g of Fiber One cereal. Usually my bfasts end up being around 100 carbs and 60-70 protein and under 10grams of fat. I also mix in 4 oz of turkey breast with the eggs and throw some baby spinich in the mix and pan cook it all!! MMMM CANT WAIT FOR BREAKFAST NOW!
  • JoJo61612
    JoJo61612 Posts: 21 Member
    I eat cereal every morning, usually honey bunches of oats with almonds
  • amaranthine1018
    Generally...cereal, yogurt & granola, and a glass of milk. Sometimes I'll add fresh fruit in there. It usually comes out to between 300-500 calories. Since I don't eat lunch, it has to last me through til dinner at 4:45.
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    I'm obsessed with breakfast. Mostly I'm obsessed with cereal. I always eat a bowl (one cup) of a low carb/high fiber cereal with 1% milk. It usually comes out to between 250 and 300 calories. I can't live without it.
  • TheDevastator
    TheDevastator Posts: 1,626 Member
    4 eggs and some swiss cheese with grated garlic and/or onions
  • Missyb322
    Missyb322 Posts: 145 Member
    I generally don't do breakfast. Breakfast to me is the breakfast tacos, pancakes, french toast, donuts, sausage, bacon, etc. All the stuff thats bad for you. If I skip this meal I can eat a little more at the next meal. I'm not one to eat turkey sausage, turkey bacon, and I don't really care for eggs unless its in an omlette filled with cheese. So it's best I avoid this meal.
  • notyourpalbuddy
    I love breakfast. I normally eat breakfast tacos: 2 scrambled eggs, 2 corn tortillas, tomatillo/chipotle salsa, and left over veggies from the night before. I stay away from cereal because in my zombie morning state I can eat nearly a box of it.
  • crissykclai
    crissykclai Posts: 20
    I try to start every morning with a green juice or smoothie. Some days a 32 ounce juice will hold me until lunch, but on days I work out in the morning I add 1/2 egg sandwich or 1/2 pbj. I think you have to listen to your body and if you genuinely aren't hungry don't eat.
  • chelseascounter
    chelseascounter Posts: 1,283 Member
    whole wheat toast with 1 egg beater and peanut butter(not combined) and fruit.
  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member
    I have a smoothie.

    Banana, ice, distilled water, two top. Original unflavored Metamucil and either 1 tsp. banana smoothie mix or 2 tbsp pb2, add enough water to come to twelve ounces.

    It gets me going.

    I didn't mean in 'that' way. But the fiber enures that at some point in the day I'll have a poop the size of a small puppy. :smile:
  • brazilnut05
    brazilnut05 Posts: 40 Member
    If you're going for a lighter breakfast, try yogurt with fresh fruit. I like the Oikos greek yogurt (vanilla flavor) with 1/4 cup of either fresh blackberries, raspberries, or strawberries. YUM!
  • dedicated2014
    dedicated2014 Posts: 36 Member
    Cup of coffee, skim milk, fat free whip cream. Whole grain toast w/fat-free cream cheese and jam. If I get bored with that, I make a smoothie (banana, peanut butter, greek yogurt, skim milk) the night before. If I have time to cook, it's whole grain toast and eggs. Never skip my coffee though!
  • zillah73
    zillah73 Posts: 505 Member
    I switch up my breakfasts a lot – oatmeal is definitely a favorite. I also like a hard-boiled egg with ezekiel toast and some cheese or a sweet potato with almond butter and cinnamon. This week I am doing coucous with a yogurt sauce, nuts and dried fruit.
  • WDEvy
    WDEvy Posts: 814 Member
    2 toasts ( Cracked Wheat bread)
    2 tsp becel
    1 tbsp natural crunchy PB

    and either 1 or 2 soft boil eggs or 15g of mozzarella

    Every morning. ( For some reasons that's what I crave everyday when I wake up)
  • Hadabetter
    Hadabetter Posts: 942 Member
    A bowl of Total cereal, with skim milk and some strawberries. A small glass of reduced sodium V8 juice.
  • TinaS88
    TinaS88 Posts: 817 Member
    I switch it up. One morning I will have a higher carb breakfast.. ie oatmeal and bagel then the next day I will have a low carb breakfast... ie egg white omelet w/ cheese and turkey bacon. The internet is endless when it comes to recipes... google!
  • lapinco
    lapinco Posts: 23 Member
    Lowfat cottage cheese with fresh fruit, eggo lowfat whole grain waffles with peanut butter, eggs & whole wheat toast, whole wheat english muffin toasted with sliced lowfat cheese & a cooked egg.