

  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Joy, what a situation! Have you considered alerting adult protective services where your MIL lives? It surely sounds like dementia and not being able to properly take care of herself isn't good. At home can she manage getting/cooking food, keeping her place clean, etc? My MIL lived with us for 17+ years, but we didn't have any of those issues.

    Happy Birthday, Meg! (like Michele, best for me to do it now!) :bigsmile:

    Michele – sounds like you’ve moved in your emotions a bit. That is a good thing. It took us a while, too, but once we got there we were fine. After all, just as our actions have consequences, so do our children’s.

    Tonight I made shrimp burgers for dinner and put them on top of mixed greens with asparagus tips, mandarin oranges, craisins, pickled roasted red peppers and roasted, salted pecans. My portions were a bit too aggressive and now I also have lunch for work tomorrow.

    Need to go do some other things before bed. Had a fairly quiet day with the boss in meetings in NYC today/tomorrow, so I got some of MY work done - YAY!


    Gail, metro ATL
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Finally broke my plateau.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: I find it surprising that what I needed to do was up my calories, add more water, protein and move a bit every hour. Only 1 ½ pounds to reach my goal. I’m sipping water constantly now. Only problem is getting up in the middle of the night to go. :laugh:

    I have a few minutes so am going to try and catch up on the posts and respond where I can - just know if I run out of time I’m still thinking of all my VitF buddies out there. Wow. had to come back to the thread 3 times to get through all the posts...whewww:smile:

    Jane – happy belated b-day

    Santd – wow. Congrats on the weight loss.

    Sunshine – sorry the cruise wasn’t more fun. I usually don’t like to talk badly about anyone, but your MIL sounds like a bit of a pill…not very considerate of you or your family. I'm with a number of the others - it seems she may have some dementia

    Laura80111 – hope your DH is recovering nicely. Poor Peanut…we’ve been there with our fur babies – never easy. Congrats on a good physical

    Lucy – have you found a way to nix the pee party

    Yanniejannie – congrats on the wt. loss! sorry about the flood. That happened to me a few thanksgivings ago. Turned on the disposal and potato peeling flew everywhere followed by an immediate flood.:laugh: FYI – I teach a yoga class that is 1 hour 15 minutes – that’s pretty standard for most studios in our area

    Gonzamm – your day in Bremen sounds wonderful

    Sue – so sorry to hear about your shoulder and arm

    M – I don’t know how you can spend that many hours working in the garden. I did close to 2 hours this weekend and was all done in

    Deb – hope you are back on track. We all stumble – it’s the getting back up that counts

    Liz – sending you and your sister virtual hugs…hang in there…I will pray for her

    CityJane – good luck finding a dress. (just saw a later post on your great shopping trip – congrats) If I’m not in the mood to shop its just a huge waste of time. However, when I am in the mood look out – my credit card gets a work out. Congrats on the skinny jeans

    Robin – happy anniversary…sounds like you and your DH had a wonderful celebration

    Cheryl – your daughter looked beautiful in the prom pictures you posted. I hope she had a wonderful time. Are you feeling better? So happy about Jackson getting to go home

    Gail – hope your wrist is feeling better

    Renny – thanks for the video link – they sounded great. Is your DS the one standing and singing? Also, I completed your 1 day at a time f/v challenge. Looking forward to the next

    Barbie – you are such an inspiration. Love that you wore out your jeans. Gives me hope for when I finally reach maintance (so close now)

    Katia – congrats on the NSV. My DH gets lost all the time – no stress needed

    Roeann – so sorry for your loss. You found a great place for motivation and support…great goals for the month

    Rori – great job hitting those goals. Have fun in Hawaii!

    Lila – a bear…I only have to worry about squirrels when I walk the dogs

    Brooke – congrats on busting that plateau. Loving all the recent quotes and the new profile pic

    M- your garden sounds lovely

    Tia – you can find videos for loads of exercises on several magazine sites: Fitness, Shape, Women’s Health and Health. If you like yoga, Yoga Journal also has a number of video routines at different levels focusing on different body parts

    Jb – congrats on the weight loss. I’ve added protein too and it has really helped me as well

    Meg – happy birthday

    so many newbies - welcome to this wonderful group of women. Looking forward to getting to know you all.

    Well can hardly keep my eyes open. Everyone have a great night. Jodios :smile: :love: :flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • Temapo
    Temapo Posts: 1

    I am new to this site. Tracking food is so easy! I was a fast food junkie and now have to lose
    A lot of weight and watch my salt intake so this tool is perfect. Any ideas for staying motivated?
    Health issues are spearing my efforts because I am scared. Finding I am not eating enough.
    Any tips would be appreciated.

  • dovergopp
    dovergopp Posts: 9
    Hi all hope everyone had a good day. I did I got a lot done today cleaned the house did 3 loads of laundry ran some errands. Cleaned a room or two then read a chapter in my book the cleaned and read until the house wad clean. I need rewards or incentive to clean my house even more so when it is nice outside. Outside is where I went to read. Oh also hung the clothes out to dry . Bought myself a new pedometer (not like I have 6 already that either don't work or may need batteries) then went for a walk with a friend. We walked 3 miles we took turns pushing her granddaughter in the stroller so that burned extra calories. Steps for today 14,168. Well got to go drink my total tea and go to bed. Take care everyone Hope you all have sunny tomorrows
  • c0c0nn0r
    c0c0nn0r Posts: 70
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Teresa I keep a couple of clothing items hung side ways in my closet so I see them everytime I open my closet. Also this wonderful group here will keep you motivated. Think of what your real reason for needing a diet change is, what is the end result you want. I set small goals. My ultimate goal is 75 pounds. I broke it up into 15 pound increments. Good luck

  • BeckyRayJohnson
    Hi ladies. I have only been in here twice. Once to read and once to post. But I love the idea of a goal. I appreciate the welcome too by the way. :happy: I need to get more serious again. This past weekend was hell for me eating wise. No restraint at all. I was aware each time I took something from the cabinets if it was right or not yet I still ate it. I recorded it to remind myself why things are not going well. I am a boredom and emotional eater I guess. I eat when bored, when I feel lonesome..weird in a house full of people but it happens. I eat when the kids are eating sweets that I like. I eat when all is quiet and I want to "enjoy" myself. I eat when I have this crave for sweets, followed by crave for salt then around again. sigh...not excuses just what happens. I know self control is the issue so don't think I can't see what I am doing. I am raising three grandkids and between them and my Mom who doesn't drive I am run off my feet most days and forced to eat on their schedules or according to their tastes. Now not actually "forced" I know I can fix myself something different or change some of their foods but I am just not doing that yet. Sooo my big resolution for May has to be to change the foods I keep around to a more healthy alternative. More veggies for sure. And my goal is to lose five lbs. A second goal is to do some cardio each day that is not a part of my normal routine. I don't count anything that is my normal activity level because I have been doing that and got the weight so continuing to do that is not going to take it off ya know? So that is my May goals. I am going on a beach front vacation the second week of June. I would love to be ten less by then but realistic I will go with five. I need to lose 20-25 lbs to be where I want to be where I want to be. I need to learn to leave pizza alone! And cheese! and salt! And most of all lay off the sweets!!! It rained all weekend. I am not a rainy day person. Just want to eat and sleep. Bad.bad,bad!!! Its supposed to be nice weather for the next few days. Maybe I will be more successful.
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    For those who asked, no I am not feeling better, maybe even worse. Went to the doctor and he prescribed a different antibiotic and concurred with the dentist in that he thinks my ears and throat hurting are all related to an infected tooth. If I have the tooth pulled then I loose a 4 tooth bridge. So I am hoping the antibiotics work.

    Michele I can't believe you hula hoop - I just can't keep one up. My son is good at it though. Thanks for the virtual soup. Being sick sure makes it harder to get my steps in.

    Jodios - can't wait to see if your increased calories will break your plateau.

    Barbie - can't believe you read all the posts. I just can't find the time.

    Jane - prayers to your friend.

    Megblair - Happy Birthday on Wednesday!!!

    Lucy - I envy you your garden.

    Thanks Yanni.

    Well off to bed again. I am literally praying that I feel better tomorrow!!:grumble:
  • sailrunner
    sailrunner Posts: 41 Member
    Checking in for the first time here - still haven't figured out how to get photo in or the weight bar.

    I have three goals for May

    1. Go all month without a binge day
    2. Track everyday
    3. Start weight training - I've heard that 30day shred was good - anyone have experience with it?

    Yeah - I've done 12 days straight below or just above calories, no binges and tracked everyday.
    Now have to get myself to a scale.

    I'm appreciating the posts!
  • roeann53
    roeann53 Posts: 124 Member
    I've had several people mention that maybe my MIL is suffering from dementia. I guess I don't really "know" what dementia looks like. For example, last night she was sitting in the recliner, leaning forward with an intent look on her face. My hubby asked her what she was doing and she said "I'm going to the bathroom". So on the face of it, that does seem like dementia to me. BUT she does crossword puzzles and sudoko (as difficult as she can find) and she does them in ink with no mistakes in a minimal amount of time. So .... it seems to me like her mind is not going at all. Does anyone have any advice?

    Hmmm strange, my mom had alzheimers so I am a little familiar with dementia. Your MIL sounds like she's on top of things memory wise, ie that you aren't living in the US etc.. but could she be suffering from depression (not washing up, changing clothes etc)? Depression has been tied to incontinence. I think if it were me I would pay a visit to her physician and fill him/her in on what you observed... who knows it might help.

    So sorry to read about your problems with your MIL. I know that for the last few years of my Mom's life she got like that too. When I had first found out about it she was wearing menstral pads and soaking them through and the smell was awful. I was able to convince her that she HAD to wear adult diapers if she wasn't going to use a toilet. Thank goodness she complied. Getting the smell out of things was another issue and I put air freshners in every room and when ever I visited I was washing everything that she had sat or laid on in HOT water and bleach. My Mom's Dr did say she had some dementia and this was part of it. I had to pull the health card to get Mom to work on her cleanliness telling her she could get very ill if she didn't bath, change her undergarments and start to take care of herself better. I finally had to hire people that came in every day to make sure the laundry got done daily and that she was dressed and had at least started the day out clean.

    Joy you have my prayers that things will get better for your MIL:flowerforyou:

    Laura80111 in Colorado:smile:

    We've brought up the Depends several times but she just refuses. Says she is NOT wearing a diaper. And the ONLY time she got dressed in the last 10 days was when we went out on Saturday. She has worn the same gown all that time. Even when she wets through it, she won't change it. She tells us to leave her alone.

    And then she wants to know when we are moving back to the US because we had told her several years ago, she could live with us when we did. I told hubby when she dies, I'll be ready to move back. Or when she's in a nursing home. 3 weeks is too much.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Wessecg; Just be sure the tooth infection isn’t spreading and affecting your ear. Not good. I would contact my doctor or dentist to be sure it isn’t serious if it was me. :flowerforyou:

    Newbies: Welcome. I hope to get to know you as time goes on. The ladies here are really great.:bigsmile:

    Sunshine: My mom suffered from dementia at the end of her life. Sometimes she was rational, and sometimes she wasn’t. Sometimes she seemed very childish. In her case it was dependent on the level of oxygen getting to her brain. She had end stage emphysema. I thought of the possibility because it sounds like your MIL is sometimes behaving in childish or irrational ways. You’re suffering from her problems and I’m guessing she can’t entirely help it. It isn’t fair for anyone and you seem to be getting the brunt of the work and worry. .:flowerforyou:

    Long day today. DH went in to a physical therapy place for an evaluation. She showed him some things that may make life better for him. We see the MS doctor again on Thursday to find out what comes next. My guess is that there may be more testing. Knowing you’re all here and I can tell you my troubles and worries sure does seem to help. Thanks for being part of the group around here. You’re appreciated.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I have found a crock pot recipe that sounds partially good. I do't like italian dressing at all and this one calls for a whole 16 ounce bottle of it, fat free. Also calls for Italian seasoning. What could I substitute? The other ingredients are quite simple, potatoes chicken breasts and carrots.

    Joyce, off to bed
  • MarisaDLS2
    MarisaDLS2 Posts: 108 Member
    It would be better to brown your chicken, then veg in a bit of olive oil, add real herbs such as thyme, parsley, minced garlic clove, a tiny bit of rosemary (too much gives it a "piney" taste), add 1 tsp fresh lemon zest, fresh lemon juice without seeds and bit of white wine if you need liquid for your crock pot.

    I split a whole chicken down the backbone, flatten it out in a baking pan, skin side up, sprinkle with salt, pepper, parsley, garlic powder (fresh garlic tends to burn, as the chicken roasts for a long time), fresh lemon zest, thyme, rosemary, juice the lemon over it all, drizzle with a bit of olive oil, bake at 325 for 1.5 hours, fantastic roast chicken with Mediterranean flavor.

    (I adapted this from Fabio Viviani's roast chicken he made for Lidia Bastianich as the "Last Meal Challenge" on Top Chef Season 5)
  • sunshine61250
    sunshine61250 Posts: 68 Member
    Good morning everyone. I think I'll be spending most of today back in bed. Whatever is wrong with me is kicking my butt. I tried to get a doctor appointment but nothing available until 9 tomorrow morning. :sick:

    Talk to you tomorrow.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,822 Member
    Joy -so sorry you arent feeling well. Hope you have a speedy recovery:happy:
    Meg- Happy Early Birthday~ hope the day is as awesome as you are..
    well like I said, I am back up a lb:grumble: but it is probably the sodium..you know I think I can tell when I have to much..I have a weird feeling in my mouth.. sorta like sucking on a lemon....
    will watch the sodium in what I eat..
    I need to get more protein into my diet, maybe that is why im not doing as well as I like,just sorta half to be careful because of the kidneys..
    hope everyone has a great day....:heart:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Joy :smile: I imagine it`s very hard to live with your MIL, even for a few days! My SIL had the same problem with her mother, an assisted living home actually kicked her out because her room smelled so bad others were complaining of the stench. I wish you luck! Hope you get to feeling better:flowerforyou: . Is it still your ear that is bothering you?

    DLDJP :smile: Welcome! Come in often and chat with us!

    Meg :smile: Time flies these days, where does it go:huh: ??? Happy early birthday to you:flowerforyou: !!! Enjoy your company next week!

    Lucy :smile: Sounds like you`re going to have a tasty beautiful garden:bigsmile: ! I can`t get much to grow so I feel lucky my brother has a garden and shares with me! I tried Black Cohosh years ago, it didn`t work for me either.

    Joyce :smile: Sounds like a good 5 mile ride! Good for you going to the Y!

    Grandmallie :smile: Sodium can cause the scale to do mean things:angry: , drink plenty of water:drinker: and give it a few days!

    Barbie :smile: Sounds like a nice visit with your friend, I`m sure she appreciates your company! I laughed about the fur babies rolling in the grass in the shade:laugh: . Noel wants to roll in dead earthworms:noway: …gross. Seems all the rain we`ve had lately has really brought them out.

    Drkatiebug :smile: Hope you had a good night and got some much deserved rest:yawn: !

    Michele :smile: Sounds like a busy month for you, but fun too!

    Yanniejannie :smile: 17,000 steps…congrats to you!!!

    Gail :smile: Shrimp burgers sound simply delicious…yum!

    Jodios :smile: Congrats on getting off the plateau!!! I get up at least twice every night:noway: :yawn: . Hope you had a great night!

    Teresa :smile: Welcome! Come in often! Read the success stories on MFP, sure keeps me motivated when I`m not feeling so good. Have you tried increasing your calories a little at a time? You can also monitor your sodium intake on your food diary.

    Dovergopp :smile: Very nice 3 mile walk with your friend, great steps!!!

    Colleen :smile: Hi!!! Have missed seeing you!!!:flowerforyou:

    BeckyRayJohns :smile: Good for you recording everything no matter what, you can go back and see where you can maybe tweak a few things. Sounds like you are busy with your family, remember to take care of yourself, so you`ll have the energy to take care of others!

    Cheryl :smile: Ouch…hope you`re feeling better today:flowerforyou: ! I just found out yesterday at my dentist office I have a tooth that is not looking good, it`s the very last tooth on the bottom, he told me I can have a root canal or have it pulled:sad: …I don`t want to do either. He seemed very surprised it hasn`t bothered me, however while he was poking around there it made my ear hurt, and it still hurts this morning! Good luck!!!!!

    Sailrunner :smile: Welcome! Come in often and chat!!!

    Roeann :smile: Hi! Hope everything is going well for you!

    Katla :smile: Hope DH has a good appointment Thursday! You know we`ll be here to listen, it really does make a difference having wonderful friends to chat with!

    My dentist appointment was a disappointment yesterday:frown: , I was just going for a cleaning and it was time to update x-rays, that`s when they found a spot in my tooth:huh: :noway: , my dentist says it`s really close to the roots too, so he feels sure just doing a crown wouldn`t work for very long, suggesting a root canal:noway: , I`ve had two and they are painful, or because it’s the very last tooth on the bottom, he said he could just pull it, it wouldn’t show in my smile, I like my teeth:bigsmile: and I want to keep them all, he says I have time since its not bothering me at all, I`ve had no pain. I also need a crown on another tooth, I knew that was coming so it wasn`t a surprise. Between that and the rain and gray skies I was thoroughly depressed yesterday:cry: . Hope today will better. I have a hair appt. this morning, that should make me feel better!

    Hope you all have a wonderful day! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in cloudy, foggy NC
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    Hello everyone, just a quick post for now.
    My GS' s party was great tho I warned people about sitting in the sun for too long and they ignored me and the DDIL' s mother fainted right out. Hum! Have you heard the expression, "Mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun " ?
    My DS is a great cook so I have to be mega careful. I ate the barbecued tandoori chicken and a slice of steak with salad. A glass of wine, a few berries off the dessert and a small bite of birthday cake. Phew!
    GS loved the toy farm I had bought him.
    Then DH and I went off for our anniversary drink and walked all around Covent Garden. As it was a bank holiday it was really busy. I then decided I was starving so we went for a Chinese meal in Chinatown. Poor DH was stuffed from overindulging at the party, but he gamely accompanied me and we had delicious scallops and prawns with veggies.
    Then we walked to the station over one of the Thames bridges. Gorgeous evening light. A good day.
    My biggest NSV, apart from the calories was that at one tube station the lifts were out of order and it was a long climb up a spiral stairway. Once I would have had to drag myself up there, puffing and panting. Yesterday I just whizzed up and was not out of breath at all at the top. I can tell you it felt like a miracle! :laugh:
    Well, lunch calls. Bye for now . So sorry to hear about MILs and horrible teeth troubles. It WILL get better. :flowerforyou:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    Oh yes, one more thing now I've had my lunch. - DS said to me yesterday, "I think you should stop now and not lose any more " !!!!!
    I said, "but I'm not even in the healthy BMI weight range yet! " He said "Yes, but you're older now, you are fine for your age."
    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:angry::noway: :laugh:
    That just redoubled my determination. :heart:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    I've had several people mention that maybe my MIL is suffering from dementia. I guess I don't really "know" what dementia looks like. For example, last night she was sitting in the recliner, leaning forward with an intent look on her face. My hubby asked her what she was doing and she said "I'm going to the bathroom". So on the face of it, that does seem like dementia to me. BUT she does crossword puzzles and sudoko (as difficult as she can find) and she does them in ink with no mistakes in a minimal amount of time. So .... it seems to me like her mind is not going at all. Does anyone have any advice?


    So sorry to read about your problems with your MIL. I know that for the last few years of my Mom's life she got like that too. When I had first found out about it she was wearing menstral pads and soaking them through and the smell was awful. I was able to convince her that she HAD to wear adult diapers if she wasn't going to use a toilet. Thank goodness she complied. Getting the smell out of things was another issue and I put air freshners in every room and when ever I visited I was washing everything that she had sat or laid on in HOT water and bleach. My Mom's Dr did say she had some dementia and this was part of it. I had to pull the health card to get Mom to work on her cleanliness telling her she could get very ill if she didn't bath, change her undergarments and start to take care of herself better. I finally had to hire people that came in every day to make sure the laundry got done daily and that she was dressed and had at least started the day out clean.

    Joy you have my prayers that things will get better for your MIL:flowerforyou:

    Laura80111 in Colorado:smile:

    We've brought up the Depends several times but she just refuses. Says she is NOT wearing a diaper. And the ONLY time she got dressed in the last 10 days was when we went out on Saturday. She has worn the same gown all that time. Even when she wets through it, she won't change it. She tells us to leave her alone.

    And then she wants to know when we are moving back to the US because we had told her several years ago, she could live with us when we did. I told hubby when she dies, I'll be ready to move back. Or when she's in a nursing home. 3 weeks is too much.

    Joy~ I'd have her son tell her that until she can have better cleanliness habits (which include the depends if she's not going to use the toilet) there is no way she could live with you. Better her son then the DIL telling her. I know I had to be the one to tell my Mom and it was hard but necessary. So many of her friends came to me and told me they were glad I had done it but I was amazed than none of them had said anything and no one had called me to tell me. But once I had taken control, well it was only about 3 years and then both of my parents had passed away.

    I was wondering since she is visiting you how in the world did she handle the long flight? I would not have wanted to sit anywhere near her:huh:

    Laura80111 in Colorado:smile:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Joyce: You clearly need 16 ounces of liquid and spices for your crockpot recipe. I’m not a fat free/fat substitute fan, because I think the substitutes are often worse for you than the real thing. :tongue: A little olive oil is actually good for you. :wink: For a good crockpot chicken, I’d use chicken stock with a little salt and pepper instead of the salad dressing mix. You can buy the liquid stock in boxes in grocery stores. It is on the shelves, not refrigerated. Alternatively, you can dissolve chicken bouillon in water. We buy a salt free version of either stock or bouillon because of DH’s blood pressure issues. I’d also put garlic powder on the chicken, because we like it. Onion powder or fresh chopped onions would do a good job if you aren’t garlic fans.:bigsmile:

    Joy: Take care of yourself.:flowerforyou:

    DeeDee: Sorry about your dental troubles. At least you have time to decide what to do. :ohwell: :flowerforyou:

    Cityjane: Whizzing up the spiral stairway without being out of breath is a huge NSV! Congratulations.:bigsmile: As to DH’s advice, take it as a compliment and do what you need to do. I have a neighbor who said something similar to me. I’m chalking it up to her efforts to be supportive and letting it go. I am NOT taking it as good advice.:noway: :wink:

    Yoga today! Yay! I can’t go on Thursday because we have a conflicting doctor appointment for DH, so I’ll do my best to enjoy the day today.

    Have a great day.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon